Аpplication of the multicriteria optimization method for choosing the optimal pretreatment of sunflower seeds of Chumakvarieties.

UDC 633.854.78


The article is dedicated to use of multicriteria optimization method for choosing the optimal pre-treatment of the Chumak varieties of sunflower seeds.
Experiments revealed that under the influence of AKM and Derosal the seed germination tends to improve to 4 % and plants’ total phytohomass increases significantly, compared to the control variant of the experiment.
The use of the preparation increases the number and weight of seeds from one basket, compared with the control one. When calculating the biological yield it was determined that with the action of the preparation the yield increases on 5,1-35,4 %.
One of the main indicators is weight of 1000 seeds. Regardless of the choise of pre-treatment, this figure was significantly higher than the control one on 6,6 – 12,7%. On the background of decreasing huskability of the seeds, the index of nature increased on 5 – 16% in all the experimental variants compared with the control one.
The use of the studied preparation increases the oil content of the Chumak variety to 2%. The oil quality is characterized by the acid number. It should be noted that with the effect of AKM and combinet AKM and Derosal application, the content of free fatty acids in the oil was in 1,26 – 1,32 times lower compared with the control variant of the experiment.
When conducting a comparative evaluation of the research results the ranked set for the Chumak varietie was established. It characterizes the pre-sowing treatment of seeds with the studied preparation to produce a high yield with the best quality indicators.
So, for optimal for the Chumak variety is the variant of pre-sowing seed treatment with the joint use of AKM and Derosal – the first grade ( =1,42). The second grade option is the variant with pre-treatment with AKM, which is confirmed by the value of the objective function =3,33. The third grade option is pre-sowing treatment with Derosal, where the value of the objective function for the studied variety is =6,26. Sunflower seeds of the control options received the fourth grade according to a range of indicators.
Thus, the combined pre-sowing treatment of Chumak variety seed with the plant growth regulator AKM and the fungicide Derosal provides high yields of sunflower with the best indicators of seed quality. Application of the multicriteria optimization method allows choosing the best option of the seeds’ pre-sowing treatment.

Keywords: sunflower seeds, quality indicators, plant growth regulator, acid number of oil, ranked number.

L. Pokoptseva, I. Ivanova, L. Velcheva. Аpplication of the multicriteria optimization method for choosing the optimal pretreatment of sunflower seeds of Chumakvarieties.


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Л. А. Покопцева, И. Е. Иванова, Л. Г. Вєльчева. Использование метода многокритериальной оптимизации для выбора оптимального варианта предпосевной обработки семян подсолнечника сорта Чумак.

Исследовано влияние предпосевной обработки семян подсолнечника препаратами АКМ и Дерозал на его продуктивность. Полученные данные обработаны методом многокритериальной оптимизации, на основе которого построен ранжированный ряд и обоснован выбор оптимального варианта опыта.

Л.А. Покопцева, І.Є. Іванова, Л. Г. Вєльчева. Застосування методу багатокритеріальної оптимізації для вибору оптимального варіанта передпосівної обробки насіння соняшнику сорту Чумак.

Досліджено вплив передпосівної обробки насіння соняшнику препаратами АКМ і Дерозал на кількість і якість урожаю соняшнику сорту Чумак. Отримані дані обраховано методом багатокритеріальної оптимізації, за результатами розрахунків побудовано ранжований ряд і обґрунтовано вибір оптимального варіанту досліду.