Biotechnology of aromatic plants clonal micropropagation of Lamiaceae Lindl. family in conditions in vitro

UDC 633.81:578.085.2

T. Manushkina

Developed the biotechnology techniques of aromatic plants clonal micropropagation of the family Lamiaceae Lindl. – Lavandula angustifolia Mill., Salvia officinalis L., Monarda fistulosa L. Determined that the optimal induction and morphogenesis in vitro micropropagation phase for lavender is actually a MS nutrient supplemented with kinetin (1.0 mg / l) and GA (1.0 mg / l) for sage – BAP (1,0 mg / l) and IBA (0.5 mg / l) for Monarda – BAP (1,0 mg / l) and IBA (0.1 mg / l). The most effective rooting of microsprouts in all studied species defined the culture medium ½ MS supplemented IBA (0.5 mg / l) and ІAA (0.5 mg / l).

Keyword: Lavandula angustifolia Mill., Salvia оfficinalis L., Monarda fistulosa L., clonal micropropagation, in vitro.

Biotechnology of aromatic plants clonal micropropagation of Lamiaceae Lindl. family in conditions in vitro.

1. Rozhkov A. O. Roslynnytstvo : navch. posibn. / A. O. Rozhkov, Ye. M. Ohurtsov. – Kh. : Tim Pablish Hrup, 2017. – 363 s.
2. Egorova N. The micropropagation of some essential oil plant in vitro / N. Egorova, I. Stavtzeva, T. Latushkina, L. Bugaenko, L. Kamenyok // Abstr. Int. Conf. of Baltic States “Plant tissue culture: from theory to practice”. – Salaspils (Latvia). – 2004. – P. 74.
3. Grzegorczyk I. Micropropagation of Salvia officinalis L. by shoot tips / I. Grzegorczyk, H. Wysokinska // Biotechnologia. – 2004. – # 2. – R. 212-218.
4. Bugaenko L. A. Osobennosti morfogeneza v kulture izolirovannyih meristem lavandyi in vitro / L. A. Bugaenko, T. N. Manushkina // Materialyi V Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Aktualni vumošenosti vědu 2009». – Praha, 2009. – S.27-30.
5. Zuzarte M. R. Trichomes, essential oils and in vitro propagation of Lavandula pedunculata (Lamiaceae) / M. R. Zuzarte, A. M. Dinis, C. Cavaleiro [et al.] // Industrial Crops and Products. – 2010. – # 32. – P. 580-587.
6. Hamza A. M. Direct micropropagation of English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Munstead) plant / A. M. Hamza, M. Abd El-Kafie Omaima, M. M. Kasem // J. Plant Prodaction. – 2011. – Vol. 2, # 1. – P. 81-96.
7. Egorova N. A. Mikrorazmnozhenie efiromaslichnyih rasteniy s ispolzovaniem kulturyi organov i tkaney in vitro / N. A. Egorova, A. G. Krivohatko, I. V. Stavtseva, L. I. Kamenek // Tavriiskyi visnyk ahranoi nauky. – # 1. – 2013. – S. 9-14.
8. Kalinin F. L. Metodyi kulturyi tkaney v fiziologii i biohimii kulturnyih rasteniy / F. L. Kalinin, V. V. Sarnatskaya, V. E. Polischuk. – K. : Nauk. dumka, 1980. – 488 s.
9. Kumar S. Plant tissue culture / S. Kumar, M. P. Singh [Published by S. B. Nandia]. – New Delhi (India), Balaji Offset, 2009. – 310 p.
10. Melnychuk M. D. Biotekhnolohiia roslyn: pidruch. / M. D. Melnychuk, T. V. Novak, V. A. Kunakh. – K. : PolihrafKonsaltynh, 2003. – 520 s.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

Selection-genetic analysis of grain weight per main spike in spring barley

UDC 633.16:631.527:575

V. Hudzenko

The results of estimation of combining ability and parameters of genetic variation by grain weight per main spike in spring barley modern varieties and F1 of full (7 × 7) diallel scheme of crossing are given. Selection-genetic peculiarities revealed allow predicting efficiency of selections aimed at increasing the trait in hybrid material created. Taking into account prevalence of dominant effects of genes and overdominance in genetic control of grain weight per main spike, the selections in later hybrid generations will be more effective.The varieties KWS Aliciana and Virazh have been identified for stable high effects of total combining ability, which should be used in combination breeding as genetic sources for enhancing spike productivity.

