O. L. Rudik, R. A. Vozhehova. The impact of the measures of a pre-harvest complex on the moisture loss of oil-bearing flax under conditions of the South of Ukraine.

UDC 633.854.54: 631.547.76: 631.572

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-9

O. L. Rudik
R. A. Vozhehova

It was established that desiccation or cutting of oil flax plants and laying them in swaths, in spite of their maturation conditions increases moisture losses. It reduces conventional losses of seeds and straw and has a positive impact on the infestation, physical and mechanical parameters of straw for industrial use. The fastest dehydration, 4.9 – 5.52 % per day throughout the first four days after treatment, is provided by the desiccation with the preparations Basta 2 liters per hectare and Reglon Super 3 liters per hectare.

Key words: oil-bearing flax, harvesting technology, desiccation, seeds, straw, dehydration.


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А.І. Kryvenko Optimization of norms and terms for nutririon of winter wheat with nitrogen fertilizers in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

УДК 631.816.2:633.11(477.7)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-9

А. І. Kryvenko

According to the results of experimental studies, it was determined that the yield and quality of winter wheat grain in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine depended on a large extent on the provision of plants with mineral nutrients throughout the entire vegetation.  The greater the crop and the higher the rate of mineral fertilizer application, the greater is the winter wheat removal of nutrients from the soil.  Intensive varieties are characterized by higher nutritional requirements, and only with full and balanced provision of nutrients can fully realize their genetic potential.

It is determined that the optimum system of winter wheat nutrition involves the introduction of mineral fertilizers: under the basic cultivation of soil, in rows during sowing, as fertilization during vegetation of plants. For the maximum effect, the full norm of phosphoric-potassium fertilizers is introduced under the basic soil cultivation. Mixing of mineral fertilizers with a layer soil during basic soil cultivation provides the maximum efficiency of growing winter wheat from their use: the root system is better developed, tilling capacity improves, winter-resistance increases.  To create optimal conditions for growth and development, winter wheat is provided with readily available forms of nitrogen throughout the entire vegetation. However, excessive nitrogen intake from the autumn leads to a sharp decrease in winter resistance and overgrowing of winter wheat plants.  In winter, much of the nitrogen that was not used was washed into the deeper layers of the soil, reducing the effectiveness of its application.  Therefore, for the effective provision of plants with nitrogen during the fertilization of fertilizers are introduced separately in several measures.

It was established that the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers by rootstock at the beginning of the winter wheat plant output into the tube maximally increased its yield both in comparison with the control, and in relation to the background of the introduction of phosphoric-potassium fertilizers.  Feeding plants of wheat with winter nitrogen fertilizers provided an increase in the concentration of protein and vitreousness of grain products.

Key words: norms and terms of nutrition, technology of growing, nitric fertilizers, winter wheat, productivity, quality of grain.


  1. Lykhochvor, V.V. (2008). Mineralni dobryva ta yikh zastosuvannia. Lviv: Ukrainski tekhnolohii [in Ukrainian].
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V. Karpenko, O. Korobko. The influence of herbicide and biological preparations on photosynthetic productivity and crop yielding capacity.

UDC 633.31/37: 631.95: 631.811.98: 581.132

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-7

V. P. Karpenko
O. O. Korobko

Increasing of the shortage of proficient agricultural production induces agrarian using new approaches for increasing seeds productivity. But achievement of this aim without activation photosynthetic productivity of seeds is impossible.  The efficiency of photosynthesis in plants depends on various elements: agrotechnical, conditions of mineral nutrition, the usage of chemical and other means of tools of suppressing of pests etc.

The activity of chemical and biological origin has sufficient impact on physiology-biological processes in plants. It is depicted in changes of the levels of such factors as chlorophyll content, intensity of accumulation of organic matter, crop productivity.

The purpose and tasks for the research were: to find out the impact of different limits of a herbicide Panda, entered separately  and by seed processing background by biological preparations –  plant growth regulator Panda and  microbial preparation Ryzobophyt, on forming net productivity of photosynthesis and productivity of chick-pea`s crop Pamyat.

The experimental part of investigation was held during 2015-2017 years due to field conditions of scientific and production department and scientific-research test room of the department of microbiology, biochemistry and plant physiology of Uman National University of Horticulture. Accounting and investigation of chick-pea productivity of photosynthesis of sowing were done in accordance with methodology of O.O. Nychyporovych, crop productivity – in accordance with the methodologies of  Z. M. Hrytsayenko and co-authors. The statistical processing on the results of investigations was performed by methods of dispersion analysis, described by B. A. Dospekhov.

