O.V. Boichuk, O.V. Tsepurit, I.I.Hilko, S.I. Bohdanov. Calculation of arch frames of variable cross section.

UDC 624.014

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-19

O. V. Boichuk
O. V. Tsepurit
I. I. Hilko
S. I. Bohdanov

The paper shows the main approaches to the method of calculating the strength, reliability and stability of the frame elements of metal structural arches of variable cross section. The calculation is performed in the design of optimal arched structures, which consists in designing the structure so that in all sections of the structural element of the arch the reliability was specified, and the mass of the arch structure was as minimal as possible.
The use of light arches with a given reliability provides savings of metal and reducing the cost of construction and determines the prospects of the use of such structures in buildings and agricultural structures.
The maximum reduction in the cost of prefabricated light metal structures and work related to their construction is a priority at the current stage of development of the construction industry in Ukraine. Simultaneously with the reduction in the cost of construction during the design, it is necessary to remember about ensuring their sufficient durability and reliability. One of the effective means of solving this problem is the introduction of methods of the theory of reliability, which allow more reasonably normalize the design parameters of the structure and loads on a probabilistic basis. More important is the transition to a probabilistic calculation and estimation of the supporting capacity of structures according to the main technical criterion – the probability of failure of the structure.
Issues related to optimal design are of particular interest, when the probabilistic nature of the work of the structure is taken into account. In this case, one of the most important characteristics is the reliability of the structure, as well as the strains and deformation that occur in the structure under various external influences. The result of the calculation should be the answer to the question of whether the structure will be able to serve reliably enough during the service life. Knowledge of the values of strains and deformations is ultimately necessary only in order to make a judgment about the reliability and durability of the design of the arches. Therefore, the task is set: to design the structure in such a way that in all sections of the structural element of the arch the reliability is given, and the mass of the structure of the arch is minimal. The article deals with the problem of finding the law of distribution of material along the axis of the arch design. By analogy with the fact that in the deterministic formulation of the problem, the case of equal tension is considered the most suitable case of strains distribution over the flight of the arch, we assume that in the probabilistic statement the optimal case of stress distribution over the span is also the case of equal tension.

Keywords: flexible wall, steel frame, cross-sectional area of the frame, length of the intersection of the frame, safety factor, reliability of the steel structure, stability of the.


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N. P. Shevchuk. Productive Longevity of Families In the Ukrainian Red Dairy Breed

UDC 636.2.034.082

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-18

N. P. Shevchuk
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5845-2582

One of the most important features about improving Ukrainian Red Dairy Breeds of cattle is the productive longevity of animals. The efficiency of lifetime use of families of Ukrainian red dairy cows has been analyzed. High life expectancy was attributed to the families of Bistra 1988, Luna 610, and Purga 5842, which were measured during 3021 days, 3123 days and 3131 days respectively. The cows of the Bistra 1988 family showed the highest lifetime tiredness, which was 28073,3 kg of milk. Among the studied livestock, the cows of the Luna 610 family (5,7 lactations) were used the longest, but life expectancy was only 27838,6 kg of milk. Prolonged productive use and high lifelong productivity were established in cows for Purga 5842 family (5.6 lactation and 27211.1 kg milk, respectively). The biggest longtime fat indicators in milk (3.90-4,07%) is characterized by the Purga 5842 families, Voloshka 1496, Liana 02900 and Bustra 1988. Compared to the Luna610 familydifference was 0.37 %; 0.39 %; 0.45% (P> 0.95) and 0.54 % (P> 0,99) respectively. By the lifetime of milk fat the most productive families were the Bistra1988, Purga 5842 and Zmiyka 266, their indexes were 1096.4 kg; 1065.9 kg and 1018.7 kg, according to the names.

