Agrotechnical method of prolongation in photosynthetic activity of sunflower plants

UDC 633.854:632.931.1

V. Bazaliy,
E. Domaratzkiy,
A. Dobrovolskiy

It is known that the rate of photosynthesis is determined by the assimilated surface area of leaves which, in its turn, depends on growing conditions. The question about the peculiarities of mineral nutrition of sunflower is important to define a theoretical foundation for the use of fertilizers and drugs of combined action. In the modern technologies rooting out is one of the best methods of fertilizer application. The article presents the results of the influence of root out nutrition of sunflower plants by the drug Khelafit Comby. It is established its stimulating effect to prolong the photosynthetic activity, a decrease of empty grains in baskets and an increase of seed weight from one basket, which leads to the increase in the level of sunflower yield by 0,27 t/ha.
At the beginning of the growing season the results showed that reducing the size of the assimilation apparatus has a similar characters in most cases, but in 15 – 20 days after the observations it was noticed a significant difference. So, by the first control on September 5 it was only 22% of the active leaf surface and after two times treatment by the drug Khelafit Comby this figure was twice as much. During the control testing of the sunflower on September 15 almost all the leaves of the plants were not capable for photosynthetic activity and with the using Khelafit Comby 16% of the area of the entire leaf surface was functional.
The treatment for sunflower plants by the drug Khelafit Comby gave the opportunity to reduce the emptiness of grains in baskets for 7 – 10% and to increase the seed weight from one basket by 8,8 – 15,4%. The result of this impact was a steady increase of the sunflower yield. Due to the low cost of this drug it can significantly increase the economic indicators of the sunflower growing.
Further use of the research results will provide the opportunity for multifaceted study and determine the impact of the new khelafit fertilizers, biological fungicides and plant growth stimulants and their further application with the technology elements improvement of sunflower cultivation in agro-climatic conditions of the Steppe zone of Ukraine.

Agrotechnical method of prolongation in photosynthetic activity of sunflower plants.

Issue 4 (92), 2016

Legal-regulation of the state environmental policy

UDC 502.3.32

O. Al’beshenko, competitor

The basic ecological principles of state policy, determined the legal basis of environmental legislation, the main directions of environmental safety in connection with environmental degradation, worsening environmental problems and the need for approximation of environmental legislation to European and international law was formed in the article. Author has also been analyzed and defined the basic principles of the Paris Agreement, the goals and commitments of Ukraine in it.
The basic components of the mechanism of realization of the basic directions of the state environmental policy in environment protection, the use of natural resources and environmental safety was defined. The implementation of environmental policy involves the use of appropriate methods of gathering and processing, compilating of information for making management decisions. The use of presented methods allows to ground current needs and to form approaches for guarantee of the environmental safety of the state.
It is established that the goal of environmental policy is balance of human needs and nature and technology capacities through planned formation of environment, its quality would provide the possibility of society development in connection with environmental protection. State policy in the sphere of ecology, as well as any other field should be based on the effective regulatory system. During the information changes system must be flexible, therefore it is able to quickly respond to changes in the surrounding components and adapt to changes in the environment, it is an effective means of ensuring the environmental functions of the state.
The dependence of the state environmental safety on policy implementation at both national and global levels. National Environmental Policy as a legal category, expresses and summarizes knowledge about legal form of existence of regional environmental and legal relations, it provides qualitative certainty for legal scientific and theoretical understanding, sets fundamental structure of ecological and legal relations.

Key words: environmental policy, environmental safety, environmental legislation, environmental and legal relations, international law.

Legal-regulation of the state environmental policy.

1. Bilorus O. H. Hlobal’na perspektyva i stalyy rozvytok (Systemni marketol. doslidzh.) / O. H. Bilorus, Yu. M. Matseyko. – K. : MAUP, 2005. – 492 s.
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Issue 4 (92), 2016

Institutional providing for rural development

UDC 332.143:338.43.01

O. Bodnar, assistant
Supervisor: V. Lagodienko, Doctor of Economics, professor
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

Institutional support for rural development is a combination of public and private institutions that ensure the availability of legal, organizational and economic conditions necessary for rural development, rural areas and rural communities.
Today in the world, despite the generally prevailing idea of the direction and nature of rural development institutions, there is no common understanding of purpose and the definition of these institutions.
As a result of studying we have identified the following main weaknesses of institutional support for rural development as incomplete legislative framework, lack of institutional capacity and inefficient programmer documents for rural development; neglect of infrastructure in rural areas; resource and functional limits of local governments and low institutional capacity of communities in rural areas; lack of effectively active institutions in formatting and developing integrated relations between business entities.
According to the identified problems, strategic priorities of the state policy for improving institutional support in agricultural development should be: the improvement of the institutional and legal support in agricultural development, coming closer to the requirements and standards of the EU countries; developing mechanisms for upgrading infrastructure to ensure agricultural development; creating a favorable environment for developing the community institutions in rural areas; creating a positive institutional and psychological basis for rural development at a basic level, increasing the attractiveness and promoting the living in rural areas; improving the business environment in formatting and developing integrated business structures, creating the interregional agro-industrial clusters and realization the socio-economic projects in rural areas.
It should be noted that only the success of the rural development institutions on the territory is not enough for the sustainable development of this territory. This requires that all participants in rural development (local authorities, commercial companies, organizations and institutions) should act more cooperatively and effectively. The most effective institutions are those institutions that operate within the well-planned framework and coordinated system of rural development.

