O. Lazarieva. Strategy of Sustainable Land-Tenure Development at the Regional Level

UDC 332.2.031:005.21

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-3(99)-3

O. Lazarieva

The article analyses the treatises of scientists who studied the problem of the sustainable development and its various strategies; and the foreign experience of implementation of sustainable development strategy.

Also in the article the stages of the land owner strategy creation in the conditions of the sustainable development of regions are defined.

It was concluded that the overall goal of the strategy as a means of sustainable development of regions should be implemented through the implementation of the main directions of the public land policy, the creation of favorable conditions for sustainable development through regional planning, the development of highly effective, competitive land use in the innovative development context.

 The implementation of such sustainable development strategies of the regions is defined as: the strategy for effective use of the existing regional natural-resources potential; the strategy for the land management development; the strategy for marketing collateral of the land use; the strategy for economic stimulation of sustainable development; the strategy for staffing improving; the strategy for the favorable investment climate creation in the amalgamated communities.

The features of the proposed strategies are described.

It is noted that in order to achieve a sustainable level of land use it is necessary to lay down a regional program for the land use and protection within a certain region, to implement program for the top soil restoring and for the natural-resources potential and keeping it at the proper level.

The personal standpoint of the sustainable development strategy of the regions is presented, which will help to create a favorable investment climate through the achievement of regional attractiveness, to increase the farm production efficiency through the use of resource efficient technologies, to diversify the rural economy through the dispersal of rural activities.

Keywords: strategy, sustainable development, foreign experience, sustainable development strategies, stages of the strategy creation, environmental production, investment climate, region.

Key aspects of agro-tourism development in Ukraine

UDC 338.48

O. Lazarieva, PhD (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of Land Management Department,
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

Improving competitiveness of agricultural using and strengthening its resource potential over knowledge-based economy is a strategic task for Ukraine during the period of 2020.
The article aims to justify the theoretical and methodological foundations and conception for development of agro-tourism.
Research of author is executed on the basis of actual materials and literaryresources that touch the problems of development of agro-tourism. One of methods of research of these problems is monographic.
Article analysis approaches to the definition of the terms «agro-tourism», «agro-eco-tourism».Discovered meaning of «cluster» in a sphere of agro-tourism.
Elements of structure of«agro-tourism» are analysed in the research.
Presented spheres of «agro-tourism», their value is exposed.
Experience of agro-tourism is analysed in foreign countries.The expediency of diversification of economic activities within the rural areas, as a key requirement and a powerful source of economic stability and improvement of the quality of life in rural areas, creating large numbers of new jobs, harmony between man and nature is substantiated.
Regional characteristics of agricultural production were analyzed.
The author proved that cluster approach, which activates the conversion of agricultural production to diversified economic sphere, significantly influence the efficiency of land utilization is cluster approach.
The article proved that the strategic elements of the land tenure system diagnostics enable them to adapt to the environment.
In the future, further research is the monitoring of implementation of regional land use strategy for better management of land use.
The results of the article could be used by agricultural organizations, subjects of agricultural management for substantiation of territorial development programs, local authorities and other agricultural subjects.

Keyword: agrotourism, “green economy”, agroecofarmsteads, rural tourism, cluster, decentralization.

Key aspects of agro-tourism development in Ukraine.

Issue 4 (96), 2017

Economic and environmental progress trends and valuation of agrarian lands’ utilization level

UNC 353.9

O.V. Lazareva.

Ukraine has been an independent for almost 25 years, but our country has not solved the fundamental problems of the agricultural sector development strategy as well as the problem of efficient agricultural land utilization development.
Land policy in Ukraine is one of the most important aspect in the context of the social and economic policy development, food security of the state, a multifunctional development of rural areas, where the land as a strategic resource, plays a crucial role. Under such circumstances it is necessary to choose the optimal strategy, aimed forming of competitive land utilization, that serves as the point of agriculture growth and is its main investment resource.
The main objective of research is to substantiate the competitive strategies of land utilization development as a condition of the growth of its socio-economic and environmental efficiency, enhance innovation and investment processes. The purpose of the study is a generalization and deepening of theoretical and methodological principles and development of recommendations regarding the formation of the competitive strategies of land utilization development.
In the process of research the factors that form the competitiveness of land utilization were examined. It was established that the organizational and economic mechanism of land utilization management cannot be viewed separate from innovation-innovative processes, since only integrated their application will allow to overcome the poor state of land utilization and ensure high efficiency of managerial decisions in the sphere of land relations.
It is ascertained that during agricultural land utilization planning the influence of external and internal components of surrounding environment, peculiarities of land resources and their utilization on particular territory should be considered.
To reach effectiveness in land utilization objective information on the basis of reliable planning-cartographical materials should be analyzed.
The information model of land utilization is to consider faithful data concerning determination of priority directions of activity provided rational land resources utilization and land resources conservation.
The methodological bases of research are fundamental statements of modern economic theory, up-to-date scientific achievements in the sphere of the agricultural economics on the whole and land utilization in particular. To achieve this purpose such methods as: morphological analysis, abstract, scientific summary were used.
Practical value of this research is that gained results and recommendations can be used by land arrangement and land evaluation organizations, agencies of executive power and institutions of local governing and other physical and legal entities.



Діагностика соціально-економічного стану регіону

Номер, рік
2(78), 2014


О. В. Лазарєва, кандидат економічних наук, доцент
Чорноморський державний університет імені Петра Могили

У статті висвітлено питання діагностики соціально-економічного стану регіону, запропоновано компоненти та індикатори управління регіональним розвитком. Встановлено, що для дослідження проблеми регіональної діагностики необхідно врахувати не тільки економічні, а й соціальні та екологічні показники. Подано аргументи доцільності факторного аналізу та побудови динамічних рядів для обґрунтування регіонального розвитку.

Ключові слова
концепції діагностики, напрямки регіонального розвитку, індикатори управління регіональним розвитком, показники управління регіональним розвитком, компоненти управління регіональним розвитком