For the milk yield for one day of life the families of Rozetka 2888 are the best productive families (8.3 kg of milk); Purga 5842 (8.4 kg of milk); Kukla 248 (8.4 kg of milk); Luna 610 (8.5 kg of milk) and Bistra 1988 (8.8 kg of milk). Their advantage over the family of Liana 02900 was 1.1 kg (P>0.95); 1.2 kg; 1.2 kg; 1.3 kg and 1.6 kg of milk, respectively. The families of Malina 22, Kukla 248, Zmiyka 266, Volga 840, Bistra 1988, Tsarivna 968, Rozetka 2888 and Kukla 226 prevailed over one day of economic use for milk yield. In comparison with the family of Liana 02900, their yield for one day of economic use was bigger by 1.2 kg; 1.2 kg (P>0.95); 1.3 kg; 1.3 kg; 1.3 kg; 1.4 kg (P>0.95); 1.7 kg (P>0.95) and 1.7 kg (P> 0.95), respectively.

In order to extend the duration of economic use and increasing the lifetime productivity of animals,during improving dairy cattle, domestic family breeding should be applied.

Keywords: breed, selection, family, cows, sign, lifetime productivity, longevity.


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O. Karunsky, K. Garbazhi. Effect of natural feed supplement on the dynamics of live weight of pigs on fattening.

UDC 636.087.74 : 636.087.73

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-17

O. Karunsky
K. Garbazhi
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8696-8810

One of the main prerequisites for improving the productivity of farm animals is their full feeding. The absence or lack of individual feed components or biologically active substances, as well as the violation of their ratio in rations leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the use of nutrients in feed and, consequently, to reduce the productivity of animals.

As a feed additive for increasing protein in feeding pigs, along with traditional protein foods, microscopic aqueous chlorella can be used. The use of chlorella is due to the content of a large amount of protein, a complete set of essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and many other biologically active substances (Bogdanov N., 2001; 2002) [1, 2].

It contains an antibiotic chlorella. If you compare the nutritional value of chlorella with other feeds in the content of digestible protein and carotene equal to it, no feed. Calcium in chlorella is approximately the same as in cereal sown, and phosphorus is much larger [4,5,11].

Introduction of compound feed of young pigs on fattening of a natural forage additive Chlorella in the form of a suspension and in the form of granulated feed at a rate of 40-60 ml / head improves the growth dynamics of experimental animals compared with animals of the control group, which Chlorella was not introduced into the diet. The third test group showed the best result. They received a suspension of Chlorella with granulated feed at a rate of 40-60 ml / head. At such doses, the live weight of animals reached 121 kg and became higher by 18.6% compared with the same indicator of animals in the control group. The results of the second experimental group surpassed this figure by 6.9%.

Key words: fattening pigs, live weight, suspension of Chlorella, granulated feed with Chlorella, average daily gain, growth dynamics.


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S. Sidashova. Reproductive potential of heifer under different schemes of organization of herd reproduction of industrial dairy complex

UDC 636.2.082.269

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-16

S. Sidashova

According to the results of the implementation of the innovative pattern for the reproduction of the experimental group, during the three-month monitoring more fertilized heifers compared to the control were received. In the group of experimental recipients, where the previous normo florization of the mucous membranes of animals was carried out, the healing of the thawed embryos was 50.00%, and in the control, according to the traditional scheme of preparation – 33.33%.

We monitored the Ukrainian red dairy breed in the conditions of the industrial complex for three years and found that the improved reproduction scheme (embryo transplantation + prophylactic normoflorization of the mucous membranes) allowed to increase the reproductive potential of repair heifers in the experiment: the total fertility is higher by 20.36% , the safety of first lactation cows – by 14.62%, the decrease in prenatal losses by 3.69%, and the service period by 8.9 days.

Differential palpatory diagnostics highlighted the dynamics of the spread of degenerative changes in the layer of ovarian follicular tissue, namely, the presence of large follicular cysts and multiple polycystosis in both groups, which confirms the already established tendency for optimization of ovary ovogenesis and morphogenesis in the experimental group.

