Technological features of comprehensive protection from phytopathogens lawns in landscape gardening // National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

4(81), 2014

UNC 632.9:633.1

Rozenfeld V.

It was established experimentally determining factors of ecological destabilization of ornamental lawns in urbanized areas. It is shown that phytopathogens cause significant damage to the lawn, which is a consequence of their physiological weakening and loss of aesthetic appeal. Ingenious technology to protect the lawn from phytopathogens using only biological products and organic fertilizer. Those technologies are able to stabilize phytosanitary condition of lawns, optimize biometric and physiological characteristics of plants.

Summary. Rozenfeld V. Technological features of comprehensive protection from phytopathogens lawns in landscape gardening // National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


1. Hvozdiak R. Y. Bakteryalnye bolezny lesnykh drevesnykh porod / R. Y. Hvozdiak, L. M. Yakovleva. – K. : Nauk. dumka, 1979. – 244 s.
2. Krammel D. R. Potrebytely v ahroekosystemakh: landshaftnyi podkhod / Krammel D. R., Daier M. Y. // Selskokhoziaistvennye ekosystemy. – M. : Ahropromyzdat, 1987. – S. 56–74.
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6. Sydorova Y. Y. Byolohycheskye metody borby s fytopatohennymy hrybamy / Sydorova Y. Y. // VYNYTY «Ytohy nauky y tekhnyky. Zashchyta rastenyi». – 1980. – № 2. – S. 116–157.
7. Soklov M. S. Ekolohyzatsyia zashchyty rastenyi / Soklov M. S., Monastyrskyi O. A., Pykushova E. A. – Pushchyno : ONTY PNTs RAN, 1994. – S. 248–271.
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Retrospective analysis of forest dynamics in Dnipropetrvosk region

4(81), 2014
UNC 630.5:633.877
Lovinska V.M.
Sytnyk S.A.

A retrospective analysis of changes in areas covered with forests Dnipropetrovsk region was performed. We obtained time series of accounting and resource factors as the total area of forest resources and the total stock of wood in forest stands. The modern state several stands of the main forest species in the region for some forestry-biometric characteristics was investigated.

We used a retrospective analysis and obtain the dynamic series such registration-resource indexes as the total area of forest resources in  Dnipropetrovsk region, the area of land covered with forest vegetation and the total stock of wood in forest stands.

Analysis period of these indicators was 35 years (from 1977 to 2012). It was established that the total area of forests, as well as the area of land covered with forest vegetation since 1996 is growing and at the time of last census (2012) increased by 4,5% and 10,2%, respectively.

Dynamics of total variable stocks of wood characterized by uneven and curved, but with the vector, clearly directed towards the increase of this index by 33,5% in the analyzed period.

Used a selective method of statistical representativeness study of forestry information about the area of land covered with forest vegetation on the basis of the existing forestry enterprises subordinate to the State Forestry Administration of Forestry and Hunting of Dnipropetrovsk region, for the accounting period from 1996 to 2009.

The maximum area of land covered with forest vegetation recorded for such forestry enterprises as Verkhnedneprovskiy, Dneprodzerzhinskiy, Dnipropetrovskiy and Novomoskovskiy. The area of land covered with forest vegetation in the other investigated forestry enterprises does not exceed 10,000 hectares. Retrospective analysis of the investigated parameters showed a significant decline until 2009 it such as forestry enterprises Krivoy Rog, Novomoskovskiy and Dnipropetrovsk. The value of land area covered by forest vegetation almost varies Vasilkovskiy forestry enterprises (down 6,2%) and remained unchanged in terms of the natural reserve “Dnepr-Orelsky”.

Virtually all forestry enterprises area of land covered with forest vegetation, tended to increase or decrease until 2008, while in 2009 this figure undergoes a sharp decline in all forestry enterprises except the reserve.

The first priority when restoring a forest is to study some of the forestry and taxation indices of forest fund, in particular, such as the area and stocks of woodthe main breeds of forests in the region. In Dnipropetrovsk region Pinus sylvestris is the predominant breed of coniferous,Robinia pseudoacacia– from hardwood.

