V. Shebanin, G. Reshetilov. Circular economy of the region: theoretical aspect

UDC 332.338


V. Shebanin

G. Reshetilov


Mykolaiv National Agrarian University


The article reveals the essence of the concept of “circular economy” and offers its own definition of this concept as a way of economic development, where the value of products, materials and resources is preserved as long as possible, and waste is significantly reduced or even eliminated. It is determined that the main goal of the circular economy is to create new alternative economic approaches, the task of which is to minimize the negative human impact on the environment.

The model of circular economy based on R-principles of its realization is considered. It is concluded that the 10-R model assumes that the higher the R-ladder, the less resource will be used. Thus, the transition from 3-R model to 10-R model makes you think consciously about the raw materials used in the design process.

It is established that the spread of the circular economy to the national and international level should be combined with the development of the regional economy, namely, starting from one settlement, and then spreading to the whole region. The study identified that the region’s circular economy aims to strengthen the region’s resilience by limiting its dependence on resource inflows, including optimizing the use of materials and energy for the benefit of the regional economy.

It is argued that regions play an important role in the circular transition: first, they play key responsibilities in key sectors of the circular economy, such as transport and solid waste; second, they are laboratories for innovation and experimentation; third, cities in the regions can be promoters, intermediaries and promote the circular economy, with shared responsibility with national governments and stakeholders. The review of the material revealed that the main areas of development of the circular economy of the region are construction, mobility and transportation, food, products and services.

It is established that financial support in the implementation of the circular economy of the region can take various forms, such as grants, loans, tax benefits or investment guarantees, which are offered directly to the public sector or provided through other entities. The advantages (new opportunities for growth and innovation, as well as savings related to resource efficiency) and disadvantages (there is an inability to measure its impact on all sectors of the region) from the introduction and development of circular economy in the region are outlined.

The study concluded that the region’s circular economy offers a new, more rational approach to resource management, including waste. At the same time, regional authorities play an important role in launching and accelerating the transition to a circular economy, setting an example by setting clear frameworks or directly supporting local and regional stakeholders in a greener economy. The circular economy promotes sustainable management of natural resources and helps shape a more sustainable, prosperous and sustainable future for all. To implement it, it is necessary to provide the necessary management conditions and existing economic conditions, namely: updating the regulatory framework; agreed policies, informed and involved stakeholders; monitoring and evaluation of progress and results; clear and reliable business incubators are created.

Keywords: cyclicity, circular economy, region, circular economy model, advantages



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O. Novikov, N. Potryvaieva, M. Karpenko, O. Sadovy, The role of irrigation in the formation of the innovation and investment environment of the region

UDC 626.84:330.341.1


O. Novikov, Doctor of Economics, Professor

N. Potryvaieva, Doctor of Economics, Professor

M. Karpenko, Director of the Science Park “Agroperspective”

O. Sadovy, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Mykolaiv National Agrarian University


The article substantiates the expediency of irrigation development in the South of Ukraine as an important condition for the formation of a favorable innovation and investment environment in the region. It is proved that the development of irrigation in Mykolaiv region requires a systematic approach with mandatory scientific support on the terms of public-private partnership. The economic and budgetary efficiency of the project for the creation of an innovative landfill for sprinkler farming using Smart-technologies has been determined. It is proved that the implementation of the project for 2021-2023 will increase revenues to the state budget and get budget efficiency at 22%.

Keywords: irrigation, investments, innovations, South of Ukraine, agriculture, sprinkler, economic efficiency, budget efficiency.

Роль зрошення у формуванні інноваційно-інвестиційного середовища регіону

The role of irrigation in the formation of the innovation and investment environment of the region


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S. Strapchuk. Sustainable development of agricultural enterprises: economic dimension

UDK 338.432 + 658.1


S. Strapchuk, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after VV Dokuchaev


The relevance of the study is due to the need to diagnose the progress of economic pillar of sustainable development in agricultural sector. The indicators of relevant goals of sustainable development in the national system of SDG have been monitored. The dynamics of efficiency and intensity indicators of agricultural sector of Ukraine over several years has been studied. The results allow identifying current problems, determining the priority of solving the issues of economic policy in the field of agriculture at different levels.