The prolonged positive effect of the probiotic scheme of mucosal normoflorization with the help of the drug “Multibacterin veterinary suspension” on the reduction of the service period of the first-born in the experiment (for 8.90 days) and reduction of cystic pathologies of the ovaries was studied. The mechanisms of them require a more detailed study to optimize the schemes of preparation of recipients to procedures ET.

The introduction of breeding programs for the herd, including intensive reproductive hemorrhage patterns and embryo transplant biotechnology, requires an additional stage of biosecurity of the livestock through prophylactic normoflorizationof the mucous membranes of the digestive and genital tract.

Keywords: repair heifers, industrial technology, reproductive biotechnology, embryo transplantation, normoflorization.


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Galay O., Lutsenko M. The influence of the technology of preparing cows for milking on installations such as “Carousel” and “Parallel” on the milk yield process.

UDC 636.2.034:637.11

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-15

O. Galay
M. Lutsenko

To ensure the process of milking cows on the farms of Ukraine with innovative technologies for milk production, high-performance milking machines such as “Carousel” and “Parallel” are spreading, which differ in both the design and technology of preparing cows for milking and the milking technology.
Studies conducted to assess the impact of the technology of preparation of cows for milking at these facilities have established that the total time for preparing of cows for milking in a “Carousel” type installation (17.4 s) is insufficient for the full realization of the reflex of milk yield. This is evidenced by the intensity of milk excretion during the first minute of milking, which is at 1.93 kg/min against 3.75 kg/ min in «Parallel». During the first three minutes of milking the milk yield at the «Parallel» plant is 8.46 kg compared to 7.11 kg in the «Carousel» installation. High intensity of the implementation of the milk yield reflex in a Parallel plant ensures the production of high-fat milk (4.0% vs. 3.6%).

It has been established that both types of milking plants provide extremely high-quality milk, both for bacterial insemination and for the number of somatic cells, which belongs to the “extra” brand. The technology of preparing cows for milking in a “Carousel” installation needs to be adjusted.

Keywords: innovative technologies, high-performance milking plants, milk yield process, milk quality.


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О. I. Ulevich. Milk productivity of cows in conditions of using sunflower and rapeseed meal in the rations

UDC 636.2.086

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-14

О. I. Ulevich
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1594-0700

The results of the dependence of the milk productivity of cows on the use in the rations of sunflower and rapeseed meals are given.  An introduction to the composition of diets for feeding cows of a dairy herd of sunflower and rapeseed meals has been proposed, which makes it possible to increase the protein content and improve the nutritional value of the rations.  The use of rapeseed meal leads to an increase in poorly soluble protein, which positively affects the performance of milk production of cows.  The use of sunflower and rapeseed meals in the amount of 0.5 kg provides an increase in the milk yield of basic (3.4%) fat content by 13.3% and 17.1%, respectively, compared to the control.  Inclusion in the rations of cows feeding dairy herd of rapeseed meal containing more, compared to sunflower meal, the amount of protein protected from splitting in the rumen, contributes to an increase in milk yield and fat content in milk of cows.

Key words: milk productivity, ration, rapeseed meal, sunflower meal, insoluble protein.


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A. Kramarenko, S. Kramarenko, N. Kuzmichova. Entropy and information analysis of the growth traits in the Southern Meat cattle breed heifers

UDC 636.2.034 / 57.087

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-13

A. Kramarenko
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2635-526Х
S. Kramarenko
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5658-1244
N. Kuzmichova
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5806-3851

The relationships among growth traits in different ages of 232 heifers Southern Meat Cattle (SMC) breed and genotype and environmental factors were studied using a multifactorial ANOVA, and additionally with a entropy and information analysis (EIA).

The traits evaluated were birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), weight at year (YW) and weight at 15 (М15), 18 (М18) and 24 months of age (M24). The 21-year period studied (year of heifer’s birth from 1986 to 2006) was classified into three periods as follows: Gen1 – 1986-1992, Gen2 – 1993-1999, Gen3 – 2000-2006. Experimental heifers originated from four sire lines – Ideal 133, Sanil 8, Loksher 302 and Signal 475. 

