Comparative analysis of mass and cost indicators of single-phase transformers and reactors with rectangular and hexagranium cross sections of armored rods twisted magnetic core

UDC 621.314

А. Sadovuy, assistant
А. Cherepovskaya, 4th year student
Mykolaiv National Agrarian University

Goal.To implement new technical solutions to improve the configuration of magnetic circuits of active elements. To develop mathematical models of optimization comparative analysis of electromagnetic system variants of single-phase transformers with a twisted magnetic core.
Methodology.To solve the problems of practical use of new designs of the active part of single-phase EMC, it is necessary to carry out an optimization comparative analysis of mass and cost indicators. ISС optimization is performed on the basis of mathematical models with partial or integral optimization criteria, while observing the identity of power, electromagnetic load and voltage of the windings, taking into account a set of independent and dependent control variables.
Results.The main technical solutions of electromagnetic systems of single-phase transformers are proposed, and also mathematical models of quadrilateral and hexagonal EMC of the compared variants are given. It is shown that existing twisted single-phase induction static devices do not sufficiently satisfy the requirements of compactness and reliability of electrical engineering and radio electronic devices. Improvement of reliability and mass and cost indexes are achieved on the basis of the use of “wasteless” technology for the production of twisted magnetic cores.
Originality.The structural transformation of single-phase induction static devices with a twisted magnetic core is considered for the first time in order to reduce resource intensity and increase reliability. The transformation of structures is based on the use of combined twisted elements of a trapezoidal cross-section of hexagonal sections of rods. Thus, the longevity of the insulation increases depending on the change in the bending of coil turns in the angular zones from 90 ° to 120 °, and the material capacity decreases by 6-6.9%.
Practical value.The proposed solutions and the method of structural optimization will allow to reduce the indices of the mass and the loss of active power of the ISU based on the twisted magnetic circuit for electrical equipment of various equipment. References – 8, figures – 1, tables.

Keyword: single-phase transformer and reactor, twisted magnetic core, mass-index indicators, optimization, controlled variables.

Comparative analysis of mass and cost indicators of single-phase transformers and reactors with rectangular and hexagranium cross sections of armored rods twisted magnetic core.

1. Stavinskiy A.A. Genezis struktur i predposyilki usovershenstvovaniya transformatorov i reaktorov preobrazovaniem konturov elektromagnitnyih sistem (sistemyi s shihtovannyimi i vityimi magnitoprovodami) / A.A. Stavinskiy // Elektrotehnіka і elektromehanіka. –2011.– #6 – s.33–38.
2. Balyan R.H. Transformatoryi dlya radioelektriki. – M.: Sov. Radio, 1971.-720s.
3. Tihomirov P.M. Raschet transformatorov: Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov. – 5-e izd. Pererab. i dop. – M.: Energoatomizdat, 1986 – 528s.
4. Flanagan W.M. Handbook of transformers desing and application / W.M. Flanagan. – Boston : Mc Graw Hill, 1993. – 232 p.
5. Sadovoy A.S. Variantyi i preobrazovanie struktur odnofaznyih transformatorov i reaktorov s vityimi magnitoprovodami / A.S. Sadovoy – Visnik Kremenchutskogo natsіonalnogo unіversitetu Imenі Mihayla Оstrogradskogo. – Kremenchuk : KrNU, 2017. – Vip. 2/2017(103). – S.15- 20.
6. Patent na korisnu model #65005. Ukraina. Magnіtoprovіd іnduktsіynogo statichnogo pristroyu. [Tekst] / Stavinskiy A.A., Stavinskiy R.A., Avdeeva O.A., Sadoviy O.S., Tsiganov O.M. – #u201104986; zayav. 20.04.11 ; opub. 25.11.11, Byul. #22. – 3 s. : il.
7. Stavinskiy R.A. Netraditsionnyie tehnicheskie resheniya, postanovka zadachi i metod strukturnoy optimizatsii induktsionnyih staticheskih ustroystv // Vіsnik KDU. – Kremenchuk: KDU, 2010. – Vip 4 / 2010(63), ch.2. – S.91-94.
8. Stavinskiy A.A. Metod sravnitelnogo analiza staticheskih elektromagnitnyih sistem, otlichayuschihsya strukturoy i konfiguratsiey elementov / A.A. Stavinskiy R.A. Stavinskiy, E.A. Avdeeva // Electrotechnic and computer systems. : Scientific and Technical Journal. – #14 (90) – Odessa, 2014.– S.53-60.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

Constructive-technological factors increasing collection of rolling bearings in engineering products.