In the result of the conducted investigations was set that when using combined processing of seeds MP Ryzobophyt 1,0 l/t and PGR Stympo 0,025 l/t and entering on the given background herbicide Panda in limits 3,0 and 4, l/ha chick-pea productivity of photosynthesis іn the phase of five leaves – the flowering increased on 43-65%, in the flowering phase – the formation of beans – on 32-66%.Crop productivity of chick-pea in this variant increased on 15-69%, which is on 0,40 – 0,67 t/ha more than in a control variant. At acting MP Ryzobohpyt 1,0 l/t and PGS Stympo 0, 025 l/t and entering herbicide Panda  in limits 5,0 and 6,0 l/ha NPP іn the phase of five leaves – the flowering increased on 43-31%, in the flowering phase – the formation of beans – on 40-24%.Crop productivity of chick-pea in this variant increased on 25-28.

Beginning with the limit of entering herbicide panda 5,0 l/ha and at 6,0 l/ha of preparation traced decreasing of chick-pea productivity of photosynthesis of sowing and chick-pea productivity, which is obviously due to suppressed influence  of these limits of a herbicide on the passage of the basic physiologic-biochemical processes which ensure the resistance of the plant organism to the stress factors. On the basis of conducted research has been established that the most effective combination of preparations which provides increasing of photosynthetic and chick-pea crop productivity.

Key words: chick-pea, chick-pea productivity of photosynthesis, crop productivity, herbicide, plant growth regulator, microbial preparation.


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A. V. Panfilova, V.V. Gamayunova. Influence of nutrition optimization on the height and grain yield of spring barley varieties in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine.

UDC 633.16 : 631.5 : 631.8(477.7)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-6

A. V. Panfilova
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0006-4090
V. V. Gamayunova
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4151-0299

The article presents the results of studies about the effectiveness of spring barley crop cultivation with modern retriever preparations in the background of mineral fertilizers carried out in 2013-2017on the southern black soils in the Ukrainian Steppe. The options for plant nutrition significantly influenced the growth and development of spring barley varieties. So the plants were distinguished by their maximum height during the cultivation on the background of mineral fertilization and the extracorporeal fertilization of crops during the vegetation period with the Escort– bio.

The height of spring barley plants varied significantly and depended on the varietal characteristics. The highest linear height was characterized by the barley stalker variety, and the smallest variety was the Aeneas variety. Thus, for the cultivation without fertilizers, this indicator in the Aeneas variety was 65.9, the Adapt variety – 71.9, and the Stalker variety – 71.9 cm. By the applying of a moderate dose of mineral fertilizers, the height of the plants of these varieties in the phase of full grain maturity was respectively 72.5; 75.1 and 76.5 cm. The highest plants of spring barley during all years of our research were in the version of foliar application of crops during the period of vegetation with the modern preparation Escort – bio– 79.7 – 89.4 cm all this depends on the variety.

The applied fertilizers and weather conditions during the years of research significantly influenced the productivity of barley varieties. The lowest crop was formed in 2013, and the highest in 2016.

The maximum yield of barley varieties in all years of research was formed for cultivating by the applying a moderate dose of mineral fertilizers and foliar application of crops with Organic D2 and Escort – bio. Thus, on average, over the years of research and in terms of the factor, the grain yield was 3.37- 3.41t/ha, which exceeded its level by fertilized control at 0.71 – 0.75 t/ha or 26.7 – 28.2%, and in the back ground of making only mineral fertilizers – at 0.4  t/ha or 15.4%.

Іt was found that, taking into account the weather conditions and variants of plant nutrition, the variety plays an important role in the formation of spring barley yield. Thus, on average, during the years of research and by the factor of nutrition, the highest yield of the grain was formed by the plants of the Aeneas variety–3.36 t/ha, which exceeded the Stalker variety by 0.21 t/ha or 6.3%, and according to the Adapt variety – by 0.32 t/ha or 9.5%.