Firstly, we tested the hypotheses that weight traits were influenced by the sire line (factor ‘Origin’) and by of heifer’s year of born (factor ‘Generation’). Differences between groups were evaluated with a three-factorial ANOVA (with ages as a repeated measures factor). All statistical analyses were performed using STATISTICA (StatSoft Inc., USA).

A repeated measures ANOVA revealed significant main effects for generation, F2; 218 = 15.50; p < 0.001, and age of heifers, F5; 1090 = 2064.91; p < 0.001. Additionally, there was a significant interaction between generation and age of heifers, F10; 1090 = 15.55; p < 0.001 and between generation, origin and age of heifers, F30; 1090 = 1.94; p = 0.002.

The lowest entropy values were associated with BW, which did not depend on heifer’s origin and generation (in both cases: p > 0.05). This may be due to the long period (near 20 years) of successful breeding program with the SMC breed.

Key words: entropy and information analysis (EIA), growth traits, heifers, beef cattle.


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S.S.Prorochenko. Root mass accumulation and anti-erosion resistance of soils under meadow grass stands depending on fertilizer.

UDC 631.459:633.21:631.8

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-12

S. S. Prorochenko

Due to the solid turf due to the accumulation of root mass, perennial herbs improve soil fertility, namely, improve its structure, enrich it with nutrients, protect against erosion. In this case, positive changes in the soil occur due to the interaction of the root system with soil microorganisms, which play an important role in the cycle and plant nutrition.

The purpose of the research was to determine the accumulation of root mass and the anti-erosion resistance of the soil under the bright grass fields depending on the fertilization in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine.
According to the approved methodology and the program of the dissertation work, spring flax seeding in 2014 was followed by a three-factor experiment after one-year cereals, namely maize on green fodder. Repetition of experiments – four times. All grass mixtures were fertilized in accordance with the scheme of experiment with the following types of fertilizers: nitrogen – in the form of ammonium nitrate (34% d. P.), Potassium-calimagnesis (26% d. P.), Phosphorus – superphosphate (18.7% d. ), and also introduced a growth stimulator of Phumar in the normal range of 2 liters per hectare, when cereal grasses were in the buccal phase, and alfalfa sown – branching.

According to our data (1), the accumulation of dry root mass under investigated multi-year herbage for different fertilizers was in the range from 10.80 to 12.14 t / ha, which is 7.1-7.9 times more than in winter wheat in the phase bush The accumulation of root masses was the most significant increase under the influence of nitrogen fertilizers at a dose of N60 on cereal grass. In this case, against the background of N60Р60К90 compared with the background Р60К90, their dry mass in the 0-20 cm layer of soil increased from 11.01 to 12.14 t / ha or 1.13 t / ha. When this dose is applied to alfalfa or alfalfa grass, the dry weight of the roots has increased from 10.55-11.30 tons / ha to 10.66-11.54 tons / ha or by 0.10-0.34 tons / ha, which is not reliable.

With the inclusion of alfalfa sowing to cereals, the mass of dry roots on bezazatnyh backgrounds had only a tendency to increase. It increased in this case by only 0.08-0.47 t / ha with NIR05 0.48 t / ha. On the background of the introduction of N60Р60К90 in alfalfa and alfalfa-cereal grass, compared with cereal herb, the weight of the roots was even lower, but within NIR05.

The coefficient of the productive action of the roots as a ratio of dry overground mass to dry mass of roots, depending on the fertilization on different species of grasses, was different. On sown cereal grass he was the smallest and on different backgrounds the fertilizer fluctuated within 0.47-0.63, meanwhile in alfalfa and alfalfa-cereal herbages – within the range of 0.94-1.04, which is 1.7- 2.0 less Under the influence of fertilizers, in particular nitrogen, the coefficient of productive activity of the roots most increased on cereal grass. In this case, against the background of the introduction of N60Р60К90 compared with the background P60K90 in connection with a significant increase in the productivity of the earth’s mass, the coefficient of productivity of the roots increased from 0,50 to 0,63 or 1,3 times, while on alfalfa and alfalfa -largest herbivores, it has changed little and in most cases only tended to increase. Between alfalfa and cereals, including alfalfa herbs on the same fertilizer background, it did not differ significantly.

