Evaluating the effectiveness of sales management of agricultural enterprises

Number, year
3(79), Vol. 1, 2014
UNC 658.811.003.13:338.439.5:631.11

The author explores the issues of agricultural sales management in Ukraine. The global competitive positions of country’s agriculture depend from efficiency of marketing of agricultural commodities in Ukraine. The aim of the article is to define the methodological approaches to evaluation of the sales management performance for agricultural enterprises.

There are different approaches to sales management, considering methodological aspects of calculation main indicators and sales channel evaluation. The author considers basic classical principles of marketing of agricultural commodities and shows the ways of solving current issues.

The efficiency of sales management system was analyzed in the article. It is impossible identify the sale channels for the main quantity of agricultural commodities.  The increase of price level for agricultural commodities does not guarantee the rising of producer incomes. On the author’s opinion, more efficient state and regional regulatory mechanisms were needed. The least were highly criticized for inefficiency, losses and corruption, which influence the agro-industrial sector. The government should assist the support and development initiatives, facilitate investment flows in strategic industries, and facilitate infrastructure improvement in order to achieve sales management efficiencies in agriculture. The issues of agricultural sales management in Ukraine highly related to the necessity of supply chain management and infrastructure development.

The peculiarities of agricultural sales activities and main evaluation techniques were highlighted. Despite the differences in expert opinions, the author presented main indicators of sales management efficiency, algorithm of evaluation stages, approaches to strategies evaluation.  Such methodological approaches can be used for agricultural enterprises and other firms in agribusiness industry.

T.A Tkachenko. Evaluating the effectiveness of sales management of agricultural enterprises

Keywords: sales management, marketing of agricultural commodities, agricultural enterprises.


T.A. Tkachenko
1. Artimonova I.V. Metodychni pidkhody do otsinky efektyvnosti marketynhovoyi diyal’nosti ahrarnykh pidpryyemstv / I.V. Artimonova // Aktual’ni problemy ekonomiky. – 2010. – # 5 (107). – S. 46 – 51.
2. Realizatsiya produktsiyi sil’s’kohospodars’kymy pidpryyemstvamy za 2013 rik. Statystychnyy byuleten’ – K.: Derzhavna sluzhba statysty Ukrayiny, 2014.
3. Herasymyak N.V. Teoretyko-metodychni pidkhody do otsinky efektyvnosti marketynhovykh zakhodiv promyslovoho pidpryyemstva / N.V. Herasymyak // Ekonomichnyy chasopys XXI. – 2012. – # 5 – 6. – S. 40 – 43.
4. Oherchuk Yu.V. Analiz orhanizuvannya zbutovoyi diyal’nosti vitchyznyanykh vyrobnykiv kavy / Yu.V. Oherchuk // Visnyk Natsional’noho universytetu «L’vivs’ka politekhnika». – 2003. – # 484. – S. 335 – 341.
5. Hudzenko N.M. Rol’ obliku zbutu dlya zabezpechennya kontrolyu protsesu realizatsiyi / N.M. Hudzenko // Naukovyy visnyk Natsional’noho ahrarnoho universytetu. – 2002. – Vyp. 56. – S. 263 – 265.
6. Vazhyns’kyy F.A. Otsinka efektyvnosti upravlinnya systemoyu zbutu mashynobudivnykh pidpryyemstv / F.A. Vazhyns’kyy, L.S. Nodzhak, A.V. Kolodiychuk // Ekonomika promyslovosti. – 2010. – # 1. – S. 119 – 122.
7. Osnovni ekonomichni pokaznyky vyrobnytstva produktsiyi sil’s’koho hospodarstva v sil’s’kohospodars’kykh pidpryyemstvakh za 2012 r. Statystychnyy byuleten’. – K. : Derzhavnyy komitet statystyky Ukrayiny, 2013.

