Synthesis of the follow-up system based on the piezoelectric engine

UDC 681.5

D. Shareiko,
I. Bilyuk,
A. Fomenko,
O. Savchenko,
A. Kirichenko 

The work considers the peculiarities of the way the follow-up system based on the piezoelectric engine functions. The system consists of a piezoelectric engine of the reverse rotation, presented as two independent piezoelectric engines of rectified rotation with the common arbor and separate power supply units; a feedback sensor, a comparator unit, a reverse control unit; a step-length control unit and a clock frequency generator.
It has been defined that unlike the control system with single value nonlinearity, for which Popov criterion is applied to research the stability of the equilibrium, the stability of the control system of the piezoelectric engine with hysteresis nonlinearity and numerous equilibrium positions is evaluated applying the stability criterion of Yakubovitch. To analyze the stability of the control units of the piezoelectric engine with hysteresis nonlinearity, a generalization is used, under which control unit system links are transformed into a hysteresis link of the nonlinear part and links of the linear part of the control unit.
The functional chart of the control unit of the deformation of the piezoelectric transducer is analyzed. The research has been done on the absolute stability of the control unit of the deformation of the piezoelectric transducer for nano- and micro displacements under deterministic impacts based on criterion of Yakubovitch.
Amplitude-phase-frequency characteristics have been built on the complex plane for two kinds of curved lines, for which the conditions of stability are met but the conditions of absolute stability of the control unit of the deformation of the piezoelectric transducer are not met. It is defined that the frequency criterion of the absolute stability is simple and convenient for the synthesis of the compensating devices of the control unit of the deformation of the piezoelectric transducer for nano- and micro displacements. It has been noted that the frequency criterion of the absolute stability of numerous equilibrium positions in a nonlinear system with one hysteresis nonlinearity of the piezoelectric transducer is true both for the systems with deterministic and random processes, as well as both for lumped parameters and distributed constants.
Analytic formulae have been obtained for the synthesis of the follow-up control system based on the piezoelectric engine with the ability to change from step running to continuous operation and back.

Key words: follow-up system; automatic control unit; piezoelectric engine; absolute stability; stability criterion of Yakubovitch; compensating device.

Synthesis of the follow-up system based on the piezoelectric engine.

1. Smyrnov A. B. Mekhatronyka y robototekhnyka. Systemы mykroperemeshchenyi s pezoэlektrycheskymy pryvodamy [Tekst] / A.B. Smyrnov – S.-P.: SPbHPU, 2003. – 160 s.
2. Afonyn S. M. Yssledovanye absoliutnoi ustoichyvosty systemы upravlenyia deformatsyei pezopreobrazovatelia dlia nano- y mykropreobrazovatelei [Tekst] / S. M. Afonyn // Mekhatronyka, avtomatyzatsyia, upravlenye. – 2008. – N 1. – S. 10-16.
3. Shareiko D.Yu. Slidkuvalna systema na osnovi piezoelektrychnoho dvyhuna [Tekst] /D.Yu.Shareiko, I.S. Biliuk, A.M. Fomenko, O.V. Savchenko // Suchasni problemy avtomatyky ta elektrotekhniky / Materialy Vseukrainskoi naukovo-tekhnichna konferentsii. m. Mykolaiv, 21-22 kvitnia 2016 roku – S. 24 – 25
4. Popovych M.H. Teoriia avtomatychnoho keruvannia / M.H. Popovych, O.V. Kovalchuk – K. : Lybid, 2007. — 656 s.

Issue 4 (92), 2016

Comparative analysis weight-and-cost indicators singlephase transformers and reactors with rectangular and hexagonal crosssections of rods of twisted magnetic core

UDC 621.3.042

A. Sadovoy

At this time, single-phase transformers and reactors are widely used in various fields of electrical engineering and one of the main metal elements of electrical engineering complexes. Therefore there are requirements to reduce material consumption and losses. The improvement of static induction devices leads to increasing the technical level of complexes in general. One of the most common designs of electromagnetic systems of single-phase induction static devices is a planar rod with twisted or laminated magnetic cores.
Solving the problem of comparative structural analysis it is used the method of optimizing the objective function which contains the technical conditions of the dimensionless parameters, and also the relative geometric controlled variables. Extremum relative components of the objective function is a function of the winding box winding conductive material and three universal identical geometric controlled variables are applied to any of the existing options of electromagnetic systems.
In these embodiments, according to the principle of equivalence of electromagnetic the same materials are used and the average numbers of the amplitudes of the magnetic induction flux in the rods and yokes are used. The filling factor of magnetic by steel is important, as well as methods of cooling performance and static induction devices.
The results of the comparative analysis of mathematical models have shown that the design of a twisted magnetic rod with hexagonal rods provides a significant reduction in the average weight and cost of a single-phase electromagnetic systems, according to equivalents with rectangular cross-section rods.

