M.A. Domaskina, A.I. Kolomoytsev, Automatic selection of the optimal solution. In the agricultural household

M.A. Domaskina

A.I. Kolomoytsev

In today’s Ukrainian reality, the use of traditional methods of making managerial decisions in agriculture does not fully ensure the expected effect, since it focuses, to a greater extent, on the correction of existing deficiencies in the activities of agricultural enterprises.

At the same time, such a mechanism for the adoption of managerial decisions is required, as a result of which agricultural enterprises not only could react in a timely manner to the problems that have emerged, but also to forecast these problems and avoid them.

Management decisions must comply with changing conditions, so it becomes impossible to use the same management tools for a long time. It is necessary to synthesize updates of existing decision-making systems that respond quickly to changing market environment conditions. The question arises about finding a new decision-making system that would meet the requirements of the current economic situation. In our opinion, one of the most important areas for improving management decision-making can be the use of information systems allowing the construction of simulation models for enterprise development, which take into account many economic indicators of enterprises.

Any agricultural enterprise, regardless of the organizational form of management, is a complex economic system, in determining the prospects of development of which the leading role is assigned to the use of economic and mathematical methods. The application of economical and mathematical methods based on the use of modern computers and application software packages gives a number of significant advantages over other methods. Namely:

  • increasing of speed and quality of plans;
  • there are conditions for the implementation of a multivariate statement of the problem;
  • the possibility of operative adjustment in accordance with changes in internal and external conditions of production;
  • The principle of a system approach is fully implemented.

However, the decision of optimization tasks, as shown by the experience of their implementation on a PC, requires a large number of preliminary calculations in the preparation of input information, analysis of the results of the decision, etc. Most often all calculations are labor-intensive and suffer from a degree of inaccuracy.

Therefore, the most rational form of using a PC for the implementation of optimization tasks is the development and implementation of automated information systems.

The technology of automated processing of economic information is based on the principles:

  • Integration of data processing and user work capabilities under the conditions of operation of automated centralized storage systems and collective use of data (data banks);
  • distributed data processing on the basis of advanced transmission systems;
  • a rational combination of centralized and decentralized management and organization of computing systems;
  • Modeling and formalized description of data, procedures for their transformation, functions and workspaces of performers;
  • accounting for specific features of an object in which the machine processing of economic information is implemented.

Proceeding from this, we have partially developed and implemented (using Microsoft Excel) an automated information system for the preparation of input information, modeling, automatic matrix generation, implementation and analysis of economic and mathematical problems.

The basis of this information system is the development and implementation of an economic and mathematical model for optimizing the sectoral structure of production in agricultural enterprises. If till now such economic and mathematical models were developed on the basis of pre-prepared manual input information, the proposed information system allows to automate almost all stages of its implementation.

To select and make a unique decision, a number of special decision criteria can be used, among which we considered such criteria as minimax, gambling, Bayes Laplace, Sevdih, neutral player, Hurwitz, “An improved Hurwitz criterion” and “Hodge-Lehman”.

An important feature of the system we have developed is the principle of its openness, that is, the possibility of increasing the range of realized tasks on the basis of the use of information of source directories, reference directories and databases, formed on the basis of the results of the solution of the economic and mathematical problem.

Thus, the implementation of the developed automated information system allows, on the basis of reasonable initial data, to automate the process of modeling, to determine the optimal parameters of the system’s operation, the unique choice of the solution taking into account the level of certainty of the external environment.


