Features of reproductive qualities of Askanyiskaya fine wool breed ewes

UNC 636.4.082

V. Korotkov
О. Vasilyeva
І. Zheliznyak

The production of pork on a hybrid basis allows to receive an additional an average of 5 to 15% of production due to the existence of heterosis effects. The classical scheme of crossing is provided the use of boars meat breeds Duroc and pietrain on two-breed F1 females (LWxL, LxLW). Recently, however, this scheme is upgraded through the use of terminal boars hybrid origin Alba, Maxter, Optimus, Maxgro, Kantor. Fattening young animals obtained from these boars of hybrid origin, has the advantage over purebred and local young animals in the yield of lean meat, specific gravity valuable parts of the carcass, etc. However, the effectiveness of the combination on reproductive capacity depends not only on individual qualities of females and boars, but also on their integration and capacity of species in certain crossings to show their reproductive quality at a high level. The aim of the research was to study the effectiveness of crossing purebred sows of large white breed with boars of Landrace and terminal boars of genetic line Maxgro in industrial technology and establish the most productive combinations in terms of LLC “RPC “Globinsky pig complex” Poltava region. The studies were performed according to litters of purebred sows of large white breed Irish breeding (n = 3528 animals). The object of the study were indicators of reproductive ability of sows (multiple pregnancy, the weight of the nest and the preservation of piglets at weaning at 28 days of age). Sows were housed under identical conditions of feeding and maintenance. Sows of LW breed Irish breeding have a high level of reproductive qualities, which allows their use in systems of crossbreeding and hybridization as maternal form. Use in industrial production terminal boars Maxgro, when combined with sows of LW breed is characterized by deterioration of reproductive qualities as the multiple pregnancy and weight of the nest at weaning.

V. Korotkov, O.Vasilieva, I. Zheleznyak. Features of reproductive qualities of Askanyiskaya fine wool breed ewes

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В. А. Коротков, О. А. Васильева, И. Н. Железняк. Воспроизводительные качества свиноматок при скрещивании с терминальніми хряками.
Приведены результаты изучения воспроизводительных качеств чистопородных свиноматок крупной белой породы при скрещивании их с хряками породы ландрас и терминальными хряками Maxgro ирландской селекции. По многоплодию лучшие результаты получены от сочетания свиноматок крупной белой породы с хряками ландрас, по скорости роста и жизнеспособности – с терминальными хряками линии Maxgro (Ирландской селекции).

V. Korotkov, O.Vasilieva, I. Zheleznyak. Features of reproductive qualities of Askanyiskaya fine wool breed ewes.
The results of the study of reproductive qualities of purebred sows of large white breed with a combination of breeds Landrace boars and terminal boars Maxgro Irish genetics are presented . The best results are obtained in a combination of large white breed sows with boars Landrace,with the energy and vitality of young growth of terminal boars – Maxgro.