The exploiting of agronomic potential of UV-C irradiation for increasing the pre-sowing qualities of the carrot seeds

UDC 633.43

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-1(101)-7

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3184-6925
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0577-9634
T. Sakhno
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7049-4657
N. Marenich
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8903-3807


          One of the main tasks of the agricultural complex is to increase the quantity and quality of crop production. The use of optical radiation (UV radiation) in the pre-sowing treatment of agricultural crops seeds to stimulate growth and increase plant resistance to external factors and increase yields is of great interest. Analysis of the literature on the study of UV radiation in the pre-sowing treatment of various plants seeds showed the fundamental and applied research is still needed to determine the spectral distribution and the optimal radiation dose depending on the crop’s genotype which confirms the relevance of research in this direction.
         The aim of this article is to study the effect of UV-C irradiation of different varieties carrot seeds on their growth processes in the laboratory conditions and their development in the field.
         Germination energy and seed germination were determined under laboratory conditions on the 5th day and the 10th day, respectively, at an air temperature of 24+20 С. It was established the UV-C radiation at doses of 120-150 J/m2 has a positive effect on carrot seeds, since the germination increases by more than 27%. The decreasing in growth parameters of several times is observed at doses of UV radiation above 200-250 J/m2. Laboratory studies were confirmed by the results obtained in the field, in which the seeds germination irradiated with a dose of 120 J/m2, was higher by 43% when compared to control samples. The amount of carrots harvested from irradiated seeds exceeded the yield of the control sample by 1,9 times.
         Thus, UV radiation in the pre-sowing treatment of carrot seeds can be successfully used as a stimulator of growth processes to increase of the germination energy and seeds germination, and can also be recommended for a number of crops for which other methods of seed preparation did not yield satisfactory results.

         Keywords: UV radiation, germination energy, seeds germination, seed treatment.


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The impact of biological products on winter wheat productivity and economic and energy efficiency of the technology of its cultivation in conditions of the Southern Ukraine

UDC 631.147:631.874:631.51(477.7)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-1(101)-6


R. Vozhegova
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3895-5633
A. Kryvenko
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2133-3010



          For the formation of high and high-quality winter wheat crops, it is necessary to determine the optimum level of fertilization and the ratio of the main nutrient elements, taking into account agrochemical fertility indices for each field, as well as its local areas. It is important to use sulphur, zinc, manganese, and iron for the cultivation of seeds and in the system of folic feeding. According to the results of field studies, it has been established that on the average level of fertility of chernozem, the southern efficacy of Gumatal Nano, Azotofit and Stimpo is manifested differently. Thus, for the influence on the productivity of winter wheat, the preparation Gumatal Nano is allocated, which provides significant yield gains in relation to the corresponding background control at the level from 0.12 to 0.95 t/ha, but for obtaining the grain of food quality it should be used under pre-planting conditions making N64P64K64. The Azotophyte preparation should be used on an uncooked background irrespective of its predecessor, or with the introduction of N32P32K32 in the cultivation of winter wheat in crop rotation after cross-flowering crops (increase in grain yield from 0.18 to 0.35 t/ha). The use of Azotophyte after a black steam (seed cultivation + three times foliar fertilization) ensures the formation of grain quality parameters at the level of the third class irrespective of the rate of application of mineral fertilizers (protein – 12,15%, gluten 20,4%). The use of the Stimpo preparation with an average fertility level of southern black earth at all levels of mineral nutrition can yield increments less than or within the smallest significant difference regardless of the predecessor. Without the use of mineral fertilizers for the use of the drug Stimpo formed grain of grade 5, to obtain the third grade grain, it is advisable to use this drug against a background of mineral fertilizers in a dose N32P32K32. The highest levels of net profit of 17.5 thousand UAH/ha and profitability of 184.1% were obtained in the variant with the introduction of the main fertilizer at a dose of N32P32K32 in conjunction with the biomedicine Gumatal Nano. The best energy efficiency with an increase in energy at the level of 43.5-44.7 GJ/ha, the energy coefficient of 2.43-2.59 is indicated in variants with the introduction of the main fertilizer in a dose of N32P32K32 in combination with non-carbohydrate feeding with the biomedical Gumatal Nano nanotube and nitric fertilizer N60.

       Key words: winter wheat, biological products, predecessor, mineral fertilizers, yield, quality, economic and energy efficiency.


