Ecological ground of indicator types of associated agrobiodiversity of North Priazov’ya of Ukraine

1(82), 2014
УДК 371.671:006


In ecology of question of classification of types of dynamics of quantity of animals examined in the aspects of exposure of conformities to the law in the variety of display and strategy of evolution. Yes, on the type of dynamics of quantity it costs to distinguish opportunism populations, which in the process of the growth give regular or casual splashes, and also stable populations which are in the state near to the state of equilibrium with the resources, their closeness stable enough Dynamics of populations can substantially differ on regional and local levels, that is well explained conception of metapopulations. Local micropopulations within the limits of metapopulations is constantly exchanged genetic material, are under act of casual drift of genes pressure of various forms of natural selection. It allows populations to support a considerably anymore genetic variety in comparing to populations. It is considered that exactly such variety and allows metapopulations more effectively to react on the changes of environment and right behind him to change the genotypic structure. For the ground of list of potential indicator types of agrobiodiversity it is necessary to probe connection of quantity of their populations with the ecological state of agrolandshаft. In ecology today grounded two lines of index of the ecological state – the level of biotvariety and closeness of populations Except for that application of modern GIS are technologies can give a considerable impulse for the decision of this problem. Accordingly, the index of MSA can be examined as an index of the ecological state of territory and to utillize him in quality of indicator after which it is possible to execute an analysis or control changes in the different types of agrobiodiversity, but connection of index with the quantity of популяцій investigational not enough. Therefore basic direction of researches consists in an ecological ground potentially of indicator types of the state of agrobiodiversity by the analysis of connection of quantity of animals and birds which are the objects of hunt with the index of MSA of territory of North Priazov’ya Ukrainividpovidno to the calculations, the index of index of MSA after the districts of researches was distributed from 0,03 (м. Mariupol of Donetsk обл.) to 0,16 (Novotroickiy a district is Kherson). Estimation of the state of current biotvariety by index approach for to підзонам, testifies on the average, that on territory of experimental agrolandshаft remained from 7 to 15 % from possible 100% generalized biodiversity. The analysis of the got material testifies that the quantity of animal population tests complex influence of natural and anthropogenic factors and selection components, which could have an indication value for determination of level of anthropogenic transformation of terms of biotvariety, are problematic. The key sign of dynamics of quantity is its complication, or «dynamic variety». Normal distribution demonstrates a simple enough «casual» dynamics with one which is characterized the mean value of quantity. Bimodal’niy or anymore modal distributing, which on determination are not such which are described the law of Puasona (normal distribution), answer the types of dynamics with the greater amount of this sense more various after the dynamic properties. The got is given testify convincingly, that anthropogenic transformation of terms of forming of biological variety conduces also to diminishing of variety of dynamics of the studied kinds-indicators.

Keywords: associated biotvariety, kinds are indicators, index of MSA, quantity.

М. П. Федюшко. Екологічне обґрунтування індикаторних видів асоційованого агробіорізноманіття Північного Приазов’я України

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