In our studies, 20×20 cm soil monolith with different herbage, taken in the first decade of November with a uniform water jet eroded for 8.30-10.38 minutes, while a monolith of winter wheat, selected in the same time in the buccal phase – for 1 , 08 min, or 7.6-9.6 times faster.

The results of the research of Cherkasova V.O. [6] and Kurgak V.G. [1] confirmed that when applying nitrogen fertilizers increases not only productivity, but also anti-erosion resistance of meadow grasses. Thus, when nitrogen was introduced in comparison with the variant without nitrogen, the term for which the soil monolith from the studied grasslands was destroyed under the influence of a jet of water, increased from 8.50-9.40 minutes. up to 9,12-10,37 minutes, or in 1,1 times and little depended on the type of grass. Analysis of the research has shown that not only mineral nitrogen increases the anti-erosion resistance of herbs, but also the symbiotic nitrogen of legumes, due to the inclusion of alfalfa seedlings in cereals. In this case, the duration of the erosion of the monolith increased from 8.87 to 10.04 minutes. up to 9.00-10.37 min by 1-3%. The slightest anti-erosive resistance was characterized by alfalfa seed, which is characterized by a root rod.

It is known that herb grass improves soil fertility due to the accumulation of nutrients, in particular nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, in the roots and root residuals. According to the literature data [7] in the dry mass of the roots of various types of meadow grasses accumulates from 1.26 to 1.71% of nitrogen, from 0.18 to 0.30% of P2O5 and from 0.78 to 1.15% of K2O.

According to our data (Table 2), the nitrogen content in the dry mass of the roots of different types of herbs was accumulated in the range from 1.01 to 1.57%, P2O5 – from 0.19 to 0.25, K2O – from 0.81 to 1.05 . The largest changes in the content of the studied elements in the roots occurred on nitrogen. Its content has increased significantly in the rootstocks of grasses with the dominance of cereals in the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers and the inclusion of alfalfa sowing to cereals, or the use of single-seeded alfalfa crop, especially on bezazatnymi backgrounds.

In alfalfa and alfalfa-cereal grass compared with cereal grass, the content of nitrogen in the dry root mass on bezazatnyh phonons (variants without fertilizers R60K90) increased from 1.01-1.03 to 1.25-1.42% or 1.2 -1.4 times, while the background of the introduction of N60Р60К90 – from 1.25 to 1.35-1.57 or 1.1-1.3 times. His greatest content was in alfalfa herbage.

In the sown cereal grass from the introduction of fertilizer nitrogen, the content of nitrogen in the dry root increased from 1.03 to 1.25% or 0.22%, while at alfalfa and alfalfa-cereal grass from 1.25-1.40 to 1 , 35-1.57% or 0.10-0.17%.

The content of phosphorus and potassium in the roots, depending on the composition of herbs naturally did not change. But the background of the introduction of N60Р60К90 compared to the background Р60К90 observed reduction of these elements at the root. In this case, phosphorus decreased by 0,02-0,03%, and potassium – by 0,08-, 24%.

It is known that legumes and bean-cereal grasses improve the soil fertility due to the accumulation of their symbiotic nitrogen. According to our data (Table 3), the largest amount of symbiotic nitrogen in the aboveground and underground masses, on average, in 2014-2016, was accumulated on the bezazatnyh phonograms of alfalfa and alfalfa grasses. The aforementioned grasslands, on average, accumulated over three years of use in an overground and underground mass within the limits of 122-246 kg / ha. On bezazatnyh backgrounds (variants without fertilizers and background P60K90) of the symbiotic nitrogen accumulated 213-246 kg / ha, while at the background of the introduction of N60Р60К90 – 122-165 kg / ha. On the background with the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers in comparison with the nitrogen background it was accumulated in 1,4-1,7 times less.