Key words: magnetic core, single-phase transformer, weight-and-cost indicator, controllable geometric variables.

Comparative analysis weight-and-cost indicators singlephase transformers and reactors with rectangular and hexagonal crosssections of rods of twisted magnetic core.

1. Bal’jan R.H. Transformatory dlja radiojelektriki. – M.: Sov. Radio, 1971.-720s.
2. Tihomirov P.M. Raschet transformatorov: Uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov. – 5-e izd. Pererab. i dop. – M.: Jenergoatomizdat, 1986 – 528s.
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Issue 4 (92), 2016

The research of mechanization frecilities to obtain melon seeds

UDC 631.361.8

D. Babenko, Ph.D., professor
E. Gorbenko, Ph.D., associate professor
N. Dotsenko, Ph.D.
N. Kim, assistant researcher
Mykolayiv State Agrarian University

Introduction. The article analyzes the existing domestic and foreign technologies and equipment for the allocation of seeds, melons (watermelon, cantaloupe) that used in agriculture.
Research methodology. Analysis of existing domestic and foreign technologies and equipment for the vegetable and melon seeds selection showed that the cultivation of vegetable and melon crops is one of the most labor intensive agricultural production. The volume of production depends not only on growing conditions and the quality of the seed. The received seeds of vegetable and melon crops does not meet the needs of agriculture today and this leads to the need of using foreign exchange reserves to purchase seed abroad.
Thus, the development of seed vegetables and melons such as watermelon and cantaloupe, provide an opportunity to provide the seed material to the Ukrainian farms.
The results. Using methods developed to identify possible shortcomings of the seeds allocation lines . Line CSS-20 differs from the line of CSS-30 by the extractor type. These lines are designed for receiving fruit selection of these seeds, seed separation from the mucous membranes by bubbling (mixing seeds in the aquatic environment via air); laundering and drying the seeds and waste collection. The seed extractor is one of the main machines, which determines the capacity of the entire line and serves as a shredder fruits and melons and for the selection of seeds crushed mass.
As a result of the South Ukrainian machine-testing station by the productivity of 9.08 … 24.8 t / h seed losses ranging 5.8 … 8.4%; seed purity is 9.1 … 24.8%. Such low rates are caused by single-stage separation. In the separator is no separation of seeds from impurities and separation of the peel from the pulp, the pulp and juice.
Conclusions. It is analyzed existing domestic and foreign technology and equipment for the allocation of seeds, melons (watermelon, cantaloupe) used in agriculture. It is presented the structural and technological scheme of allocation of seeds of vegetable and melon crops and analysis of shortcomings in the machine and production line CSS-20.

Key words: seed, seed separation, rotary separator, vegetable and melon crops, technological scheme.

The research of mechanization frecilities to obtain melon seeds.

