Comparative analysis weight-and-cost indicators singlephase transformers and reactors with rectangular and hexagonal crosssections of rods of twisted magnetic core

UDC 621.3.042

A. Sadovoy

At this time, single-phase transformers and reactors are widely used in various fields of electrical engineering and one of the main metal elements of electrical engineering complexes. Therefore there are requirements to reduce material consumption and losses. The improvement of static induction devices leads to increasing the technical level of complexes in general. One of the most common designs of electromagnetic systems of single-phase induction static devices is a planar rod with twisted or laminated magnetic cores.
Solving the problem of comparative structural analysis it is used the method of optimizing the objective function which contains the technical conditions of the dimensionless parameters, and also the relative geometric controlled variables. Extremum relative components of the objective function is a function of the winding box winding conductive material and three universal identical geometric controlled variables are applied to any of the existing options of electromagnetic systems.
In these embodiments, according to the principle of equivalence of electromagnetic the same materials are used and the average numbers of the amplitudes of the magnetic induction flux in the rods and yokes are used. The filling factor of magnetic by steel is important, as well as methods of cooling performance and static induction devices.
The results of the comparative analysis of mathematical models have shown that the design of a twisted magnetic rod with hexagonal rods provides a significant reduction in the average weight and cost of a single-phase electromagnetic systems, according to equivalents with rectangular cross-section rods.

Key words: magnetic core, single-phase transformer, weight-and-cost indicator, controllable geometric variables.

Comparative analysis weight-and-cost indicators singlephase transformers and reactors with rectangular and hexagonal crosssections of rods of twisted magnetic core.

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Issue 4 (92), 2016