The influence of growth stimulating drugs such as Vitasyme and 6-benzylaminopurine on the morphogenesis and sweet pepper yield

UDC [581.1:582.926.2]:661.162.65

V. Rogach,
E. Kushnir,
V. Plotnikov

It has been investigated that the growth stimulators increased the diameter of the stem of pepper plants by 8-9%, and under the the effect of Vitasyme the diameter of root collar increased by 14%.
The drugs caused a significant increase in the number of leaves per plant and the weight of the damp substances of the leaves. At the same time leaf area increased under their influence. Moreover, a significant increase of this indicator occurred after the adoption of an integrated drug Vitasyme.
The leaf area index is a significant cenotic parameter of plantation crops. Under the treatment of plants with the Vitasyme this figure increased by one third, and in the application of a synthetic analogue of cytokin it increased by 16%.
Specific surface density is a quantitative characteristic of the concentration of the structural elements involved in photosynthetic processes. It is established that under the influence of Vitasyme this figure tended to increase, but under the action of 6-benzylaminopurine it increased significantly, which may be due to changes in mesostructural leaf organization.
An important indicator which affects the plant yield is the amount of chlorophyll in leaves. It is shown that the drug Vitasyme significantly increased the amount of chlorophylls (a+b) in leaves of sweet pepper, but under the action of 6-benzylaminopurine the amount of the main photosynthetic pigment tended to increase.
It has also been proved that under the influence of growth stimulators the amount of chlorophyll per unit area of planting significantly increased. A synthetic analogue of cytokinin was more effective in this case.
From the point of view of the efficiency of the biological productivity of plants it is important to study the dynamics of accumulation of dry matter and net productivity of photosynthesis. It is established that growth factors, Vitasyme and 6-benzylaminopurine, increased the dry mass of plants by more than 20% and the net productivity of photosynthesis, respectively, by 22% and 10%.
Anatomical and morphological changes in plants of sweet pepper, which occurred under the influence of the growth stimulators, had a positive impact on quantitative indicators of productivity elements. The use of a complex growth stimulant Vitasyme is found to be more effective from the point of view of optimizing the production process. The drug increased the number of fruits per plant by 32% and the average fetal weight. The fruit yield from 1 hectare increased by 34%. Under the action of 6-benzylaminopurine the number of fruits per plant increased by 12%, the average weight of fetus by 5%, and the fruit yield from 1 hectare increased by 16%.

Key words: sweet pepper, Vitasyme, 6-benzylaminopurine, morphometry, leaf area, chlorophyll, crop yield.

The influence of growth stimulating drugs such as Vitasyme and 6-benzylaminopurine on the morphogenesis and sweet pepper yield.

Issue №1 (93), 2017

Characteristics of hardness and strength of caryopsides of spelt wheat depending on the variety and strain.

UDC 664.7:633.111.004.12

H. M. Hospodarenko
S. P. Poltoretskyi
V. V. Liubych
N. V. Vorobiova
I. F. Ulianych
M. M. Kapriy

The results of the study on hardness and strength of caryopsides of different varieties and strains of spelt wheat are shown. It is determined that the strength of caryopsides of spelt wheat varies significantly depending on the variety and strain. The effort required for the caryopsis destruction by compression changes from 78.1 to 119.7 H. Grain of spelt wheat of Zoria Ukrainy variety and LPP 1224, LPP 1224, NAK34/12–2 and NAK 22/12 strains is characterized by high strength. The effort required for the caryopsis destruction by shearing varies in a smaller range, from 27.3 to 37.3 H. However, grain of studied varieties belongs to the soft-grainy type of hardness as an index of particle size ranges from 30.0 to 57.2 %.
The effort required for the caryopsis destruction by compression for spelt wheat grain of Schwabenkorn, Shvedska 1 and NSS 6/01 varieties changes from 90.5 to 94.2 H, significantly less than the check variant. The studied parameter for grain of strains obtained by hybridization of Tr. aestivum/ Tr. spelta varies from 78.1 to 100.8 H with the variation coefficient of 6–21 %. Grain of introgressive strain TV 1100 has the compression index of 80.3 H with the variability from 65.7 to 94.1 H (V=11 %). The highest indicator of the effort after compression is observed in grain of strains obtained by hybridization of Tr. aestivum/ amphiploid (Tr. durum/ Ae. tauschii) and Tr. kiharae – NAK34/ 12–2 and NAK 22/12 which varies from 104.2 to 119.7 H (V=13–17 %).
The effort required for the caryopsis destruction by shearing is lower compared with compression but it also changes depending on the variety and strains. Thus, this indicator of spelt wheat grain of Zoria Ukrainy variety (st) is 31.5 H with the variability from 26.5 to 38.2 H (V=13 %).

