Issue 2 (102), 2019

Cover sheet


I. Cherven, S. Pavliuk. Reform of decentralization and development of rural regions in Ukraine 4
N. Potryvaieva, I. Pelypkanych. Prospects for updating the material and technical base of agro-enterprises on the basis of innovations 12
Yu. A. Kormishkin, M. P. Minyailo. The role of urban united territorial communities in the development of rural areas 18


А. Goychuk, V. Drozda, І. Kulbanska, М. Shvets. Phytopathogenic bacteria in the pathology of forest trees of Polyssya and forest-steppe of Ukraine 28
M. Fedorchuk, V. Nagirny. Influence of the terms of sowing different varieties of winter barley and trace elements involved on photosynthetic performance 34
R. Vozhehova, Ya. Belov. Improving the cultivation of corn hybrids under irrigation in the South of Ukraine 41
P. Trofymenko, V. Zhuravlev, N. Trofymenko, S. Veremeyenko. Modeling and agroecological substantiation of a recovery period for soils to ensure their sustainable functioning
A. Chernova, O. Kovalenko, M. Korkhova, L. Antipova. Ways to increase the survival rate of sweet sorghum plants in the conditions of Southern Step in Ukraine 56
A. Svyrydov, A. Svyrydov. Grain sorghum young growth formation depending on weather conditions of the Eastern Forest-Steppe 62
D. Sadova. Digital relief model as a spatial basis for mapping soils using remote methods 69
S. Kramarenko, A. Kramarenko, S. Lugovoy, A. Lykhach, V. Lykhach. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the reproductive traits in the Large White sows 75
T. Pidpala, Yu. Matashnyuk. Highly Productive Cows of Holstein Breed Under Intensive Technology 82
О. Karatieieva. Analysis of the causes of disposal and the period of economic use of the Red Steppe breed cows 89


V. Havrysh, V. Hruban, А. Kalinichenko. Feasibility of controlling the thermal regime of the transmission of agricultural machines in conditions of Ukraine 96

Feasibility of controlling the thermal regime of the transmission of agricultural machines in conditions of Ukraine

UDC 662.99

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-14

V. Havrysh
V. Hruban
А. Kalinichenko


        During the heating of the tractor gearbox oil, there is a decrease in the efficiency, which leads to an increase in fuel consumption. This is observed at any time of the year. The efficiency of a gearbox as a function of the ambient temperature and the operating time has been obtained. This allows you to predict the effectiveness of the work of the tractor. Various methods to improve transmission performance were analyzed. The article analyzes the parameters of the exhaust gas of a tractor diesel engine. It was proved that one of the effective methods for temperature control is to use of an exhaust gas heat recovery system. It was shown that the capacity of the exhaust gas recovery system is sufficient to ensure the warming up of transmission oil to the optimum parameters. It is determined that the use of the proposed system may reduce fuel consumption by 155 UAH per shift (for tractors with drawbar pull of three tons). The direction of subsequent research is to determine the specific design parameters of the proposed system to ensure the optimum temperature of transmission oil.

       Keywords: tractor, gearbox, oil, recovery, economy.


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Analysis of the causes of disposal and the period of economic use of the Red Steppe breed cows