The estimation of the present state of the main forest-forming species of Dnipropetrovsk region – Scots pine and Robinia pseudoacacia was carried. The totals area of pine and acacia plantations, as well as a stock of wood in the forests of the specified species was defined. Analysis of the distribution of areas of Scots pine stands showed that nearly a third part – 31% of the entire area of pine forests occupy Novomoskovsk military forestry with a total stock of wood 1464,25 thousandm3, the smallest proportion of this breed (0,4%) in Marganetsk forestry.

The largest share of acacia plantations – 40,1% – is concentrated in Verhnedniprovsk forestry, with a stock of wood 1248,47thousandm3, the lowest (0,2%) – in Novomoskovsk military forestry.

Keywords (more…)

The dynamics of leaf area of maize and photosynthetic indicators of crops under drip irrigation method in the South of Ukraine.

4(81), 2014

UNC 631.6:635.25:631.8(477.72)

Relevance of the topic. One of the main elements of cultivation technology of different corn hybrids under drip irrigation is a stand density of plants and background of mineral nutrition, which allows optimization the most efficient use of natural and climatic potential of the Southern Steppes of Ukraine to obtain high yields and quality of grain, the best economic and energy indicators were discussed in the article. The establishment of features of formation of leaf surface of plants and photosynthetic activity of crops are equally important, as these parameters have a direct impact on yield formation of investigated culture.

The main results. Leaf surface area significantly varied depending on the phase of plant development, and for the hybrid structure, stand density and pattern of plant nitrogen nutrition. On hybrid Mass 44.A this indicator was the highest — 44.900. m²/ha, but on the hybrids Sangria and Tibor this figure decreased on 9,7–21,9%. The thickening to 90–100 thousand plant/ha provided growth leaf surface of all hybrids on 10,1–14,5%. Nitrogen fertilizers are also provided growth assimilation surface area to 12,3–24,7%.

The net productivity of photosynthesis slightly changed at the beginning of the growing season, but from phase of fifteen leaves was marked increase this figure to 6,9–8,4 g/m² per day. The smallest photosynthetic potential for hybrid crops was discovered with Tibor with minimal plant stand density and without making nitrogen fertilizers. This indicator gained the highest level — 4.10 million m² days/ha in the form of hybrid Mass 44.A, which grew with stand density 90 thousand plant/ha and the use of fertilizers dose N180Р90.

Conclusions. Nitrogen fertilizers significantly contribute to the growth of leaf area and indicator photosynthetic activity of crops. The highest values of the studied parameters were on hybrids Sangria and Mass 44.A in stand density of plants at 80–100 thousand/ha and application of fertilizer dose N180Р90.

drip irrigation, maize hybrids, stand density of plants, fertilizers, leaf area, photosynthetic activity of crops. (more…)

Features accumulation of wet weight and dry matter, photosynthetic activity in soybean cultivation in the South of Ukraine.

4(81), 2014
UNC 633.34:631.526.3:631.6(477.72)
Vozhegova R. Melnik M.

Relevance of the topic. Soybean belongs to the most important protein and oilseeds, which provides production useful for human food, animal feed and it is a valuable raw material for manufacturing. An important scientific and practical problems when growing soybean yields are insufficient in terms of production because its cultivation technology is not fully study. To realize a high potential of domestic varieties of culture the modern science based soybean growing technology on irrigated land, including irrigation regimes and use of inoculants must be developed and implemented.

The main results. The research had found that the phase of beans pouring out the lowest levels of wet weight at 10.9 t/ha were under irrigation to the flowering phase for sowing varieties Dion, which seeds are not treated with inoculants. When the preparation Nitrofix and Optimize were used. The indicator had increased to 20.5 and 22.0 t/ha, or 6,6-12,7%. The dynamics of dry matter accumulation show the advantage of irrigation to phase pouring beans and sowing varieties Apollon and Deimos.

Maximum leaf surface of the cloak — 43.2 thousand. m2/ha had been reached in a phase of ripening beans. The smallest assimilation surface area at 25.3 thousand. m2/ha had been formed in the form of watering to flowering phase, sowing varieties Dion and without the use of inoculants. The highest photosynthetic capacity of crops of soybeans in the experiment were the conditions of vegetation watering to phase pouring beans, planting varieties Apollo, which seeds were treated with Optimize preparation. Calculations had proved that the net productivity of photosynthesis highest values can be reached in interphase period from bud to bloom.