1. Medvedev V.P. Mehanizatsiya proizvodstva semyan ovoschnyih i bahchevyih kultur / V.P. Medvedev, A.V. Durakov. – M. : Agropromizdat, 1985. – 320 s.
2. Klenyn N.A. Selskokhoziaistvennye y melyoratyvnye mashyny / N.A. Klenyn. – M. : Kolos, 1980. – 670 s.
3. Horiachkyn V.V. Sobranyia v 3-kh tomakh / V.V. Horiachkyn. – M. : Kolos, 1982. – 800 s.
4. Lystopad H.E. Selskokhoziaistvennye y melyoratyvnye mashyny / H.E. Lystopad. – M. : Ahropromyzdat, 1986. – 561 s.
5. Spravochnyk konstruktora selskokhoziaistvennykh mashyn. T.1,2,3,4. M. : Kolos, 1982.
6. Anysymov Y. F. Mashyny y potochnye lynyy dlia proyzvodstva semian ovoshchebakhchevykh kultur / Y. F. Anysymov. – Kyshynev : Shtyyntsa, 1987. – 292 s.
7. Horbenko E.A. Analyz yssledovanyi protsessa separatsyy semian ovoshchebakhchevykh kultur / E.A. Horbenko, A.Y. Norynskyi, N.Y. Kim. // Motrol. Commission of motorization and energetics in agriculture. – 2014. – Vol. 16, No. 2. – 203 s.
8. Babenko D.V. Metodyka y rezultaty yssledovanyi razmerno-massovykh kharakterystyk semennykh plodov bakhchevykh kultur (arbuz, dynia) / D.V. Babenko, E.A. Horbenko, N.A. Horbenko, N.Y. Kim. // Motrol. Commission of motorization and energetics in agriculture. – 2015. – Vol. 17, No. 2. – 49 s.
9. Makharoblydze R.M. Yssledovanye razrushenyia korneplodov udarnoi nahruzkoi / R.M. Makharoblydze. – M. : Urozhai, 1967. – 4 s.
10. Stasenko V.V. Fyzyko-mekhanycheskye svoistva sukhykh y namochennykh semian ovoshchnykh kultur / V.V. Stasenko, V.K. Zhukova. // Nauchnye trudy Omskoho SKhY ym. S.M. Kyrova. – 1975. –41 s.

Issue 4 (92), 2016

Development of compositional scheme of technological module for corn-harvesting

UDC 631.555:631.355

V. Hruban’, аssistant
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

The paper presents the results of researches of constructive features of existing basic corn-harvesting machinery models and off ers new compositional scheme of technological module for corn-harvesting. The paper presents the results of constructive features of existing basic cornharvesting machinery models with cob-peeling, major drawbacks of their constructive solutions are analyzed. A new layout scheme of multiple-action technological modules possible to use when harvesting corn for grains, seeds or sugar-corn was off ered. A principally new construction of a trailed corn-harvesting combine with cob-peeling adapted to modern requirements and machine works was off ered. The universal multiple-action technological module design increases the eff ectiveness of corn-harvesting and meets international specifi cation in quality, standardization and certifi cation.

Key words: corn, corn-harvesting machinery, technological module, peeling rollers, clamp device, wrap cobs, cob peeling.

Development of compositional scheme of technological module for corn-harvesting.

1. Агропромисловий комплекс України: стан, тенденції та перспективи розвитку: інформ.-аналіт. зб. / за ред. П.Т. Cаблука та ін. – К. : ІАЕ УААН, 2003. – Вип. 6. – 763 с.
2. Погорілий Л.В. Зернозбиральна техніка: проблеми, альтернативи, прогноз / Л.В. Погорілий, С.М. Коваль // Техніка АПК. – 2003. – № 7. – С.4-7.
3. Статистичний щорічник України за 2008 рік. / Державний комітет статистики України ; За ред. О.Г. Осауленка. – К. : Консультант, 2009. – 576 с.
4. Тихоненко О.В. Забезпеченість сільського господарства зернозбиральною технікою як запорука ефективності зернового господарства / О. В. Тихоненко // Економіка АПК. – 2008. – № 7. – С. 36-41.

Issue 4 (92), 2016

Alternative fuels and effect on agricultural machines’ efficiency.

UDC 339.137.2:338.432

V. Havrysh, doctor of economic sciences, professor
M. Shatohin, assistant
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

Modern farming is highly energy-intensive production, including through the use of large volumes of motor fuels on the fulfi llment of manufacturing operations. The situation is complicated by the fact that the dominant global trend in the energy sector is a permanent increase in the price of fossil hydrocarbons: oil, coal and natural gas. This aff ects the production costs.
One way of improving both economic and environmental performance of agricultural production is the use of alternative motor fuels, including renewable. The decision to use them should be justified.

Key words: alternative fuels, agricultural machines, efficiency.

Alternative fuels and effect on agricultural machines’ efficiency.