Key words: spelt wheat, type of hardness, index of particle size, strength of caryopsis.

Characteristics of hardness and strength of caryopsides of spelt wheat depending on the variety and strain.

Issue №1 (93), 2017

Absorption of nutrient elements by weeds according to the technologies of growing alfalfa for seed purposes

UDC 633.31:632.51:631.811

L. Antipova

The aim of our research was to study the peculiarities of alfalfa seed varieties formation with the purpose, first of oll removal of batteries weeds from the soil in varying degrees agrophytocenoses weed-infested.
The processes of plant growth and development in agrophytocenoses alfalfa seeds studied at the Mykolayiw Institute of APV for three years. The main control in the experiment were Synska crop varieties (without application of herbicides and hand weeding grass).
The results of research. I is established that the spring sowing lucerne herbage under the open land very clogged. At the control sites (no herbicides) the number of weeds during their mass occurrence ranged between 418-437 individuals/m2 (high degree of contamination) and crude and air-dry weight – 162,0-168,0 and 28,8-29,3 g/m2, depending on the variety. In areas with the introduction of herbicide (with ground – Eptam 6E normally 4,5 l/ha after germination – Bazahran, 48% – 2 l/ha) during the mass appearance of weed noted weak degree of contamination (8-9 pcs./m2). Crude and air-dry weight of these were depending on the variety 18-19 and 2,2-2,7 g/m2, respectively.
During crooked ripening seeds in areas with the settings of herbicide the weed number decreased to 94,3 (sort Synska) 88,9 (sort Darkie), 91,2% (sort Torch) compared to untreated crops. Chemical weeding alfalfa helped to reduce air-dry biomass of weeds, which was 5,6; 5,8; 5,9% of the value accumulated in controls (454,0; 468,0; 452,0 g/m2), respectively, for the aforementioned grades. Weeds absorb from the soil of the high degree of contamination 37,1-38,4 kg/ha nitrogen 6,3-6,6 kg/ha – phosphorus 86,3-89,4 kg/ha of potassium depending on their sorts. This related to an average of 4,2 GJ/ha of non-renewable energy. Due sowing and post settings of herbicides the absorption from the soil decreases and is only 0,2 GJ/ha, ie 21 times less than in control.
Thus, the controlling unwanted vegetation in crops of alfalfa seed designation in time allows more efficient use of fertilizer and does not degrade the indexes of the natural fertility of the soil.

Key words: alfalfa seed, weeds, nutrients, exchange energy, productivity of crop sowing.

Absorption of nutrient elements by weeds according to the technologies of growing alfalfa for seed purposes.

Issue №1 (93), 2017

The theoretical foundations of the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of construction in rural areas

UDC 332.133

A.  Strenkovskaya

The article reveals the essence of the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of construction in rural areas, and it was also found out that solving the problem of the development of construction in rural area is among the priorities of the national agrarian policy. An analysis of the scientific literature on the category “organizational and economic mechanism” has been carried out and the use for various purposes and for various processes was found out. Two fundamental levers of influence of the investigated mechanism were revealed: organizational and economic, each of which performs a number of specialized operations. For example, the economic component includes lending and financial support for the development and implementation of construction projects in rural areas, organizational – the choice of tools to regulate the development of construction in rural areas, etc. These components complement each other and in their interaction form a new system quality. It was found that the formation of such interaction should be carried out on scientifically based principles such as complexity, efficiency, effectiveness, systemacity, transparency, democratism, etc. Thus, it can be argued that the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of construction in rural areas as a system forms a structure, which determines the constant connections and relationships in it, as well as the main directions of control influence. The need for its effective functioning in rural areas will create conditions for highly productive work for its residents and will form social, household and cultural amenities for life and recreation.

