The effectiveness of using a specialized type of pigs at the crossing and hybridization

Номер, рік
2(84), том 2 2015
УДК 636.4.082

L. Grishina,
О. Fesenko

In global pig production hybridization is one of the main methods of increasing the performance of commercial pigs. In Ukraine, for several decades, widespread industrial crossing of different breeds of pigs; only in recent years, when began an intensive importation of pigs foreign selection and use of foreign technologies proven to significantly improve slaughter and meat quality of commercial piglets can also through the use of a cross as parental forms of specialized meat breeds, lines and types of pigs that selected on combining ability. However, till remain problematic issues of effective use of new factory structures in various combinations to obtain the heterosis effect. The aim of our research is to determine the combining ability of pigs factory type when crossbreeding and hybridization, the study of meat quality and physico-chemical properties of muscle tissue of crossbred and hybrid pigs. Materials and methods research. Studies were conducted in an industrial complex PJSC “Bakhmut Agrarian Union” Artemovsky district, Donetsk region. The use of factory type in the schemes of crossbreeding and hybridization in industrial pig farming makes it possible to significantly increase the meatiness and to reduce the content of fat in carcasses. Proven efficiency in the use of maternal form LWxL when combined with boars of pietrain breed and DxP, which is confirmed by the calculation of specific combining ability. The study of physico-chemical parameters of meat of crossbred and hybrid pigs revealed the advantage of hybrid animals on individual quality indicators. In fact, despite the differences, meat and crossbred hybrid pigs characterized by good quality indicators.


L. Grishina, О. Fesenko. The effectiveness of using a specialized type of pigs at the crossing and hybridization

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Л. П. Гришина, О. Г. Фесенко. Эффективность использования специализированного типа свиней при скрещивании и гибридизации.
Использованы приемы повышения информативности селекционного процесса путем оценки комбинационной способности (общей и специфической) пород. Установлена целесообразность использования породы пьетрен и терминальных хряков (дюрок х пьетрен) на заключительном этапе гибридизации: выход мяса в тушах увеличивается на 4,0…2,7% (р?0,001) по сравнению с животными крупной белой породы и составляет 65,13 и 63,83% соответственно.

L. Gryshyna, O. Fesenko. The effectiveness of using a specialized type of pigs at the crossing and hybridization.
There are used the methods of increasing the information content of the selection process by evaluating combining ability (general and specific) rocks. It is found the expediency of using the breed Pietrain and terminal boars (Duroc x Pietrain) at the final stage of hybridization: a meat yield in carcasses increased by 4,0…2,7% (p?0,001) compared with animals large white breed and is 65.13 and 63.83%, respectively.