Keyword: spring barley, grain weight per main spike, diallel crosses, combining ability, genetic parameters, genetic sources.

Selection-genetic analysis of grain weight per main spike in spring barley.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

Grain quality of winter wheat varieties depending on the factors and conditions of the year of cultivation in the south of Ukrainian Steppe

UDC 644.71.633.11(477.7)

V. Gamayunova,
A. Litovchenko,
T. Hlushko,
O. Sdyakina

The article presents the results of studies carried out for four years with winter wheat varieties Albatross Odessa (st), Kuyalnik, Victoria Odesskaya, Selyanka and Ermak on chernozem southern in the Steppe of Ukraine. The years of research were similar and typical for the temperature regime, but were significantly different in the amount of precipitation during the vegetation period of winter wheat plants.
Basic indexes over of quality of grain of winter wheat and as they depend and change under influence of predecessor, background of feed, of high quality features and weather terms, folded during the vegetation of culture. It is certain that maintenance of gluten, albumen, mass 1000 grains etc. regardless of year of growing formed most optimal for growing after black steam. All indicated indexes substantially increase and get better under influence of bringing of mineral fertilizers id est on optimization of feed of plants. It is set that quality of grain depends and from weather terms being during the vegetation of plants of winter wheat, and from biological features.
According to the results of the research, the southern Steppe zone of Ukraine, according to the soil-climatic characteristics, is suitable for growing winter wheat varieties with high grain quality indices. The grain content of the studied wheat varieties of winter wheat and gluten significantly increases and improves after growing the crop after a black couple, and especially for optimizing plant nutrition. It was established that the introduction of mineral fertilizers, and especially nitrogen, ensures the receipt of high-quality grain and the placement of wheat after corn for silage and starch precursor. It is also determined that the main indicators of grain quality, such as protein content, gluten and gluten quality, are significantly higher in dry and dry years, and are characterized by less favorable indicators for excessive moisture and, especially during the period of grain pouring.
Similarly, under the influence of the predecessor, the background of nutrition and the conditions of the growing season, the following indicators of grain quality, such as the weight of 1000 seeds, and the actual weight of grain, change.

Keyword: winter wheat, varieties, grain quality, gluten and protein content, precursor, food background.

Grain quality of winter wheat varieties depending on the factors and conditions of the year of cultivation in the south of Ukrainian Steppe.

