Indication of the ecological conditions of agricultural land in Ukraine: a social unit.

UDC 332.363.711.144

O. Kotykova

It was conducted the research of indicators, identified earlier by the author, of social state of agricultural land use in Ukraine. These indicators include: the number of born, the number of deaths and natural population growth in rural areas; life expectancy at birth in rural areas; fertility, mortality and natural population growth in rural areas; the infant mortality rate, the presence of toxic industrial waste in per capita; providing the population with agricultural products; consumption of food in rural areas; factor of social efficiency; gross agricultural output per capita; average housing per rural capita; housing equipment in rural areas;average level of cultural institutions and the arts per rural capita; provision in rural areas durables.
As a result it was made a conclusion about the discrepancy of the achieved state to the conditions of sustainable development of agricultural land use in Ukraine.
In particular, it was found that out of twenty-six indicators that are taken for analysis, only four indicators of social unit (rural housing and its equipment, the infant mortality rate, the volume of gross agricultural output per 1 person) and four indicators of socio-economic bloc (land availability, investment per capita, quintylyty income differentiation factor , the level of economic activity in rural areas) are better from the baseline value over the years, and others – eighteen – worse.
Determined that in the rural areas declining the population birth rate, the natural growth and life expectancy at birth, increase the mortality. Rural economy crisis led to a significant reduction of the rural population. Reduced output of major agricultural products in per capita and consumption of food does not meet reasonable standards, deteriorated the level of availability of culture and art institutions.
Proved that the environmental and economic development of the land use did not provide the improvement of social indicators, didn’t laid the positive foundations for future generations.

Key words: indication, model, land use, sustainability, social state.

Indication of the ecological conditions of agricultural land in Ukraine: a social unit.

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Issue №1 (93), 2017