Gorbunova K., Litvinchu S., Taychrib K., Yablunovska K. Module-competent technologies for training future agro-engineers in accordance with the requirements of the Balogna process

UDC 378.147:621-057.87


Gorbunova K.

Litvinchu S.

Taychrib K.

Yablunovska K.


The article investigates the didactic foundations of the modular competence-based technology for preparing those who get higher education in the specialty «Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics» in the context of the Bologna process. The works of scientists regarding modular education and certain education have been analyzed in order to ensure that each module including competencies of the specialty is directed towards revealing and assimilating the key principles of the future professional activity of the electric power engineer. Attention is paid to the structure of the competency based educational paradigm, which contains separate areas that are in the basis for the development of module-competence technology for the preparation of future specialists. The main directions of preparation improvement of those who get higher education in energy specialties in accordance with the competency based paradigm, which serve as a basis for building the content of competency based education on a modular basis, are identified. General and professional competences have been identified. Using the discipline “Pedagogy of High School” as an example, it is presented technologically how the competencies of the future electric-power engineer are formed according to the modules based on the requirements of the Bologna Process. Practical research was carried out, on the basis of which the technology of acquiring competencies by future electric power engineers while studying the modules of the discipline “Pedagogy of High School” was developed. The percentage of competencies was calculated, which is prescribed to acquire each of the two modules in the process of working with lectures, for the work with practical tasks and for the execution of individual tasks. For the development of the preparation technology of electric power engineers, there was held a survey of those who get higher education at the engineering and energy faculty of the Mykolayiv National Agricultural University, which shows that modular-competency based technologies of the preparation of future electric power engineers are able to have a positive impact on the quality of preparation of future specialists. It has been proved that the preparation effectiveness of future electric-power engineers in the context of the Bologna Process will be significantly improved, and the formation of professional competencies of those who get higher education, provides an opportunity to successfully engage in professional activities in the sphere of electric power after graduation from higher education institutions.

         Key words: innovative pedagogical activity, ensuing specialists, modular studying, modular-competent attitude, professional competent.



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Iegorov B., Kordzaia N. Food security of the country: features of the protein diet of the population

UDC 338.439.6(477):664.38:006.83


Iegorov B.

Kordzaia N.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the features of protein nutrition of the population in the context of country’s food security ensuring.
The main element of country’s food security is recognized by the quality of food consumed by the population, in particular the content and ratio of basic nutrients – proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
Proteins play an extremely important role in the functioning of living organisms. Today, there are many recommendations on protein consumption of the human.
Many scientists with internationally known names deal with this issue, both in our country and in neighboring countries.
Various governmental, national and international organizations, associations and foundations are also involved in the study of protein nutrition. Among such organizations are the United Nations Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, governments of the United Kingdom, the United States, Finland, Germany, France, and others.
As a result of the analysis of the available recommendations, the authors of the article suggested the following average daily protein intake: for children under 1 year of age 0 to 1.40 g/kg body weight; for children 2…3 years old – 0.96…1.0 g/kg body weight; for children aged 4…6 years – 0.85…0.94 g/kg body weight; for children aged 7…10 years – 0.86…0.88 g/kg body weight; for children aged 11…14 years – 0.97…0.94 g/kg body weight; for boys and girls aged 15…18 years – 0.92… 0.87 g/kg body weight; for people aged 19…59 years – 0.78 g/kg body weight; for people aged 60…64 years – 1.02 g/kg body weight; for people 75 years and older – 1.17 g/kg body weight.
It should note that the need for proteins of animal origin (as a percentage of total consumption) will be: for children under 1 year – 79%; for others – 70…73% and for the elderly people – 50%.
The determined norms of daily protein intake will allow to ensure the quality and thus competitiveness of food products. And domestic food high quality and competitiveness is the way to increase countries’ food security.

Keywords: protein nutrition, norm, recommendations, daily consumption, food security.



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Kurilo V., Pryshliak V. Improvement of technological processes of non-seedling method of growing sugar beet seed

UDC 33.63.631.531.12


Kurilo V.

Pryshliak V.


