A. Diuk. Social responsibility in the production system of agricultural enterprises: Methodical aspects of evaluation

UDC 338.43:631.15


A. Diuk


The urgency of the problem. Agriculture as a special industry, specific in organizational and economic structure and social significance, imitates the specifics of theoretical and methodological justifications of the principles of social responsibility, as well as criteria of social performance. Scientific substantiations of perspective development of agricultural enterprises methodically concern not only economic, but also social direction of activity. The in-house economic assessment of the composition of socially oriented expenditures is of exceptional importance in the formation of social responsibility, to which attention should be paid immediately. The priority of the given knowledge meets the criterion of exclusive social significance of agrarian management for the development of rural areas, therefore the methodical assessment of the process needs to be improved, first of all from the standpoint of taking into account modern transformational dynamics.
The purpose of the article is to deepen the theoretical provisions of the essence of social responsibility and propose methodological principles for assessing its formation in the production system of agricultural enterprises.
Results of the research.The article proposes improvement of theoretical principles of understanding of the essence of social responsibility of agricultural enterprises on the basis of determination of methodological provisions of evaluation of its representation in the production system. The levels of social responsibility in the functioning of enterprises have been determined. The subsystems of formation of social responsibility of agricultural enterprises are characterized. The proposal of components of formation of social responsibility is made – the mechanisms (subsystems) of its implementation are put into practice with the disclosure of methodological aspects of evaluation. The expediency of applying the category of expenditures to determine the economic basis of the formation of social responsibility in agricultural enterprises was methodically proved.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, social responsibility, production system, methodological aspects, estimation, costs.


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I. Honcharenko, V. Pereta, N. Kuchmanich. The potential of the strategic development of the united territorial communities of the region

UDC 339.92:332


I. Honcharenko

V. Pereta

N. Kuchmanich

The article discusses the economic opportunities that can be used to develop and achieve the strategic goals of regional communities in the region.
The value of the developing of  recommendations for the provision of the region’s integrated territorial communities capacity development  will increase in the face of new global challenges.  One of the key areas of the implementation of new policy is a decentralization of power and an increasing of the level of financial independence and institutional capacity of the territorial communities of our country.
The strategic management function is one of the most common functions of the territorial communities.  Its sense is in the creation of the conditions for their self-preservation and self-development on the basis of rational use of the natural, industrial, scientific, labor, demographic, social and cultural potentials of the territory and increase of business activity.
Through the realization of this function, an achievement of the goals of territorial development is ensured, specifically – direct life support and improving of the quality of life of the population, an enhancing of the role of the territory in the social division of labor on the basis of the formation of rational economic specialization.
The term  “potential” in the context of territorial development is used as an economic opportunity that can be used to develop and achieve the strategic goals of the territorial communities. Strategies of the United Territorial Communities are a guide to action, a mean of coordinating efforts and ensuring continuity of decisions.
The prospective development of the territories also implies the elimination of the complex influence of the potential of such phenomena as unemployment, liquidation of enterprises, and factors that hinder the creation of new working places. No single line of economic problem is solved simply. Often, community leaders tend to focus on one particular aspect of a problem without fully understanding of its interaction with other components. The effectiveness of the development and implementation of strategy largely depends on the formulation of the main strategic goals, priority of the tactical tasks, the availability of material, manpower and financial resources, which are necessary for an achievement of the   the set of strategic guidelines, the effectiveness of the mechanisms of strategy implementation in the form of financial and non-financial institutions, as well as national, targeted and regional development programs and specific projects for strategic goals achievement; an adequate monitoring and control system for the implementation of the strategy.
The components of the strategic development potential for the territorial communities of Mykolaiv region are:
– natural and climatic conditions (flat terrain, temperate climate, large areas of agricultural land, large size of the area of ​​individual fields, etc.);
– resource opportunities (minerals, mobile labor, etc.);
– geographical position (presence of transport corridors, favorable radius of delivery of gricultural products, transit position, etc.);
– high demand for major export-oriented crops (opportunities for the agrarian sector of the economy).
Under the conditions of the  instability of socio-economic situation, shortage of financial and economic resources, the communities of the region seek to exploit the potential of international structures, but mostly formulate development strategies that provide orientation to the use of local resources and reserves in order to ensure the survival the territorial system.
The communities of Mykolaiv region are inclined to implement strategic approaches that give special weight or to the development of the area, or to the development of human resources, or to local civic initiatives. However, a strategy for insuring the sustainability of the local community must include different elements of these approaches, depending on the needs and conditions of the particular locality. Each of these core components is part of a system of methods which are developed by the local community for creation of the sustainable economic development strategy. Now in the global practice of strategic management, the most effective tool for implementing the strategy is a system of balanced indicators. A balanced scorecard allows you to link strategic goals and key metrics that measure the extent to which they are being achieved. To identify and track causation between major financial and non-financial indicators.
The balanced scorecard can be the main tool for strategic management of the socio-economic development of territorial communities. It will allow: to monitor the achievement of the established indicators; to harmonize the budget process with plans and results of the community development; to evaluate the real effectiveness of the economic policy.
Different approaches to local economic development could be combined according to the specificities of every situation. It is necessary to formulate strategies that meet the socio-economic conditions of the community.

