Шляхи покращання генетичного потенціалу порід свиней

UNC 636.4.082

M. A. Khvatova

The signs of genetic productive potential and degree its realization is importance in the selection programs and full not yet achieved. For example, the degree realization genetic potential for age achieve live mass 100 kg is only 40-45 % and reproductive ability of sows still less. Object our researches was to determine the genetic productive potential and degree its realization of breeds pigs Large White, Landrace, Welsh, Ukrainian meat in hybridization. Was performed genealogy and reproductive analis pigs of Welsh breed in pure breeding properties. In the article is presented methods for improvement of genetic productive potential on the basis using pure-breeding of linear-families Welsh breed for reproductive properties and hybridization breeds of pigs Large White, Landrace, Welsh, Ukrainian meat for fattening qualities. It has been found that some linear-families and crossbred combinations had higher and fulfilled effects of genetic potential and degree its realization. Effects combining ability of multi-prolificacy had variation in range from minus 0,419 to 0,477, mass piglets farrow at the age of two months from minus 5,15 kg. to 10,64 kg. Was proposed method prognostication effects genetic potential. Comparative analysis was show that method of prediction effect genetic potential on the base of using genetic-mathematical models is better in comparison with method additive interaction gene. The genetic-mathematical model includes effects of the general and specific combing ability and average population of signs.
Conclusions. In order to fulfill their genetic potential and degree its realization are using modern high productive breeds in pure breeding of linear-families combination and hybridization.
Prognostication genetic productive potentially and deegry its realization was better by genetic-mathematical model with effects combining ability in comparison with method additive interaction gene. Degree prediction realization genetic potential for age achieve live mass 100 kg improvement from 2,6 % to 9,35 %.

Key words:
pigs, genetic potential, degree realization, linear-families combinations, hybridization, prediction of performance, combining ability.

M. Khvatova. The meansofimproving the genetic potential of pigs breeds

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М. А. Хватова. Пути улучшения генетического потенциала пород свиней.
Приведены основные методы улучшения генетического продуктивного потенциала свиней при линейно-семейном чистопородном разведении уэльской породы по воспроизводительным качествам и при гибридизации пород крупной белой, ландрас, уэльской и украинской мясной по откормочным качествам. Установлены лучшие линейно-семейные и межпородные комбинации с наиболее высоким проявлением генетического потенциала и степени его реализации. Установлено, что наиболее точным методом прогнозирования генетического потенциала является генетико-математическая модель с включением эффектов комбинационной способности.

M. Khvatova. The meansofimproving the genetic potential of pigs breeds. 
The article presents the pigs’ genetic potential and degree of realization using modern high productive breeds in pure breeding of linear-families combination and hybridization.
Prognostication genetic productive potentially and deegry of its realization was better by genetic-mathematical model with effects combining ability in comparison with method additive interaction gene. Therealizationofgenetic potential with livemass of 100 kghad shown animprovement from 2,6% to 8,5%.