Correlative changeability of selective signs of suckling cattle Holstein breed

UDC 623.2.082

E. Zaitsev

In the selection of suckling cattle are widely used phenotypical and genetic cross-correlation connections between the signs of productivity, determination of which allows using them for intensification of breeding process.
By comparative analysis it was set that all investigated signs are characterized by the positive correlation of low degree and only the content of fat in milk was the negative coefficient of correlation (r = – 0,17 P>0,95). About the change in the character of interdependence which arisen under influence of selection is characterized the coefficient of correlation between the amount of mothers’ milk protein and an amount of milk protein of their daughters (r = 0,17 P>0,95).
In the process of selection negative correlation was diminished between yield and content of protein in milk. This, for the I GEР the coefficient of correlation was – 0,16 (P>0,95), and in the ІІ GEP his value was only – 0,07 (P<0,95). It was established the positive connection between the content of fat and protein in milk, although the size of correlation is more in the second genetic-ecological generation (r = 0,21 P>0,99).
So, it is proved the connection between content of protein in milk yield of mothers and daughters was higher in the group of the most productive mothers (r = 0,35 P>0,99). It is found that greater coefficients of correlation was set between the yield of mothers and yield of daughters, between an amount of milk protein of mothers and their daughters in the group of less productive mothers (r = 0,29 P>0,99 and r = 0,29 P>0,99 accordingly).
Thus it was determined the presence of connection between the signs of the suckling productivity in the animals of Holstein breed in two genetic-ecological generations. The investigated signs are characterized by the different values of coefficients in correlation and strength of connection.

Key words: breed, cows, mothers, daughters, productivity, sign, correlation.

Correlative changeability of selective signs of suckling cattle Holstein breed.

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Issue 4 (92), 2016