1. Zhemela H. P. Yakist’ zerna ozymoyi pshenytsi / H.P. Zhemela – K.: Urozhay, 1973. – 64 s.
2. Kysil’ V.I. Ahrokhimichni aspekty ekolohizatsiyi zemlerobstva / V.I. Kysil’. – Kharkiv, 13 typohrafiya, 2005. – S. 37-38.
3. Lisovyy M.V. zastosuvannya pidzhyvlennya ozymoyi pshenytsi u dva stroky spryyaye pidvyshchennyu urozhaynosti i yakosti zerna / M.V. Lisovyy, O.V. Dotsenko, I A. Panchenko // Visnyk KhNAU. Ser «Ahrokhimiya». – 2004. – # 1. – S.208-211.
4. Holubchenko V.F. Vplyv mineral’nykh dobryv na vrozhaynist’ ta yakist’ zerna pshenytsi ozymoyi v roky z riznoyu volohozabezpechenistyu hruntu / V.F. Holubchenko, M.V. Lisovyy, E.V. Kulidzhanov, H.A. Kapustina, N.A. Yamkova // Peredhirne ta hirs’ke zemlerobstvo i tvarynnytstvo, 2015. – Vyp. 58 (1). – S.51-55.
5. Gamajunova V.V. Vlijanie sistematicheskogo primenenija azotnyh udobrenij na urozhajnost’ i kachestvo kul’tur v uslovijah oroshenija na juge Ukrainy / V.V. Gamajunova // «Agrohimija», – 1997. – № – S. 47-50.
6. Ol’hovskij G.F. Ispol’zovanie azota nekornevyh podkormok rastenijami ozimoj pshenicy / G.F. Ol’hovskij // Agrohіmіja і ґruntoznavstvo. – Kniga tretja. Specіal’nij vipusk do VI zїzdu UTGA (1-5 lipnja 2002, m.Uman’) – Harkіv, 2002. – S. 267-269.
7. Sidorenko A.V. Vlijanie nekornevoj podkormki mikroudobrenijami i karbamidom na kachestvo zerna ozimoj pshenicy v uslovijah central’nogo Kryma / A.V. Sidorenko, D.P. Dudarev // Mіzhvіdomchij tematichnij naukovij zbіrnik «Zroshuvane zemlerobstva» – Herson: «Ajlant», 2012. – Vip. 57. – S. 68-72.
8. Netis I.T. Vplyv poperednykiv, dobryv i zakhystu roslyn na yakist’ zerna ozymoyi pshenytsi / I.T. Netis, O.O. Makarchuk // Tavriys’kyy naukovyy visnyk. – Kherson, 2004. – Vyp. 32. – S. 37-42.
9. Kostyrya I.V. Urozhaynist’ zerna pshenytsi ozymoyi ta riven’ yoho yakosti zalezhno vid poperednykiv i systemy udobrennya v umovakh Prysyvashshya / I.V. Kostyrya // Mizhvidomchyy tematychnyy naukovyy zbirnyk «Zroshuval’ne zemlerobstvo» – Kherson: «Aylant», 2012. – Vyp. 58. – S. 51-53.
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11. Mel’nyk A.V. Vrozhaynist’ zerna pshenytsi ozymoyi zalezhno vid strokiv sivby v umovakh pivnichno-skhidnoyi chastyny Livoberezhnoho Lisostepu Ukrayiny / A.V. Mel’nyk, R.A. Yaroshchuk, M.H. Sobko, O.O. Dubovyk // Visnyk Sums’koho natsional’noho ahrarnoho universytetu. Seriya «Ahronomiya i biolohiya». – Vyp. 3(27), 2014. – S. 127-130.
12. Buzynnyy M.V. Reaktsiya henotypiv ozymoyi pshenytsi m”yakoyi na stresovi umovy vehetatsiyi pry pidzhyvlenni roslyn v rizni fazy rozvytku / M.V. Buzynnyy // Visnyk Sums’koho natsional’noho ahrarnoho universytetu. Seriya «Ahronomiya i biolohiya». – Vyp. 3(27), 2014. – S. 192-196.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

Crop capacity and root quality of parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) in conditions of right-bank Ukrainian Forest-steppe

UDC 635.14:631.5(292.485)

V. Khareba , Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor, academician of NAAS of Ukraine
O. Komar, postgraduate
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

An important reserve of increasing the crop capacity of parsnip is improvement of agricultural methods of cultivation of parsnip in specific soil and climate conditions. Nowadays cultivation of high-intensity varieties of parsnip (domestic and foreign selection) is topical question. Cultivation technology must consider biological peculiarities of crop, growing methods, sowing periods, fertilizers and plant protection. In Ukraine parsnip is grown in small amounts only for food-canning industry. That is why variety of parsnip in Ukraine public register is slight (only four varieties: Petryk – 1995, Borys – 2007, Stymul – 2009 and Belas – 2014).
The aim of the study was selection the most perspective varieties of parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) for cultivation in conditions of right-bank Ukrainian forest-steppe.
The article presents the results of research concerning varieties of parsnip which was conducted in 2015–2016 on the basis of experimental field at the Department of Vegetable-Growing in SRD “Plodoovochevyi Sad” of NULES of Ukraine. The experiment was conducted according to standard methods. Crops were sown in second decade of April. Sowing scheme – wide-space sowing (45×10 cm). Sowing depth – 1,5-2 cm. Arrangement of plots – systematical, repeatability – four times. Discount area – 18 m2. Plants were attended according to the cultivation technology which is common for right-bank Ukrainian forest-steppe.
It was determined that the highest crop capacity in conditions of right-bank Ukrainian forest-steppe is assured by such varieties as Stymul (45,5 tons/hectare) and Pulse (44,3 tons/hectare) with marketable value 93 % and 31 % accordingly. According to the aggregate of biochemical indices the most notable is Petryk (control). Its roots contained 25,36 % of dry matter; total sugar – 6,62 %; vitamin C – 10,14 mg%. The content of nitrates in roots was lower than maximum permissible dose (250mg/kg). The highest tasting grade got Pulse – 5,6 points.