  1. Vikhliaieva, S. I. Shliakhy optymizatsii upravlinskykh rishen pidpryiemstva v umovakh ryzyku ta nevyznachenosti [Tekst] / S. I. Vikhliaieva, V. I. Fediai // Visnyk NTU «KhPI». – 2013. – № 67 (1040). – S. 143-147.
  2. Derlou, D. Kliuchovi upravlinski rishennia. Tekhnolohiia pryiniattia rishen [Tekst] : posib. / Derlou Des. – K.: Vsesvit, Naukova dumka, 2001. – 242 c.
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  4. Zavalkevych, L. Pryniatye reshenyi: Psykholohycheskye aspektyi optymyzatsyy [Tekst] / L. Zavalkevych // Antykryzysnyii menedzhment. – 2003. – № 9. – S. 14 – 18.
  5. Meskon M.Kh. Osnovy menedzhmenta : Per. s anhl. / Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Khedoury F. – M.: Delo, 2000.– 707s.
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  7. Ansoff,Y. Stratehycheskoe upravlenye [Tekst] : per. s anhl./ Y.Ansoff – M. : Ekonomyka, 1989.– 315 s.
  8. Upravlenye orhanyzatsyei : Entsyklopedycheskyi slovar / Pod red. A.H. Porshneva, A.Ia. Kybanova, V.N. Hunyna. – M. : Ynfra-M, 2001. (http://yas.yuna.ru).
  9. Sokolovska, Z. M. Prykladne imitatsiine modeliuvannia yak analitychna osnova pryiniattia upravlinskykh rishen [Tekst] / Z. M. Sokolovska, N. V. Yatsenko // BIZNESINFORM. – 2013. – № 6. – S. 69-76.

T. Melikhova, Improvement of methodological principles of the results and expenses assessment of the enterprise economic security system.

T. Melikhova

The aim of the work is to improve the indicators of the interaction of the results and costs for the economic security of the enterprise over the long runs, which are obtained using a graphical analog model. A graphical representation of the interaction of results and costs makes it possible to show the formation of the gross, net and actual cash flow of the enterprise. With the help of the graph, you can determine the gross, net, valid periods of return of investments; the period for which the accumulated predetermined (planned) profit will be received. Indicators  proposed and used in practice are obtained on the basis of interaction of results and costs of economic activity of the enterprise in the long-term period, namely: 1. Accumulated cash flow products. 2. Accumulated depreciation deductions. 3. The remaining (undocumented) value of non-current assets. 4. The accumulated net profit as a total and that really will be directed towards returning investment in economic security. 5. Accumulated gross profit. 6.  Accumulated net cash flow, as a general one, and the one that will really be directed towards returning investment to economic security. 7. Accumulated gross cash flow. 8. Accumulated target (planned) gross cash flow. 9. Accumulated gross (net, actual, given) return on gross (net, actual, specified) period of return on investment in economic security. 10. Accumulated net (actual) profit for the net (effective) period of return on investment in economic security. 11. Accumulated gross (net, valid) cash flow for the gross (net, valid) period of return on investment in economic security. 12. Over-ratio: accumulated gross, net, actual, given cash flows over non-current assets of the enterprise.

Methods of calculation of coefficients are proposed: excess of accumulated gross, net, actual and specified cash flows over advanced investments; tax yield and gross profit of gross profit; the share of administrative expenses and net profit in gross profit.

Key words: indicators, results, costs, economic activity, enterprise, long-term period.


  1. Blank Y.A. Upravlenye fynansovoi bezopasnostiu predpryiatyia / Y.A. Blank. – 2-e yzd., ster. – K. : Elha, 2009. – 776 s.
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  4. Khaiman D.N. Sovremennaia mykroekonomyka: analyz y prymenenye : uchebnyk. / D.N. Khaiman ; Per. s anhl. – V 2t. T.1. – M. : Fynansyi y statystyka, 1992. – 384 s.
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N. Sharata, I. Pavlov. The essence of the modern term «Public administration».

N. Sharata

I. Pavlov

One of the main factors in ensuring democratic progress of Ukraine on the principles of European integration values is the introduction of an effective system of governance in all social spheres, since Ukraine, as a European state, seeks not only to ensure successful socio-political and socio-economic reforms, but also to achieve a new quality of life, harmonization of social relations.

The processes of social transformation, the introduction of European standards led to the search for new approaches to understanding the definition of «state administration».

The article analyzes the definitions of «management» and «public administration». The author, in accordance with the analysis of theoretical sources on the history of management thought, the researches of scientists, concluded that practically in the study of the concept of «management» is treated as a special type of activity through which its subjects through the solving the management tasks provide the organization of a common management and guidance subsystems to achieve effective goals and we agree with it.