In the appropriate selection of varieties and optimization of plant nutrition conditions during the growing season, the basic processes of their growth and development are improved. By optimizing the nutrition of the crop is more intensive in the growth of top soils biomass of plants, which will further affect the formation of grain productivity of spring barley. Aeneas variety and the combination of the mineral fertilizers applying in a dose of N30P30 and non-root crop fertilization with Escort Bio. On average, during the years of our research, the highest yield of grain was formed by the plants of the Aeneas variety in the variant of mineral fertilization and fertilization of the Escort – bio – 3.61 t/ha.

Keywords: variety of ,spring barley, plant nutrition, regulatory preparations, plant height, grain yield.


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L. K. Antipova, N.V. Tsurkan, A.M. Adamovics, L.A. Poisa. Perennial grasses are an important component of ecological farming and feed production.

UDC 633.2: 631.147: 636.085

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-5

L. Antipova
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2609-0801
N. Tsurkan
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0732-5938
A. Adamovics
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1725-4421
L. Poisa

Formulation of the problem. One of the factors contributing to the greening of farming is the cultivation of perennial grasses, therefore conducting research to determine the state of their development is relevant.

Research results. It has been established that in the meter (0-100 cm) soil layer accumulates over three years of life with root and post-mowed remains of 243.6 kg / ha of nitrogen; 38.7 – P2O5; 134.3 – K2O; 102.4 kg / ha – Ca. When flat-cut (without-dump) small tillage – by 11.9; 4.9; 5.1; 10.8%, respectively, in comparison with deep plowing.

During the period from 1990 to 2016 in Ukraine, the area of grass for hay and green fodder decreased by 72.4%, in the South of the country – by 88.1%. At the same time, in the South, the inflow of biological nitrogen into the soil due to nitrogen fixation decreased from 87.7 to 10.5 thousand tons of active ingredient. These indicators in terms of value (at prices in 2016) are approximately UAH 2,383.3 million in 1990 and UAH 258.2 million – in 2016. Consequently, the energy supply to the soil decreased (from 7612.4 TJ to 824.6 TJ), which indicates a large energy loss. If in 1990, in the Southern Steppe, 9% of the area under perennial grasses was counted, in 2016 it was only 1.4% of the total sown area at a rate of 8-10%.

Herbs, especially legumes, are an integral part of the biologization of agriculture in the PP “Agroecology” in the Poltava region. Livestock is fully provided with feed of its own production. Organic products are produced.

In Latvia, the area of perennial grasses in 2011 decreased in comparison with 1990 by 44.2%, respectively. Almost half of the acreage is set aside for fodder crops: grasses, legumes (peas, vetch, fodder beans). Agricultural land occupies 13% of the country’s land, of which arable land makes up 48.5%, and 42.7% of land is set aside for hayfields, pastures, and pastures.

Latvia exports up to 70% of all beef produced to the EU countries. Changes in the structure of agricultural land are noted, because Latvia, with accession to the EU in 2004, began to receive support for the development of the national economy.

Conclusion. Perennial grasses are an important component of crop production, which provides the population with food. Failure of crop rotations, a sharp decrease in the area under the crops of these herbs in Ukraine has a negative impact on soil fertility rates.

Thanks to herbs, ecologically pure nitrogen is accumulated in the soil, which contributes to the productivity of the cultivated plants that follow them and produces ecologically pure and safe products. An urgent need is to expand the area under crops of perennial grasses in Ukraine, in order not to end up with poor soil nutrients.

Key words: perennial grasses, area of crops, biological nitrogen, soil fertility, greening of agriculture, organic products.


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V. Stamat, A. Smyrnova, N. Savchenko. Consumer behavior at the market of tourist services of the region.

УДК 338.48-6:330.123.6

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-4

V. Stamat
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5789-4023
A. Smyrnova
N. Savchenko

The article highlights the results of marketing researches of consumer behavior and motivations at the market of tourist services of the region. In the research the respondents’ attitude towards tourist services was determined, socio-demographic characteristics of the tourist product users were identified, the most significant factors influencing the process of choosing tourist services were identified and estimated.

The volume and structure of tourist flows to Ukraine are analyzed, as a result of which the urgency of problems at the market of tourist services is determined. On the basis of statistical data, the wave-like nature of tourism development in Ukraine has been revealed in recent years.