UDC  636.082.22: 636.2.034

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-13

О. Karatieieva


       When improving breeding herds and developing dairy cattle breeding programs, an important factor that must take into account the causes of animal disposal. Factors contributing to the occurrence of diseases in highly productive cows and their premature culling are the effects of the «transport», «traumatic», «alimentary» and «technological» stresses. What in the body of cows and heifers leads to a decrease in their resistance against the occurrence of various diseases. As well as factors contributing to the suppression of the immune system, impaired liver, kidney, digestive and respiratory systems are a number of environmental factors – the imbalance of diets with protein, carbohydrates, macro and microelements, vitamins. All this causes premature depletion, intoxication, violation of body functions, the occurrence of infectious diseases, culling or death of animals.
       Intensification of dairy cattle breeding and breeding improvement of the herds in order to increase the productive qualities of animals leads to a significant reduction in the life of the cows. As a result, the average period of use of cows on dairy farms is limited to only 3-4 lactations.Considering that cattle has a biological cycle of development and reproduction that is long in time and complex in terms of physiological and economic structure, the problem of the duration of productive use of cows is particularly important in the intensification of milk production.To date, the issue of the early retirement of cows and the duration of their productive longevity remains unresolved. Recently, the duration of economic use has been reduced due to the culling of cows before they reach the age of the highest milk productivity.Given the problem of productive longevity of cows, the goal was to investigate the duration of economic use, lifelong productivity and their factorial conditionality in a herd of red steppe cattle of different lines.
       We have found that it is not by accident that cows of different ages leave. That is, among uneven-aged animals, the cases of their rejection were associated with various reasons and had a certain dependence on age, confirmed by the calculation of the criterion χ2. The frequency of age-related retirement is described by a polynomial curve of degree 2 and adequately describes the culling of cows, namely, to 4 lactations, the culling intensity is low, and then with age the intensity of cows leaving sharply increases. Moreover, a certain relationship was established between the age of animals and the reasons for their culling. On the graph, this interdependence is in the form of a wave that oscillates around experimental points. And with an increase in the order of the polynomial, the number of maximum and minimum values of the approximating curve increases.
        It has been established that the animals of the Cirrus line have the highest milk yield for the first lactation and an intermediate one for the third, and retain the constancy of milk productivity in the following years. The fat content in the milk of these cows is expectedly worse among peers, but the intergroup difference in this indicator is insignificant.However, the active culling of the representatives of the line is noted at the age of eight lactations and in a smaller number than in other groups, therefore the average number of calvings during their life is much more and amounts to 8.56.Analyzing the Arik line, in the first lactation, the lowest milk yield is noted, and by the fat content, on the contrary, the highest, but already for the third lactation, the milk yield significantly increases, the fat content in milk is at the average level in the sample. However, the representatives of this line are characterized by unstable milk productivity, their advantage over other groups of cows included in the study is not observed in subsequent years. According to the results of grading, they are subject to active retirement throughout their productive lives, especially since the seventh lactation.Comparing the efficiency of lifelong use of cows of different lines, we can conclude that with an increase in the period of economic use, the productive life of animals and, consequently, lifelong milk production is extended. Thus, during the study, the daughters of the Cirrus line did not differ in the high productivity of the compared groups of their peers, however, they kept it at an average level during the entire period of productive use, due to which they moderately exhausted their bodies and dropped out later than their counterparts. This allowed them to have the highest lifetime productivity.
        Thus, the culling according to the rating data is the main reason for the departure of the bulk of the representatives of the Arica line, whereas in the Cirrus line, therefore, the smallest number of cows among the studied groups is eliminated. But the threat to these animals is a high level of injury. The number of animals retired due to the disease is almost equal in all experimental groups and is explained by the deficiencies of maintenance and care. It is no coincidence that retirement of cows of different ages takes place, that is, a certain dependence of the causes of retirement on age is established: at different age periods, cows drop out of certain causes. The duration of the economic use of cows has a certain dependence on their productive characteristics, namely, more productive animals deplete the resources of their body more quickly and, as a result, are subject to rejection faster. On the other hand, animals with a uniform, although slightly lower, manifestation of dairy productivity during life longer retain the ability for productive use and this is more advantageous from an economic point of view.

          Keywords: retirement of cows, reasons for culling, productive longevity, duration of economic use, lifetime performance, coefficient of utilization of cows.