The article  describes advanced technological processes of non-seedling method of growing sugar beet seeds. Agrophysical properties of plants were taken as the basis of scientific research.
Studies conducted in previous years have shown that sowing it into the furrows is an effective measure of increasing field germination. In this way, sowing the seeds is stored in moist soil, which provides higher seedling density and better conditions for plants wintering. The analysis of scientific sources and experimental studies make it possible to conclude that sowing seeds in furrows in a non-seeded way of growing beet seed in the southern regions of Ukraine is promising and in certain circumstances takes precedence over other ways.
On the basis of studying the peculiarities of cultivation of seedless beet seed plants in irrigated conditions of the south of Ukraine, a method of furrowing of seeds and a method of cultivation of soil for furrowing of seeds have been developed. According to the results of researches, to optimize the fractional composition in the upper layer of the bottom of the furrow, in the upper layer of the lateral planes of the furrows and between the furrows, the shape of its shape was determined .
At the optimum value for germination of seed density of soil in the upper layer of the bottom of the furrow (zone of seed wrapping) 1.1… 1.2 g/cm3 the density of the top layer of soil lateral planes of the furrow should be within 1.25… 1.37 g/cm3, and between the furrows – within 1.10 … 1.37 g/cm3.
Agrotechnical measures developed in the course of the research ensure increase of sugar beet seed yield, increase of its reproduction coefficient and decrease of production costs. Advanced and thoroughly researched technological processes of non-seedling method of production of sugar beet seeds are offered for practical application as they give a positive economic result. Research findings can be used to further improvement and optimization of zonal technologies and facilities for growing sugar beet seeds.

Keywords: seedless method, sugar beet, technological process, seed production.


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  14. Patent №25940, Ukrayina, A01S7/00. Sposib borozenchastoyi sivby nasinnya/ V.L. Kurylo, A.M. Korzhenko, A.V. Kurylo, L.D. Ivakhnenko; Opubl. 08.2007, Byul. №13.
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Shebanin V., Atamanyuk I., Gorbenko O., Dotsenko N. Determining the optimal parameters of machines for processing the seed mass of vegetable and melon crops

UDC 631.361.8


Shebanin V.

Atamanyuk I.

Gorbenko O.

Dotsenko N.


The article presents a method of mathematical modeling, which is based on a nonlinear canonical distribution of a random vector, to determine the optimal parameters of machines for the separation of seed mass of vegetable and melons. It is presented a block diagram of the procedure for calculating the parameters of canonical decomposition.The method of mathematical modeling was tested in the study of the technological process of separating melon seeds in the experimental setup. There are described third-order mathematical models for purity and seed loss, that presented the technological process of a melon seed separation based on a nonlinear canonical decomposition of a random vector. Using this method allows to obtain mathematical models of technological processes for an arbitrary number of known input parameters that are used to evaluate seed characteristics, nonlinearity order, and stochastic coupling characteristics. The proposed mathematical model allows to take into account the peculiarities of technological processes of seed separation and, as a result, to achieve the maximum quality of division of seeds of melons. There are the described stages of the mathematical modeling method, which is based on a nonlinear canonical distribution of a random vector, to determine the optimal parameters of machines for the separation of seed mass of vegetable and melons. The method is tested on the basis of the technological process of seed separation using an experimental sample of a cylindrical separator. Statistical experimental data processing allows to obtain third-order mathematical models for purity and seed loss, describing the process of separation of melon seeds on a cylindrical machine. The results of the experimental studies confirmed the high accuracy of the proposed method, which can be used to simulate an arbitrary process with stochastic properties. Refinement of the parameters of the working bodies of machines on the basis of advanced mathematical models will facilitate the development of industrial seed production.

Keywords: vegetable and melon crops, seed mass separation, mathematical method, optimal parameters.



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Ivanov V., Onyshchenko A., L. Zasukha L., Hryhorenko V. Equipment for two-phase technology of pig breeding

UDC 636.4.082


Ivanov V.

Onyshchenko A.

L. Zasukha L.

Hryhorenko V.