Conclusions. Increase in wet weight and dry matter, and indices of leaf surface, photosynthetic potential crop productivity and net photosynthesis can be reached its maximum values during the phase of watering pouring beans, seeding varieties Deimos and treatment preparation Optimize. This technology allows to increase the output to the wet weight 20,5-22,0 t/ha and generate maximum leaf surface area, which ensures the growth of photosynthetic capacity of crops to 6,3-11,1%.

Keywords soybeans, crude supply, dry matter, leaf area, photosynthetic potential, net productivity of photosynthesis (more…)

The water mode of alfalfa fields seeds for cultivated

4(81), 2014

UNC 631.53.01:632.123:633.31

Antipova L.

Statement of the problem. Alfalfa is one of the most valuable crops to supply high-quality livestock forage. In the arid conditions of the country one of the important tasks is to determine the elements of resource-saving technologies, aimed at efficient usage of moisture by plants, in particular the cultivation of this crop for seeds.

The aim of our work was to study the water regime of the soil under crops of alfalfa of different mowing for seeds production (first, after-grass, and intermediate) in the southern Steppe and to determine of more resource efficient.

For intermediate mowing of grass the option of cutting plants for green fodder for 3-4 days prior to the beginning of budding and get ting the seeds after the next growing of alfalfa is chosen.

The results of the research. The largest consumtion of moisture during the growing season from soil to biomass formation was for the first mowing of grass for seeds: from the arable layer was spent 366, and from the meter layer – 1078 m3/ha. The given index for intermediate sowing was 81 and 78, and the second – 117 and 334 m3/ha less. Dry matter, including the seeds of alfalfa of the first mowing, is formed by 51.6% due to precipitation and 48.4% of soil moisture. Another pattern in the formation of above-ground biomass was observed during the intermediate and second sowing: the expenditure of water from the soil were significantly greater in percentage terms – 59,8% and 58.6% of, respectively, whereas rainfall in the total consumption was only 40,2 and 41.4%.

The total water consumption of plants in agrophitocenosis for the first mowing within 2225 m3/ha), for intermediate mowing – 1673 and after-grass mowing – 1269 m3/ha. Decline of this mowings indicator with is connected the less formation of  biomass in the intermediate and after-grass sowing comparing with the first mowing.

Transpiration ratio was 800 for the first one, 740 – for intermediate and 858 for the second mowing for seeds. For the formation of 1 kg of seeds was spent 1441±308 m3 of moisture by controlled plants. On the intermediate sowing the  coefficient of water consumption decreased by 1.6 times (up to 914±214 m3/d) compared with the first mowing. During intermediate and second sowing significantly more seeds of alfalfa were formed 1 m3 in precipitation and soil moisture (116 and 130 g/m3, respectively) comparing with the first mowing – 73 g/m3. In intermediate mowing of aboveground biomass accumulated less in comparison with the first mowing, so seeds per unit of moisture had formed more in all years of the study. The main expenditure of water on the formation of seeds in the intermediate (293 g/m3) and after-grass (316 g/m3) occur due to soil moisture. Much less seeds formed in these mowings due to precipitation (195 and 230 g/m3), whereas in the first  mowings of the ratio of expenditures of soil water and rainfall is almost the same – 153 and 147 g/m3, respectively.

The conclusions. Analysis of the obtained data on water mode in the soil when growing alfalfa on unirrigated lands gives the basis to indicate whether the use of intermediate mowings for yield of seed crops in the southern Ukraine. At intermediate mowing a more economical use of moisture by alfalfa of seed purpose compared with the first and second mowings. (more…)

Improvement of the method of chain substitutions in the analysis of the factors forming the company’s profit

4(81), 2014

UNC 658.155:

Skoromna O.Yu.
graduate student of the Department of Finance
Kharkov National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev
Kharkiv, Ukraine

The main goal of each agrarian enterprise is profit. Profit at the same time serves the purpose and result of economic activity and is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise. From the quantitative and qualitative parameters of this indicator depends largely on the reliability of evaluating the effectiveness of business. This paper investigates a method of chain substitutions at the determinants of the impact on profits of farms and development of recommendations for its use in enterprises in modern conditions.