The forms of travel and forms of tourism that consumers prefer are defined. In the context of travel quality, the costs of tourists for one day of rest is explored, as well as other factors that make up choice of travel for the benefit of foreign holidays. The advantages of respondents’ rest abroad are analyzed. In the process of studying consumer motivations, a connection between consumer behavior was found depending on the level of average monthly income, the article revenue, the frequency of traveling abroad and age on the basis of the use of nonparametric statistical methods, in particular the Cramer’s mutual agreement, as well as the significance of the given connection on the basis of the chi- square criterion. He made it possible to establish a close relationship between the respondents’ and the amount of money allocated for one day of rest, average monthly income and the type of tourism (in geopolitical space), the frequency and duration of trips abroad, as well as the diversity of countries that are favored by tourists. There is also a close relationship between the age of respondents and the duration of travel abroad, the choice of countries for travel and regions of the world, as well as factors that are the benefits of resting abroad.

Based on the results of research of consumer motivations, segmentation of tourist services was performed and their features were characterized due to the psychographic and behavioral criteria, which is a prerequisite for effective influence on consumer choice and satisfaction of his expectations.

Keywords: tourist market, consumer behavior, consumer motivations, tourist marketing, marketing research, tourist services, consumer segmentation.


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N. V. Dobizha, О. B. Pоhrishcyk. Improvement of the agricultural management system on the basis of the logistic approach.

UDC 658: 012. 34:631.15

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-3

N. V. Dobizha
О. B. Pоhrishcyk

The article deals with the problem of application of the logistic approach to the improvement of the agricultural production management system. The features of the logistic approach in the management of material flows are determined. The mechanism of logistic organization of agrarian entrepreneurship is explored. The focus is on a comparative analys is of the traditional and logistic concept of production organization. The directions of activation of the development of the logistics system for improving the management of agricultural production are substantiated.

The aim of the work is to substantiate theoretical and methodological principles and to develop directions for improving the agricultural production management system based on the application of the logistic approach.

It is proved that for the logistic approach control actions are added from the side of a unified logistics management system to a new control object – the through material flow. These control actions are formed taking into account the general goals and criteria of the efficiency of the investigated logistics chain, therefore, the parameters of the initial material flow are predictable.

The article focuses on the formation of the basic models of the logistic organization of agrarian entrepreneurship and the differentiation of the principles of functioning of the logistic mechanism of management of the production system of enterprises on the complexity of production operations; consistency with the overall strategy of the enterprise; formation of general logistic costs;informational and personnel support; organization of supply, transportation, warehousing, distribution, etc.

The advantages of using a logistic approach include: reducing costs for transportation; more rational use of industrial premises; optimization of loading and unloading of diverse cargoes and routes of transport during delivery of products to the consumer; timely delivery of products to the extent necessary and appropriate quality of receipt of material and technical resources at anytime, provided that the level of stocks does not exceed the targets and does not fall below the minimumal lowable level.

It is determined that in order to activate the development of logistics as a direction of improvement of the system of management of agricultural production, it is necessary to implement the following measures: to establish cooperation with international organizations regarding the regulation of standards in agricultural production in accordance with European and international norms; to promote development of the infrastructure of storage and transportation of agricultural products, transport network; create centers for raising the qualification knowledge on the benefits of agricultural cooperation, tax and financial reporting, and the formation of a sales and logistics system.

Keywords: logistic approach, logistic concept, agricultural production, organization of production, management system.


  1. Irtyshcheva, I.O., Tubaltseva, N.P. (2018). Napriamy znyzhennia vytrat pidpryiemstva na osnovi lohistychnykh pidkhodiv. The bulletin of the Kharkiv National Agricultural University Of V. V. Dokuchaeva. Economic Sciences. 2, 63-72 [in Ukrainian].
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  9. Baranets, H.V., Zhurnakovska, K.I. (2012). Lohistychnyi pidkhid v upravlinni materialnymy resursamy metalurhiinoho pidpryiemstva. Ekonomika i rehion. 3 (34), 123-127 [in Ukrainian].
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I. M. Lesik. Socio-economic aspects of society development

