Influence of genotypic factors on qualitative indicators of wool and meat sheep production

UDC 636. 32

H. Kalinichenko,
O. Koval

The comparative study results of wool and meat production of Ascanian wool-meat, Ascanian fine-wool and Ascanian crossbred sheepare are shown.
As follows from the study the ratio of the Ascanian meat-wool bred wool to the crossbred, homogeneous and half-bred wool is 50 to 58 of quality. In case of Ascanian crossbred sheep staplefleece consists of transient wool, filament breadth is 58-48 of quality. The ration of the wool of Ascanian fine-wool gimmers to fine-wool, homogeneous is 60 of quality.
The crude wool shearing of Ascanian crossbred gimmers proved to be the biggest and equals 4.4 kg, clean wool — 2,8 kg. As to clean wool shearing, they apparently top Ascanian fine-wool sheep born in the same year. Clean fiber yield of the test Ascanian meat-wool bred of Odessa type and Ascanian crossbred sheepmost probably tops the indicators of the control group gimmers and equals 62,8%, 63,5% and 45,2% respectively.
It has been proved that Ascanian meat-wool lambs of Odessa type and Ascanian crossbred sheep are marked by the highest slaughter qualities. Thus, before-slaughter weight of Ascanian meat-wool sheep of Odessa type and Ascanian crossbred sheep compared to AscanianAscanian fine-wool bred was bigger by 12,0 kg and 12,8 kg, or by 41,1% and 43,8%. It has been proved that Ascanian meat-wool bred of Odessa type has the highest meat ratio and equals 4,3. Upon those indications Ascanian crossbred sheep are inferior by 0,4, and Ascanian fine-wool sheep by 0,5. Ascanian mean-wool lambs of Odessa type as well as Ascanian crossbred sheep have the biggest flesh yield per 1 kg of before-slaughter body weight and it equals 366,5 g and 366, 7 g, which is by 27,5 g and 27,7 g bigger than Ascanian fine-wool sheep do.

Key words: wool, lamb meat, slaughter yield, meat ratio.

Influence of genotypic factors on qualitative indicators of wool and meat sheep production.

Issue 2(89), Part 1, 2016

Changes in the concentrations of fatty acids of bee’s pollen during polliniferous season

UDC 638. 178. 2

I. Kalinina

The basic regularities connections that affect the productivity of bees developing. Established dynamics of the main fatty acids parameters pollen depending on the period of collection. The regularities of the influence of the fatty acids composition of pollen on the development of bee colonies.
It was studying bee pollen for fattyacid composition during flowering of differents pecies of pollen from Aprilto Augustin 2008 and 2010, and identified the needs of the averagerate for bees Easternregion. To complete the task were selected samples of beepollen Polyphlore dust, on private apiary Moyseenko, in the Kharkiv region Volchansky district polliniferous season for three years. The collected experimental material was crusheding rinders of «Cyclone» to 0,1 mm. The lipid extraction was performed with a mixture of chloroform-methanol, hydrochloricacid, followed methylation sodium methylate.
To identifymethy lesters of fattyacid susinggas-liquid chromatograph «Chrom – 5». It was considered the,change linoleic, linolenic, oleic essential fatty acids separately and built for them polynomial trend line (approximation and smoothing), which allowed the correct concentration of fatty acids for normal development bees in Eastern Ukraine in spring and summer.
The material indicate that bees pollen has different dynamics of fatty acids, which is observed with seasonal variations and differences between years. Most fatty acids enriched bee pollen was at when the late spring and early summer. Analyzing the quality of pollen brought by bees, it should be noted that the period of most intensive growth of bee colonies coincides with intensive offering of pollen with high levels of fatty acids.

Key words: bee’s pollen, quality bee’s pollen, fatty acids indicators, essential fatty acids, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, development of bee’s colonies.

Changes in the concentrations of fatty acids of bee’s pollen during polliniferous season.

