G. M. Hospodarenko, S. P. Poltoretskyi, V. V. Liubych, V. V. Novikov, V. V. Zheliezna, N. V. Vorobyova, I. F. Ulianych. Quality formation of pasta and confectionery products from grain of wheat spelta.

G. M. Hospodarenko
S. P. Poltoretskyi
V. V. Liubych
V. V. Novikov
V. V. Zheliezna
N. V. Vorobyova
I. F. Ulianych

The results of quality formation of spelt wheat macaroni and confectionery products are presented. It is found that the content of carotenoid pigments in the grain of Zoria Ukrainy wheat variety was 0,16–0,39 mg/ kg.

Consequently, the content of yellow pigments in grain of spelt wheat varieties and strains is insufficient to produce macaroni with a yellow color, so egg melange should be added into the recipe.

Culinary evaluation of macaroni made from spelt semolina is carried out according to indicators of grain cooking, color and dry weight loss. Grain cooking coefficient of NAK34/12–2 introgressive strain was the highest and was 9 points. Grain cooking coefficient of other varieties and strains varied from 5 to 7 points.

The overall evaluations of macaroni made from semolina of LPP 3122/2, P 3, LPP 3373, NAK 22/12 and NAK34/12–2 strains were significantly higher than the check variant value and were 6,0–7,0 points or 67–78 % of the maximum value. This indicator of Schwabenkorn variety and LPP1197 strain was significantly lower of 5,0 points and this indicator of other forms was at the check variant level (5,5 points).

Cake-type bun expandability made from spelt wheat flour of Zoria Ukrainy (st) is 269 cm3. This figure of other varieties and strains was within 249–274 cm3.

The specific volume of the cake-type bun of Zoria Ukrainy and Schwabenkorn varieties, LPP 1224, NAK 22/12 and TV 1100 strains was the highest and was 2,59–2,63 cm3/g. It was smaller of other samples and varied from 2,39 to 2,50 cm3/g.

Sponge cake expandability made from spelt wheat flour of varieties and strains was 368–395 cm3.The specific volume of the sponge cake made from spelt wheat flour of varieties and strains varied from 2,88 to 3,09 cm3/g.

The culinary assessment of the cake-type bun has shown a very high quality. Thus, the cake-type bun surface, texture and consistency were estimated at 9 points.

Consequently, flour made from grain of all spelt wheat varieties and strains, except the introgressive strain NAK34/12–2, is best suited for making high quality cake-type buns and sponge cakes.

Keywords: spelt wheat, quality, semolina, macaroni, cake-type, sponge cake.


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Characteristics of hardness and strength of caryopsides of spelt wheat depending on the variety and strain.

UDC 664.7:633.111.004.12

H. M. Hospodarenko
S. P. Poltoretskyi
V. V. Liubych
N. V. Vorobiova
I. F. Ulianych
M. M. Kapriy

The results of the study on hardness and strength of caryopsides of different varieties and strains of spelt wheat are shown. It is determined that the strength of caryopsides of spelt wheat varies significantly depending on the variety and strain. The effort required for the caryopsis destruction by compression changes from 78.1 to 119.7 H. Grain of spelt wheat of Zoria Ukrainy variety and LPP 1224, LPP 1224, NAK34/12–2 and NAK 22/12 strains is characterized by high strength. The effort required for the caryopsis destruction by shearing varies in a smaller range, from 27.3 to 37.3 H. However, grain of studied varieties belongs to the soft-grainy type of hardness as an index of particle size ranges from 30.0 to 57.2 %.
The effort required for the caryopsis destruction by compression for spelt wheat grain of Schwabenkorn, Shvedska 1 and NSS 6/01 varieties changes from 90.5 to 94.2 H, significantly less than the check variant. The studied parameter for grain of strains obtained by hybridization of Tr. aestivum/ Tr. spelta varies from 78.1 to 100.8 H with the variation coefficient of 6–21 %. Grain of introgressive strain TV 1100 has the compression index of 80.3 H with the variability from 65.7 to 94.1 H (V=11 %). The highest indicator of the effort after compression is observed in grain of strains obtained by hybridization of Tr. aestivum/ amphiploid (Tr. durum/ Ae. tauschii) and Tr. kiharae – NAK34/ 12–2 and NAK 22/12 which varies from 104.2 to 119.7 H (V=13–17 %).
The effort required for the caryopsis destruction by shearing is lower compared with compression but it also changes depending on the variety and strains. Thus, this indicator of spelt wheat grain of Zoria Ukrainy variety (st) is 31.5 H with the variability from 26.5 to 38.2 H (V=13 %).