According to the method of chain substitutions in the research process the effect of individual factors on the amount of profit on sale of agrarian products in agrarian enterprises in Kharkiv region was calculated. The use of the traditional approach to cases where the analyzed period varies financial result from the sale of (loss on profit, or vice versa) can lead to contradictory conclusions. For the calculation of impact factors in the traditional method is carried out at the prices of the base year.

The inconsistency is due to the imperfection of the method for determining this parameter. In our opinion, the impact of changes in the volume of sales of the relevant type of products with the use of chain substitutions should be determined at the actual selling prices and the baseline volume.

The results of the calculation method of chain substitutions at the prices of the reporting year were more objective. This is quite logical, because of the increase in sales of profitable products. Revenue is also proportionally increased or at least has a positive value. The proposed approach allows objectively assess the impact of factors on formation of profit of agrarian enterprises; avoid contradictions between the obtained estimates, and the get the efficient influence of individual factors. (more…)

Conception of Innovative Model in Formation of Theory and Practice of the Development of Economic Systems

4(81), 2014

UNC 001.895:330.342

In article the theoretical and methodical provisions for evolution of innovative model’s concept in formation of the theory and practice of economic systems, in particular, concerning an essence and functional signs of innovative processes, innovations, innovative model and their implementation in the general scientific theory of public formations’ development on innovative bases are disclosed. The place of innovative model in organizational and economic mechanisms of managing as systems of introduction of results of scientific and technical progress at the level of separate global regional communities of the leading countries is shown. (more…)

Condition of the agrarian land in Mykolayiv region: an environmental aspect

4(81), 2014

UNC 631.95:332.3(477.73)

С. Yakushova

The article analyzes the state of the environmental safety of agrarian land use in Mykolayiv region. The problems and prospects of development of environmentalagrarianland use in the region were defined. The land fund of Mykolayiv region is characterized by rather high bioproductive potential, but in its structure there is a high proportion of the chernozem soil type, which creates favorable conditions for productive agrarian ecological safety. As for January the 1st, 2014 land fund of Mykolaiv region is 2458.50 thousand hectares, 2006.7 thousand hectares of them (or 81.62%) is agrarian land, indicating a high level of development. Extensive land use has led to an imbalance in agriculture. Expansion of arable land to an unacceptable size for the developed countries worsened its quality status, the ecological balance of the environment, increased energy consumption. Therefore, it is important to implement the ecological-safetyland use, which will improve the soil.

Due to excessive tillage areas (84.7%) of Mykolayiv region and very limited increase of land use land it is required soul careful attitude and ecologically safety use of land. Great arable lands lead to severe erosion.

It is defined the list of measures that the government of Ukraine should introduce for the purpose of cleaner production. In order to prevent erosion should be used the following actions: to create profile reclamation area which provides differentiated land use depending on topography, soil and environmental conditions; to increase forest cover to optimal size; to implement agro-erosion measures to prevent siltation of water sources erosion products; to establish and regulate of water protection zones and coastal protection strips;  to  establish to the forest andmeadow plantations in the coastal protection strips, slopes, gullies and ravines; to arrange the drainage on agrarian lands. (more…)

The prospects of grain market’s infrastructure devlopment

4(81), 2014

UNC 338.439:633.1

R. Danilchenko

         Abstract. The main directions of the grain market development in Ukraine and Mykolayiv region, its fullness forming and the current situation of infrastructure are discussed. The increase of grain production, especially in maize production that is in high demand in the global market had been mentioned. The Mykolayiv region had showed the increased exports of grain and grain products, expanding the grain exports’ geography, except to the South Africa, the Middle East and some countries of the European Union.

The insufficient formation of grain market’s infrastructure that impedes the development of the grain market was emphasized. It was noted that the capacities of certified grain are enough for storage and handling of grain production. Nearly a third part of all storage grain is not certified. Under that quality of provided services do not meet the requirements of customers.