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Issue 1 (101), 2019

Cover sheet
I. Honcharenko, О. Kuzmin, E. Neroznak, N. Skybinskyi. Implementation of the economic model of closed-loop in the Mykolayiv region 4
H. Partyn, A. Zahorodniy, N. Zaiats. Socio-reputation capital of an enterprise: essence, components, estimation 10
N. Potryvaieva, O. Dovgal. Theories of regional development and their influence on the development of agricultural territories 18
I. Krylova, H. Kovalenko, I. Potochylova. Factors, that influence labor productivity based on ensuring the opportunities for human development 24
M. Minyailo, N. Galunets. Features of the process of decentralization in the Mykolaiv region 31
R. Vozhegova, A. Kryvenko. The impact of biological products on winter wheat productivity and economic and energy efficiency of the technology of its cultivation in conditions of the Southern Ukraine 39
A.Semenov, I.Korotkova, T. Sakhno, N. Marenich. The exploiting of agronomic potential of UV-C irradiation for increasing the pre-sowing qualities of the carrot seeds 47
Ye. Domaratsky, V. Bazali, O. Domaratsky. The productivity of winter rape depending on nitrogen nutrition and growth regulating fertilizers under climate change conditions 53
D. Shatsman. Effective production of corn grain at the repeated growing and different systems of defence in left-bank of Forest-steppe of Ukraine 63
L. Strika, T. Pidpala, A. Kramarenko. Optimization of parameters of technological process of production of meat semifinished products 70
D.-V. Pasiechko, V. Kushnerenko, L. Dashevska. Use of correlation, regression and logistic models for the losses estimation of dairy industry from the heat stress 77
L. Baklanova. Activity of blood enzymes of lactating cows with different indicators of volume and weight coefficient and number of lactations 84
I. Slyusarenko. Exterior and intensity of the growth of cross-breed ewes F1 derived from the crossing of ewes of the Tsigai breed with the rams of the meat breeds 90
T. Moroz, V. Endres. Advantages of hybrid mobile applications and progressive web apps for entrepreneurs 96
L. Patryeva. New requirements to the foodstuffs labelling 103
N. Radionov, D. Marchenko, V. Kurepin. Determination of the main directions of injury prevention in agricultural enterprises 111
V. Melnichenko. Basic scientific approaches to management in modern education 118

Features of the process of decentralization in the Mykolaiv region

UDC 342.25(477)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-1(101)-5


M. Minyailo
N. Galunets
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9471-8272

 The article deals with the theoretical aspects of decentralization and the main measures envisaged by this reform.It is established that the main goal of the decentralization reform is to create the proper conditions for the development of communities and to bring services closer to the population through the formation of communities, the delegation of most powers to the basic level, a clear division of responsibilities between different branches of government, and ensuring the proper provision of local self-government resources.
        Within the framework of the study, an analysis of the features of the decentralization process in the Mykolaiv region was conducted. It was established that as of September 10. 2018, Mykolayiv oblast occupies the 10th place in the ranking of oblasts for the formation of UTC (united territorial communities). In addition, it was determined that the majority of residents of cities of oblast significance are beyond the boundaries of associations, which testifies to distrust of the authorities and the reform of decentralization in the country.
       The features of financial decentralization of the UTC of the region are considered and it is established that according to the indicator of the dynamics of revenues of local taxes and meetings of UTC of Mykolaiv region, there are positive results, which is the most realistic indicator of community work in the direction of improving its financial capacity.Also, it should be noted that according to the data of the Ministry of Regional Development in the list of 20 best financial communities in 2017 included two united territorial communities of the Mykolayiv region, in particular Galitsinovskaya UTC – 9th place and Mikhailovskaya-20th place.
        It is established that the decentralization process in the Mykolaiv region is perceived with great care. Although work in this direction began as early as 2015, most of the existing communities were psychologically mature only in late 2016, at that time, elections were held in 19 communities of the region.
        The study found that the process of implementing decentralization reform creates a number of potential challenges and risks in the field of socio-cultural policy, effective governance, and the development of effective political pluralism in the communities.
        It is concluded that the creation of the united territorial communities of the Mykolayiv region is mostly without support from the general population, in the former united territorial communities there are no properly trained staff and there is a low level of qualification of local self-government employees for the implementation of new functions.This leads to ineffective use of the financial resources of territorial communities, the inability to master state subsidies for development.

         Keywords: decentralization, financial decentralization, bodies of local self-government, (UTC) united territorial communities.


  1. Zagalna InformatsIya. URL:
  2. Tkachuk A. F. (2013). Detsentralizatsiyavladi : vid potrebi do realizatsiyi (robochiy zoshit). : Legalniy status. 116 s.
  3. Byudzhetniy kodeks Ukrayinivid 08.07.2010 # 2456-VI. URL:
  4. Kazyuk Ya. M. 2016. Mistsevi byudzheti 159 ob’ednanih teritorIalnih gromad. Finansovo-analitichni materiali. K. : Ministerstvo regionalnogo rozvitku, budivnitstva ta zhitlovo-komunalnogo gospodarstva ukrayini.  282 s.
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Factors, that influence labor productivity based on ensuring the opportunities for human development

UDC 331.101.6:316.42

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-1(101)-4

I. Krylova
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1392-2915
H. Kovalenko
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7306-4270
I. Potochylova
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7785-4053

        The article exploresd the essence of the concept of labor productivity and human development. The features of the influence of productivity factors on the possibility of ensuring the further development of human society are established. As a result of the study, the growing importance of the influence of social factors of development over economic ones is demonstrated, and the need for their more detailed study to increase the possibility of effective management of socio-economic processes at various levels, is shown.