Issue 2(89), Part 1, 2016

The “Toksisorb” reduces the pathogenicity of mycotoxins

UDC 619:616. 992. 282

I. Izmailovich

Mycotoxins are an invisible group of feed components of varying toxicity and the waste products of mold fungi. They inhibit the growth of young poultry, reduce egg production, causing an immunosuppressive condition, and as a result, give rise to disease – mycotoxicosis, which inevitably leads to economic losses in the poultry farms. But no less important and dangerous for the human factor is the fact that they are found in meat and eggs of poultry.
We studied the influence of the adsorbent of mycotoxins “Toksisorb” on the effectiveness of growing broiler chickens, namely on the physiological state of broilers, the safety of young, dynamic body weight, feed consumption per 1 kg of growth, biochemical composition of blood and metabolic state.
Studies have shown that the use of “Toksisorb” facilitated the intensification of growth of broiler chickens while reducing cost of feed per unit of live weight gain.
By the end of the experiment the difference in body weight between the control and experimental group was 96.7 g, which is higher than the control. At the same time the overall cost of feed to weight gain in the experimental group was higher than in the control, and the cost of feed to live weight gain per 1 kg was below increase in the experimental group, indicating that a higher ratio of nutrients feed the chickens of experimental group.
In the blood of chickens of experimental group compared to the control was observed a statistically significant difference in the content of red blood cells, which provided more substantial opportunities for the effective implementation physiological functions and more rapid growth of experienced livestock.
Given our findings and analysis of the scientific literature sources, one can conclude that in industrial applications of mycotoxin’s adsorbent “Toksisorb” contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, thus providing increasing poultry production.

Key words: the adsorbent of mycotoxins “Toksisorb”, broilers, live weight, cost of feed.

The “Toksisorb” reduces the pathogenicity of mycotoxins.

Issue 2(89), Part 1, 2016

The quality and safety of cows’ milk with the use of trace elements and vitamins E.

UDC 637. 12. 053

M. Dolgaya,
S. Bohorodenko,
Y. Yaromenko,
I. Polеvaya

Institute of Animal NAAS of Ukraine


This article presents data on the effect of chelates Cu, Zn, Mn, and sulfates on the quality and safety of cows’ milk. It is shown that the compensation of the lack of trace elements in the diet by 50%, and the additional use of vitamin E in an amount of 400 mg/head/day, increasing the fat content contributed 7,0% protein and 2,12 to decrease the level of somatic cells at 22,86% of cows milk. the research groups chelates trace elements Сopper, Zinc, Mangane and vitamin E as contributing to the overall average daily milk yield on 3-month lactation cows in the experimental group at 6,43%, in contrast to the control group. Analysis of the data shows that the natural fat content milk yield for the entire period of the experiment was higher at 6,65% in the experimental group of animals compared with control.
The additional introduction of experimental diet deficient cows the mixed trace elements Copper, Zinc and Mangane in the form of sulphate salts and their compounds in the form chelate complex with Vitamin E content of these elements in milk cows all groups had no significant difference and ranged maximum permissible concentration.

Key words: vitamin E, milkcows, chelates, performance, traceelements, somaticcells.

Quality and safety of cow milk for the use of trace elementsand vitamins E.

Issue 2(89), Part 1, 2016

The Influence of the duration of cultivation on the fishery markers and the biochemical composition of paddlefish hatchlings.

UDC (639. 311)

N. Grudko, teaching assistant
I.  Sherman, Doctor of Agrarian Science, professor
Kherson State Agrarian University


Special research attempting to investigate correlation between duration of cultivating paddlefish hatchlings and main fishery markers (survival rate, average mass, fish production) and biochemical composition .
The cultivation of paddlefish hatchlings were placed in plastic tanks for 20, 25 or 30 days.
Stock density was 750 fishes/m2 in all variances. Stocking was provided using gauge method. Experimental material was selected using the analogue groups method with average individual bodymass (AIB) as 10,4 ± 0,5mg. The Fish were fed  zooplankton (mainly Daphnia sp. ) 5 times a day.
The average water temperature in tanks for 20 days was about 19. 6o. The water temperature was higher in variances of 25 and 30 days long – 20,2oC and 20,8oC respectively. The chemical parameters of the water did not exceed normal values. Common water mineralization was up to 575. 3 mg/l.
We established that the elongation of the growing process from 20 to 30 days increased average mass from 0. 51g to 1. 73g therefore increasing fish production from 235g/m2 to 718g/m2. Paddlefish hatchlings demonstrated the most significant growth happened immediately after changing feeding from endogenous to exogenous type. Maximal values were registered in last 5 days of cultivation and reached 38. 7-55. 9%.
The longer the cultivation period of hatclings the better the body composition. Water decreased from 79. 35% to 78. 80%, protein increased from 18. 60% to 18. 67%, fat increased from 1. 88% to 1. 89%. Received data shows that elongation of hatchling growth improves then main fishery markers and biochemical composition of paddlefish. Despite of higher operational cost of such procedures we receive higher quality of fishstock which can benefit us later on.

Key words: ongrowing duration, fish production, biochemical composition, paddlefish hatchlings.

Influence of ongrowing duration on the fishery markers and biochemical composition of paddlefish hatchlings.