It was indicated that there is a heterogeneous load of port terminals for transshipment of grain and lack of capacities. It makes to be unable meeting the grain export potential of Ukraine. In addition, recent events had posed some new challenges in the port terminals, including the loss of Crimea power port and the port of Azov Sea. Thus, this situation made it possible to increase the load on port terminals in Odessa and Mykolayiv, working at the limit of its capabilities.

The basic trends of further formation of grain market infrastructure are defined. The need to attract private investment for public infrastructure development programs is proved. The necessity of equipment modernization and involvement of Kherson regional port and river ports on the Danube River is grounded.

R. Danilchenko. The prospects of grain market’s infrastructure devlopment.


1. Infrastruktura tovarnoho rynku : [navch. posib.] / O. V. Kaliuzhna, V. F. Klochan, T. Ya. Ivanenko, V. S. Kushniruk. – Mykolaiv, 2011. – 284s.
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4. Kvasha S. M. Napriamy udoskonalennia mekhanizmiv formuvannia rynkovoi rivnovahy na rynkakh silskohospodarskoi produktsii / S. M. Kvasha // Ekonomika APK. – 2011. – #2. – S.161-167.
5. Kupchenko A. S. Infrastruktura zernovoho rynku v Ukraini / A. S. Kupchenko // APK-Inform. – 2014. – #1. – S. 45-48
6. Makarenko P. M. Rynok zerna i rehionalne zernovyrobnytstvo : monohrafiia / P. M. Makarenko, O. O. Sychenko. – Dnipropetrovsk : Herda, 2007. – 188 s.
7. Sabluk P. T. Suchasni tendentsii svitovoho vyrobnytstva zerna / P. T. Sabluk, O. V. Kovalenko // Visnyk ahrarnoi nauky . – 2009. – # 8. – S. 74-78

Features accumulation of wet weight and dry matter, photosynthetic activity in soybean cultivation in the South of Ukraine

UNC 001.895:338.43

Olga Melnyk.

The existing methodological approaches to the formation of scientific and innovative profile as a tool of comparative statistical analysis of scientific and technological capabilities and innovation activities of the country (region, industry) are discussed. It was established that two international organizations which activities are related to the collection and analysis of statistics on science, technology and innovation development of countries are the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural  Organization (UNESCO). They annually publish scientific and innovative profile of countries. The indicators listed in the UNESCO publication describe mainly scientific and technical potential of the country (region). The list of indicators proposed by the OECD is broader and allows characterizing both scientific and innovative components of different countries’ profiles. The methodological approaches to assessment of scientific and innovative profile which had been proposed by Russian scientists A. Zolotukhina and A. Frolov were characterized.

Thus, summing up the experience of the OECD and UNESCO, according to the methodology of A. Zolotukhina which was based on national statistical offices, the author had developed a method of forming scientific and innovative profile of the agrarian sector of Ukraine and its regions. The necessity of its formation was proved by the system of 17 indicators which were grouped into 5 blocks (educational, human, organizational, financial, and productive), and described by the scientific and technological innovation capacity in the “in-out” system (“resources-results”). Besides, it is necessary that all of the figures were comparable, which makes comparison of their relative values​​ possible, taking into account the peculiarities of the social and economic development of different regions of the country. To do this, all indicators ​​were converted to relative values ​​by means of comparison with specific territorial characteristics (number of economically active population, gross agricultural output, the number of business entities in the agrarian area and so on.). Calculation of indicators of scientific and innovative profile of the agrarian sector of Ukraine and its regions was made. It was established that the leaders of the majority of indicators are Kharkiv and Kyiv regions.

Formation of scientific and innovative profile of the agrarian sector using the proposed algorithm can be used to identify areas of further development of innovative entrepreneurship. It remains necessary to change the focus performance of indicators. It means that now the quantitative indicators of innovation and implementation of innovations are not important (for example, the number of derived varieties, and the area sown by them in Ukraine, etc.). In the future, it is advisable to give these data in statistical form for the survey of agricultural and research institutions in the agrarian sector.