1. Марков В.А. Работа дизелей на смесях дизельного топлива и метилового эфира рапсового масла / В.А. Марков, А.Ю. Шустер, С.Н. Девянин // Транспорт на альтернативном топливе. – 2009. – №4 (10). – С.33-37.
2. Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report. October 2014. US Department of Energy. Energy Effi ciency and Renewable Energy. – 17 p.
3. Исследование показателей двигателя с искровым зажиганием при работе на газовых топливах/ В.А. Лукшо, А.В. Козлов, А.С. Теренченко, А.А. Демидов // Транспорт на альтернативном топливе. – 2011. – №8 (24). – С.28-33.
4. The Statistics Portal. Gasoline prices in selected countries worldwide as of November 2014 (in U.S. dollars per gallon). [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:

Issue 4 (92), 2016

Correlative changeability of selective signs of suckling cattle Holstein breed

UDC 623.2.082

E. Zaitsev

In the selection of suckling cattle are widely used phenotypical and genetic cross-correlation connections between the signs of productivity, determination of which allows using them for intensification of breeding process.
By comparative analysis it was set that all investigated signs are characterized by the positive correlation of low degree and only the content of fat in milk was the negative coefficient of correlation (r = – 0,17 P>0,95). About the change in the character of interdependence which arisen under influence of selection is characterized the coefficient of correlation between the amount of mothers’ milk protein and an amount of milk protein of their daughters (r = 0,17 P>0,95).
In the process of selection negative correlation was diminished between yield and content of protein in milk. This, for the I GEР the coefficient of correlation was – 0,16 (P>0,95), and in the ІІ GEP his value was only – 0,07 (P<0,95). It was established the positive connection between the content of fat and protein in milk, although the size of correlation is more in the second genetic-ecological generation (r = 0,21 P>0,99).
So, it is proved the connection between content of protein in milk yield of mothers and daughters was higher in the group of the most productive mothers (r = 0,35 P>0,99). It is found that greater coefficients of correlation was set between the yield of mothers and yield of daughters, between an amount of milk protein of mothers and their daughters in the group of less productive mothers (r = 0,29 P>0,99 and r = 0,29 P>0,99 accordingly).
Thus it was determined the presence of connection between the signs of the suckling productivity in the animals of Holstein breed in two genetic-ecological generations. The investigated signs are characterized by the different values of coefficients in correlation and strength of connection.

Key words: breed, cows, mothers, daughters, productivity, sign, correlation.

Correlative changeability of selective signs of suckling cattle Holstein breed.

1. Selektsiya molochnoyi khudoby i svyney : navch. posib. / [T. V. Pidpala, S. A. Voynalovych, V. H. Nazarenko ta in.] ; za red. profesora T. V. Pidpaloyi. – Mykolayiv : MNAU, 2012. – 297 s.
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3. Эrnst L. K. Krupnomasshtabnaya selektsyya v skotovodstve / L. K. Эrnst, A. A. Tsalytys. – M. : Kolos, 1982. – 238 s.
4. Dyn’ko Yu. P. Selektsiyno-henetychni parametry molochnoyi produktyvnosti i zhyvoyi masy pervistok ukrayins’koyi chorno-ryaboyi molochnoyi porody / Yu. P. Dyn’ko // Visnyk Sums’koho natsional’noho ahrarnoho universytetu : naukovyy zhurnal : seriya «Tvarynnytstvo». – Sumy, 2016. – V. 5 (29). – S. 51–54.
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6. Plokhynskyy N. A. Rukovodstvo po byometryy dlya zootekhnykov / N. A. Plokhynskyy. – M. : Kolos, 1969. – 256 s.
7. Fedorovych Ye. I. Selektsiyno-henetychni parametry ta biolohichni osoblyvosti chorno-ryaboyi khudoby zakhidnoho rehionu Ukrayiny / Ye. I. Fedorovych, Y. Z. Sirats’kyy // Visnyk Sums’koho natsional’noho ahrarnoho universytetu : naukovo-metodychnyy zhurnal : seriya «Tvarynnytstvo». – Sumy, 2002. – V. 6. – S. 219–222.
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9. Hyl’ M. Zumovlenist’ molochnoyi produktyvnosti doslidzheno na korovakh holshtyns’koyi porody / M. Hyl’, I. Halushko // Tvarynnytstvo Ukrayiny. – 2007. – № 5. – S. 9-10.
10. Pidpala T. V. Otsinka ukrayins’koyi chervonoyi molochnoyi porody za selektsiyno-henetychnymy parametramy / T. V. Pidpala, O. K. Tskhvitava // Visnyk ahrarnoyi nauky Prychornomor”ya. – Mykolayiv: MDAU, 2007. – V. 4 (43). – S. 169–175.
11. Demchuk M. P. Hospodars’ko-korysni oznaky khudoby yevropeys’koyi selektsiyi / M. P. Demchuk // Visnyk Sums’koho natsional’noho ahrarnoho universytetu : naukovo-metodychnyy zhurnal : seriya «Tvarynnytstvo». – Sumy, 2002. – V. 6. – S. 96–99.