UDC 621.226

G. Ivanov,
A. Martynov,
P. Polianskiy

The factors that ensure the quality of manufacturing assemblies with bearings with a comparison of different methods destination landings in the case. It is shown that the circulation loaded rings instead of the intensity of loading at the main selection of the optimal planting should be considered as the ratio of work load and dynamic load. For planting the outer rings of rolling bearings in housings designed best options fields tolerance holes that improve the collection of the product.

Keyword: rolling bearing, connection storage, load intensity, split housing, tolerance fields, technological heredity.

Constructive-technological factors increasing collection of rolling bearings in engineering products.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

Improvement of the methods of housing and feeding the lactating sows

UDC 636.4.082

L. Zasukha

Creating the optimal microclimate in the premises for sows next to the full value feeding is a determinate factor for providing health of lactating sows and their milk productivity.
The high air temperature causes reducing appetite and the violation of work of digestive system in sows. As a result, it is decreased the digestion of feed, the absorbtion of proteins on their milk productivity and a result – on the growth of piglets.
It has been elaborated the way of feeding of sows with piglets, due to it at the temperature of air more 27°C in the premise the distribution of feed-stuff is carried out by the scheme: one time in the evening (21.00 (9 p.m.)), one time in the morning (5.00 (5 a.m.)) and one time in the afternoon (13.00 (1 p.m.). At the temperature less 27ºC the distribution of feed-stuff is carried out by the scheme: one time in the morning (9.00 (9 a.m.)), one time in the afternoon (15.00 (3 p.m.)) and one time in the evening (21.00 (9 p.m.).
Thus, the offered way of differential feeding of lactating sows depend on air temperature in the premise in hot days is more effective than existing one because allows to receive better indexes of the growth and development of piglets.
To improve the comfort at housing animals it has been elaborated the way according to it decreasing the temperature is stepped in the zone of fixing box: at the temperature of air in the premise it is turned on the system of water irrigation, which gives water as drops on the trunk of sow in the area of shoulders; at the temperature of air 32°C in the premise it is given water as the thin stream on the trunk of sows in the area of shoulders. Using of the offered way furthered increasing the weight of litter of piglets in 28 days on 9.5-10.5 kg comparatively with the traditional technology and on 5.0-6.4 kg comparatively with the system of thin dispersion of water.

Keyword: pig complex, improve the of sows, temperature comfort, dispersion of water.

Improvement of the methods of housing and feeding the lactating sows.

1. Svynarstvo: monohrafiia / Voloshchuk V.M., Berezovskyi M.D., Rybalko V.P., Kostenko O.I. // Kyiv: Ahrarna nauka, 2014. – 592 s. (in Ukrainian).
2. Ivanov V.A. Povyshenie produktivnosti svinej putem reguljacii ih dvigatel’noj aktivnosti v uslovijah promyshlennyh kompleksov. Dis. … na soisk. uch. stepeni d-ra s.-h. nauk. 06.02.04 / Kubanskij GAU. Krasnodar, 1991. 45 s. (in Russian).
3. Normy i raciony kormlenija sel’skohozjajstvennyh zhivotnyh: spravochnoe posobie. 3-e izdanie pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe / red. A.P. Kalashnikova, V.I. Fisinina, V.V. Shheglova, N.I. Klejmenova. Moskva: Kolos, 2003. 456 s. (in Russian).
4. Korobov A.P., Moskalenko S.P. Nauchno-obosnovannye normy kormlenija sel’skohozjajstvennyh zhivotnyh: kratkij kurs lekcij dlja aspirantov napravlenija podgotovki 36.06.01 Veterinarija i zootehnija. Saratov, 2014. 50 s. (in Russian).
5. Plohinskij N.A. Rukovodstvo po biometrii dlja zootehnikov. Moskva: Kolos, 1969. 246 c. (in Russian).
6. Svin’i. Ventiljacionnye sistemy. Rezhim dostupa: (in Ukrainian).

