Evaluation of innovative agrarian development

3(80), vol. 2, 2014
UNC 330.341.1:63

Analysis of recent publications and research on innovation and the factors that form is made. The concept of innovation economy was presented. The generally accepted defi nition of innovation is determined. The main areas of innovation in agriculture are developed. The suggestions for the assessment of innovative agrarian development through a series of indicators and indices are made. The scheme of the basic determination of innovative agrarian development was represented. The main challenges of formation of indicators system of innovation measures were
noted. The most important indicators related to innovation processes in a business environment were pointed out. The effi ciency of innovations in order to achieve the goals of the company, in terms of social impact was defi ned. The attention is paid to the system of indicators to measure the innovativeness of European innovation scoreboard.

V. Lypchuk, B. Shuvar. Evaluation of innovative agrarian development.


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