       Keywords: labor productivity growth, human development, human capital, factors increasing labor productivity, innovation processes.




Socio-reputation capital of an enterprise: essence, components, estimation

UDC 005.96:005.336.6]:658

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-1(101)-2

H. Partyn
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6733-0157
A. Zahorodniy
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2332-4214
N. Zaiats
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1212-8071


        The article investigates the essence, components and peculiar features of socio-reputation capital of an enterprise, and suggests its classification according to the following features: place of manifestation, type of formation, significance. The possibility of socio-reputation capital estimation by applying financial and nonfinancial indices has been grounded. Financial methods of estimation include cost estimation approach, income estimation approach and market methods. Much attention is given to the estimation technique of socio-reputation capital components in the process of capital management by applying nonfinancial indices.

        Keywords: capital,  components of socio-reputation capital, estimation of socio-reputation capital, socio-reputation capital.


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Introduction of the closed-loop economic model in the Mykolayiv region

UDC 339.92:332

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-1(101)-1


I.Honcharenko, professor, doctor of economics sciences
ORCID: 0000-0001-9670-9812
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
О. Kuzmin, professor, doctor of economics sciences
National University «Lviv Polytechnic»
E.Neroznak,applicant of Master degree
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
N.Skybinskyi, applicant of bachelor degree
National University «Lviv Polytechnic»

The article deals with the concepts of the closed-loop economic model realization and its popularisation in foreign countries. The main problems that have arisen in the Mykolayiv region concerning the introduction of the closed-loop economy are defined and the directions of their overcoming are proposed.

Keywords: closed-loop economy, resources, waste, model of economy.

Introduction of the closed-loop economic model in the Mykolayiv region


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         Гончаренко І. В., Кузьмін О.Є., Нерознак Є.Б., Скибінський Н.О. Запровадження економічної моделі замкнутого циклу у Миколаївській області

       У статті розглядаються поняття реалізації замкнутої економічної моделі та її популяризаціяу зарубіжних країнах. Визначено основні проблеми, що виникли у Миколаївській області щодо впровадження замкнутого циклу економіки, запропоновано напрями їх подолання.

      Ключові слова: економіка замкнутого циклу, ресурси, відходи, модель економіки.


      Гончаренко И. В., Кузьмин О.Е., Нерознак Е.Б., Скибинский Н.А. Внедрение экономической модели замкнутого цикла в Николаевской области


      В статье рассматриваются понятия реализации замкнутой экономической модели и ее популяризация в зарубежных странах. Определены основные проблемы, возникшие в Николаевской области по внедрению замкнутого цикла экономики, предложены направления их преодоления.

     Ключевые слова: экономика замкнутого цикла, ресурсы, отходы, модель экономики.

Матеріал розповсюджується за ліцензією Creative Commons Attribution International CC-BY 

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Theories of regional development and their influence on the development of agricultural territories

УДК 332.13:338.32


N. Potryvaieva
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9781-6529
O. Dovgal
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3353-4749


         The article investigates modern directions of development of regional theories, their content, and features of evolution. As a result of the research, the influence on the development of rural areas has been established.
         The purpose of the study is to highlight theories of regional development, provide an opportunity to substantiate the features of regional and national development, and determine additional factors of their influence on the development of rural areas. There are the following tasks have been identified: the study of the content of the concept of “regional development” and its complex functional characteristics; generalization of approaches to the formulation of the essence of the concept of “regional development” of the study of the peculiarities of the influence of regional development on the formation of the potential of rural territories.
        Theoretical researches on the theory and concepts of regional development are generalized. Theories and concepts of regional development, which consider various mechanisms of influence on the state of the territories, taking into account the location of economic objects, their interaction with the external environment, interaction and partnership at the local level, human potential, etc. The emphasis is placed on the fact that most theories and concepts the development of regions appeared in the 70-90 years of the last century. All of them are based on the fact that the achievement of high socio-economic indicators depends to a large extent on the quality of management rather than on resource potential.
        The authors prove that the rural areas of Ukraine, which occupy a third of the population of the country and is the most important stage of agricultural production is the production of agricultural raw materials. It makes a significant contribution to the development of the national economy. The study of the features of the formation of rural territories is a source and a way of their reproduction, and also plays a key role in determining the functions, direction, and dynamics of their development. The study of theories of regional development made it possible to study the peculiarities of regional and national development. It is possible to determine the additional factors of their influence on the development of rural areas in order to improve their well-being, increase their well-being and increase the standard of living of the population. It has been determined that the full development, reproduction, and development of the resource potential of rural territories depends to a large extent on the public consensus of landowners, land users, local government, social workers, entrepreneurs of the non-agricultural sphere, state authorities, and others.

        Key words: agrarian production, regional theories, regional development, resource potential, rural territories.



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