Issue 4 (92), 2016

Hematological features of storage sturgeon (АCIPENSERIFORMES) young summer fingerlings

UDC 597.423:616.15

E. Alkhimov ,
V. Shevchenko ,
S. Pentylyuk

This article highlights the analysis of storage sturgeon fish young summer fingerling hematology which was grown in the conditions of Dnieper experimental sturgeon fishgrowing plant.
The relevance of the chosen topic. The studies determined that the rates of hemoglobin young summer fingerlings Sturgeon and paddlefish was in the range of 67.21 to 75.16 g / dm3, the number of red blood cells was in the range of 0.68 to 0.72 million / mcl, leukocytes – from 71.28 to 75.67 thousand. / mcl respectively. Analyzing the performance of leukocyte blood counts young summer fingerlings acipenseriformes must say that the number of lymphocytes in fish was almost on the same level: in sterlet – 68.94%, the paddlefish – 70.22%
It should be noted that the level of triglycerides was significantly higher in young summer fingerlings Sturgeon, amounting to 1142.7 mg / dm3 vs. 340.48 mg / dm3 in paddlefish. Cholesterol indicators were higher in young summer fingerlings paddlefish, being at the level of 288.9 mg / dm3, while they amounted Sturgeon to 170.59 mg / dm3. The high amount of triglycerides in the blood young summer fingerlings Sturgeon suggests intensive growth of young people. In the period of intensive growth of young people increased hydrolysis of triglycerides in the liver which is the main source of energy in the availability of growth of aquatic organisms. There is intense metabolism generic feature of sturgeon fish species.
When evaluating a whole blood parameters young summer fingerlings acipenseriformes fish, it should be noted that the studied parameters were within acceptable values, indicating a lack in fish inflammation and disease state, in turn, indicates satisfactory physiological state of repair young summer fingerlings sterlet and paddlefish.
The resulting research hematological indices on the background of satisfactory fishery characteristics of the process can be used in breeding practice as standards for assessing health acipenseriformes fish when grown in ponds of various sizes in the specific conditions of southern Ukraine. In theoretical terms, these figures are borne part of the overall picture of Hematology, important biological and fisheries in terms of how such a systematic acipenseriformes. Further research should be focused on obtaining similar data in other conditions of cultivation and other age groups.

Key words: storage group, young summer fingerlings, sturgeon, paddlefish, sterlet, hematology, blood.

Hematological features of storage sturgeon (АCIPENSERIFORMES) young summer fingerlings.

Список використаних джерел:
1. Holovyna N. A. Hematolohýa prudovыch ryb / N. A. Holovyna, Y.D.Trombycký. — Kyšynev: Štyynca, 1989. — 158 s.
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Issue 4 (92), 2016

The growth of young pigs as one of the main indicators of productivity

UDC 636.082

V. Kushnerenko,

Pig livestock sector is a priority in Ukraine. Nowadays, the restructuring of large white breed of universal trend productivity in meat.
In Ukraine, in some breeding farms practiced importation of semen of boars of large white breed of foreign selections and this leads many scientists to pay attention to the quality of fattening genotypes.
Thus, at this stage of work with large white breed in Ukraine, the best genotypes European selection that significantly expands the possibilities for improving the productive qualities of domestic animals. However, this necessitates a detailed analysis of the productive qualities of pigs of different genotypes of imported breeding and study the effectiveness of their combination with each other.
As a result of the research should be noted that the genotypes of krovnistyu specialized beef breeds (Landrace) in the age dynamics were changing the proportions constitution towards improving its meat forms of the marked increase in the posterior third body (width and napivobhvat backside) and trend increasing the stretch index, massiveness, Whip kostystosti and m’yasnosti.
By most measurements of body structure and the type of young obtained by mating, held usually a middle position between maternal and paternal breeds, indicating that the additive nature of inheritance of these traits.