One of the priority directions for the development of the agro-industrial complex is the further introduction of intensive pork production technologies.
Traditionally, the industrial production of pork at pig complexes took place using three-phase, two-phase and single-phase technologies, each of which had its own characteristics.
The above mentioned technologies for housing pigs are based on the use of the specific machine equipment.
The two-phase technology was a kind of compromise solution between single-phase and three-phase. With this technology, rearing piglets with one litter in the maternal machine it is reduced the number of conflict situations, which has a positive effect on their health, development and payment for feed with products. As a result, at rearing piglets in this way, the total production of pork increases by 12-15%.
But the machine equipment used at the end of the 20th century is not commercially produced today, so two-phase technology has not been widely used. In this regard, in our view, further improvement and development of new equipment for two-phase technology is relevant.
The purpose of our research is to develop new equipment for housing the lactating sows, the suckling piglets and the weaned piglets. To achieve this goal, we solved the following tasks: improving the design of the machine, improving the conditions of housing and feeding piglets, preventing rank stress after weaning them and forming new groups for rearing.
As a result of our research, we have developed a machine in the form of a four-section square block, in the middle of which is a feeder with a centrally located pyramidal cone, the edges of which form the back walls of four troughs, and their front walls are equipped with folding sides. In addition, temporary dividers are fixed between the back and front walls of the four troughs. Moreover, each section of the square block is equipped with a transformative locking box and a transformable inner partition equipped with a lattice door, a transformative thermo-house, a transformative bunker auto-feeder and a transformative auto-waterer.
Comparative studies of pig breeding in machines OSM-60 (control group) and SP-4FS (experimental group) concluded that the unification of the elements of the machine SP-4FS provides conditions for stress-free association of nests and keeping and feeding piglets after weaning and formation of new groups on rearing. It was found that from 28 to 65 days of age the animals of the experimental group probably outperformed control analogues in live weight at 65 days by 3.71 kg or 15.57% and from 66 to the end of 90 days of age – by 4, 34 kg or 12.04% in accordance.

Keywords: two-phase technology, easel equipment, piglets, live weight, safety, labor costs.



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Shchepetilnikov Yu. The use of ferment preparations to increase the defensive functions and to decrease the stress influence on calves

UDC 636.2.084.1/.5:612.392


Shchepetilnikov Yu.


The research results concerning ferment preparations influence to increase viability, immunological reaction and to decrease stress influence on the calves in the conditions of admissible microclimate of the apartment are presented in the article. The research was conducted on the black – mixed breed; from birth till 60-days age, which were formed into three groups. Control group got base ration (BR), test group– 1 – base ration + preparation «Proksi» in the amount of 2 % of the mixed fodder, test group– 2 base ration + preparation «Respect» in the amount of 2 % of the mass of mixed fodder. The growth and development of calves from test groups were counted taking into account individual weighting out of average day`s growth and relative speed growing.

Control of physiological state of animals was made according to morphological and biochemical blood index. The level of humoral defence (bacteriological activity of blood serum – BABS, lysozyme activity of blood serum – LABS), cell defence (phagocytic activity of neutrophils – PHAN) were valued according to S.I. Plyashenko methods, the content of immunoglobulin class G,M,A according to G. Mansini et al., general protein and its fractions according to I.P. Kondrakhin methods. It is determined that the enrichment of the mixed fodder with the preparations «Proksi» and «Respect» led to haemoglobin increasing by 3,88 %, the amount of erythrocytes by 4,8 % in comparison with control and test group – 1. The increasing of level of general protein by 2,66 %, albumins by 10,49 %, globulins by 3,22 % were established. The calves from test group -2 in BABS surpassed the control group (52,37±0,89 -53,88±1,1 %) by 13,6 %, in LABS by 14,8 %. The control calves had lower PHAN (41,6 ±1,1 %) and phagocyte index. The calves from test groups to the ration of which ferment additions were added were less stressed to the conditions of МАTR than those from the control one. They surpassed the control group in live mass by 9,9 % and by 10,2 % of average daily growth of live mass by 10 – 10,2 % (p≤ 0,05), the intensity of growth by 6 – 6,4 %, and according to the gross increase –by 6,9.

Key words: calves, live mass, average daily growth, BABS, LABS, morphological indexes ,general protein, resistance.