Methodological approaches to assessing bioenergy potential of straw

Number, year
3(79), Vol. 1, 2014
UNC 338.439.22:633:620.952

Kharchuk. Methodological approaches to assessing bioenergy potential of straw

This paper investigates the assessment of bioenergy potential straw. The results of the study suggested a systematic approach to the determination of the potential bioenergy crop waste, which is economically feasible to use for energy. A selection coefficients required for this assessment. Based on the statistical analysis of the theoretical, technically feasible and economically viable potential of biomass straw, which can be used for energy. Definitely bioenergy potential straw in Zhytomyr region.

 Paying attention to Ukraine’s energy dependence on imports traditional energy, the agrarian orientation of the economy and European priorities,  bioenergy development  is rather actual. Ukraine agriculture industry is interested in using of alternative energy sources, especially renewable domestic manufacture. The presence of each type of biomass for energy and spatial distribution of biomass in Ukraine regions is uneven and changing every year. Assessment of biomass potential areas should be carried out to determine the quantity and quality of resources required for the development of bioenergy. This assessment also serves as a tool for management decision making effective use of biomass potential and activation potential sources of competitiveness of the region. Grain production occupies a leading position in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Ukraine has all preconditions for the production of straw and its subsequent use for energy purposes. Ukraine has all preconditions for the production of straw and its subsequent use for energy purposes. The straw determines important type of raw waste suitable for use for energy purposes.

This paper investigates the assessment of bioenergy potential straw. The results of the study suggested a systematic approach to the determination of the potential bioenergy crop waste, which is economically feasible to use for energy. A selection coefficients required for this assessment. Based on the statistical analysis of the theoretical, technically feasible and economically viable potential of biomass straw, which can be used for energy. Definitely bioenergy potential straw in Zhytomyr region. This paper prove that on the basis of the data under the proposed technique it is possible to analyze bioenergy potential straw not only individual regions, but also the country as a whole.

Assessment of the energy potential of bioenergy crops in Kherson region

Number, year
3(79), Vol. 1, 2014
UNC 338:633

E.M. Fedorchuk. Assessment of the energy potential of bioenergy crops in Kherson region

 In this article it is presented the estimation of energy potential of biomass, which can be obtained from energy crops on the scale of Kherson region.

The present assessment is based on a comprehensive statistical method that involves the separation of biomass potential in three main types: theoretically possible (theoretically), available technical (technical), and economically viable (economic). Variation of the potentials in the past periods had been analyzed and prognosis for the future had been made. The existing approaches and methodology for assessing the energy biomass had been considered.

In this article the main energy crops, suitable for cultivation in the South of Ukraine were determined. For energy crops should be used half of free arable land in the region, that is 105-130 thousand hectares. The study conducted on the trial ground of Kherson State Agricultural University in 2006-2011, is devoted to the introduction of new bioenergy plants in the Southern Ukraine. The research findings show that the following species displayed a higher degree of naturalization: feed sorrel (Rumex variety), feed mallow (Cornella variety), hybrid mallow, and woad. Growing energy crops can give agricultural enterprises more benefits. Through the realization of the economic potential of energy crops, Kherson region can meet up to 5% of the total demand from primary energy. Given the high dependence of Ukraine on expensive imported fuels, it is clear that the use of solid biomass of agricultural origin is a major means of strengthening energy security. On the basis of calculations, agricultural enterprises were considered as possible manufacturers and suppliers of feedstock for bioenergy and as active participants in the energy market.

 E.M. Fedorchuk. Assessment of the energy potential of bioenergy crops in Kherson region.

Forming of the marketing system on grain production enterprises

Number, year
3(79), Vol. 1, 2014
UNC 681.5.0171

K. Kuhta. Forming of the marketing system on grain production enterprises.

The article discusses some problems of development marketing in the sphere of the grain subcomplex, conditioning steps introduction ofmarketing management, to research a grain market and to carry out classification subject of grain market.