Issue 2(89), Part 1, 2016

Global warming in the South region of Ukraine and it’s impact on the eukaryotes

UDC 634. 1/. 7:551. 583

Yu. Kiriyak, head
Head of the Kherson Regional Centre of Hydrometeorology

I. Gorbatenko, Doctor of biological Sciences, professor
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

In this work the results of the studies of environmental change in terms of global warming are presented. Climate temperature parameters of the southern steppes of Ukraine were calculated and with help of the indices stable trends of their increasing impact on human activity was shown. Time-spatial changes in key parameters of the environment and their connection to the actual data of medical institutions of Kherson region were also analyzed.

Key words: climate, global warming, temperature, stress, emergency medicine.

Global warming in the South region of Ukraine and it’s impact on the eukaryotes.

Issue 2(89), Part 1, 2016

Methods of estimating the full value of foraged protein and stock-raising products.

УДК 636. 85. 13:637

V. Gnoyevyy,
I. Gnoyevyy,
O. Trishin,
G. Коtеts


From the data in the table of soy protein it had a high biological value and high coefficient of digestibility. After correlation of EAA/NEAA, calculations determined it an ,,ideal protein”, by the utilization coefficient  ,,ideal protein” and after the Korpatsy method the closest plant to soy is green mass alfalfa. Corn grain practically after all approaches substantially yields to soy grains. The determination of BV protein of silo corn was set to the lowest possible index after the different methods of estimation which showed the necessity of scientific research in this direction with the purpose of improving forage from corn both after an amount protein and a biological value.
As the results of the research of professor V. G. Prudnikov and authors [6] coefficients of utility each of NEAA protein of milk of cows of holstein on rations without application of the gene-modified forage folded: lysin – 0,87; a methionine + cystein – 0,95; threonine – 1,0; valine – 0,88; leucine – 0,70; isoleucine – 0,86; phenilalanine + thirosine – 0,66, and ,,ideal protein” of milk of the same cows (%) : lysin – 117,6; a methionine + cystein – 97,1; threonine – 92,7; valine – 105,2; leucine – 132,3; isoleucine – 108,2; phenilalanine + thirosine – 137,0.
We consider that the result is given in relation to the biological value of protein which is a priority for the majority areas of forage areas in Ukraine and cows’ milk , the conducts of industry of holstein gotat normal terms can be in a certain measure by a standard and criterion in the case of appearance of biosafety from the side of provender foods.
Corn grains and especially corn silo on the indexes of biological value, their protein has a considerab yield to grain of soy and green mass of alfalfa.
It is impossible to confidently talk in relation to priority of that or other methods used by us, for the determination of the biological value of protein forage from corn in relation to ruminant animals, as these indexes of FАО/WOSH for the estimation of feed of people have been certificated.
Additional scientific research is needed in relation to the biological value protein of cows’ milk in the case of application of the gene-modified forage.

Key words: biosafety, biological value protein, forage, milk.

Methods of estimationof biological full value are protein of forage and stock-raising products.

Issue 2(89), Part 1, 2016

Determination of the residual amounts of antibiotics of the tetracycline group in poultry products microbiological methods

UDC 619:614. 31:637. 5:57. 083. 1

T. Garkavenko,
I. Azyrkina

Formulation of the problem. A pressing problem of today is the effective control of poultry products for the availability of residual amounts of tetracycline group antibiotics, due to the fact that getting through the food chain to the human body, can cause overgrowth, toxemia, allergic reactions, secondary fungal infections, violation of mineral metabolism, is osteotropic and promote the development of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms in humans.
Statement of the problem. Now in Ukraine as part of periodic monitoring of poultry with the help of microbiological method only the residual amount of tetracycline was examined. However in September 2016 in connection with the entry into force of the Order. №695 from 08.06.2013, criteria of study of poultry products under the periodic control residual amounts of tetracycline antibiotics (oxytetracycline, doxycycline, tetracycline, hlorthlortetratsyklin) are expanded.
The purpose and objectives of research. Conducting of testing and validation of qualitative microbiological «NAT-screening» method of determination of tetracycline antibiotics in poultry, eggs and egg products.
Research methodology. The basis of this method is the principle of diffusion in agar, i.e. the ability of antibiotics to diffuse to the tight nutrient media inoculated by specific sensitive test organism causing inhybuvannya zone. This is reflected in the emergence of clearly defined agar, net growth of the test culture zones. Basically we took the microbiological screening method – «NAT-screening», which is used by the EU.
Results and discussion. The results are treated by methods of variation statistics using the program «Microsoft Excel – 15,0» from calculating the arithmetic mean (M), standard deviation (m) and the level of probability (p) by Student’s table. We determined the accuracy, specificity, sensitivity of method.
Conclusions and recommendations for further research. Established that sensitivity of European microbiological method «NAT-screening» of residual amounts of tetracycline antibiotics for meat was 50 mg / kg for eggs and egg products – 100 mg/kg, corresponding MDR European law and order №695 from 06.08.2013
Prospects for further research. Due to expansion of studying criteria of poultry products to residual amounts of antibiotics tetracycline group within the periodic monitoring should introduce the work of laboratories «NAT-screening».