The paper generalizes the directions of researches by leading scientists concerning the definition of «state administration» and defines the  approaches to the understanding of this concept. In particular, the basis for the definition of the multi-faced concept of «public administration» is that some scholars use the approach according to which state administration is a branch of science that encompasses many disciplines, which includes the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government. Other scholars regard state administration as a sub-branch of law. The article presents author’s vision for the definition of «state administration». According to the author, «public administration is a system of elements of state power, which has executive and administrative character and is aimed at regulating social relations in various spheres of state policy». Public administration has a dominant character and the state is the key to this system. In the state administration, the object is the state, the subjects are the executive bodies, the leaders and the management of these bodies.

Key words: governance, state administration, the state, state policy, executive branch.


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N. Sirenko, O. Melnyk, I. Barishevskaya. Creative class of knowledge economy

N. Sirenko

O. Melnyk

I. Barishevskaya

The article studies how the knowledge economy is one of the sectors playing a decisive role in the functioning of the economic system.

It is shown that, at the moment, scientists are not unanimous in their definition of  “the knowledge economy” and “the innovative economy”. So, L. Mindey and L. Pipia define them as synonyms. I. Kondaurov and O. Khasnutdinova point out that the knowledge economy should be considered systematically and comprehensively in the broadest sense. In this case, it acts as: an innovative economy; post-industrial economy; information economy; global network economy. At the same time, they emphasize that the theoretical premise of the knowledge economy in an historical context is the idea of ​​innovation, and accordingly, an innovative economy.

It is demonstrated that effective development of the knowledge economy takes place on the condition of interpreting three relatively independent spheres of social activity: 1) education and training; 2) R & D and innovations; 3) information and communication technologies. At the same time, the key factor in production is intellectual capital, intangible assets, information and communication. It is sufficiently important to provide the necessary conditions for the development of a knowledge-based economy.

Further exploration shows that today, one of the key tasks facing the majority of nation states is developing their creative industries in order to strengthen their competitive advantage in the global market.

The most significant contribution to the development of the theory of the creative class was introduced by sociologist R. Florida, who divides it into two subclasses – the super-creative core and creative specialists. To “suprareative nucleus”, he has assigned professions in the following areas: programming and mathematics; Architecture and engineering; natural and social sciences; education and science; education and library affairs; art; design; entertainment; sport; and the media. The subclass of “creative specialists” includes: managers; Professions in business and finance; health care professionals; high-tech production specialists; executive positions related to sales, etc. Investigations reveal that the main qualities inherent in the creative class are: youth, high productivity, independence, entrepreneurship, and a high level of education.

Keywords: knowledge economy, innovative economy, innovations, creative industry, creative class, entrepreneurship.


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O. Shebanina. Investment progects and country`s food security guarantee

UDC 338.262

O. Shebanina

Abstract. The article determines the indicators of country`s food security and determines the level of food consumption adequacy in Ukraine as a whole and in the Mykolayiv region in particular. A comparison of the national and regional state of the food security with the basic indicator was made; the dynamics of changes in consumption adequacy in the region for the period under the study was analyzed. The weaknesses in the current state of the food security by the individual food groups, consumption of which does not meet rationally established norms, are revealed, and the ways of their elimination are proposed. The forecasts of milk consumption and dairy products consumption for 2020 according to the forecast population of Ukraine and normative volumes of consumption are developed. The forecast of the volume of milk and milk products production for 2020 is used, which compared with the projected volume of normative consumption, allows us to obtain the amount of milk and dairy products lacking in the diet of the population, to confirm the results obtained earlier and to evaluate the models used during the research. The article determines the need of investments in 2020 for the production of milk and dairy products in the necessary amount that satisfies the population`s needs in milk. It is based on the rationally defined norms established by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is determined. Based on the normative documents that regulate the legal and organizational framework for ensuring the safety and the quality of milk and milk products for life and health of the population and the environment, promising directions of investment for realization of projects on production, transportation, processing, storage, sale of milk and dairy products; development of nationwide programs for the development of breeding and breeding business, as well as improvement of packaging and labeling of products that will improve the state of the food security in Ukraine as a whole and in particular regions are offered. It was emphasized the importance of increasing the export of dairy products including casein, skimmed milk and whole milk, which would allow to receive an additional foreign exchange earnings for the implementation of the quality projects.