Issue 3 (95), 2017

Analysis of the linear models using to assess the influence of different factors on the productivity of dairy cows

UDC 636.2.034/57.087

О. Kramarenko,
O. Potryvaieva

To determine the influence of various factors on the milk yield of cows, we used a linear model of a mixed type, as a random factor, the genotype of a bull-producer, and as fixed – the number of lactation, the year of birth and the calving season of cows. In total, data on 526 lactations per 113 red steppe cows were included in the analysis, which were kept in the conditions of State Enterprise “Plepreproductor” Stepnoe “(Ukraine, Mykolayiv region) during 2001-2014.
Data on milk yield for ten months (M1-M10) and 305 days of lactation (Y305) were used as a dependent variable. For individual gradations of factors, the estimates of the coefficients with the employer of the LSM procedure (Least squares means ± SE) were computed in the model, and the level of reliability of their deviation from zero (p-estimation) was determined. All calculations were carried out using the module “GLM” (General Linear Model) of the MiniTab software package v. 15.
We have established an insignificant, but it is possible that some bulls-producers influence the hopes of their daughters during M2 … M4. Thus, it was found that the milk of the Altea was lower for the M2-M3 daughters, whereas the milk yield for M2 … M4 in the daughters of the bull of Narcissus was, on the contrary, higher than the average population value. In addition, the last almost 130 kg prevailed in relation to milk yield for 305 days of lactation.
The first-borns were characterized by less milking during the first half of the lactation (especially, according to M1-M2), and by 416 kg inferior to the average population estimate. On the other hand, cows at the age of eighth lactation, on the contrary, showed significantly higher milk yield during the average lactation months (M4 … M8), and an average population estimate prevailed on 662 kg of milk.
In addition, a high level of milk productivity was established for cows born in 2005, 2007 and 2009, which is primarily due to the increase in their milk productivity in the first half of lactation.
The presence of a highly probable effect of the calving season on the level of milk productivity of cows is manifested primarily in the increase in milk yields (especially in M4 … M8) in January calving, and, conversely, in decline – with calving in June and July.

Keyword: Linear models, number of lactation, year of birth, season of calving, dairy cattle.

Analysis of the linear models using to assess the influence of different factors on the productivity of dairy cows.

1. Getya A. A., Dodenkhoff Y. Zastosuvannia BLUP-metodu pry orhanizatsii otsinky selektsiinoi tsinnosti svynei v Ukraini / A. A. Getya, Y. Dodenkhoff // Tekhnolohiia vyrobnytstva i pererobky produktsii tvarynnytstva. – 2010. – Vypusk 3 (72). – S. 52-55.
2. Danshin V. A. Ocenka geneticheskoj cennosti zhivotnyh / V. A. Danshin – K. : Agrarna nauka, 2008. – 180 s.
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4. Kuznecov V. M. Metody plemennoj ocenki zhivotnyh s vvedeniem v teoriyu BLUP / V. M. Kuznecov. – Kirov : Zonal’nyj NIISKH Severo-Vostoka, 2003. – 358 s.
5. Kramarenko S. S. Vykorystannia liniinykh modelei (BLUP) dlia otsinky pleminnoi tsinnosti koriv za molochnoiu produktyvnistiu / S. S. Kramarenko, O. I. Potryvaieva // Visnyk ahrarnoi nauky Prychornomoria. – 2016. – Vyp. 2(2). – S. 187-192.
6. Kramarenko S. S. Novi metody matematychnogho modeljuvannja laktacijnykh kryvykh za dopomoghoju interpoljaciji / S. S. Kramarenko // V kn. : Materialy mizhnarodnoji naukovo-praktychnoji konferenciji «Novitni tekhnologhiji skotarstva u ХХІ stolitti» (Mykolajiv, 4-6 veresnja 2008 r.). – Mykolajiv : MDAU, 2008. – S. 159-164.
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10. Ray D. E. Season and lactation number effects on milk production and reproduction of dairy cattle in Arizona / D. E. Ray, T. J. Halbach, D. V. Armstrong // Journal of Dairy Science. – 1992. – V. 75. – №. 11. – P. 2976-2983.
11. Ptak E. Interaction of age and month of calving with year of calving for production traits of Ontario Holsteins / E. Ptak, H. S. Horst, L. R. Schaeffer // Journal of Dairy Science. – 1993. – V. 76. – №. 12. – P. 3792-3798.
12. Abate A. L. Seasonal variation of milk persistency of Kenana× Friesian crossbred dairy cows under confinement feeding in a hot environment / A. L. Abate, M. Atta, R. N. Anthony // Animal Science Journal. – 2010. – V. 1. – №. 1. – P. 13-18.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

