Systematization and classifi cation of the elements business infrastructure of the agricultural business

UDC 338.49:346

Y. Kormyshkin

In article results of generalized classification of elements of business infrastructure of agrarian business by functional features. It is established that the business infrastructure of agrarian business envisages aggregate of sectors or modes of production activities that serve and ensure the normal functioning the main production and non-production sphere. Examining the functions of business infrastructure, it was determined that functionally business infrastructure of agrarian entrepreneurship is associated with all sectors of agrarian manufacture and serves its integral part. During the study was considered the various classifications elements of business infrastructure, namely: according to of carried out functions, during sales of products, when debugging of business relations between various business entities, the by sectoral division of and so on.
After conducted research classification of the elements of business infrastructure entrepreneurship we consider it appropriate highlight the three key that should be used in the agricultural business:
– pattern of ownership that assumes presence public, private and public elements of business infrastructure and reveals the funding sources degree of influence of, availability of are interested on the part of agricultural entrepreneurs;
– the kind of activity that can qualitatively assess the of influence direction infrastructural element in agricultural entrepreneurship activities (advisory bodies, consulting structures, information centers, investment and innovative companies, educational institutions, etc.);
– elements of business infrastructure under applicable law (business centers, business incubators, innovative business incubators, science and technology centers, technology parks, private business support, financial institutions, innovation and investment funds and companies, leasing companies, counseling centers etc.).
It was concluded that the business infrastructure of agrarian entrepreneurship brings together industry, that ensure production and maintenance of agricultural production, creation of the necessary production and operation, organizational and technical conditions for initial production in all sectors of the agricultural sector and so on.

Key words: business, business entrepreneurship infrastructure, classification, elements infrastructure, agricultural business.

Systematization and classifi cation of the elements business infrastructure of the agricultural business.

Issue 4 (92), 2016