Key words: organizational and economic mechanism, construction, rural areas, socio-economic development, national agrarian policy.

The theoretical foundations of the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of construction in rural areas.

Issue №1 (93), 2017

Modern condition of material and technical support of agricultural enterprises in Kyiv region

UDC 631/635: 631.11(477.41)

A. Grek

Logistical support agricultural producers in the current development of the state is one of the most critical areas of the agro-industrial complex. The present condition makes it impossible to meet the technological needs of agricultural enterprises in machinery, equipment and maintenance works.
Development of branches of agriculture in modern conditions depends not only on the level of technical support, characterized by the number of vehicles, their quality, performance, compliance with international requirements to the economic characteristics of the environment and safety, but also the technological perfection of production.
As part of a comprehensive study of agricultural machinery in agricultural enterprises of Kyiv region studies found, that the number of technical means for the period 2010-2015 dramatically reduced and in certain types reaches nearly half a technological need. The situation is most critical in ensuring potato and flax harvesting equipment.
The situation with update technology, almost all types of vehicles in all categories, the only one exception is the high cost of agricultural holding and governance structures. They have the ability to effectively lead the production and uses of funds for the technological upgrade of the agricultural sector with other sectors of the economy.
Domestic producers in need of technological renovation of material-technical base. Technical equipment in most cases was purchased decades ago, as a result, are morally and physically obsolete, so don’t allow to timely and efficiently carry out the whole planned complex of works.
To solve this problem, an integrated approach is needed for reproduction of technical potential to the level of need based on the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of renovation of fixed production assets of agriculture.

Key words: technics, equipment, technical capacity, agricultural enterprises, commodity producers, physical infrastructure.

Modern condition of material and technical support of agricultural enterprises in Kyiv region.

Issue №1 (93), 2017

The system of indicators and factors of effective development in agrarian business

UDC 338.439.65

Y. Kormyshkin

The article substantiates the economic efficiency of the agricultural entrepreneurship is evaluated using economic indicators, each of which reflects the quantitative and the qualitative characteristics of economic phenomena and processes, simple and expanded reproduction, a numeric expression of certain categories and concepts. It is established that the system of factors should be devided in three ways: the types of expenses of production and resources, directions of development and improvement of production, the place of implementation of factors in the system of management.

Key words: effective development, the agrarian entrepreneurship, indicators factors, the system.

The system of indicators and factors of effective development in agrarian business.

1. Andrijchuk V.Gh. Ekonomika aghrarnykh pidpryjemstv / V.Gh. Andrijchuk . – K.: KNEU, 2002. – 584 s.
2. Verkhoghljadova N. I. Systema pokaznykiv dlja upravlinnja stijkistju funkcionuvannja budiveljnogho pidpryjemstva/ N. I. Verkhoghljadova, I.V. Kononova // Visnyk Khmeljnycjkogho nacionaljnogho universytetu. – 2011. – # 1. – S. 7-10.
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5. Ekonomika pidpryjemstva: Pidruchnyk / za zagh. red. S.F. Pokropyvnogho – Vyd. 2-ghe, pererob. ta dop. – K.: KNEU, 2005. – 528 s.
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8. Mnykh Je.V. Ekonomichnyj analiz: Pidruchnyk dlja studentiv vyshhykh navchaljnykh zakladiv. – K.: Centr navchaljnoji literatury, 2003. – 412 s.
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11. Polozhennja pro porjadok zdijsnennja analizu finansovogho stanu pidpryjemstv, shho pidljaghajutj pryvatyzaciji: Zatverdzheno nakazom Ministerstva finansiv Ukrajiny, Fondom derzhavnogho majna Ukrajiny vid 26.01.2001 r. # 49 / 121/ Zakonodavstvo Ukrajiny; elektronni dani. – K.: Infodysk, 2005.
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13. Savycjka Gh.V. Ekonomichnyj analiz dijaljnosti pidpryjemstva: Navch. posib. – 2-ghe vyd., vypr. i dop. – K.: Znannja, 2005. – 662 s.
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17. Chernukha I.V. Osnovni chynnyky ta skladovi rozvytku budiveljnykh pidpryjemstv [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu :
18. Jushkevych O.O. Systematyzacija poghljadiv do teoriji rozvytku pidpryjemstva jak vidkrytoji systemy / O.O. Jushkevych // Visnyk Zhytomyrsjkogho derzhavnogho tekhnologhichnogho universytetu: naukovyj zhurnal [Serija: Ekonomichni nauky]. – 2011. –#2 (56) – Ch. 2.– S. 179-183.