Keyword: parsnip, variety, crop capacity, biochemical composition.

Crop capacity and root quality of parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) in conditions of right-bank Ukrainian Forest-steppe.

1. Leshhuk N. V. Derzhavna rejestracija sortiv ovochevykh kuljtur – osnova formuvannja nacionaljnykh sortovykh resursiv / N. V. Leshhuk, M. M. Zribnjak // Sortovyvchennja ta okhorona prav na sorty roslyn. – 2005. – № 2. – S. 86–96.
2. Vogel G. Handbuch des speziellen Gemüsebaus / G. Vogel. – Stuttgart: Ulmer, 1996. – 1127 s.
3. Sych Z. D. Sortovyvchennja ovochevykh kuljtur / Z. D. Sych, I. M. Bobosj. – K.: FOP “Korzun D. Ju.”, 2012. – 578 s.
4. Kornijenko S. I. Naukovo–praktychni pidkhody selekciji i nasinnyctva petrushky ta pasternaku. Teorija i praktyka / S. I. Kornijenko, T. K. Ghorova, L. Ju. Shtepa ta in. – V.: TOV «Nilan–LTD», 2015. – 152 s.
5. Dydiv I. V. Efektyvnistj novykh sortiv pasternaku v umovakh Zakhidnogho Lisostepu Ukrajiny / I. V. Dydiv // Zbirnyk nauk. pr. Umansjkogho derzhavnogho aghrarnogho universytetu: aghronomija. – 2008. – Ch. 1, vyp. 67. – S. 161–165.
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7. Bobosj I. M. Vplyv shkidnykiv i khvorob na produktyvnistj sortiv petrushky j pasternaku / I. M. Bobosj // Karantyn i zakhyst roslyn. – 2013. – № 2. – S. 12–14.
8. Derzhavnyj rejestr sortiv roslyn, prydatnykh dlja poshyrennja v Ukrajini na 2017 rik / Derzhavna veterynarna ta fitosanitarna sluzhba Ukrajiny. – K., 2017. – S. 305.
9. Rubatzky V. E. Carrots and related vegetable umbelliferae / V. E. Rubatzky, C. F. Quiros, P. W. Simon. – New York: CABI, 1999. – 294 p.
10. Bondarenko Gh. L. Metodyka doslidnoji spravy v ovochivnyctvi i bashtannyctvi / Za red. Gh. L. Bondarenka, K. I. Jakovenka. – X.: Osnova, 2001. – 369 s.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

The influence of modern plant growth regulators on leaf-area duration of false flax spring

UDC 633.85:631.811.98

V. Gamayunova, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor
I. Moskva, post graduate student
Nikolaev National Agrarian University, Nikolaev, Ukraine

The article contains the research results concerning the influence of using the advanced farming techniques on the leaf-area duration increasing of Stepovuy 1 variety of Camelina sativa L. Crantz. Research has shown that the highest index of the leaf-area duration of the false flax spring plants was after foliar application at the blooming period by Escort-Bio.
It was specified that using the modern plant growth regulators influences a lot on the leaf-area duration of false flax spring.
The highest index was at the blooming period and increased under the influence of the preseeding treatment at the main growing periods by modern biologies and background preseeding treatment by mineral fertilizers. The maximum assimilating area of Camelina sativa L. Crantz plants was after background preseeding treatment by N₁₅P₁₅K₁₅ and three-time foliar application (at the seadling period, at the blooming period and at the grain-filling period) by Escort-Bio. It was 9,60 thous. /hа 3-year average. But if was defined that assimilating area was almost the same after only one-time foliar application (at the blooming period) either by Escort-Bio or other biologies and by Crystalon yellow multiple-nutrient fertilizer treatment.
It was specified that the assimilating area of Camelina sativa L. Crantz plants increased a lot after preseeding treatment by Mochevin-K6 and Escort-Bio. So at the blooming period the three-year average index was 26,8-39,4%. And by adding the foliar application at the main growing periods with N₁₅P₁₅K₁₅ background and Crystalon yellow treatment the three-year average index increased by 42,9-51,6%.

