Using an enzyme-treated mustard powder in the production of smoked sausage

4(81), 2014
UNC 637.523

Strikha L.

The results of qualitative research, physic and chemical and organoleptic characteristics of smoked sausages made in various ways: traditional and intensive, in which in the minced meat sausages were added 2% enzymatically treated mustard powder. It was established that the mass of sausages after heat treatment was highest in the second method of manufacture and it was 122,9kg. The benefit in weight of ready product was 1,6kh if to compare with sausages that were made by the first method. Using the of intensive technologies is characterized by the highest yield of finished products 67,2% and lower mass loss. It was established that active acidity of sausage mince was 5,53 pH units in the first method and 5,46 pH units in the second methos of production with adding of a mustard powder. The lowest rate was in the moisture content of sausages in the first method and amounted to 29,2%. The difference compared with sausages, made the second method was 0,6% (P>0,95).The protein content in sausages meet regulatory and fluctuated within 20,7-20,8%. Sausages that were made by various technologies were characterized by normative values of sodium nitrite content and fat content.

According to the organoleptic characteristics the best sausages were those that have been made by the second method. The total score of organoleptic evaluation was 7,8±0,06 points. The difference was 0,8 points (P>0,95) if to compare with sausages made the first method.

Determined that the best look had sausages made by the second method. On the cut these sausages didn’t have porosity, mince evenly mixed, bacon bits evenly distributed and the color was red without spots. The highest score in terms of color on cut had the sausages in the second method 7,3±0,06 points. The advantage over the products made by first method was 0,8 points (P>0,95). Adding of mustard powder while making sausages positively affects on the color, smell and taste of sausages.

According to these indications the best sausages were in the second method of manufacture. Average score for the smell and taste of them respectively was 8,2±0,7 and 7,2±0,13 points. The highest score in terms of texture and juiciness got sausages in the second mode. Thus, it is proved that the highest yield of finished products and lower mass loss characterized sausages that were made by the intensive method. They had the best quality, physic and chemical and organoleptic properties.

It was found that the adding to the mince of smoked sausages of1-2% enzyme treated mustard powder (odorless and tasteless mustard), improved aroma and flavor of sausages, slowed down the beginning of the process rancidity and improved the strength of sausages.

In further researches will be determined the influence of intensive technology on the quality of smoked sausages during storage.

Keywords: smoked sausage, enzymatically-treated mustard powder, nutritional supplements, protein content, fat content, moisture content, the output of finished goods, loss during heat treatment.

Strikha L. Using an enzyme-treated mustard powder in the production of smoked sausage.


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