Chemical composition and physical-chemical properties of meat and fat pigs which were received at the combination of sows of Large White breed with terminal and purebred boars of different genotypes.

2(84), vol 2 2015
UNC 636.4.082

М. Berezovsky, doctor of agricultural sciences
О. Narygna, graduate student
О. Narygna, graduate student
The Institute of pig breeding and agricultural production NAAS

The results of studies of the chemical composition and physico-chemical properties of muscle and adipose tissues of pigs, obtained by combination of sows of large white breed with terminal and purebred boars of different genotypes. According to the research results, the pH level of all meat samples ranging from 5,67 to 5,98 pH, which corresponding to normal. The highest acidity was recorded in the combination of large white x Maxter 16 – 5,98 pH units, which is 5.5% higher compared with the control.
Indicator tenderness of the meat of experimental animals indicates the effort that must be made to cut up the meat sample. The more tender the meat, the less time is required for its cutting (in seconds). In the obtained data the softer meat was combinations of large white x Landrace, large white x Maxter 16 and large white x Maxter 304, where the rates ranged from to 8.71 to 8.85 sec. The largest cutting length of the muscle fibers was in the combination of large white x Landrace x Duroc x Hampshire).
The highest water-holding capacity was observed in animals of a combination of large white x pietrain – 63,06%, the lowest – large white x Landrace x Duroc x Hampshire) – 56,29. High water-holding capacity were recorded as combinations of large white x Maxter 16 and large white x Maxter 304 – 61,19 and 61,05 respectively.
According to the chemical composition of the meat found that lowest intramuscular fat of animals of differed combination of large white x Maxter 304 – 1.37 and Landrace x large white – 1,46, whereas in the group of large white x Maxter 16 this figure was amounted to 3.06. The biological value of fat pigs are primarily determined by the content of unsaturated fatty acids. The highest melting point of fat in the samples of combinations of large white x Landrace and large white x Maxter 16, which represents that the increase of mass of saturated fatty acids and suitability of lard for long-term storage. Thus, it is established that the chemical composition and physico-chemical properties of muscle and adipose tissues of pigs were at the level of normative indicators and meet the requirements of high quality products.

N. Berezovskyy, O. Narizhna. Chemical composition and physical-chemical properties of meat and fat pigs which were received at the combination of sows of Large White breed with terminal and purebred boars of different genotypes.

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Н. Д. Березовский, О. Л. Нарыжная. Химический состав и физикохимические свойства мяса и сала свиней, полученных при сочетании свиноматок крупной белой породы с терминальными и чистопородными хряками разных генотипов.
Приведены результаты исследований химического состава и физикохимических свойств мышечной и жировой тканей свиней, полученных при сочетании свиноматок крупной белой породы с терминальными и чистопородными хряками разных генотипов. Установлено, что по химическому составу и физико-химическим свойствам мышечная и жировая ткани свиней находились на уровне нормативных показателей и отвечали требованиям для продукции высокого качества. Однако, у мышечной ткани животных IV групп было наиболее высокое содержание жира – 3,06% и соответственно наивысшая энергетическая ценность – 130 Ккал/100 г. В исследованных образцах показатели рН колебались в пределах 5,67…5,98 ед. рН. При исследовании сала установлена высокая температура плавления у II и IV группы – 36,4 и 36,7°С соответственно, что свидетельствует о пригодности сала к продолжительному хранению.

N. Berezovskyy, O. Narizhna. Chemical composition and physical-chemical properties of meat and fat pigs which were received at the combination of sows of Large White breed with terminal and purebred boars of different genotypes.
The results of the study of the chemical composition and physico-chemical properties of muscle and adipose tissue of pigs obtained by combining sows of Large White breed of purebred and terminal boars of different genotypes are given in the article. It is established that the chemical composition and physico-chemical properties of muscle and adipose tissue of pigs were at the level of the standard indicators and meet quality requirements. However, the muscle tissue of animals of group IV the highest fat content – 3.06% and therefore the highest energy value – 130 g kkal/100. In investigated samples pH ranged 5….5.98 unitіs pH. In the study of fat found in high melting point II and IV group –36.4 and 36.7°С, respectively, indicating the suitability of fat for long-term storage.