Keyword: false flax spring (Camelina sativa L. Crantz), leaf-area duration, growth regulators.

The influence of modern plant growth regulators on leaf-area duration of false flax spring.

1. Nichiporovich A. A. Fotosinteticheskayadeyatelnost i putipovyisheniyaeYoproduktivnosti / A. A. Nichiporovich. – V sb.: Teoreticheskieosnovyifotosinteticheskoyproduktivnosti. – M. : Nauka, 1972. – S. 12–16.
2. Musiienko M. M. Fiziolohiiaroslyn / M. M. Musiienko. – K.: Fitosotsiotsentr, 2001. – 392 s.
3. Maslichnyiekulturyidlyapischevogoispolzovaniya v Rossii (problemyiselektsiisortiment) : monografiya / [Kutuzova S. N., Gavrikova V. A., Dubovskaya A. G. i dr.]. – SPb. : VIR, 1998. – 70 s.
4. Rozhkovan V. Ryzhii — alternatyvnaoliinakulturataperspektyvyyiirozvytku / V. Rozhkovan // Propozytsiia. — 2003. — №1. — S.46–47.
5. Barbarych A. I. ZhyrooliiniroslynyUkrainy / A. I. Barbarych, O. M. Dubovyk, D. V. Strelko. – K: Naukovadumka, 1973. – 132 s.
6. Komarova I. B. Ryizhik – perspektivnayamaslichnayakultura / I. B. Komarova, V. V. Rozhkovan // Naukovo–tekhnichnyi biuleten IOK UAAN. – Zaporizhzhia. – 2001. – Vyp. 6. – S. 74 – 77.
7. Klishchenko S. Yak i dliachohovyroshchuiutyaryiryzhii / S. Klishchenko, M. Slisarchuk // Agroexpert. — 2009. — №5(10). — S.8–10.
8. Voskresenskaya G. S. Ryizhik / G. S. Voskresenskaya. — M.: Selhozgiz, 1952. — 47 s.
9. Semenova E. F. Maslichnyiyryizhik: biologiya, tehnologiya, effektivnost / E. F. Semenova, V. I. Buyankin, A. S. Tarasov. — Novocherkassk: Temp, 2005. — 88 s.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

The development of social infrastructure in the rural territories of Mykolayiv region

UDC 364.48:332.3:631(477.73)

S. Pavliuk

Subject. In the article the essence of social infrastructure of rural territories was considered. The peculiarities and tendencies of development of rural infrastructure were cleared up. The current state of social infrastructure development of rural areas of Mykolayiv region was analyzed, and the number of problems was defined. The suggestions on increasing the efficiency of functioning of social infrastructure of rural territories were made.
Purpose. The aim of the article is to assess the features and trends of infrastructure development in rural territories, as well as identify directions for solution of problems of social infrastructure development in rural territories of Mykolayiv region.
Research methods. In the research process the author used methods of economic researches assisting to the achievement of the most systematic and truthful results. The system approach and summing up were used in the research of theoretical basis of social infrastructure of rural areas. The statistic analysis was applied for determinations assess and trends of social infrastructure development.
Research results. It was determined that the social infrastructure has a significant impact on social and economic development of society. It is necessary for the reproduction of labor force and increase of labor productivity of people employed in production. The underdeveloped social infrastructure in rural areas is one of the main causes of low standard of living and, as a consequence, an outflow of the rural population and the overall aging and accelerates the migration of residents from small villages.
Economic and social processes that took place in Mykolayiv region for the past years, has led to deepening problems of social and economic development in rural areas, especially for social infrastructure in villages.
Results application sphere. In the article the conclusions and proposals of research have practical meaning and can be used as a base for solution of important social problems of rural communities in Mykolayiv region.

Keyword: infrastructure, social infrastructure, financial resources, living standards, rural territories, territorial communities.

The development of social infrastructure in the rural territories of Mykolayiv region.

