Legal-regulation of the state environmental policy

UDC 502.3.32

O. Al’beshenko, competitor

The basic ecological principles of state policy, determined the legal basis of environmental legislation, the main directions of environmental safety in connection with environmental degradation, worsening environmental problems and the need for approximation of environmental legislation to European and international law was formed in the article. Author has also been analyzed and defined the basic principles of the Paris Agreement, the goals and commitments of Ukraine in it.
The basic components of the mechanism of realization of the basic directions of the state environmental policy in environment protection, the use of natural resources and environmental safety was defined. The implementation of environmental policy involves the use of appropriate methods of gathering and processing, compilating of information for making management decisions. The use of presented methods allows to ground current needs and to form approaches for guarantee of the environmental safety of the state.
It is established that the goal of environmental policy is balance of human needs and nature and technology capacities through planned formation of environment, its quality would provide the possibility of society development in connection with environmental protection. State policy in the sphere of ecology, as well as any other field should be based on the effective regulatory system. During the information changes system must be flexible, therefore it is able to quickly respond to changes in the surrounding components and adapt to changes in the environment, it is an effective means of ensuring the environmental functions of the state.
The dependence of the state environmental safety on policy implementation at both national and global levels. National Environmental Policy as a legal category, expresses and summarizes knowledge about legal form of existence of regional environmental and legal relations, it provides qualitative certainty for legal scientific and theoretical understanding, sets fundamental structure of ecological and legal relations.

Key words: environmental policy, environmental safety, environmental legislation, environmental and legal relations, international law.

Legal-regulation of the state environmental policy.

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Issue 4 (92), 2016