Keywords: sustainable development, economic pillar, agricultural enterprises, production efficiency, gross value added, sustainable intensification.

Сталий розвиток сільськогосподарських підприємств: економічний вимір

Sustainable development of agricultural enterprises: economic dimension



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V. Rybachuk. Theoretical and methodological evaluations of innovative model formation of agricultural sector on the basis of sustainable development

UDK [330.341.1.001.572:338.432]:502.131


V. Rybachuk, Candidate of Economic Sciences

Mykolaiv National Agrarian University


The article substantiates the expediency of irrigation development in the South of Ukraine as an important condition for the formation of a favorable innovation and investment environment in the region. It is proved that the development of irrigation in Mykolaiv region requires a systematic approach with mandatory scientific support on the terms of public-private partnership. The economic and budgetary efficiency of the project for the creation of an innovative landfill for sprinkler farming using Smart-technologies has been determined. It is proved that the implementation of the project for 2021-2023 will increase revenues to the state budget and get budget efficiency at 22%.

Keywords: irrigation, investments, innovations, South of Ukraine, agriculture, sprinkler, economic efficiency, budget efficiency.

Теоретико-методологічні оцінки формування інноваційної моделі аграрного сектора на засадах сталого розвитку

Evaluation of the role of intellectual capital in innovative economic growth in the framework of knowledge economy



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L. Antipova. The impact of changes in the structure of cultivated areas on the fodder supply of livestock

UDK 633.3/477


L. Antipova, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Mykolaiv National Agrarian University


The article presents the results of research on the state of production of major forage crops in Ukraine and in its south (on the example of the Nikolaev region) for the period 2000-2020. Changes in the structure of sown areas, reduction of sown areas, which is due to a decrease in the number of cattle are noted. The rate of providing the feed unit with digestible protein has been improved, and the supply of animals with feed has improved.

Keywords: fodder crops, crop area, structure of sown areas, gross harvest, fodder base.

Вплив зміни структури посівних площ кормових культур на забезпечення скотарства кормами

The impact of changes in the structure of cultivated areas on the fodder supply of livestock



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4. Степасюк Л. М., Лопанчук А. А. Кормовиробництво як основний чинник ефективного розвитку галузі скотарства. Економіка АПК. 2016. № 4. С. 28-33. URL: http://eapk.org.ua/sites/default/files/eapk/2016/4/4.pdf
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19. Лаврук В. В. Кормовиробництво як складник механізму економічної модернізації тваринництва. Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. 2017. Вип.14, ч.1. URL: http://www.visnyk-econom.uzhnu.uz.ua/archive/14_1_2017ua/38.pdf
20. Яців І. Б., Темненко С. М. Формування кормової бази як чинника розвитку тваринництва у сільськогосподарських
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V. Shebanin, O. Vyshnevska. Priority directions of adult education development: opportunities and practical experience

UDK 631.361.8


V. Shebanin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of NAAS

O. Vyshnevska, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Mykolaiv National Agrarian University


The authors investigate the essence and possibilities of adult education development taking into account the positive practices of other countries. The importance of non-formal educational environment is proved, including taking into account the needs of the individual, both professional and personal. The generalized indicator of the level of happiness is analyzed, the information is formed taking into account the research of the United Nations. Due to the significant impact of public awareness on social development. The relevance of partnership in the implementation of educational projects, the development of adult education is determined.

The authors introduced the discussion of adult education given the need to regulate the interests of all participants in the educational process, as well as the coherence of actions and levels of responsibility in educational activities, functionality and capabilities of higher education institutions as regional socio-educational centers.