1. Ksonzhyk I.V. (2014) Sotsialno-ekonomichnyi rozvytok silskykh terytorii yak obiekt infrastrukturnogo zabezpechennia [Socio-economic development of rural areas as an object of infrastructure provision] / I.V. Ksonzhyk // Ekonomika APK. – № 10 – P. 60-65.
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7. Sotsialno-ekonomichne stanovyshche silskykh naselenykh punktiv Mykolaivskoi oblasti u 2015 rotsi (2015) [Socio-economic situation of rural settlements of Nikolaev region in 2015] / za red. Z.A. Lukianenko. – M.: Golovne upravlinnia statystyky u Mykolaivskii oblasti. – 194 p.
8. Gnybidenko I.F. (2003) Silska sitsialna infrastruktura: aspekty rozvytku ta zainiatosti naselennia [Rural social infrastructure: aspects of development and employment of the population] / I.F. Gnybidenlo // Rada po vyvchenniu prodyktyvnykh syl Ukrainy NAN Ukrainu. – K. – 54 p.
9. Orlatyi M.K. (2003) Sotsialna infrastruktura sela [Social infrastructure of the village] / M.K. Orlatyi, I.V. Prokopa ta in. – К. – 82 p.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

Analysis of the foreign experience of reforming the tax system in the conditions of fiscal decentralization

UDC 336.2

A. Timoshenko,
M. Holovko

The article analyzes the dynamics of fiscal efficiency of the current system of profit taxation in Ukraine, analyzes the relationship between the rate of the classical profit tax and the level of fiscal efficiency in the countries of the world, identifies the specifics of applying the classical form of corporate income taxation in Ukraine and presents the conclusion about the expediency of adjusting the profit tax system Based on the SWOT analysis of the transformation of the profit taxation system in Ukraine Introduction of the tax on the withdrawn capital.

Keyword: tax system, profit tax, tax on capital raised, tax reform, tax.

Analysis of the foreign experience of reforming the tax system in the conditions of fiscal decentralization.

1. Sokolovs’ka A. M. Kontseptsiya liberal’noyi podatkovoyi reformy: dotsil’nist’ i mozhlyvist’ realizatsiyi v Ukrayini / A. M. Sokolovs’ka // Finansy Ukrayiny. – 2015. – # 12. – S. 12-31.
2. Mel’nyk V. M. Suchasni podatkovi reformy u novykh krayinakh – uchasnytsyakh YeS / V. M. Mel’nyk, T. V. Koshchuk // Ekonomika i prohnozuvannya. – 2012. – # 3. – S. 102–118.
3. Lunina I. O. Mizhnarodni tendentsiyi reformuvannya podatkovykh system u pislyakryzovyy period 2008–2014 rr. ta uroky dlya Ukrayiny / I. O. Lunina, N. B. Frolova // Finansy Ukrayiny. – 2015. – # 8. – S. 7–20.
4. Tsap I. M. Mizhnarodnyy dosvid derzhavnoho reformuvannya podatkovykh system ta mozhlyvosti yoho zastosuvannya v Ukrayini / I. M. Tsap // Efektyvnist’ derzhavnoho upravlinnya. – 2014. – Vyp. 39. – S. 65–73.
5. Shabaykovych V. A. Reformuvannya podatkovoyi systemy za novoyu ekonomichnoyu stratehiyeyu / V. A. Shabaykovych, Ye. V. Perepichka // Visnyk Natsional’noho universytetu «L’vivs’ka politekhnika». Problemy ekonomiky ta upravlinnya. – 2016. – # 847. – S. 183–192.
6. Poltorak A. S. Harmonizatsiya zakonodavstva shchodo opodatkuvannya importu produktsiyi lehkoyi promyslovosti / A. S. Poltorak, Yu. S. Buzhak // Naukovyy visnyk Khersons’koho derzhavnoho universytetu. – Seriya «Ekonomichni nauky». – 2014. – # 9. – Ch. 2. – S. 128–132.
7. Poltorak A. S. Optymizatsiya podatkovoyi polityky v umovakh fiskal’noyi detsentralizatsiyi v Ukrayini / A. S. Poltorak, O. S. Usenko // Modern economics, 2017. – # 2. – S. 50–54.
8. Ryzhykova N. I. Yevropeys’kyy dosvid reformuvannya podatkovykh system / N. I. Ryzhykova // Visnyk Kharkivs’koho natsional’noho tekhnichnoho universytetu sil’s’koho hospodarstva imeni Petra Vasylenka. – 2016. – Vyp. 171. – S. 161–168.
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11. Taptunova I. Transformatsiya podatku na prybutok pidpryyemstv u podatok na vyvedenyy kapital / Inna Taptunova // Yevropeys’kyy informatsiyno-doslidnyts’kyy tsentr. – Kyyiv, 2016. – 43 s.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

