Dependence of reproduction quality of pig population on the season of the year

UDC 636.4.082

A. Starodubets,
A. Bondar

The results of researches of influence of the season on the reproduction quality of pig population are given. The differences of sows reproductive internals indexes in different seasons during five years are determined, the best months of the year according to the indexes of impregnation and polycarpousness of sows are revealed. It is marked that insemination in May and farrows in August and September allows to get the maximal indexes of the productivity.

Key words: season of the year, sow, reproduction, general number of piglings, polycarpousness.

Dependence of reproduction quality of pig population on the season of the year

Issue 2 (94), 2017

Influence of abiotic factors on the cows health and productivity and on calves resistance

UDC 636.2.053:619

N. Chorniy,
Yu. Schepetil’nikov,
А. Bondar,
E. Panasenko

This paper analyzes zoo hygienic, technological and alimentary factors which decreases milk productivity of cows and resistance of the calves born by them. Among numerous factors determining highly-productive cows’ and calves’ health, the crucial ones are temperature and humidity, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and aliphatic amines concentration in a barn. The secret to success is in high yields, low food converse, which is genetics, particular breed, strict abidance by microclimate, special food ration for each production and group, and management. One of the key factors of calves’ health provision is the time of the first colostrums ingestion. Preclinical and hidden mastitis, obstetric and gynecological diseases damage the dairy industry greatly. To prevent acetonemia, propylene glycol glycerin and propionate should be used. A high-productive cow must be always be provided with necessary quantities of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals and to use them sparingly for physiological and productive needs. Obtaining of sanitary qualitative milk and disease prevention depends on the service staff, i. e. milking machine operators. Inadequate feeding, space, violation of sanitary conditions (insufficient air exchange, high concentration of harmful gases and microorganisms, sudden changes of temperature and humidity), lack of space and relocation causes stresses in the organisms of cows and calves, and becomes the major reason of metabolic diseases and resistance decreases. Ketosis, i. e. metabolic disease, is manifested most often in the first weeks after calving assisting by glucose deficiency in food ration.
Cows’ and calves’ non-contagious etymology diseases were analyzed. The reasons for cows’ mastitis, limb diseases, rickets were due to the influence of environmental factors (hypoxia, weakness, insolation, cut feeding) which were demonstrated. The analysis of the literature and our own research data allows us to conclude that non-contagious etymology diseases which account 80-85% cases of sick animals are widely registered at cattle farms.

Key words: cows, calves, milk production, hygiene, sanitation, factors ketoses, diarrhea, disease of hooves, atony proventriculus.

Influence of abiotic factors on the cows health and productivity and on calves resistance.

Issue 2(90), Part 2, 2016

Comparative characteristics of the reproductive ability of boars-sires of different genotypes.

UNC 636.4.082

Melnik v.
Kravchenko E.
Kogut E

The study of reproductive ability, quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm of male pigs-manufacturers is very important. It is known that the quality of sperm and sexual activity depends on how boars will be realized the potential reproductive capacity of the sow. Therefore, development of assessment of reproductive ability of breeding boars important for the process, and for breeding. When used in artificial insemination of sows farm several times increased the effect of breeding boars on the performance of the herd, so it is especially increased demand for their selection for breeding. The results of the study was to investigate the quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm of male pigs of Large White breed, Red white belt, Duroc, Landrace, Pietrain and cantor. In terms of volume of ejaculate were the best Landrace boars (386.5 ml), they are dominated by large white breed of 6.4 ml, Red white belt 40.3 mL, Duroc 95.4 mL, Pietrain 66 0 ml, cantor 34.2 ml. Concentration of sperm in the ejaculate, note the preference of boars of Duroc, who had sperm concentration 244,2 million/Ml, compared with Large White boars – advantage was 17.4%, above the Red white belt – 12.2%, Landrace – 15.2%, Pietrain – 24.5%, cantor – 18.9%. Activity spermatozoa was determined by a 10-point scale, all boars were of high estimate, but large white breed boars sperm activity was high and was 9.9 points. When evaluating boars survival of sperm outside the body of the high values of boars of large white breed – 7.5 hr., And exceeds the Duroc boars 9.9%, boars on Red white belt – 24%, Landrace boar – 17.3 % (P> 0.999), Pietrain at – 18.7%, cantor at – 21.4%. Sample of sows in estrus carried out daily using a boar-probe, as well as visually by clinical signs and behavior of the sow. The detection of oestrus in sows them is labeled and conduct artificial insemination disposable catheters in 100 ml of semen doses twice: the first time – in the morning and the second – after 24 hours. Fertilizing capacity of sperm of male pigs was determined after artificial insemination of sows non-factional way. According to data fertilizing capacity was higher in male pigs of large white breed – 88.1% and exceeded the Duroc boars, Pietrain and cantor, who had value for this indicator – 86%, 85.7%, 86.8%.
Boars breeds such as Red white belt, Landrace, this indicator inferior to all other boars and had the following values – 81.7; 83.8% respectively.


Вплив інфрачервоного опромінення на продуктивність поросят-сисунів

Номер, том, частина, рік
4(76), 2, 2, 2013


А.О. Бондар, кандидат сільськогосподарських наук, доцент
Миколаївський національний аграрний університет, Україна

Розглянуто вплив інфрачервоного опромінення на продуктивність поросят-сисунів. Встановлено, що використання опромінювача ІЧУФ-1 з дозою 500 Вт інфрачервоного світла з доповненням ультрафіолетового опромінення потужністю 15 Вт дозволить підвищити середню живу масу, абсолютний приріст живої маси за період дорощування, середньодобові прирости молодняку свиней.

Ключові слова
інфрачервоне опромінення, поросята-сисуни, жива вага, абсолютний приріст, середньодобовий приріст

Особливості сперматогенезу та спермопродукції самців

Номер, рік
2(72), 2013


В.О. Мельник, кандидат біологічних наук, доцент
О.О. Кравченко, кандидат сільськогосподарських наук
А.О. Бондар, кандидат сільськогосподарських наук, доцент
Д.А. Карпенко, студент
Миколаївський національний аграрний університет

Досліджено видові особливості сперматогенезу та спермопродукції самців. Для кожного виду плідників тривалість сперматогенезу генетично обумовлена і не змінюється. Термін просування сперміїв по каналу придатка сім’яника залежить від частоти еякуляції і не припиняється навіть при відсутності еякуляції. Середні показники еякуляту мають видову специфічність та відповідну характеристику.

Ключові слова
самці, сперматогенез, спермії, еякулят, рухливість сперміїв