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Highly Productive Cows of Holstein Breed Under Intensive Technology

UDC 623.2.082

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-12


T. Pidpala
Yu. Matashnyuk


      Researches, on the evaluation of the development of traits in high-yielding Holstein breeds for intensive milk production technology, have established that the animals of the group “> 9956” had the advantage in terms of productivity. During the first lactation their milk yield was higher for 3829 kg (p <0.001) than at the first-born of the group “<7936”. Similarly, the advantage was established for the second, third and fourth lactations. The difference was 3021 kg (p <0.001), 2346 kg (p <0.001) and 1195 kg of milk, accordingly. It was found that the difference in milk fat by the first, second, third and fourth lactations was 149.5 kg (p <0.001), 113.5 kg (p <0.001), 100.3 kg (p <0.001) and 48.2 kg compared to low-yielding cows (group “<7936”). By the amount of milk protein, the probable differences were also found which are 122.7 kg (p <0.001), 98.9 kg (p <0.001), 82.6 kg (p <0.001) and 37.5 kg, accordingly.
     The comparative analysis does not reveal differences in the fat and protein content of milk between animals in experimental groups. In cows of the group “>9956” fatty milk varied within the range of 3.91 … 4.02%, and protein digestibility was 3.22 … 3.32%, and in animals of the group “<7936” – 3.91 … 4.03% and 3.22 … 3.34%, accordingly.
     Such signs as milk yield, the amount of milk fat and protein during the second, third and fourth lactation are characterized by coefficients of high-level variability in the high-yielding cows. According to the cows of the group “<7936”, the tendency of variability of breeding traits is almost the same, however, some differences in the variability parameters especially in the fourth lactation are revealed.
     It has been established that each lactation of cows is characterized by different indices of milk yield, milk fat and milk protein content. The same signs of productivity are differ from each other for different lactations and this is due to age-related changes in animals. According to the numbers of repeatability of the milk yield of highly productive cows (group “>9956”), it was determined that higher values ​​of the coefficient are the characteristic for lactation I-II, I-III and II-III. Regarding the constancy of the amount of milk fat and protein for certain periods of economic use of cows, both high and low coefficients of repeatability were established.
    Based on the results of the conducted researches, it was found that cows, which showed a high level of productivity for the first lactation, will continue to increase their milk yield in the subsequent lactation, in the condition of proper maintenance for the welfare of the animals.

    Keywords: Holstein breed, highly productive cows, productivity over several lactations, repeatability of breeding traits.



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Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the reproductive traits in the Large White sows

UDC 636.4.034 / 57.087.01

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-11


S. Kramarenko
A. Kramarenko
S. Lugovoy
A. Lykhach
V. Lykhach


      The objective this work was evaluation of the sow’s reproductive traits using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The population used for the present study is from a pig farm managed by ‘Tavriys’ki Svyni’ Ltd (Kherson region, Ukraine), where the collected data between January 2007 and December 2017 was analyzed. In total, 633 farrow observations were available from 138 Large White (LW) sows.
     Variables measured and derived included total no. piglets born (TNB), no. piglets born alive (NBA), no. of stillborn piglets (NSB), freq. of stillborn piglets (FSB), average piglet birth weight (APBW), pre-weaning mortality in piglets (PWM), no. weaned piglets (NW) and average piglet weaning weight (APWW).
The parities 9 and higher were combined into one parity class (9+), which gave 9 levels for the parity effect. Effect of season of farrowing was analysed in 12 periods: January, February, …, December.
     Litter sizes at birth (TNB and NBA) were positively correlated with no. weaned piglets (NW), but were negatively correlated with piglet birth (APBW) and weaning (APWW) weights. The positive phenotypic correlation between TNB and NSB (and FSB) indicates that piglets born in a large litter are more likely to die than those born in smaller ones.
     Three principal components (PC) accounted for near 80% of the dependency structure existing among the eight reproductive traits in the LW sows. The first principal component (PC1) accounted for 33.6% of the total variance and was influenced by TNB and NBA. Thus, PC1 may be interpreted as “potential fecundity of sows”. The second principal component (PC2) accounted for 27.1% of the total variance and linked to NBA (positive), NSB and FSB (negative). Therefore, PC2 may be interpreted as “realised fecundity of sows”. At last, the third principal component (PC3) derived from the LW sow’s reproductive traits accounted for 18.7% of the total variance and contrasted sows having large no. weaned piglets and low pre-weaning mortality in piglets with sows having small no. weaned piglets and high pre-weaning mortality in piglets.
     Number of parity had a significant effect on the sow’s reproductive traits. Thus, TNB in the LW sows increased to the 5th parity and then decreased. Liveborn litter size (NBA) decreased after the 4th parity rapid. Season of farrowing did not significantly affect potential and realised fecundity of sows. However, the number of weaned piglets was the highest in sows farrowed in June-September, and the lowest in sows farrowed in winter.