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Liubych V. V., Leshchenko I. A. Whole and quality grits yield of emmer wheat grain depending on endosperm consistency and water-heat treatment

UDC 664.7+664.71–11


Liubych V. V.

Leshchenko I. A.


The article is devoted to the determining of the effect of water-heat treatment regimes (moistening and softening) and hulling during the production of whole grits of emmer wheat with different vitreous endosperm. A comparative analysis of grits products yield was made, depending on the studied factors, and the optimal regimes are determined taking into account the culinary assessment of the finished product.
The great impact of the duration of hulling and vitreousness on grits and hulling bran is significant. Due to the different hulling duration of emmer wheat grain with flour endosperm (from 20 to 200 s) without water-heat treatment, the yield of whole grits was obtained from 81.0 to 97.5 %. Without water-heat treatment, the yield of vitreous grain was 85.0–99.3 %. Grain moistening before hulling increased grits yield, but this effect was unreliable (p> 0.05) and had a low level of impact. The effect of moistening duration of emmer wheat grain was insignificant and unreliable. The use of grain moistening (more than 14.0 %) is inefficient, as it does not significantly affect the grits yield. The obtained line mathematical influence models of grain moistening, softening, hulling on grits yield can be used for grits production.
Culinary quality depends on hulling coefficient and grain vitreousness. Thus, in case of grain processing with vitreous endosperm, the culinary assessment is 6.5–8.5 points depending on hulling duration. Culinary assessment of grits obtained from flour grain is 6.2–8.1 points. The highest yield of whole grits can be obtained with the minimum hulling duration (20 s) and moisture content of 13.0–14.0 %. However, such product is characterized by an overall culinary assessment which is below satisfactory.
During the production of whole grits of emmer wheat, the optimal to hull vitreous grain of moisture content 12.0–13.0 %. The duration of hulling of such grain should be 40–120 s (grits yield 92–97 %) to production high quality cereals and 120–140 s (grits yield 86–90 %) – with very high.

Key words: emmer wheat, grain, whole grit, hulling bran, hulling, water-heat treatment.



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Lopushniak V., Gritsulyak G., Yakubovsky T., Barchak B., Savyuk R. Formation of energy willow productivity with re-introduction of sewerage



Lopushniak V.

Gritsulyak G.

Yakubovsky T.

Barchak B.

Savyuk R.


Among the sources of renewable fuel in the preserved state at an active pace creates the most important resource as bioenergy, and energy production from biomass of cultural regions. The actualized direction of bioenergy development in Ukraine is the creation of long-term plantations of energy crops, in particular energy willow. In Ukraine, more reliable energy forces reach about 5 thousand hectares. [4, 7]. Leaving the duration of the plantation to ensure a duration of  3 – 4 years and the plantation can reach 20 – 25 years. Increasing the productivity of energy willow plantations and increasing the yield of biofuels per unit area can ensure the application of fertilizers, in particular sewage sludge (SS).
The article presents the results of field research conducted in the Ivano-Frankivsk region on sod-podzolic soils with the using of sewage sludge as fertilizer to determine changes in soil humus and productivity of energy willow of the second cycle of its plantation.
Studies have shown that re-application of sewage sludge before the second cycle of energy use willow plantation increases the content of organic matter in the soil, improves its quality, increases the productivity of agrophytocenosis, including increasing the yield of raw and dry biomass.
According to the results of research, sewage sludge has an active effect after its re-use as fertilizer in the second cycle of use of energy willow plantation. Its application contributes to the increase of the content of organic matter in the soil from 1.51 (control) to 1.81% (SS – 80 t/ha), insoluble residue from 0.63% (control) to 1.03% (SS – 80 t/ha), with an increase in the ratio of Sgk: Sfk from 0.7% to 1.4%, as well as increasing the productivity of agrophytocenosis, in particular the yield of raw 62.0 t/ha and 52.6 t/ha of dry biomass of energy willow. In particular, the application of compost based on sewage sludge and straw (3: 1) at a rate of 20 – 60 t/ha (options 6 – 9) increases the productivity of energy willow by 20.2 – 25.4 t/ha compared to the option without fertilizer application.