Analysis of the sustainable development concept of economy in globalization: indicators of economic globalization

UDC 330.341

O. Dovgal, Ukraine Associate Professor, Ph.D
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

The nature of the influence of economic and social problems on economic growth in the conditions of globalization on the basis of the concept of sustainable development is revealed. As a result of the analysis, the conditions of sustainable development are determined. It has also been established that the problem of sustainable development needs to be solved by systematically addressing economic, environmental and social problems at all levels. The practical significance is to systematize the factors and conditions of sustainable development, on the basis of which the implementation of the principles of sustainable economic development in the conditions of globalization is ensured.
As the research shows, economic growth and poverty reduction are gradually taking place. As a result, middle-income countries are rapidly developing, and the gap with high-income countries is shrinking. But growth must be sustainable in the long run, and the increase must be shared, in order to make long-term improvements for the well-being of all people. The financial crisis in 2007 has spread to high-income countries, and low-income countries have suffered from it in 2008. In a year which became the hardest, the global recession has affected the sustainable development of economies around the world.
Significance of the economy and economic problems in the modern global world: economic relations, material values and commercial considerations serve as the basis for national and corporate interests. This means that economic processes have a direct impact on the environment and security, social development and the implementation of scientific and technological achievements. The decision of global problems depends on the level and directions of economic activity, because they are economic in nature.
As practice shows, the groups of economic problems were the most difficult compared to other global problems of the modern world. This is because the economic contradictions and difficulties are the basis of all existing and emerging global problems.

Keyword: globalization, economic growth, sustainable development, concept of sustainable development.

Analysis of the sustainable development concept of economy in globalization: indicators of economic globalization.

1. Bilorus O. Zakonomirnosti y tendentsiyi vidtvoryuvalʹnoyi evolyutsiyi ta strukturnoyi transformatsiyi hlobalʹnoho kapitalu / O. Bilorus // Ekonomichna teoriya. – 2016. – № 1 – S. 5-16.O.
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4. Haydutsʹkyy A.P. Mizhnarodni investytsiyni protsesy u rozvyazanni hlobalʹnoyi prodovolʹchoyi problemy / A.P. Haydutsʹkyy // Aktualʹni problemy ekonomiky. – 2016. – № 1. – S. 111-121.
5. Hayduchok O.I. Ekonomichna vzayemozalezhnistʹ: natsionalʹna ta mizhnarodna ekonomichna bezpeka / O.I. Hayduchok // Molodyy vchenyy. – 2016. – № 10 (37). – S. 348-350.
6. Sayt The European Central Bank (ECB)
7. Sayt Svitovoho banku
8. Sayt statystychnoyi sluzhby Yevropeysʹkoho soyuzu
9. Sayt Mizhnarodnoho valyutnoho fondu
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14. Solt, F. (2009). Standardizing the World Income Inequality Database. Social Science Quarterly, 90 (2 ): 231–242.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

Appoximation of the development process of the socio-economic system of Ukraine

UDC 316.3:33(477)

O. Bilichenko

The development of the socio-economic system of Ukraine requires the formation of a balanced macroeconomic policy. The problem of economic development of the country is not new, but changes in the external and internal environment leave research in this direction relevant.
The socio-economic system covers the processes of production, exchange, distribution and consumption of material goods. In structure it is complicated, but belongs to a class of cybernetic, that is, controlled systems. It is practically impossible to take into account all probable changes. However, it is possible to identify the system-forming elements and with the help of approximation with a certain probability to predict their influence. Approximation is a method of conscious simplification of too accurate theoretical knowledge in order to bring it into line with the needs and opportunities of practice.
Economic development of the country constrains military conflicts, fluctuations in the national currency, and excessive taxes. Development of a policy of economic development of the country requires the establishment of planned indicators. For their achievement, direct and indirect instruments of influence on macroeconomic processes are used. In the case of projected changes, it is also important to provide alternatives for further action.
Economic development occurs under the condition of an aggregate supply in the country. An internal source for this may be the redistribution of capital investment between types of economic activity. To achieve a potential level of production, you need to create a sufficient number of jobs. World practice proves the need to stimulate the processing of raw materials for the manufacture of products suitable for end use. Regulation of the level of interest rates affects the monetary policy of the country. In order to reduce the cost of attracted and placed money, the National Bank of Ukraine reduces the discount rate, thus using one of the tools of direct monetary policy regulation.