     Keywords: reproductive traits, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), parity, season of farrowing, sows.


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Digital relief model as a spatial basis for mapping soils using remote methods

UDC 528.9

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-10\

D. Sadova


    For today remote sensing methods of the Earth are the main source for relief modeling. In recent years, the issue of updating the methodology soil mapping is more often raised. Today, the information component of the soil state consists of materials of large-scale soil surveys , which were conducted in the 50-60s of the last century. The use of materials obtained through remote sensing has made the process of soil mapping more technological. The basis for mapping soil taken digital elevation models, which is more of an alternative to the data obtained in a traditional way.
    The SRTM digital elevation model, was used in the work which is more accurate than other models. SRTM model based on radar interferometric survey of terrestrial surface by SIR-C/X-SAR radar system installed on board the spacecraft Shuttle Endeavor. The principle of operation of the radar complex is to measure the height of the reflecting, not the topographic surface: in the forested areas – the height of the trees, in the snowy area – the height of the snow cover.
To construct a digital elevation model were chosen the sloping soils of the right-bank steppe of Ukraine, namely the agricultural land of the Arbuzinsky district of the Mykolaiv region. The terrain are represented by black soils with feeble and medium degree of blur.
    From the SRTM catalog received date for a clear distribution of the experimental field to the divide and the slope to construction a digital elevation model. Data processing was performed using the SAGA GIS software. On the basis of the obtained model, isolines were constructed and the following basic geomorphometric parameters such as slope and surface exposure, horizontal, vertical and general curvature were determined.
    The obtained results indicate that the attraction of modern ones GIS technologies and the digital elevation model are an integral part of the complete mapping and updating of existing ground maps.

    Keywords: soil mapping, remote sensing, digital terrain model, SRTM, geomorphometric parameters.


  1. Achasov A.A. (2008) Vykorystannya cyfrovyx modelej relyefu pry doslidzhenni gruntovogo pokryvu. Visny`k XNAU, 1, 157-159.
  2. Postel`nyak A.A. (2013) Ocinyuvannya tochnosti vysot cyfrovyx modelej rel`yefu SRTM ta ASTER GDEM. Visny`k geodeziyi ta kartografiyi,4, 17-21.
  3. Cherlіnka, V.R. (2015). Adaptaczіya velikomasshtabnix kart gruntіv do yikh praktichnogo vikoristannya u GІS. Agroxіmіya і gruntoznavstvo, 84, 20-28.
  4. Bulygin, S.Y., Shatoxin, A.V., Achasov, A.B., & Truskaveczkij, S.R. (2015). O neobxodimosti novoj metodologii kartografii pochv. Gruntoznavstvo, 4, 5-10.
  5. Abramov, D.A. (2013). Vyznachennia parametrіv “hruntovoi lіnіi” temno-kashtanovykh hruntіv Pravoberezhnoho Stepu Ukrainy za dopomohoiu suputnykovoi іnformatsіi. Vіsnyk ahrarnoi nauky Prychornomor’ia, 132-135.
  6. Pavlova, A.N. (2009). Geoinformacionnoe modelirovanie rechnogo bassejna po dannyam sputnikovoj s`emki SRTM (na primere bassejna r.Tereshki). Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta, 9, 39-44.
  7. Pogorelov, A.V., & Dumit, Z.A. (2007). Morfometriya rel`efa basejna reki Kubani: nekotory`e rezul`taty` cifrovogo modelirovaniya. Geograficheskie issledovaniya Krasnodarskogo kraya, 7-23.
  8. Athmania, D., & Achour , H. (2014). External Validation of the ASTER GDEM2, GMTED2010 and CGIAR-CSI- SRTM v4.1 Free Access Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) in Tunisia and Algeria. Remote Sensing, 6, 4600-4620.
  9. Farr, T. (2007). The shuttle radar topography mission. Reviews of Geophysics, 45,
  10. On`kov, I.V. (2011). Ocenka tochnosti vysot SRTM dlya celej ortotransformirovaniya kosmicheskix snimkov vysokogo razresheniya . Geomatika, 3, 40-46.
  11. Kleshh, A.A., Maksimenko, N.V., & Baskakova, L.V. (2014). Modelyuvannya geomorfometrichnix xarakteristik mіs`kix landshaftіv. Vіsnik XNU іmenі V. N. Karazіna, 1140,


