Аgroecological development: related problems of rational nature usage and economy

UNC 504.054:330.341.1

G. B. Pohrischuk.

The relevance of the increase is due to contamination and degradation of the environment, climate change, unsustainable depletion of natural resources, the imbalance of the biological environment, resulting in deteriorating health and restricts the possibility of further development. Thus, the solution is very important issue of improving the welfare of the population does not promote the growth of quality of life to the required level. Theoretical and methodological basis of research is the systematic and comprehensive approach to the study of agroecological development. To address the objectives of the study it was used a system of analysis and synthesis of theoretical and practical material indicative method, comparison and synthesis, expert, statistical and monographic methods. The relationship between rational nature and economy on the basis of indicative method of wildlife management is considered. The introduction of environmental and economic accounting and assessment of environmental factors as well as consideration of resource constraints in the implementation of the project and investment analysis are grounded. The estimation the current position of natural resources in agriculture, the main problems and possible solutions are given. The article suggests a system of measures to expand the knowledge basis of environmental management. Expediency of indicative planning system through the use of indicators for measuring the level of contamination and ecological indicators is discussed. It was determined that the аgro ecological development requires the development and implementation of projects, programs and activities that are aimed at environmental focus and determine the environmental consequences of design decisions and the responsibility for bringing damage to the environment. Іn the complex ecological situation in the country related to the mismanagement of natural resources, environmental policy Ukraine should be directed to the preservation and development of environmental framework to implement the new economic instruments to address the economic contradictions and environmentally sound management.

аgro-ecological development, environmental management and economics.

G. Pohrischuk. Аgroecological development: related problems of  rational nature usage and economy

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Г. Б. Погрищук. Агроэкологическое развитие: проблемы взаимосвязи рационального природопользования и экономики
В работе рассмотрены вопросы взаимосвязи рационального природопользования и экономики на основе индикативного метода управления природопользованием; обоснована целесообразность внедрения системы эколого-экономического учета и оценки экологических факторов, а также учета ресурсных ограничений при осуществлении проектного и инвестиционного анализа.

G. Pohrischuk. Аgroecological development: related problems of  rational nature usage and economy
The relationship between rational nature and economy on the basis of indicative method of wildlife management is considered. The introduction of environmental and economic accounting and assessment of environmental factors as well as consideration of resource constraints in the implementation of the project and investment analysis are grounded.