UDC 338.1

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-2

I. M. Lesik
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1225-7594

The author investigated the basic definitions regarding the essence of the social and economic aspects of development of the society, which in terms of the economy is seen as a holistic system that responds to external factors and the evolving together with society. The features of formation of the priority directions of a socio-economic nature depending on the stage of development at which the country at the moment. For Ukraine, which is at the stage of transition economy among the major institutional priorities highlighted decentralization of power, with the transfer of substantial powers to local authorities, not excluding the active state support, due to the fact that among the regions may experience some asymmetry.Due to the influence of internal and external factors to create prerequisites for achieving synergy in countries at different stages of development. Considered range of interaction and role functions of the State towards protecting national interests, with a view to achieving the common good. It has been proven that in shaping the socio-economic priorities a significant role occupied by installation of society in adapting to changing conditions, the nature of the interaction between the parties. Studied indicators of socio-economic development estimated world rankings, identified the strengths and weaknesses of Ukraine compared to more developed countries and those that are more similar in terms of economic development. Due to the influence of internal and external factors to create prerequisites for achieving synergy in countries at different stages of development it is considered range of interaction and role functions of the State towards protecting national interests, with a view to achieving the common good. It has been proven that in shaping the socio-economic priorities a significant role occupied by installation of society in adapting to changing conditions, the nature of the interaction between the parties. Studied indicators of socio-economic development estimated world rankings, identified the strengths and weaknesses of Ukraine compared to more developed countries and those that are more similar in terms of economic development.This trend does not bring positive results and requires strategic decisions in production, since gross national income indicators are fundamental in determining the level of human development.  It is given that the social component gets the assignment in the distribution according to the results of the sphere of material production, the latter often forgoes due attention on the part of the State. This situation is a consequence of the unstable economic processes. Issues addressed in this publication are quite relevant and require further study.

Keywords: development, system, decentralization, fragility, progress, standard of living, security, interests, globalization.


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I.I. Cherven, S.I. Pavliuk. Important directions and problem aspects of agricultural cooperation development in Ukraine.

UDC 631.115.8:330.3(477)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-1

I.I. Cherven
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4268-8216
S.I. Pavliuk
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9093-5237

The article presents the results of studies about the effectiveness of spring barley crop cultivation with modern retriever preparations in the background of mineral fertilizers carried out in 2013-2017on the southern black soils in the Ukrainian Steppe. The options for plant nutrition significantly influenced the growth and development of spring barley varieties. So the plants were distinguished by their maximum height during the cultivation on the background of mineral fertilization and the extracorporeal fertilization of crops during the vegetation period with the Escort– bio.

The height of spring barley plants varied significantly and depended on the varietal characteristics. The highest linear height was characterized by the barley stalker variety, and the smallest variety was the Aeneas variety. Thus, for the cultivation without fertilizers, this indicator in the Aeneas variety was 65.9, the Adapt variety – 71.9, and the Stalker variety – 71.9 cm. By the applying of a moderate dose of mineral fertilizers, the height of the plants of these varieties in the phase of full grain maturity was respectively 72.5; 75.1 and 76.5 cm. The highest plants of spring barley during all years of our research were in the version of foliar application of crops during the period of vegetation with the modern preparation Escort – bio– 79.7 – 89.4 cm all this depends on the variety.

The applied fertilizers and weather conditions during the years of research significantly influenced the productivity of barley varieties. The lowest crop was formed in 2013, and the highest in 2016.

The maximum yield of barley varieties in all years of research was formed for cultivating by the applying a moderate dose of mineral fertilizers and foliar application of crops with Organic D2 and Escort – bio. Thus, on average, over the years of research and in terms of the factor, the grain yield was 3.37- 3.41t/ha, which exceeded its level by fertilized control at 0.71 – 0.75 t/ha or 26.7 – 28.2%, and in the back ground of making only mineral fertilizers – at 0.4  t/ha or 15.4%.

Іt was found that, taking into account the weather conditions and variants of plant nutrition, the variety plays an important role in the formation of spring barley yield. Thus, on average, during the years of research and by the factor of nutrition, the highest yield of the grain was formed by the plants of the Aeneas variety–3.36 t/ha, which exceeded the Stalker variety by 0.21 t/ha or 6.3%, and according to the Adapt variety – by 0.32 t/ha or 9.5%.

In the appropriate selection of varieties and optimization of plant nutrition conditions during the growing season, the basic processes of their growth and development are improved. By optimizing the nutrition of the crop is more intensive in the growth of top soils biomass of plants, which will further affect the formation of grain productivity of spring barley. Aeneas variety and the combination of the mineral fertilizers applying in a dose of N30P30 and non-root crop fertilization with Escort Bio. On average, during the years of our research, the highest yield of grain was formed by the plants of the Aeneas variety in the variant of mineral fertilization and fertilization of the Escort – bio – 3.61 t/ha.

Keywords: variety of, spring barley, plant nutrition, regulatory preparations, plant height, grain yield.


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