Grain sorghum young growth formation depending on weather conditions of the Eastern Forest-Steppe

UDC [633.174:631.547.1]:58.05(477.52/.6)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-9


A. Svyrydov
A. Svyrydov


     Today remote sensing methods of the Earth are the main source for relief modeling. In recent years, the issue of updating the methodology soil mapping is more often raised. Today, the information component of the soil state consists of materials of large-scale soil surveys , which were conducted in the 50-60s of the last century. The use of materials obtained through remote sensing has made the process of soil mapping more technological. The basis for mapping soil taken digital elevation models, which is more of an alternative to the data obtained in a traditional way.
    The SRTM digital elevation model, was used in the work which is more accurate than other models. SRTM model based on radar interferometric survey of terrestrial surface by SIR-C/X-SAR radar system installed on board the spacecraft Shuttle Endeavor. The principle of operation of the radar complex is to measure the height of the reflecting, not the topographic surface: in the forested areas – the height of the trees, in the snowy area – the height of the snow cover.
     To construct a digital elevation model were chosen the sloping soils of the right-bank steppe of Ukraine, namely the agricultural land of the Arbuzinsky district of the Mykolaiv region. The terrain are represented by black soils with feeble and medium degree of blur.
     From the SRTM catalog received date for a clear distribution of the experimental field to the divide and the slope to construction a digital elevation model. Data processing was performed using the SAGA GIS software. On the basis of the obtained model, isolines were constructed and the following basic geomorphometric parameters such as slope and surface exposure, horizontal, vertical and general curvature were determined.
     The obtained results indicate that the attraction of modern ones GIS technologies and the digital elevation model are an integral part of the complete mapping and updating of existing ground maps.

     Keywords: soil mapping, remote sensing, digital terrain model, SRTM, geomorphometric parameters.


