The prospects of grain market’s infrastructure devlopment

4(81), 2014

UNC 338.439:633.1

R. Danilchenko

         Abstract. The main directions of the grain market development in Ukraine and Mykolayiv region, its fullness forming and the current situation of infrastructure are discussed. The increase of grain production, especially in maize production that is in high demand in the global market had been mentioned. The Mykolayiv region had showed the increased exports of grain and grain products, expanding the grain exports’ geography, except to the South Africa, the Middle East and some countries of the European Union.

The insufficient formation of grain market’s infrastructure that impedes the development of the grain market was emphasized. It was noted that the capacities of certified grain are enough for storage and handling of grain production. Nearly a third part of all storage grain is not certified. Under that quality of provided services do not meet the requirements of customers.

It was indicated that there is a heterogeneous load of port terminals for transshipment of grain and lack of capacities. It makes to be unable meeting the grain export potential of Ukraine. In addition, recent events had posed some new challenges in the port terminals, including the loss of Crimea power port and the port of Azov Sea. Thus, this situation made it possible to increase the load on port terminals in Odessa and Mykolayiv, working at the limit of its capabilities.

The basic trends of further formation of grain market infrastructure are defined. The need to attract private investment for public infrastructure development programs is proved. The necessity of equipment modernization and involvement of Kherson regional port and river ports on the Danube River is grounded.

R. Danilchenko. The prospects of grain market’s infrastructure devlopment.


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Formation of organizational and economic mechanisms of the grain market

Number, year
3(79), Vol. 1, 2014
UNC 338.439:633.1

R.V. Danylchenko Formation of organizational and economic mechanisms of the grain market

 Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

The current level and the main directions of Mykolayiv grain market are analyzed. The basic ways of development of organizational and economic mechanism of regional grain market are proposed. The necessary support of domestic feed industry in order to increase demand for grain and its sustainable use; to promote the revival of livestock; to form regional reserve fund; to create the grain cluster as for the production of environmentally friendly products using modern biotechnology that will improve the efficiency of grain production.

 Keywords: grain market, market conditions, organizational and economic relations, the reserve fund

The paper substantiates the notion of the grain market as a complex of social and economic system, for stable operation of which it is necessary to negotiate an equal alliance between the individual components, including well-functioning organizational and economic mechanisms. The problem of the formation of organizational economic mechanism of the grain market, in particular, stipulates that the economic mechanism of the grain market is a subject to the action of the main objective laws, namely the law of value, supply and demand. The inadequacy of modern organizational and economic mechanism of grain market functioning was underlined. It was emphasized on the state role in the process of forming the organizational and economic control of the grain market. It is proved that for the formation of organizational economic mechanism of the grain market it is necessary to make its adequate analysis. In order to use this proposed system of indicators, this, in particular, includes indicators of turnover and loss of production, solvency of customers, actual and potential market size, level of self-sufficiency and more. The current level and the main directions of Mykolayiv grain market development were analyzed. Among the main problems there are inadequate infrastructure, poor use of resource-saving technologies, the lack of technical and human resources, limited distribution channels, lack of awareness of market participants. The basic directions of development of organizational and economic mechanism of Mykolayiv grain market were given. The special attention was paid to the support of the domestic feed industry in order to increase demand for grain, its sustainable use; to promote the revival of livestock; to form the regional reserve fund, the presence of which would allow to develop the right system of market’s state regulation; to create the grain cluster production of environmentally friendly products using modern biotechnology that will improve the efficiency of grain production.

Міжнародний досвід функціонування та регулювання зернового ринку

Номер, рік
1(77), 2014


Р.В. Данильченко, здобувач
Миколаївський національний аграрний університет

Розглянуто основні форми і методи державної підтримки зернового виробництва у країнах з розвиненою ринковою економікою. Окреслено основні переваги та недоліки застосування з метою запровадження їх в Україні.

Ключові слова
зерновий ринок, міжнародний досвід

Розвиток зерновиробництва в Україні та її Причорноморських областях

Номер, том, рік
4(74), 1, 2013


В.С. Шебанін, доктор технічних наук, професор, член-кор. НААНУ
Ю.А. Кормишкін, здобувач
Р.В. Данильченко, здобувач
Миколаївський національний аграрний університет

У статті розглянуто розвиток зерновиробництва в Україні і її Причорноморських областях. Виявлено існуючі проблеми. Запропоновано низку заходів щодо усунення наявних недоліків.

Ключові слова
зерновиробництво, площі зернових, валовий збір, урожайність, рентабельність, зернобобові, пшениця, кукурудза

Удосконалення механізму експортно-імпортних операцій аграрних підприємств Миколаївської області з країнами СНД

Номер, рік
3(73), 2013


О.В. Шебаніна, доктор економічних наук, професор
Р.В. Данильченко, здобувач
Т.М. Борисова, магістр
Миколаївський національний аграрний університет

У статті висвітлено сучасний стан експортно-імпортних операцій в аграрному секторі економіки Миколаївської області. Досліджено особливості процесу міжнародної торгівлі між підприємствами Миколаївської області та країнами СНД, а також фактори, що впливають на її кінцевий результат для кожної зі сторін. Запропоновано шляхи ефективного розвитку зовнішньоторговельних операцій.

Ключові слова
експорт, імпорт, сільськогосподарська продукція, інвестиції