Usage of immunocastration for improvement of boars’ carcass quality in Ukrainian industrial farms

UDC 636.03

M. Povod – Prof. Dr. in Agriculture, Sumy NAU
O. Kravchenko – Prof. PhD in Agriculture, Poltava State Agrarian Academy
A. Getya – Prof. Dr. in Agriculture, NUBiP Ukraine

At present the consumers all over the world pay considerable attention not only to increasing of productivity of farm animals and improvement of products quality but also to creation of comfortable living conditions for animals, which are similar to their natural needs.
Especially actual this issue appears for EU community. Strategic directions of desired future development of technological processes, regarding housing, rearing and fattening of pigs has been reflected in Council Directive 2008/120/EC of 18 December 2008.
General attention as producers so consumers is directed to the problems, related to boars castration. In fact the substances, which cause the boar odor, are defined and well known. Therefore, the main focus of researchers nowadays, are being applied to development of methods for prevention of appearance of odor in pork or to decreasing of its negative impact on pork quality.
One of such methods, which expected to be effective, is the immunological castration of boars. To explore its effectiveness on carcass quality, obtained from boars fattened, the presented research has been conducted.
To explore the problem two pig groups were formed. One consists of chirurgical castrated boars (at 4 days of life) and second – of immunocastared boars (Improvac). After the animals have reached live weight 100 kg, 3 pigs from each group were slaughtered and the carcasses were assessed and dissected according to common scheme.
As the result of research it has been determined that the carcasses, obtained from immunocastrated boars, had lower backfat level over the whole carcass. After their dissection more meat was gained (by 4,62%) and less fat (by 5,93%), comparing with chirurgical castrated boars.
It was established that the carcasses of immunocastared boars had higher content of most valuable pork pieces by 3,2%.
Obtained results allow to state that application of immunocastration may promote the increasing of carcass quality or boars. At the same time, to form the finale conclusion the additional research with involvement of more animals is needed.

Keyword: boars, immunocastrated boars, chirurgical castrated boars, carcass quality.

The usage of immunocastration for improvement of boars’ carcass quality in Ukrainian industrial farms.

1. Denvera, S., Sandøea, P., Christensena, T. (2017). Consumer preferences for pig welfare – Can the market accommodate more than one level of welfare pork? Meat Science. 129, 140–146.
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9. Frieden, L., Looft, C., Tholen, E. (2011). Breeding for reduced boar taint. Lohman Information, 46(1), 21-27.
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13. Backus, Gé. Human nose scoring system for boar taint. Presentation at the IPEMA 2nd Annual meeting. February 2017, Prague.
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17. Giri, SC, Yadav, BPS, Panda, SK (2002). Chemical castration in pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Science, 72, 451-453.
18. Daxenberger, A., Hageleit, M., Kraetzl, W., Lange, I., Claus, R., Bizec, B., Meyer, H. (2001). Suppression of androstenone in entire male pigs by anabolic preparations. Livestock Production Science, 69: 139-144.
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20. Skrlep, M., Batorek, N., Bonneau, M., Prevolnik, M., Kubale, V., Ćandek-Potokar, M. (2012). Effect of immunocastration in group-housed commercial fattening pigs on reproductive organs, malodorous compounds, carcass and meat quality. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 57(6), 290–299.
21. Zamaratskaia, G., Andersson, H., Chen, G., Andersson, K., Madej, A., Lundstrom, K. (2008). Effect of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone vaccine (Improvac (TM)) on steroid hormones, boar taint compounds and performance in entire male pigs. Reprod Domest Anim., 43, 351-359.
22. Andersson, K., Brunius, C., Zamaratskaia, G., Lundström, K. (2011). Early vaccination with Improvac®: effects on performance and behaviour of male pigs. Animal, FirstView:1-9.
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24. Skrlep, M., Čandek-Potokar, M., Lukač, N. B., Povše, M. P., Pugliese, C., Labussière, E., & Flores, M. (2016). Comparison of entire male and immunocastrated pigs for dry-cured ham production under two salting regimes. Meat science, 111, 27-37.
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Issue 3 (95), 2017

Haematological values of blood of Aberdeen Angus breed bull calves of various origin