In between bean-cereal grasses, the largest amount of symbiotic nitrogen was accumulated in the alfalfa-cereal grass in the composition of alfalfa crop + stoichon cordless + perianth perennial.

According to our data, the bulk of the symbiotic nitrogen indicated in Table 6.3 of the alfalfa and alfalfa-cereal grass fields was accumulated in the overlying mass. Here it was accumulated in the range of 101-207 kg / ha, which makes from 11 to 17%.

Conclusions and perspectives of further searches in this direction.

  1. Under 10-20 g cm of soil in the roots per hectare, 10,80-12,14 dry mass, 141-173 kg of nitrogen, 21-28 kg of P2O5 and 86-117 kg of K2O are accumulated under the bright grass fields in the 0-20 cm layer of soil. Their mass of roots and anti-erosion resistance is 7.1-9.6 times higher than that of winter wheat in the buckling phase. When adding mineral nitrogen in a dose of N60, the accumulation in the roots of dry matter and nitrogen, as well as the anti-erosion resistance of the meadow and, to a large extent, of cereal grasses, increase.
  2. Analysis of the research showed that not only mineral nitrogen increases the anti-erosion resistance of herbs, but also the symbiotic nitrogen of legumes, due to the inclusion of alfalfa sowing to cereals. In this case, the duration of the erosion of the monolith increased from 8.87 to 10.04 minutes. up to 9.00-10.37 min by 1-3%.
  3. Alfalfa and alfalfa grasses with different cereal components of the grass in the aboveground and underground mass on different backgrounds, fertilizers on average, in the first three years of use, accumulate 122-246 kg / ha of symbiotic nitrogen, including 83-89% – in the overweight. In 1,4-1,7 times it is accumulated on bezazatnymi backgrounds compared with the introduction of it at a dose of N60.

Key words: root mass, anti-erosion resistance, soil, meadow breeding, fertilization.


  1. Kurhak, V. H. & Lukianets,O. P. (2004). Vplyv typu travostoiu, system udobrennia ta vykorystannia na produktyvnist sukhodilnykh luchnykh uhid pivnichnoho Lisostepu Ukrainy. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Vinnytskoho DAU, 17, 9-15 [in Ukrainian].
  2. Kurhak, V. H. &Tovstoshkur, V. M. (2010). Vplyv vydovoho skladu ta udobrennia bahatorichnykh travostoiv na pokaznyky rodiuchosti  gruntiv. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats NNTs  «Instytut zemlerobstva UAAN», 3-4, 15-25 [in Ukrainian].
  3. Kutuzova, A. A. (1986). Nauchnaya osnova ispol’zovaniya biologicheskogo azota v lugovodstve. Vestnik sel’skokhozyaystvennoy nauki, 4, 355, 106-112 [in Russian].
  4. Sau A. (1983). Intensivnost’ pochvoobrazovatel’nogo protsessa pod mnogoletnimi travami Trudy Estonskoy sel’skokhozyaystvennoy akademii, 140, 27-44 [in Russian].
  5. Kurhak V. H. (1995). Ekoloho-biolohichni i ahrotekhnichni osnovy stvorennia vysokoproduktyvnykh siianykh luk v Lisostepu Ukrainy. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
  6. Cherkasova, V. A. (1976). Osvoenie sklonov pod pastbishcha i senokosy. Moskva: Kolos [in Russian].
  7. Lukianets, O. P. (2003). Formuvannia luchnykh travostoiv na ornykh zemliakh. Visnyk ahrarnoi nauky, 12, 76-79 [in Ukrainian].