  1. Tkachenko T.G., Reshetchenko S.I. (2017) Suchasni agrometeorologichni umovy` na tery`toriyi Xarkivs`koyi oblasti, 2, 7–17.
  2. Rudny`k-Ivashhenko O.I., Storozhy`k L.I. (2011) Stan i perspekty`vy` sorgovy`x kul`tur v Ukrayini, 10, 198–206.
  3. Gerasy`menko L.A. (2013) Rist i rozvy`tok rosly`n sorgo czukrovogo za rizny`x strokiv sivby` ta gly`by`ny` zagortannya nasinnya v umovax Central`nogo Lisostepu Ukrayiny, 1, 76–78.
  4. Makarov L.X. (2006) Sorgovi kul`tury`: monografiya, 263.
  5. Rozhkov A.O., Svy`ry`dova L.A. (2017) Pol`ova sxozhist` nasinnya i vy`zhy`vanist` rosly`n sorgo zernovogo zalezhno vid vply`vu normy` vy`sivu nasinnya ta sposobu sivby, 1, 99-109.
  6. Anda A., Pinter L. (1994) Sorghum germination and development as influenced by soil temperature water content, Vol. 86, No 4, 621–624.
  7. Narkhede B.N., Shinde M.S., Patil S.P. (1997) Stability performance of sorghum varieties for grain and fodder yields / B.N. Narkhede, // Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural University, Vol. 22, 2, 179–181.
  8. Lapa O.M., Svy`ry`dov A.M., Shherbakov V.Ya. ta in. (2008) Vy`roshhuvannya zernovogo sorgo v umovax Ukrayiny` (prakty`chni rekomendaciyi), 36 s.
  9. Svy`ry`dova L.A., Rozhkov A.O. (2017) Ocinka rozvy`tku posiviv sorgo zernovogo za fenologichny`my` sposterezhennya, 4, 18-24.
  10. Dogget H. Sorghum, 1970, 403 p.
  11. Lingle S.E. (1987) Sucrose metabolized in the primary chute of sweet sorghum development, Vol. 27, No 6, Р.1214–1219.
  12. Shepel H.A. (1994) Sorgo, 448 s.
  13. Shherbakov V.Ya. (1983) Zernovoe sorgo, 192 s.
  14. Storozhy`k L.I., Sergyeyeva I.O. (2012) Monitory`ng agrofitocenoziv sorgovogo polya, 14, 345–348.
  15. Balan V.M., Storozhy`k L.I. (2010) Vy`roshhuvannya czukrovogo sorgo yak bioenergety`chnoyi kultury, 5, 14–16.
  16. Bojko M.O. (2016) Obg`runtuvannya agrotexnichny`x pry`jomiv vy`roshhuvannya sorgo zernovogo v umovax Pivdnya Ukrayiny, 33-39.
  17. Storozhyk L., Sergeyeva I. (2012) Influence of density of standing of plants f sweet sorghum on yield formation and accounting accumulation of water-soluble sugar, 18, С.80–83.
  18. Feyt M., Sartori V. (1977) La culture du sorgho grain, Vol. 53, Np 206, 27–28.
  19. Ovsiyenko I.A. Osobly`vosti formuvannya urozhajnosti zerna sorgo zalezhno vid strokiv sivby, 2, 21-28.
  20. Bojko M.O. (2016) Vply`v gustoty` posivu ta strokiv sivby` na produkty`vnist` gibry`div sorgo zernovogo v umovax Pivdni Ukrayiny, 3 (91), 96-104.
  21. Dospexov B.A. (1985) Metody`ka polevogo opita (s osnovamy` staty`sty`cheskoj obrabotky` rezul`tatov y`ssledovany`j, 351 s.
  22. Ermantraut E.R., Pry`syazhnyuk O.I., Shevchenko I.L. (2007) Sty`sty`chny`j analiz agronomichny`x doslidzhen` dany`x v paketi Statistica 6.0: metod. Vkazivky, 55 s.


Ways to increase the survival rate of sweet sorghum plants in the conditions of Southern Step in Ukraine

UDC 633.17(477/7)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-8


A. Chernova
O. Kovalenko
M. Korkhova
L. Antipova


        The article presents an analysis of the data on the effect of the studied factors on the growth and development of plants obtained in the phase of full ripeness of the grain. The varieties had a minimum survival rate of 74,9% in the Silo 700D and 77,1% in the Favorite, and in the Honey Hybrid – 78,5% and Troistiy – 77,6%, respectively. Plant survival during the period of full ripeness was significantly different depending on both the variety and the hybrid, and from other factors under study. This is due to the morpho-biological and physiological characteristics of varieties and hybrids, which contributed to better growth and development of plants, and ultimately led to an improvement in the photosynthetic apparatus of plants, which forms the productivity of the studied plants. The highest survival rates were noted with a planting density of 70 thousand units / ha in the variety Favorite and hybrids Honey with Troistiy. Thus, Honey hybrid in the control plots this indicator changed from 80,1 with a seeding density of 70 thousand units/ha to 78,7% with a planting density of 160 thousand units/ha, respectively. Only the variety Silo 700 D in variants without processing of plants with biopreparations and microfertilizers and seeding density 70, 130 and 160 thousand pcs/ha, the survival rate of plants was slightly lower compared with the control standing density of 100 thousand pcs/ha. The using for plants processing of Biocomplex-BTU and Kvantum microfertilizers contributed to an increase in survival rates for all varieties and hybrids. Thus, the variety Favorit, with a planting density 70 thousand pieces /ha, the survival rate of plants under the action of a biological preparations increased by 1,7%, a mix of microfertilizers – by 3,1%, a joint processing with a mix of preparations – on 3 times, compared with the control variant.