Issue №1 (93), 2017

Main features of the company’s economic potential formation in modern conditions

UDC 330.341.1:631.11

Ю. В. Ушкаренко, доктор економічних наук, професор
Херсонський національний технічний університет

Economic potential characterizes the company’s ability to obtain the highest results of production and achieve strategic goals. It depends on the availability of resources and reserves, as well as opportunities for optimal utilization based synergistic patterns and interaction of internal and external environment.
The most important condition for achieving a qualitatively new state of a company is active interaction and interrelation of all opportunities, resources and reserves.
A key principle of the company’s economic potential formation is its target orientation. A company requires different combinations of the available resources and established reserves, to use their ability and opportunities offered by the environment depending the purpose it is realizes. The purposes of the company should reflect its desire to use the opportunities, resources, reserves for the transition to a qualitatively new level.
The economic potential of the company acts as a complex system that consists of many elements with different characteristics. It is important to appreciate for forming the company’s economic potential that it is a complex economic system with certain properties.
The purpose of forming economic potential is to obtain it’s a rational structure that allows for logical relationships and interactions with factors of internal and external environment.
The result of the formation and development of the company’s economic potential is a new state of the company that will create new conditions and opportunities, resources, reserves, which is in turn the basis for the next synergistic effect. And it will provide a transition for a new qualitative state.
The company’s economic potential is forming under the influence of such factors as the purpose and strategy development, structural elements of the potential and external conditions. Internal factors associated with industry-specific and mostly characterize the technological and organizational production characteristics. The external factors include: political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal.

Key words: company’s economic potential, formation of economic potential, influence on economic potential, synergy.

Main features of the company’s economic potential formation in modern conditions.

Issue №1 (93), 2017

Indication of the ecological conditions of agricultural land in Ukraine: a social unit.

UDC 332.363.711.144

O. Kotykova

It was conducted the research of indicators, identified earlier by the author, of social state of agricultural land use in Ukraine. These indicators include: the number of born, the number of deaths and natural population growth in rural areas; life expectancy at birth in rural areas; fertility, mortality and natural population growth in rural areas; the infant mortality rate, the presence of toxic industrial waste in per capita; providing the population with agricultural products; consumption of food in rural areas; factor of social efficiency; gross agricultural output per capita; average housing per rural capita; housing equipment in rural areas;average level of cultural institutions and the arts per rural capita; provision in rural areas durables.
As a result it was made a conclusion about the discrepancy of the achieved state to the conditions of sustainable development of agricultural land use in Ukraine.
In particular, it was found that out of twenty-six indicators that are taken for analysis, only four indicators of social unit (rural housing and its equipment, the infant mortality rate, the volume of gross agricultural output per 1 person) and four indicators of socio-economic bloc (land availability, investment per capita, quintylyty income differentiation factor , the level of economic activity in rural areas) are better from the baseline value over the years, and others – eighteen – worse.
Determined that in the rural areas declining the population birth rate, the natural growth and life expectancy at birth, increase the mortality. Rural economy crisis led to a significant reduction of the rural population. Reduced output of major agricultural products in per capita and consumption of food does not meet reasonable standards, deteriorated the level of availability of culture and art institutions.
Proved that the environmental and economic development of the land use did not provide the improvement of social indicators, didn’t laid the positive foundations for future generations.