Institutional providing for rural development.

1. Malik M.J. Instytuty j instytuciji u rozvytku integhracijnykh procesiv v aghrarnij sferi. / M.J.Malik, O.Gh. Shpykuljak, O.Ju. Luzan. [Elektronnyj resurs] . Rezhym dostupu :
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12. Pavlov O.I. Siljsjkyj rozvytok u konteksti cyvilizacijnogho pidkhodu / O.I. Pavlov [Elektronnyj resurs] . – Rezhym dostupu :
13. Shho take siljsjkyj rozvytok i chomu ce vazhlyvo dlja suspiljstva, siljsjkogho ghospodarstva i sela [Elektronnyj resurs] . – Rezhym dostupu :

Issue 4 (92), 2016

Features institutional support of the regional labor market

UDC 332.1

S. Horbach

The article highlights the main features of the institutional security of the regional labor market. The reasons for the reduction of employment in national agriculture were found out. It was discovered that those reasons are far from the current world-economic tendencies, where the most important factor of change is the intensification of agrarian production and the implementation of the achievements of NTP. In Ukraine, the main impetus for job cuts is the elimination or suspension of agrarian enterprises.
The factors influencing the development of the regional labor market were revealed. It has also been found that the size of wages, which cannot meet the basic needs of worker and his family, is not attractive to young people. Therefore, the aging of labor resources in the agrarian sector is completely natural. The ratio characterizing the educational level of labor resources is also unfavorable. In the period of global economic changes in the agrarian sector of the economy, people with higher and secondary vocational education were the most professionally mobile, moving from the sphere of agriculture to the other areas. Such a high ability to change work in these groups of labor resources is based on multilateral knowledge and skills which were acquired during the learning process, as well as a rapid response to changes in the economic system. This process has led to the fact that the educational level of agrarian workers is currently rather weak. The elements that restrain the processes of functioning of the labor market were highlighted. The necessity of formation of effective institutional security fir the further formation of the regional labor market is considered. Fundamental institutional transformations have the main goal of changing the formal and informal conditions of economic activity, as well as creating effective incentives for entrepreneurial and labor activity of the rural population in order to modify the content of organizational and economic relations, create a new system of forms of ownership and on this basis to transform the existing forms of management. Improvement of formal and informal institutions in its turn requires a significant amount of time, especially in case of conservatism which is related to changing people’s consciousness. Thus, in the context of radical institutional transformations, the problem of adaptation of agrarian enterprises to market conditions of management is relevant. The necessary steps are being taken to intensify this process in the region.

Key words: institutional support, labor market, rural population, labor resources.

Features institutional support of the regional labor market.

Issue 4 (92), 2016

Systematization and classifi cation of the elements business infrastructure of the agricultural business

UDC 338.49:346

Y. Kormyshkin

In article results of generalized classification of elements of business infrastructure of agrarian business by functional features. It is established that the business infrastructure of agrarian business envisages aggregate of sectors or modes of production activities that serve and ensure the normal functioning the main production and non-production sphere. Examining the functions of business infrastructure, it was determined that functionally business infrastructure of agrarian entrepreneurship is associated with all sectors of agrarian manufacture and serves its integral part. During the study was considered the various classifications elements of business infrastructure, namely: according to of carried out functions, during sales of products, when debugging of business relations between various business entities, the by sectoral division of and so on.
After conducted research classification of the elements of business infrastructure entrepreneurship we consider it appropriate highlight the three key that should be used in the agricultural business:
– pattern of ownership that assumes presence public, private and public elements of business infrastructure and reveals the funding sources degree of influence of, availability of are interested on the part of agricultural entrepreneurs;
– the kind of activity that can qualitatively assess the of influence direction infrastructural element in agricultural entrepreneurship activities (advisory bodies, consulting structures, information centers, investment and innovative companies, educational institutions, etc.);
– elements of business infrastructure under applicable law (business centers, business incubators, innovative business incubators, science and technology centers, technology parks, private business support, financial institutions, innovation and investment funds and companies, leasing companies, counseling centers etc.).
It was concluded that the business infrastructure of agrarian entrepreneurship brings together industry, that ensure production and maintenance of agricultural production, creation of the necessary production and operation, organizational and technical conditions for initial production in all sectors of the agricultural sector and so on.