Keywords: energy willow, sewage sludge, compost, humus condition of sod-podzolic soil, productivity.



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Lykhochvor V., Andrushko M. Pea productivity depending on variety and sowing rate

UDC 633.35+631.526.3+631.53.048


Lykhochvor V.

Andrushko M.


During 2017-2019, three varieties of pea Madonna, Gotovsky and Otaman were studied on dark grey podzolized light loamy soil in conditions of sufficient moistering of the western forest-steppe of Ukraine with six sowing rates 0.9; 1.0; 1.1; 1,2; 1.3; 1.4 million / ha. It is established that the highest grain yield is formed by the Madonna variety – 6.38 t / ha. In the Gotovsky variety it was 6.13 t / ha, which is 0.25 t / ha less. The lowest yield was obtained by the Otaman variety – 5.94 t / ha, which is less than the variety Madonna by 0.44 t / ha and compared with the Gotivsky variety by 0.19 t / ha.
It is studied that the best hydrothermal conditions for the formation of grain yield of all varieties of peas occurred in 2017. The yield of the Madonna variety was 6.87 t / ha. In 2018, the yield decreased to 6.25 t / ha, or 0.62 t / ha, and in 2019 it was the lowest – 6.00 t / ha, which is lower by 0.87 t / ha compared to 2017. . Similar changes in the yield of pea grains were observed in other varieties.
It was found that the optimal sowing rates were different for the studied varieties. Thus, if the Madonna variety had the optimum sowing rate of 1.0 and 1.1 million / ha, then the Gotovsky variety had the highest productivity at a slightly higher sowing rate of 1.2 million / ha. As to the Otaman pea variety, the optimum sowing rate is wider, similar to the Madonna variety. But if the highest productivity of the variety Madonna was formed by sowing rates of 1.0 and 1.1 million / ha, then as to the Otaman variety – by sowing rates of 1.1 and 1.2 million / ha. The increasing and decreasing of the sowing rate led to the decrease of grain yield of this pea variety.
The lowest protein content was in the Otaman variety – 22.4%. In the Gotovsky variety, it was higher, accounting for 23.9%. The highest protein content was characterized by the Madonna variety – 24.5%.
The highest profit of 1 ha was obtained from the cultivation of the Madonna variety – UAH 20883, the varieties Gotovsky and Otaman were less profitable. The economically expedient sowing rate for the Madonna variety is 1 million / ha, for the Otaman variety 1.1 million / ha, for the Gotivsky variety – 1.2 million / ha. The studied elements of the technology of pea cultivation provide a positive energy efficiency factor, which varies within 4.62 – 5.38.

Key words: peas, variety, sowing rate, yield, quality, economic and energy efficiency.


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Diuk A. Economic assessment of social liability formation in agricultural enterprise



Diuk A.


The urgency of the problem. The development of agricultural entrepreneurship in Ukraine is characterized by a significant for science and practice set of problems that are relevant in the socio-economic environment. Today’s situation with the development of rural areas, the level of welfare of peasants, the attitude of the state to the management and support of the village is the basis for a number of changes in doing business. An important issue that needs a long-term and priority solution is the formation of social responsibility of agricultural enterprises, which in scientific and methodological terms also requires improving the principles of economic evaluation.
The purpose of the article is to determine the specifics of the formation of social responsibility in agricultural entrepreneurship, the production system of enterprises, by economic assessment of the dynamics of socially oriented costs, employment and productivity.
Results of the research. The article assesses the formation of social responsibility in agricultural enterprise. The theoretical vision of the signs of social responsibility of agricultural enterprises in carrying out their production activity is formed. The definition of social responsibility as a criterion of social production efficiency is proposed. The directions and criteria of the methodological foundations of the assessment of social responsibility of enterprises in relation to which aspects of the level of socially directed production costs are determined. The dynamics of socially directed expenditures, the dynamics of employment and the sectoral structure of production in the context of their use as indicators of levels of social responsibility are analyzed. The economic features of the character of social responsibility of agricultural enterprises at the present stage of their development are established.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, social responsibility, management, production system, costs, social efficiency.


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