UDC 636.223:612.11

O. Koliskyk,
V. Prudkikov

The biochemical analysis of blood was carried out on bull calves of the Aberdeen Angus breed of British and Ukrainian origin. The research was carried out in conditions of a year-round outdoor breeding without premises in the Eastern region of Ukraine. According to the research data, the RBC level in blood of the bull calves of both groups increased by 6.0% in the summer in comparison with the winter season. The maximum increase in RBC level occurs within the age range from 8 to 12 months. This period is characterized by a high growth rate of experimental bull calves. According to the WBC level in the blood, the bull calves of the second group predominated over the first group bull calves by 2.3% during both seasons. Bull calves of both groups had a high haemoglobin concentration and a high WBC level in blood. This is due to the high resistance of experimental animals to severe climatic conditions and the system of keeping.
The content of crude protein in blood serum of bull calves during different seasons was almost the same. But there was some increase in the content of the crude protein, albumins and globulins in the blood of bull calves of both groups in the summer. This was due to the higher rate of metabolic processes in the bodies of bull calves during the summer season. Bull calves of the second group predominated over those of the first group according to the content of the crude protein and albumins in blood serum during both seasons.
During winter, increase in the total globulin content was observed in the blood of bull calves of both groups, in comparison with the summer season, which is due to the intense growth and development of bull calves during this age period. The content of α, β, γ-globulins in blood of bull calves of both groups was quite high. This was due to the activation of the protective body functions in adverse environmental conditions. The difference between these values among the bull calves tested was to the advantage of bull calves of Ukrainian origin.
Also, larger domestic animals had higher blood cholesterol level during both seasons than bulls of British origin. In the summer, the cholesterol level was high in blood of animals of both groups in comparison with the winter season. The high level of cholesterol during this period coincides with the age of high daily average live weight gains of bull calves and high energy metabolism.
Therefore, the bulls of both groups have good capacity of adaptation to the conditions of year-round outdoor breeding without premises in the East of Ukraine. But the bull calves of domestic origin had some advantage over the values of bull calves of British origin, which, in turn, contributes to a better fulfilment of the genetic potential of beef production by the young stock.

Keyword: Aberdeen Angus breed, haematological values, biochemical composition, blood, adaptation.

Haematological values of blood of Aberdeen Angus breed bull calves of various origin.

1. Shichkin D. G. Plemenny yeresursy i myasnaya produktivnost aberdin-angusskoy porodychernoy i krasnoymasti v zonepovolzhia: dis. … candidate s.-kh. nauk : 06.02.10 / Shichkin Dmitriy Gennadyevich. – p. Lesnyye Polyany. Moskovskayaobl. 2015. – 100 s.
2. Inter’jer siljsjkoghospodarsjkykh tvaryn / [J. Z. Siracjkyj, Je. I. Fedorovych, B. M. Ghopkatain.]. – K : Vyshhaosvita, 2009. – 280 s.
3. Gabidulin V. M. Gematologicheskiye pokazatelikrovi aberdin-angusskogo skota / V. M. Gabidulin, S. A. Alimova, M. V. Tarasov, N. V. Mishchenko // Vestnik myasnogo skotovodstva. – Orenburg. 2014. – № 4 (87). – S. 42 – 47.
4. Litvinov K. S. Gematologicheskiye pokazateli molodnyaka krasnoy stepnoy porody / K. S. Litvinov, V. I. Kosilov // Vestnik myasnogo skotovodstva. – 2008. – T. 1. – № 61. – S. 148–154.
5. Irgashev T. A. Gematologicheskiye pokazateli bychkov raznykh genotipov v gornykh usloviyakh Tadzhikistana / T. A. Irgashev, V. I. Kosilov // Izvestiya Orenburgskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. – 2014. – № 1 (45). – S. 89 – 91.
6. Normy i ratsiony kormleniya selskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh : sprav. posobiye / [A. P. Kalashnikov i dr.]. : 3-e izd. pererab. i dop.]. – M. 2003. – 426 s.
7. Plokhinskiy N. A. Rukovodstvo po biometrii dlya zootekhnikov / N. A. Plokhinskiy. – M: Kolos. 1969. – 256 s.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

Research methodology of regional nature management in Zaporizhia region

UDC 504.062.2 (477.64)

Y. Chebanova

The main methods for studying the anthropogenic impact and the state of regional nature management of Zaporizhia region have been considered in the article. On the basis of existing methods and rules the four main stages of the study have been identified and the algorithm that reflects the sequence and conditionality of the procedure for anthropogenic impact on the landscapes of Zaporizhia region
has been developed.

