The use of beef obtained from animals of different weight conditions for the production of sausages

UDC 636.22.28

Е. Petrovа,
A. Smorochinskiy,
R. Tribrat.

The topicality of technology researches of beef production with fattening calves of Ukrainian red dairy breed in the southern region of Ukraine is proved.
The classical technology of cooked sausages production and especially beef cooking. Is analyzed the efficiency of fattening young cattle of different weight conditions and the influence of masita technological properties of beef by the amount of output cooked sausages and their quality are determined.
It is showed that the live weight of animals of group 2 for the implementation of their meat at the age of 24 months was, on average, 577,6 kg and 18 months of age 444,2 kg. The results of researches proved that there is a tendency of more significant bodyfat of cattle that were fed for longer time with the aim to achieve their significant body weight. When trimming sides of beef obtained from steers of group 1, output of muscular tissue made up 76,56%, and the peers of group 2 – 80,39%.
It is established that the meat yield of the highest and first grade in half carcasses which is obtained from young cattle to high weight standards. Thus, for a limited number of cattle we have the ability to improve the base raw material for the meat industry.
It is established that due to the significant reduction in the cattle population, for a moderate level of feeding, appropriate non-castrated calves of Ukrainian red dairy breed fattened to high weight standards.

Key words: cattle, technology, the fattening beef. cooked sausage, organoleptic evaluation.

The use of beef obtained from animals of different weight conditions for the production of sausages.

Issue №1 (93), 2017

The effect of cutting process on the physico-chemical characteristics of cooked sausages

UDC 637.523

L. Strikha,
O. Krivchuk

It was determined the indicators of the moisture content in cooked sausage products during the production process, were 56.1% in consecutive cuttering, compared with parallel and accelerated. It is proved that the poor moisture content was characterized by boiled sausage, made in cuter on the accelerated method. The advantage, in comparison with products made in a serial fashion was 2.3% (P>0,95).
During the research it was determined the effect of cuttering length (short, medium, long) on the physico-chemical characteristics of sausage. The study indicator of the quality sausages made in 3 control experiments, with a total cooter 210 kg of raw material. In the study of the effect of time querubyna on quality indicators found that the water content in sausage products amounted to 53.1-56.6 per cent in various ways. Poor moisture content was characterized by cooked sausages produced with an average length of cuttering. Likely the advantage of the sausage compared to sausage made with short and long phase cuttering is 3.5% (P>0,95).
In the experiment, we defined the following indicators: the percentage of moisture, protein, fat, salt and sodium nitrite. The moisture content in sausage products while manufacturing stood at 56.6% at an average temperature of grinding. Poor moisture content was characterized by cooked sausages produced in high temperature of the grinding water.
The advantage, compared with the products made when the average temperature is 1.5%, but the difference is not statistically significant (P<0,95). The amount of water within a specified range dependent on type of raw material, the content of adipose tissue. Reducing the amount of added water caused the deterioration of juiciness, appearance hard rubber consistency, reduction of output. If excessive water or sausages had Rossitto, “sand” texture, because it weakened the coupling strength between the particles of ground meat, set the release of moisture in the form of nodules of broth under the shell. The studies showed that the moisture content in cooked sausages in the manufacture was of 57.5% at dadawan a large amount of water. Low moisture content was characterized by the cooked sausage, adding small amounts of water (ice). The advantage, in terms of the moisture content in sausage products in the first method in comparison with the products manufactured by the third method was 2.9% (P>0,95).
To improve qualitative and quantitative indicators in the production of cooked sausages it is advisable to make the stuffing the average values of indicators of the duration ( 8-10 minutes) and temperature ( 12-14°C) cuttering.

Key words: boiled sausages, process parameters, cuttering, physical and chemical indicators cuttering temperature, duration of treatment, methods kuteruvannya, protein content, fat content, moisture content.

The effect of cutting process on the physico-chemical characteristics of cooked sausages.

Issue 2(90), Part 2, 2016