Key words: indication, model, land use, sustainability, social state.

Indication of the ecological conditions of agricultural land in Ukraine: a social unit.

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Issue №1 (93), 2017

The importance of agroholdization in the socio and economic development of Ukrainian rural areas

UDC 334.78:631.145:338.432(477)

I. Cherven
S. Pavliuk

Subject. In the article the influence agroholdization agrarian sector of Ukraine on socio and economic development of rural areas is discussed. It was analyzed the state of operation of agricultural holdings in Ukraine. Peculiarities of agroholdings which deal with crop production and animal husbandry, and especially their contribution to food security and rural development are considered.
Purpose. The aim is to study the impact agroholdization and to provide proposals to strengthen the social focus of their activities on social and economic development of the rural areas.
Research methods. In the research process the author used approaches and methods of economic researches assisting to the achievement of the most thorough and truthful results. The system approach and summing up were used in the research of theoretical basis of agricultural holdings operation. The monographic method was applied in comparison of different scientists’ approaches to clear up the problems of influence of agricultural holdings activities on rural development.
Research results. It was determined that despite of the positive impact of agricultural holdings activities on production development, agricultural holdings activities have significant and negative impact on the socio and economic development of rural areas. And it leads to increased rural social problems.
Results application sphere. In the article the conclusion and proposals have practical meaning and can be used for the working out the necessary preconditions and implementation principles for coordination of agricultural holdings operation and rural development strategy on balanced basis.

Key words: agriculture, socio and economic development, agricultural holdings, land use, ru-ral areas.

The importance of agroholdization in the socio and economic development of Ukrainian rural areas.

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Issue №1 (93), 2017

The sunflower oil market of Ukraine and its development

UDC 633.1:338.43

V. Klochan, doctor of economic sciences, professor
I. Bezpyata, associate professor, PhD
N. Zingaieva, assistant
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

In recent years the relationships between Ukrainian and world sunflower oil market is getting tighter due to the deepening of the international division of labor and Ukraine’s entry to the world leading oil producers and exporters. National demand on sunflower oil is only 10-15%, the remaining 85-90% is exported.
The problems of the agricultural sector, the current trend of price conjuncture of world food resources, lack of government attention to the problems of the sector create a foundation for crisis in the provision of food, including sunflower oil.
Despite the increase of refining capacity and oil production, including sunflower, there is a decrease of oil consumption fund: in Ukraine, the consumption has decreased from 13,7 kg in 2011 to 12,3 kg per person per year in 2015. It should be noted that in 2015 oil consumption does not meet standards of human nutrition, which is 13 kg per person per year. Reducing consumption per capita was related to the reduction of oil consumption of the general fund.
This trend demonstrates the economic crisis in the country where due to significant increase of prices for sunflower oil, people started limiting themselves in its consumption, which indicates the unbalanced nutrition of Ukrainians.
Despite all the political and economic negative, according to experts, the Ukrainian agricultural sector annually increases production of crops and hence, increases exports. To get started developing, we need to seek new markets. For example, Chinese market has already bought 14% of our sunflower oil. Increasing our market presence through the consolidation of enterprises enables national producers to dictate their conditions on the raw materials and finished products markets, accordingly adjust profitability and reduce the impact of competitors.
Another way of survival for enterprises under the oil-fat complex on the national market is to create its own resource base to load the capacity of processing of oilseeds. Also further integration of Ukrainian oil market into the world’s one confronts manufacturers of topical issues of improvement of the quality and competitiveness of oil and fat products. As Ukrainian enterprises, which are the world largest producers and exporters of oil and fat products must be able to compete not only with quality products, but also for the price. This involves continuous improvement and optimization of production processes to improve efficiency and reduce production cost.

Key words: sunflower oil, oil-processing industry, exports, consumption fund balance, global market.

The sunflower oil market of Ukraine and its development.

Issue №1 (93), 2017