Ya. Belov. Directions for optimizing the cultivation of corn seeds in a changing climate

УДК 631.6:631.82:631.03

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-11

Ya. Belov

Zea Maize belongs to the main crops of the Steppe Zone of Ukraine due to the valuable properties of grain and leafy mass, universal use for livestock, poultry, as well as industrial processing, including alternative fuels. The rapid spread of simple hybrids is hampered by the low productivity of parental forms in hybridization areas and the high cost of seed production. Therefore, today the issues of growing seeds of parental forms, which require the refinement of a complex of agrotechnological measures in growing in the dry conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine, remain pressing issues.

Studies conducted in Ukraine and abroad have shown that the seed yield of self-pollinated corn lines is one of the main indicators of the efficiency of the use of breeding material, which directly affects the economic and energy indicators of production as parental forms, and in the future – the hybrid. The intensity of the production process in maize hybridization areas can vary significantly depending on the influence of various environmental factors during the growing season, in the first place – moisture content of precipitation, temperature and relative humidity of air, availability of available nutrients in the soil, etc.

Parent forms of corn require individually determined elements of cultivation technology at hybridization sites, depending on the genetic potential of plants, peculiarities of soil-climatic conditions of growing under conditions of climate change associated with temperature rise, violation of the uniformity of rainfall, reduction of periods with optimal weather conditions, etc. Therefore, there is a need to conduct field experiments with maize in the south of Ukraine for the purpose of developing varietal agrotechnics and ensuring high and economically justified yields of hybrid seeds for the rational use of irrigation water, mineral fertilizers, energy and labor resources, preservation of soil fertility, reduction environmental pressure on the agroecosystem.

Key words: maize, seeds, varietal agrotechnology, productivity, plant density, fertilizers.


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K. Karpenko, T. Gerasko, S. Vdovenko. Growth and development of tomato varieties in the open field under the influence of biologics.

UDC 635.6:631.8

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-10

K. Karpenko, Senior Lecturer
T. Gerasko,
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Tavria state agrotechnological university
S. Vdovenko,
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Vinnetsia national agrarian university

The investigation revealed that the varieties differ from the beginning of phenological phases of growth and development of the plant. The earlier flowering, among the varieties, which took place on 86th days and fruiting on the 107th day was observed by the Lyana variety, and later by the Rio Grande variety.

The influence of biocontrol agent on the beginning of tomato fruiting is revealed. The Lyana variety for the use of azotophyte-p was characterized by the early fruiting, where the first fruits were harvested earlier for 6 days and for 7 days in the Novachok variety, relative to plants that were not treated with biocontrol agents. The beginning of fruiting in these varieties is observed for 104-106th days, respectively. From the use of azotophyte-p and phytocide-p in the Rio Grande variety fruiting occurs 6-10 days later from the varieties Lyana and Novachok.

It was found that the biometric parameters of the tomato plant depend on the varietal characteristics and the used biocontrol agents. Plants of the Lyana variety were characterized by higher plants, larger diameter of the trunk.

At the same time, for the cultivation of the Lyana variety and the use of phytocid-p, the number of the fruits of the first bunch exceeded the control version and the variant using azotophyte-p on 2 fruits, respectively. The use of phytocid-p for cultivating the Novachok and Rio Grande varieties reduces the total number of first-breeder fruit per fruit, and the treatment of plants with azotophyte-p does not affect the growth of the fruits.

It was recorded that for the use of biocontrol agents, the weight of the fruit of the tomato also changes. The highest value of of the food organ was characterized by a variety of  Lyana from the use of azotophyte-p. The weight of the variant was 85 g, which is 15 g higher than the control variant or 42% and 5 g exceeded the weight of the fruit for the use of phytocide-p.

At the same time, the use of phytocide-p increases the weight of the fruit in the Lyana variety relative to control by 33%. The analysis of the diameter of the fruit also determined the positive effect of the biocontrol agents, but the value of the diameter of the fruits in the variants where they were applied was greater than the diameter of the fruits of control by only for 2-3%.

Keywords: tomato, variety, phenological phase, biometric indicator, biocontrol agents, fruit, diameter of the trunk, fruiting.


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