Keywords: potential, strategy, integrated territorial community, strategic potential, strategic planning.


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T. Lunkina, А. Burkovska, А. Burkovska. Features of forming socio-responsible behavior in the consumer of organic production of the agricultural sector in Ukraine

UDC 338.43:005.35


T. Lunkina

А. Burkovska

А. Burkovska


The production of organic products in the agrarian sector is decisive in solving the problems of social and economic development of the rural population and the corresponding rural areas. Organic production is intended to reorient agricultural production from intensive technologies to environmental safety, and then to organic production. The transition of agriculture to organic production is possible only as a subject of compliance with the principles of social responsibility, which are aimed at the rational use of natural resources. In Ukraine the process of creating social responsibility is somewhat different than in other countries. For example, in developed countries of the world, social responsibility is understood not only as paying taxes and contributing to charities, but also as providing the population with the food products that are safe. As for the formation of socially responsible behavior in the consumer of organic produce in Ukraine, it depends, first of all, on the level of income of the population and the level of trust for organic producers.
The article investigates features of socially responsible behavior of the consumer of organic products. The authors reveal that the domestic consumer of agrarian products inclines towards the need for local social responsibility among its producers. The main factor influencing the formation of consumer demand for organic products is the content of external and internal markets. On the basis of questionnaires, the directions of local social responsibility of agrarian business in Ukraine were established, among them: “Responsibility to employees”, “Responsibility to consumers”, “Responsibility to partners (investors)”, “Responsibility to state authorities” and “Responsibility to competitors.” A SWOT analysis was conducted on the social and responsible behavior of the Ukrainian consumer of organic products, and strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities for the development of organic produce in the agrarian sector were identified. The authors prove that the formation of socially responsible behavior of consumers in Ukraine today is influenced not by the main aspects of the qualitative and safety of consumption of organic agricultural products, but by the price policy of food products.
It is proved that the formation of socially responsible behavior of consumers of organic products of the agricultural sector of the economy depends on the development of the organic market in the country. The necessity of introducing organic agriculture is due to the following factors: reproduction of soil fertility and preservation of the environment; development of rural areas and improvement of living standards of rural population; improving the efficiency and profitability of agricultural production; providing the consumer market with healthy qualitative products; strengthening the export potential of the state; improving the image of Ukraine as a producer and exporter of high qualitative healthy organic produce; ensuring food security in Ukraine; improving the general well-being of the citizens of the state, etc. It has been found out that with the increase of the standard of living of the population (increase of wages, subsistence minimum) and stabilization of economic and financial development of Ukraine (reduction of inflation, stabilization of national currency), it is possible to speak about full development of society and formation of socially responsible consumer behavior on the basis of organic agricultural products.
Based on the integrated solution of the above-mentioned problems, organic production in Ukraine will become popular and will be able to enter a new stage in the development of organic agriculture in Ukraine, while forming a socially responsible consumer of organic products.

Keywords: social responsibility, local social responsibility, organic production, organic production, consumer, agrarian sector, socially responsible behavior.


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V. Shebanin, O. Novikov, M. Karpenko. The applicability of implementation of the irrigation in modern conditions

UDC 631.674:005.52


V. Shebanin

O. Novikov



The article substantiates the feasibility of introducing lands irrigation for winter wheat cultivation in agricultural enterprises of Southern Ukraine under the current conditions. As a result of the calculations of capital investments, their payback period and tax revenuesto the budget, it is proved that the organization of modern lands irrigation is a profitable and cost-effective way of mechanized irrigation, and it allows to use more rationally water and land resources in agriculture.
Thus, all the researchers have the same opinion that the yield under the use of irrigated technologies is increased by 2-3 times, even in those regions where natural moisture provides a sufficient level of crop yields, with capital investments from 1400 to 3000 dollars per 1 ha, but the choice of sprinkler or drip irrigation should be based on economic feasibility. The issue of economic efficiency of using modern sprinklers is not fully disclosed by Ukrainian scientists, so it needs further study.
Sprinklers of American production Lindsay Zimmatic were introduced for the first time in 2016 by MNAU in the Southern Ukraine. According to research and practical experience, the applied irrigation system increased irrigation efficiency, promoted productivity growth (winter wheat yield increased in 2019 by 47.58 centners / ha and according to forecasts in 2020 – by 51.52 centners / ha), reduced energy consumption and labor costs. The introduction of sprinkler irrigation has allowed to develop scientifically-grounded technologies of growing modern domestic and foreign varieties and hybrids of grain and technical crops.
Based on the obtained data during 2018-2019 years and the forecast for 2020, it was calculated the economic efficiency of sprinkler irrigation. For three years of  irrigation introduction the additional profit in the amount of 5336,0 thousand UAH from the area of 124 hectares with capital investments about 4610,0 thousand UAH will be received, return on investment in sprinkler irrigation will take 3 years.
During 2018-2020 years due to the introduction of the irrigation system by the university, it will achieve an additional increase in budget revenues by 782.86 thousand UAH and obtain budget efficiency on the level 19.05%.

Keywords: irrigation, economic efficiency, winter wheat, Southern Ukraine, university.


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