Labor resources as a part of export potential of agricultural enterprise

UDC 331.103.5

L. Hutsalenko,
T. Pisochenko,
S. Horbach

The elements of the export potential of the agricultural enterprise are particularly considered. One of the elements of the export potential of agricultural enterprises is labor potential. The components of the labor potential of society are the labor resources employed in the production of goods and services, households, training, military service, able-bodied pensioners and teens. Labor resources of the country are characterized by the potential mass of live labor that the state owns. Unlike labor potential, labor resources include those who are not only the bearer of labor, able to work, but also implements this ability in social production in accordance with current legislation within certain age limits.
Employment is one of the most important characteristics of labor potential use. The main problem of employment as a social and economic process is the formation of its rational structure, that is, first of all, rational proportions of employment, which would ensure the most effective development of all parts of the national economy in the optimal proportions for this stage of market transformations.
In addition we consider it is expedient to include social and cultural potential in formation of export potential. It is fair to assert that the socially-integrated society of such workers in a particular country creates its great human capital and affects competitiveness. In general, in our opinion, the development of export potential is the structural basis of the economic development model of agricultural enterprises.
Summarizing the results of the conducted researches allowed to distinguish two main directions of export potential development. For most enterprises of the agrarian sector of the economy during the period of fierce competition, foreign economic relations occupy a significant place in economic activity and are one of the significant impact factors on the structure and efficiency of development. Development of export potential is particular important as a supporting factor of the industry, the source of currency inflows and ensuring the country’s economic security.
Definition and characteristic of labor resources as a component of the export potential of an agricultural enterprise, is aimed at increasing export volumes in value terms and reducing its costs.

Key word: export operation, export activity, export potential, economic potential, labor potential, labor resources.

Labor resources as a part of export potential of agricultural enterprise.

Issue 2 (94), 2017