Keywords: development projects, investments, food safety, consumption adequacy indicator, forecast model, milk production and dairy products, fixed assets, investment needs.


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О. Kovalova. Conceptual priorities of structural policy in the development of the agricultural sector of the economy.

О. Kovalova

The article describes the characteristics of the conceptual priorities of structural policy in the development of the agricultural sector of the economy. The theoretical and methodical foundations of the mechanism for implementing structural policy in the conditions of the transformational economy, at the level of the agriculture sector, have been highlighted. The basis for the realization of the structural policy in the direction of the modernization of the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy, as well as in the strategic perspective – the implementation of the goals of sustainable development have been identified.

Keywords: structural policy, agricultural sector, sustainable development, modernization, transformation.


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V. Shebanin, Yu. Kormyshkin. State regulation of agricultural enterprise development.

V. Shebanin

Yu. Kormyshkin

The article substantiates the essence of the concept of state regulation of agrarian entrerprise. A number of key problems of the agrarian sector development were identified. It is established that the generally accepted role of the state in a market economy is to create conditions, eliminate the negative consequences and problems of functioning of the market mechanism, as well as protect national interests in the domestic and world markets. An important role in the state regulation of the development of agrarian entrerprise in modern conditions is played by selected methods, which are classified according to two features – forms and means of influence. It is substantiated that direct and indirect methods of regulation play an important role in the state regulation of the development of agrarian entrerprise. On the basis of the analysis of agrarian business activity, it was established that the current stage of agrarian entrerprise development in Ukraine due to unfavorable socio-economic problems demonstrates acceptable rates of development, which is, first of all, the result of the agrarian reform. Also, new challenges need a timely response from the state, agrarian science and practice. The financing state of the agrarian sector is analyzed and attention is focused on the main innovations of the financial support of the agrarian sector for 2017 from the state budget, namely: – increased up to UAH 300 million expenditures on cheapening of loans to enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex; – for the first time in three years the state budget for 2017 allocated funds for the selection and reproduction of water bioresources; for the funding of the program “Breeding in the fisheries and recreation of water bioresources in the internal reservoirs and in the Azov-Black Sea basin”, 40 million UAH were invested in the budget; UAH 75 million is allocated under the program “State support for development of hops, laying of young gardens, vineyards and patch of berries and their supervision”, which will increase the area of ​​laying of perennial plantations and will stimulate the development of infrastructure for the preservation of fruit and berry products and grapes; UAH 210 million is provided in support of the livestock sector. In addition, it was noted that the budget for 2017 provided for the mobilization of 400 million euros from the European Investment Bank for the implementation of investment projects in the agro-industrial complex.

The suggestions on improvement of regulation and development of agrarian business are substantiated: – formation of effective state support; ensuring the efficiency of the domestic market and price regulation; – rational use of agricultural land; – development of a network of agricultural servicing cooperatives, which will promote not only the raise of channels transparency of products realization on the domestic market, decrease of expenses of agricultural producers and increase of the intensity of product promotion, but will also help to increase the volume and efficiency of export of agrarian products; – development of public-private partnership, which is implemented both in the promotion of the associations activities of private agricultural producers by the state, and the creation of public-private economic associations, which, along with commodity producers, include state authorities and local self-government; – improving the quality of food products and their compliance with international standards; – Expansion of export potential; – assistance in attracting foreign investments.

It is determined that state regulation of agrarian business will effectively influence the development of agrarian business in Ukraine, subject to the proposed measures.

Keywords: agrarian entrerprise, state regulation, development, methods of regulation, state budget.


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