Key words: young, pigs, Landrace, Large White, live weight, index.

The growth of young pigs as one of the main indicators of productivity.

Issue 4 (92), 2016

The phenolic compounds content and morphometric parameters in sunfl ower diff erentiators under broomrape infection

UDC 633.854.78:631.527:632.9

T. Sakhno, researcher
V. Petrenkova, professor, chief researcher
Yuriev Plant Production Institute of NAAS of Ukraine

The article describes the studied results of the broomrape influence on growth processes and phenolic compounds content in differentiators during infection. The sunflower differentiators to broomrape races which are used all over the world were used as the model objects in this study. These sunflower samples AD 66 are susceptible to broomrape, Record is resistant to race C, LC 1003 is resistant to race E, LC 1093 is resistant to F race. The susceptible line Cx 908 A was also used. The total phenolic compounds content in sunflower plants was determined by spectrophotometric method. The research results of the samples infestation level showed the presence of high virulent broomrape races 5 (E) and 6 (F). It was established that the parasite significantly inhibits the sunflower growth processes. Most morphometric parameters of sunflower plants are decreased after inoculation. The phenol content in the leaves of the samples was higher than in the roots. The level of phenolic compounds in sunflower plants was significantly increased under broomrape affection. The reduction of phenols was observed in susceptible samples AD 66 and Сх 908 А after the inoculation. The studied results made it possible to assert that the phenolic compounds play an important role in developing the sunflower resistance to broomrape. Line Cx 908 A should be used as a standard of susceptibility to broomrape.

Key words: sunflower, differentiators, broomrape, phenolic compounds, morphometric parameters.

The phenolic compounds content and morphometric parameters in sunfl ower diff erentiators under broomrape infection.

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Issue 4 (92), 2016

Assessment energy effi ciency of soft winter wheat dependence terms of sowing and seeding rate

UDC 633.11″324″:631.53.04

M. Korhova,
O. Kovalenko
A. Shepel

The article gives us the analysis of energy efficiency technology elements of Natalka variety soft winter wheat production in the conditions of the southern steppe of Ukraine. The results showed that terms of sowing and seeding rates also influence at the value of the energy accumulation in a grain of winter wheat. The highest level (74,3 GJ/ha) of the reachersed energy indicator was reached in sowing on October 10th with the seeding rate of 5 million similar seeds/ha. The lowest indicator was formed at 49,0 GJ/ha in variants with sowing date on September 10th with the seeding rate of 3 million similar seeds/ha.
By decreasing the seeding rate from 5 to 3 million similar seeds the spending of total energy in soft winter wheat decreased to 1,5 and 3,1 GJ/ha.
Energy increases by growing soft winter wheat of Natalka variety gained its maximum level (42,7 GJ/ha) on October 10th with the seeding rate and norms of sowing similar seeds 5 million/ha, while the power factor was 2,35. Thus, the sowing of soft winter wheat on October 10th in compare with the previously recommended period on September 30th caused the increasing of energy efficiency indicators in average seeding rate from 2,15 to 2,35, or 7,3%.
The highest level (9,8 GJ/t) of grain energy-capacity was reached in the period of sowing on September 10th with the seeding rate of similar seeds 5 million/ha and the lowest level was 6,7 GJ/t for sowing in the period of October 10th and the seeding rate of 3 million similar seeds per ha. Increasing the seeding rate from 3 to 5 million similar seeds per ha caused the increasing of grain energy-capacity in the cultivation of 1 ton of soft winter wheat from 6,7-9,3 to 6,9- 9,8 GJ/t or 3,0 – 5,4%. During the sowing on October 10th this indicator number was minimal and the average seeding rate was 6,8 GJ, and by planting it on September 30th, 20th, 10th we observed its increasing for 9,3 – 26,1%.

Assessment energy effi ciency of soft winter wheat dependence terms of sowing and seeding rate.

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Issue 4 (92), 2016