Keyword: anthropogenic landscape, regional nature management, ecology and landscape analysis, Zaporizhia region.

Research methodology of regional nature management in Zaporizhia region.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

Productivity of wheat varieties and strains depending on abiotic and biotic factors

UDC 631.526.3.003.13:633.11:551.515:57.047

V. Liubych

The article is devoted to the study of the productivity of wheat varieties and strains depending on abiotic and biotic factors. It is determined that the yield of wheat grain depends on weather conditions of the growing season, plant height, resistance to lodging and damage by pathogens of fungal diseases. Uzhynok, Pannonicus, Emerino and Ac Meckinon varieties, Umanchanka and LPP 1314 club wheat strains have the highest yield (10.0–11.0 t/ha) and stability. The protein content does not depend on the ecological and geographical origin of the wheat variety but hybridization of Tr. Aestivum/ Tr. Spelta and Tr. aestivum/ amphiploid (Tr. durum/ Ae. tauschii) provides an increase in protein content by 23–58 %. Kokhana, Kulundynka and Pannonicus varieties and Umanchanka, Ethiopian 1, LPP 1314, LPP 2793, LPP 3118 and NAK46/12 strains form the highest and most stable protein content in grain, from 14.3 to 21.0 %. However, Pannonicus soft wheat variety, LPP 1314 strain and club wheat are characterized by the highest yield and the highest protein content with high stability.

Keyword: club wheat, Ethiopian wheat, soft wheat, variety, strain, yield, protein, weather conditions, plant height, index of damage, resistance to lodging.

Productivity of wheat varieties and strains depending on abiotic and biotic factors.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

Maintaining Ukraine’s soil fertility is a key to improving the quality of agricultural products

UDC 633.854

L. Girlya

The article presents a review of the literature on the current state of soil fertility and its impact on the yield and quality of agricultural crops. It is substantiated that the best conditions for achieving high plant productivity, as well as restoration of soil fertility, can be created with full implementation of the basic laws of farming and elements of the technology for their cultivation.

Keyword: soil fertility, nutrient regime of soils, productivity and quality of agricultural crops, mineral and organic fertilizers.

Maintaining Ukraine’s soil fertility is a key to improving the quality of agricultural products.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

The influence of seed rates on the formation of density of sweet sorghum varieties in the conditions of the South steppe of Ukraine

UDC 631.53.048:633.17(477.7)

A. Chernova,
O. Kovalenko

The article contains the indicators of standing sweet sorghum varieties plants which depend on different rates of seed sowing in the conditions of the south Steppe of Ukraine. It was established that the density of standing of sweet sorghum varieties plants in the studies was different in all varieties in the variants of seed sowing norms and was the highest in the Silo 700 D.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the effect of seed sowing norms on the formation of the density in sugar sorghum varieties in the conditions of the South Steppe of Ukraine. Also aim is to establish the dependence of density in sweet sorghum varieties from the influence of these factors.
The highest plant density of sweet sorghum varieties in the phase of full ripeness (134.9 thousand pcs. / ha) was with the Silo 700 D variety with the seeding rate over 160 thousand pcs. grown up seeds / ha, the lowest was with the Silosne 42 (57 thousand pcs. / ha) with sowing rate over 70 thousand pcs. grown up seeds / ha. At the plot of land with the Favorit variety, in comparison with the standard the Silo 700 D, was formed 0.5 thousand pieces / ha of plants which is less than 70 thousand pcs. grown up seeds / ha, with the norm of sowing 100 and 130 thousand – by 0.5 thousand pieces / ha more, and at 160 – by 1.4 thousand pieces / ha less.
Conclusions. The density of standing sweet sorghum plants in the conducted studies varied according to the varieties and seeding rates and was the highest at the standard variety the Silo 700 D. The seed rates influenced on the formation of the density of sweet sorghum plants and the percentage of their survival, which reviled the indicators of the crop at the end.

Keyword: sweet sorghum, seeding rate, plant density, the Favorit, the Silo 700 D, the Sylosnoe 42.

The influence of seed rates on the formation of density of sweet sorghum varieties in the conditions of the South steppe of Ukraine.

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Issue 3 (95), 2017