Key words: business, business entrepreneurship infrastructure, classification, elements infrastructure, agricultural business.

Systematization and classifi cation of the elements business infrastructure of the agricultural business.

Issue 4 (92), 2016

Soft batteries from wood waste products are as innovative energy sources

UDC 621.354/.355:502./174:620.9

O. Vutvutska,
A. Vuborna

The necessity of the use of wood waste in the form of soft batteries as an alternative to incineration and emission of waste.
The use of the wood wastes for the manufacture of batteries is proposed. Wastes are formed at all stages of harvesting and processing of wood. They include: branches, knots, tops, sawdust, hemp, roots, bark and ham, which togather form about 21% of the total mass of wood. During the processing of wood on sawn timber, the output reaches an average 65%, while the rest forms waste in the form of lagging (14%), sawdust (12%), sliced (9%). During the manufacture of building components, furniture and other products from lumber is received waste in the form of chips, sawdust and individual pieces of wood, that is about 40% of the mass of used lumber. The main component of such waste is lignin. Scientists have shown that the isolating properties of lignin derivatives can be combined with the conductivity of polypyrrole to create a composite material that can effectively hold an electric charge.
Lignin is a natural product, that in large quantity available in the waste paper industry. The authors of the idea describe the use of it in the following way: a polymer cathode can be prepared by electrochemical oxidation of a pyrrole into polypyrene in a solution of lignin derivatives. The group of quinones of lignin is used to store electrons and protons, as well as to exchange during the oxidation-reduction cycle.
An obvious advantage of the proposed structure is the unmatched availability of lignin, in contrast to the various metal oxides, which are needed for the production of lithium-ion batteries.
New batteries don’t use lithium, but use sodium, which makes them optimal for storing large amounts of energy, such as energy accumulated by solar power plants, unlike that ones, which are widely used now. The material is also inexpensive and environmentally friendly. One of the advantages of batteries is that they easily carry compression / stretch strains that occur during heating / charge / discharge, which makes them more durable than most modern nanobattery. The number of battery charge / discharge cycles is not less than 400 full cycles.
Such batteries can be used in the manufacture of flexible electronic devices, “smart” fabrics, and safe electric vehicles. The Morph phone, that can bend, take a different shape and even change its size, differing in functionality which is not available for modern phones, is an example of a flexible electronic device. A flexible battery is required for manufacturing of such phone, and a soft, waste wood battery can replace existing batteries while reducing the cost of such a phone.
Since the introduction into the production of such batteries is an extension of their assortment, the target audience of the production of soft wood waste batteries is battery manufacturers. Also, consumers of such batteries will be developers of new electromechanisms that require flexible batteries.

Ключові слова: м’які батарейки із відходів дерева, інновація,інноваційний процес.

Soft batteries from wood waste products are as innovative energy sources.

Issue 4 (92), 2016

Indicators of formation economic security

UDC 338.43(477):339.9

O. Vyshnevska, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences
O. Кhrystenko, Master of Accounting and Finance Department
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

A summary of the results of collective expert assessment of formation of indicators of economic security of the country in the interconnectedness of all influencing factors. Grounded priority of macroeconomic indicators and the food, social and demographic factors influence in ensuring the economic security of the country, taking into account the impact of globalization. It revealed the priority of monetary, foreign economic, fiscal and debt, investment and innovation indicators.
Creating conditions to guarantee economic security is the basis of its development, growth position in the global environment in terms of global competitiveness. That is why the priority indicators due importance from the perspective of each group in terms of impact on the competitive position of the state.
Determined that because of the influence of factors of global environment and internal threats related to the military conflict in the east, low GDP growth and effective demand, inflation, growth of external debt of the country, the state of the banking system and reduce world prices for commodity exports, the country’s position in the world ranking characterized by a decline in global competitiveness for 2016.
Provided that the basis for economic security are the macro-economic, food and social and demographic security, investigation of which is to guarantee monetary, fiscal and debt, investment and innovation, foreign security. Experts due to the need to assess the environmental indicator considering the growing impact of environmental threats and increased negative trends in the environment in all regions of the world.
As a result of peer review, which was conducted Masters Accounting and Finance Department, determined that the formation of the prerequisites to guarantee economic security has a significant impact food and macroeconomic factors, socio-demographic criteria. Ensuring economic security should be based on the implementation of systematic measures aimed at macroeconomic stabilization, creation of preconditions for improving living standards due to the growth rate of national economic development and strengthen the position in shaping food security and reduce import dependence.
Due to the conditions of guaranteeing national economic security by ensuring a balance of interests between the state and society taking into account the depth and scope of internal and external risks, including environmental issues.

Key words: economic security, globalization, economic risks national interests, the priority indicators.

Indicators of formation economic security.

Issue 4 (92), 2016