Key words: test culture Bac.cereus ATCC 11778, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline, doxycycline, poultry, eggs, NAT-screening, egg products.

Determination of the residual amounts of antibiotics of the tetracycline group in poultry products microbiological methods.

Issue 2(89), Part 1, 2016

The Influence of the mass of hens eggs for meat and the productivity of their morphological and incubation qualities.

UDC 637. 4-026. 53:636. 5. 082. 474

U. Vecherya


Data on morphological parameters of chickens eggs from a cross breed “Cobb-500” at 60 weeks of age, found that  increasing the mass hatching eggs incubation heralded high results. The output of chicken eggs high weight (71-82 g) is higher by 0,68% compared to the control group. This demonstrates the feasibility of incubation of eggs weighing 71-82 grams provided by a durable poultry breeder. The quality of hatching eggs from hens 60 weeks old is fairly high fertility – 83,64-85,00% hatchability – 89,00-93,20% output – 75,45-77,95% on standard rates for the cross 86,5, 86,6 and 79,5% respectively. Compared with the recommendations on cross fertility it is lower in -1,5-2,86% hatchability of eggs in groups at higher 2,4-6,6% output. For young a relatively lower standard at 1,55-2,23%. It is therefore advisable to use eggs of cross bred hen’s meat after 60 weeks , but to conduct special monitoring of the herd and poultry egg incubation regimes. Thus the use for incubation of eggs weighing 61-82 grams derived from chicken parent stock for long-term use, should be supported by normative documents on the incubation of eggs, including those with a weight exceeding 70 g.

Key words: incubation, hatching quality of eggs, fertility, hatchability of eggs output young.

Influence of mass of eggs of hens of meat direction the productivity on their morphological and incubation qualities.

Issue 2(89), Part 1, 2016

Changes in the composition of the bioceramic protective layers using technology «artificial cuticle (ARTICLE)».

UDC 635. 21:631. 442. /4+633

O. Bordunova,
O. Astrakhantseva,
R. Denysov,
O. Lupinova,
V. Chivanov


In spite of the improvement of technology in hens eggs incubation, which consist of pre-incubation treatment of eggs of hens using bioactive substances, disinfectants, pharmacological active substances, the much used equation, the mechanism of interaction of these specimens with bioceramic eggshell layers, which generally presented by calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is still open to question.
We can find more and more articles about excessive adsorption of calcium carbonate of eggshells.
This fact help us to have the supposition that the stimulate mechanism of water in bioactive substances based on water composition, that after absorption the calcium mass of eggshell can change important parameters of embryo development like gas permeability and heat exchange.
Investigation of the composition of biocrystalline eggshell layers of organic and inorganic origin is important at control and optimization of embryo development.
It is proved that the level of moisture and the existence of some water at biocrystalline eggshell layer, stimulate the protective barrier system of egg and provide optimal incubation.
Low levels of moisture in the hatcher is very dangerous for developing embryos.
Authors thought that it was important to investigate the quantity of water at biocrystalline eggshell layers by new physio-chemical methods, and also to study the influence of water solutions to the above mentioned rate, which are used at pre-incubation treatment technology “artificial cuticle”.
It is established that the consequence of using technology “artificial cuticle” for pre-incubation treatment biocrystalline eggshell layers of egg-laying breed Lohmann Brown for 20 days absorb and keep the quantity of water that exceed control rate by 8-10 times.
“Artificial cuticle” eggshell treatment also provides increased levels of hydrogen and carbon dioxide for eggshell wage rate.
Thermal destruction of inorganic calcite composition (CaCO3) of biocrystalline eggshell layers of control and experimental models are not distinguished.
Authors express the supposition that stimulation of the embryos development during the pre-incubation period by bioactive solution stipulated by balance change “liquid phase-crystalline phase” of eggshell, which have an influence on gas permeability and heat exchange of embryos.

Key words: incubation, hen’s eggs, technology “Artificial cuticle”, pre-incubation treatment.

Changes at composition of bioceramic protective layers using of technology «artificial cuticle (ARTICLE)».(текст статті)

Issue 2(89), Part 1, 2016