Key words: spelt wheat, type of hardness, index of particle size, strength of caryopsis.

Characteristics of hardness and strength of caryopsides of spelt wheat depending on the variety and strain.

Issue №1 (93), 2017

Yield and quality of millet grain depending on the predecessor and fertilizer conditions.

UDC 633.16:631.582:631.8:631.53.02

S.P. Poltoretskyi, N.M. Poltoretskaya
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Despite the prolonged studies currently there are no reasonable and indisputable statements about the influence of crop rotation factor on yield and product quality of cereal crops. In this regard, development of theoretical bases of formation of millet yielding properties is urgent depending on a number of agrotechnical conditions, including selection of precursors and conditions of mineral nutrition.
The research aim was to improve elements of technology of cultivating millet seed by selecting precursors that will provide high yield of high-quality grain in the conditions of unstable moistening southern part of Right Bank Forest-Steppe. Experiments were carried out in educational, scientific and production department of Uman NUH in field crop rotation of Department of Crop Production for 2005-2007.
As a result of studying the impact of predecessor, fertilizing and fertilizers of millet crops on the yield and quality of its grain, the following conclusions can be:

  1. The highest yield was formed in variants of fertilized predecessors, followed by millet which was also sown on fertilized ground (respectively at the level of 44.9-46.5 centner/ha) that is significantly different from similar indicators of other fertilizing variants of the predecessor and directly millet.
  2. By the highest weight of 1000 grain grown after winter wheat (8.21 g) and buckwheat (8.22 g) is characterized, and the best grain unit results are after peas (736 g/l). Using sugar beet predecessor as well as the complete elimination of fertilizers from the cultivation technology significantly reduces the level of these indicators.
  3. The most aligned grain grown after peas (88.8%) and winter wheat (87.3%) is formed; sugar beet use as a predecessor significantly reduces this indicator.
  4. Grain hoodness is independent of the predecessor choice but to increase the output of cereals the cultivation of fertilized millet after fertilized peas, winter wheat and buckwheat helps (3.74; 3.72 and 3.70 t/ha) with a percentage of the output of cereals in grain yield – respectively 81.9%; 83.7 and 82.3%.
  5. Between protein and fat content of millet grain there is a close inverse relationship (r = -0.86 ± 0.00). More protein content accumulates under favorable weather conditions and growing fertilized millet after fertilized peas and buckwheat. In contrast a higher percentage of fat in grain was observed under dry conditions and complete elimination of fertilizers when growing millet and its predecessors.

Keywords: millet, grain, predecessor, fertilizers, yielding, technological qualities of grain.

S. Poltoretskyi, N. Poltoretskaya. Yield and quality of millet grain depending on the predecessor and fertilizer conditions.


С. П. Полторецкий, Н. М. Полторецкая. Урожайность и качество зерна проса в зависимости от предшественника и условий удобрения.

Приведены результаты исследований по изучению влияния предшественников, их удобрения, а также удобрения на особенности формирования урожая и технологических качеств зерна проса посевного сорта Золотистое в условиях неустойчивого увлажнения южной части правобережной Лесостепи.

С. П. Полторецький, Н. М. Полторецька. Урожайність і якість зерна проса залежно від попередника та умов удобрення.

Наведено результати досліджень з вивчення впливу попередників, їхнього удобрення, а також удобрення на особливості формування врожаю та технологічних якостей зерна проса посівного сорту Золотисте в умовах нестійкого зволоження південної частини Правобережного Лісостепу.

Енергетична ефективність вирощування насіння проса

1(82), 2012
UNC 633.171:631.52:620.91

S. Poltoretskiy

The energy effi ciency of the technology of cultivation of millet seed for seed purposes in generations. The resulting level of energy effi ciency ratio of cultivation of seeds and grains of different varieties of millet seed indicates the appropriateness under the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe recommended for the production of agricultural practices, as well as signifi cant savings in energy consumption.