Keyword: approximation, economic development, aggregate supply, consumption fund, investment, employment, interest, inflation targeting.

Appoximation of the development process of the socio-economic system of Ukraine.

1. Vitlins’kyy V. V. Modelyuvannya ekonomiky : navchal’nyy posibnyk / V.V. Vitlins’kyy – K. : KNEU, 2003. – 408 s.
2. Fylosofskaya еntsyklopedyya [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhym dostupu :
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4. Spravedlyvi podatky – uspishna krayina! [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhym dostupu : Zf8C8vi_MmD3Wmtx6.pdf
5. Matematycheskye modely еkonomycheskoho rosta [Tekst] : monohrafyya / Ya. Tynbеrkhеn, Kh. Bos; per. s anhl. S. S. Shatalyna; pod red. M. M. Holanskoho. – M. : Prohress, 1967, 174 s.

Issue 3 (95), 2017

Social responsibility of agrarian formations

UDC 338.43.01

Y. Kormishkin,
N. Galunets

It is set in the article, that exactly the agrarian forming in Ukraine are basis of providing of all kinds and forms of vital functions on a village, by the sources of formation of concomitant and additional types of activity and productions. Conditioning becomes an inalienable constituent to functioning of that for development of social responsibility.
Reasonably, that social responsibility is a certain level of the voluntarily reacting of organization on social problems. Its appears ponderable direction of activity and has substantial influence on small and midsize businesses, providing of steady development of society on the whole.
Realization of research witnessed that distinguish three even exposures of social responsibility of enterprise, each of that characterizes direction and measure of responsibility of managers of enterprise. On the whole all levels are single in one: social responsibility of enterprise is responsibility of enterprise before all people and organizations with that it clashes in the process of activity and before society on the whole.
It is set that the input of social responsibility on an enterprise requires the observance of her basic principles at the observance of that, each of participants of entrepreneurial activity has the benefits. Adhering to principles of social responsibility to the managers of the agrarian forming, it costs to pay attention, that two her forms of display are: internal social responsibility and external social responsibility.
Certainly, that the basic obstacles of becoming and development of social responsibility of enterprises, in particular agrarian forming following: imperfection of legislative and normatively-legal base that regulates possibilities of participation of enterprises in the social programs and establishments of education in forming of socially responsible specialists; absence of the formed and effective independent civil examination and estimation of results of the social programs, standards and quality of preparation of business-specialists; absence of the system of encouragement (moral and economic) of responsible public subjects.
It is marked that social responsibility it is entered exactly on the large cost-effective agrarian forming. Exactly the agrarian holding get large profits and that is why have the opportunity to form strategy of development of business taking into account the necessities of society. Accordingly what the examples of social responsibility of such enterprises are in-process considered: Ukrlandfarming Group, «NIBULON Company», Group of companies PJSC «Mironivsky hliboproduct».
Experience of the considered large agrarian forming, testifies that guidance of the agrarian forming must examine charges on the social programs as one of forms of long-term investments. In connection with a difficult situation in the field of employment on a village, the agrarian forming is included in that small amount of employers that can provide workers placed population of this area. Exactly for help these enterprises the habitants of rural territories expect in the decision of social problems.
For activation of input and realization of social responsibility in the shallow and middle home agrarian forming, it costs to provide the legislative adjusting and encouragement of the socially directed activity of these agrarian forming. Most agrarian forming report about the social responsibility and marks the observance of legislative base about sanitary-epidemiology, ecological and labor norms. But for realization of higher level of social responsibility there must be substantial tax deductions in the state.

Keyword: social responsibility of enterprises, businesses, agricultural enterprises, the level of principles, forms of social responsibility.

Social responsibility of agrarian formations.

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Issue 3 (95), 2017