         Keywords: sweet sorghum, varieties and hybrids, seeding rate, biopreparations and microfertilizers, plant density and plant survival.


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Modeling and agroecological substantiation of the recreational period of soils to ensure their sustainable functioning

UDC 631.6:631.82:631.03(477.77)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-6


R. Vozhehova
Ya. Belov


      The article reflects the results of studies on the establishment of productivity and cost-effective cultivation of corn hybrids, depending on the density of standing plants and the background of mineral nutrition. It has been proved that in order to obtain the maximum yield when growing the DKS 3730 hybrid, it is necessary to form plant density at the level of 80 thousand/ha; DKS 4764 – 70 thousand; DKS 4795 – 70-80 thousand/ha. The lowest level of cost (1.93-1.98 thousand UAH/t) was recorded in the DKS 3730 hybrid with a plant density of 80 thousand/ha and on the DKS 4795 hybrid with a density of 70 thousand/ha.         The conditional net income exceeded 40 thousand UAH/ha on the variants with hybrids DKS 3730 – with a plant density of 80 thousand UAH/ha; DKS 4764 – with a density of 70 thousand/ha; DKS 4795 – with a density of 70-80 thousand/ha. The maximum level of profitability – 143.5% was in the DKS 3730 hybrid with a plant density of 80 thousand/ha. The tendency to increase the value of gross output and, accordingly, production costs in proportion with the increase to nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers was established. The highest net profit in the experience at the level of 45.7 thousand UAH/ha was obtained on the variant with the hybrid DKS 4795 with the application of fertilizers in the dose of N90P90.

        Keywords: hybrids corn, plant stand density, fertilizers, grain yield, economic efficiency.


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Influence of the terms of sowing different varieties of winter barley and trace elements involved on photosynthetic performance

UDC 633.11:631.53.04(477.73)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-5

M. Fedorchuk
V. Nagirny


     The article presents the results of studies on the influence of the sowing time of various varieties of winter barley and microelement compounds used for pre-sowing seed preparation on the formation of leaf area, photosynthetic potential and the synthesis of absolutely dry plant mass. The optimal sowing dates and possible deviations of the sowing dates for each of the varieties have been established. Due to the significant lack of winter barley – low resistance to low temperatures, – considerable attention is paid in the article to its winter hardiness. Features of growth, development, formation of winter hardiness and productivity are considered taking into account the climatic conditions for the period of research.
    It is proved that the potential productivity of barley at the initial phases of development depends on a number of components, where the main ones are: leaf area and the timing of its photosynthetic activity.
    In the conditions of the south of Ukraine, the formation of the vegetative mass of barley seedlings is caused not only by the biological characteristics of the varieties, but also largely depends on the time of sowing. The largest mass of absolutely dry matter of seedlings of various varieties of barley was synthesized during the first term of sowing.
    When changing the time of sowing seeds, especially under adverse conditions, the periods of active vegetation of plants are significantly reduced, as a result of which the mass of dry substances decreases by 48.6-55%. The analysis showed that among the studied varieties of winter barley, the most efficiently limited natural resources were used in shoots of the Ninth Shaft variety, ensuring the formation of 156.4 kg / ha of dry matter until the end of the autumn vegetation.
    It is noted that the accelerated formation of leaf area, an increase in the photosynthetic potential and high productivity of photosynthesis, under adverse conditions of water and thermal conditions, are most fully provided by the Ninth Shaft variety.
    It has been shown that microelement compounds applied at the stage of pre-sowing seed preparation, accelerated the passage of the first stage of organogenesis by plants, increasing the duration of the active growing season of the ladder, as a result of which the mass of absolutely dry matter increased to 40.4 % and reached 155.7-230.4 kg/ha compared to the control.

    Keywords: barley varieties, sowing dates, trace elements, leaf area, mass of absolutely dry matter.


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