Keywords: globalization, public interests, personal interests, public-private partnership, adult education, partnership in the field of adult education, social and educational center, public safety, social development, adult education center, soft skills.

Пріоритетні напрями розвитку освіти дорослих: можливості та практичний досвід

Priority directions of adult education development: opportunities and practical experience



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A. Berezovskyi, O. Trus, E. Prokopenko. Analysis of professional diseases at workplace in Ukraine

UDK 595.772; 631.951


A. Berezovskyi, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor

O. Trus, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor

E. Prokopenko, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor

Uman National University of Gardening


The level of occupational illness in production by regions and sectors of the economy of enterprises in Ukraine has been analyzed. It has been established that the number of victims of cases of chronic occupational disease (poisoning) at work over the past five years remains high. Most occupational diseases occurred in the mining and quarrying industries. In 2020, the number of victims of acute occupational disease COVID-19 has increased significantly, especially in the field of healthcare.

Keywords: production activity, chronic occupational disease, acute occupational disease, branch of enterprise economy, occupational safety.

Analysis of professional diseases at workplace in Ukraine

Аналіз професійних захворювань на виробництві в україні



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D. Babenko, M. Khramov, Yu. Syromyatnikov, I. Sukovitsyna. Field tests of the experimental installation for soil processing

UDK 631.31


D. Babenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor

M. Khramov

Yu. Syromyatnikov, Candidate of Technical Sciences

I. Sukovitsyna

Mykolayiv National Agrarian University


It is experimentally established that the quality of soil grinding by the experimental ripper-separator is especially affected by the humidity and density of the composition, so at a soil density of 1.3–1.4 g/cm3 and a minimum soil moisture of 11.4–14.4% rotor speed must be increased up to 127 rpm.

Keywords: tillage, cultivation, soil layer, rotor, differentiation.

Field tests of the experimental installation for soil processing

Польові випробування експериментальної ґрунтообробної установки



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Yu. Osadcha. Influence of group size on hens nonspecific reactivity

UDK 636.52/58:636.083:591.044:591.111


Yu. Osadcha, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


The nonspecific reactivity of the hens under the influence group size with the same stoking density   in cages-analogues by design was studied. It was found that with a decrease in the hens group size there is a shift of leukocyte formula to the left, the predominance of nonspecific protective cells, which occurs due to functional increase in bone marrow proliferative activity and is expressed in increased heterophiles and increased activity in the microphage-macrophage immune response system.

Keywords: immunohematological indices, hens, stress, nonspecific reactivity, endogenous intoxication.

The impact of changes in the structure of cultivated areas on the fodder supply of livestock

Вплив зміни структури посівних площ кормових культур на забезпечення скотарства кормами



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V. Gamayunova, I. Garo. Economic efficiency of winter rapeseed growing depending on the influence of elements of technology in the conditions of the forest-steppe of Ukraine

UDK «324».003.13:631.51:633.85(477.4)


V. Gamayunova, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

I. Garo, applicant

Mykolayiv National Agrarian University


The article presents the results of research conducted during 2012-2015 on common chernozem in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine with winter rapeseed of the Champion of Ukraine variety. The influence of terms and methods of sowing and basic tillage on seed yield was determined, which affected the indicators of economic efficiency of crop production. Their definition substantiates the expediency of combining the following elements: sowing in the first decade of September in a row way (width between rows 15 cm) on the background of plowing by 25-27 cm (as the main tillage). This technology on average for 2013-2015 provided the highest level of yield – 4.54 t / ha and the following economic indicators: relatively net profit of 18.8 thousand UAH / ha, the level of profitability – 113.6%, the cost of 1 ton seeds – 4.5 thousand UAH.

Keywords: winter rapeseed, measure of main tillage, sowing term, sowing method, profitability, conditionally net profit, cost price.

Пріоритетні напрями розвитку освіти дорослих: можливості та практичний досвід

Priority directions of adult education development: opportunities and practical experience



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