Modern market demands is searching new forms and methods of the manufacture and selling the products. Leaders and agriculture experts, industrial enterprises of grain processing sub-complex of agriculture complex must implement agrimarketing and accept it as a base of formation of relationship among the subjects of manage to become an active member of the market, to feel confident in the marketing environment.

Taking into consideration the urgency of the problem, the aim of the scientific article is the study of the role of marketing in the rise of effectiveness of enterprises of grain-producing sub-complex. The effectiveness of enterprise activity of processing branch of agro-industrial complex(AIC) depends on many factors. Important ones are methods of organization of manufacture and sale of goods, particular market conditions, strategy of manufacture, etc. Implementing marketing in their activity takes an important place among the mechanisms of raising the effectiveness and its competition.

To our mind, on institutional approach, the nuclear of the marketing system in grain-producing sub-complex of AIC is formed by main subjects of marketing activity: grain producers, enterprises on conservation, initial and secondary processing of grain. (the classification of subjects of grain market is hold in the article).

It was studied the problems of development of marketing in grain-producing complex, measures of implementing of marketing management; it was studied the market of grain; and it was hold the classification of subject of grain market.

It was hold the studying of marketing activity of grain-producing sub-complex and it was developed the offers on formation the system of marketing in the studying of it. The diversity of opinions and statements (explanations) on agrimarketing witnesses on its importance and objective necessity in modern agro-industry is given.

Dialectical transformations of economics of Ukraine, its market transformation, caused great changes in all branches of social manufacturing including the village. That is why it is very important to create proper conditions for civilized development of national grain market and products of its processing.

Paying attention to the achievements of science and world experience we can say that the most effective way of improving must be marketing.

The common meaning of “marketing” is an ability to make an offer in a place and at the moment of its possible accepting. Marketing differs from other business methods because it takes into consideration the customers’ point of view and meets their demands. F.Kotler offers the following definition: marketing is “a social and managing process aimed at satisfying the wants and needs of individuals and groups by proposing and exchanging goods”. The key notions of the given definition are wants, needs, and demand; product; costs and satisfying; exchange; transactions; interrelation. M.Barrett offers to accept marketing just as a process, “the main task of which is managing the choice. Social Institute of Marketing of Great Britain defines marketing as “a process of managing aimed at setting, forecasting and meeting the demands of a customer and getting some profit”.

Formation of organizational and economic mechanisms of the grain market

Number, year
3(79), Vol. 1, 2014
UNC 338.439:633.1

R.V. Danylchenko Formation of organizational and economic mechanisms of the grain market

 Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

The current level and the main directions of Mykolayiv grain market are analyzed. The basic ways of development of organizational and economic mechanism of regional grain market are proposed. The necessary support of domestic feed industry in order to increase demand for grain and its sustainable use; to promote the revival of livestock; to form regional reserve fund; to create the grain cluster as for the production of environmentally friendly products using modern biotechnology that will improve the efficiency of grain production.

 Keywords: grain market, market conditions, organizational and economic relations, the reserve fund

The paper substantiates the notion of the grain market as a complex of social and economic system, for stable operation of which it is necessary to negotiate an equal alliance between the individual components, including well-functioning organizational and economic mechanisms. The problem of the formation of organizational economic mechanism of the grain market, in particular, stipulates that the economic mechanism of the grain market is a subject to the action of the main objective laws, namely the law of value, supply and demand. The inadequacy of modern organizational and economic mechanism of grain market functioning was underlined. It was emphasized on the state role in the process of forming the organizational and economic control of the grain market. It is proved that for the formation of organizational economic mechanism of the grain market it is necessary to make its adequate analysis. In order to use this proposed system of indicators, this, in particular, includes indicators of turnover and loss of production, solvency of customers, actual and potential market size, level of self-sufficiency and more. The current level and the main directions of Mykolayiv grain market development were analyzed. Among the main problems there are inadequate infrastructure, poor use of resource-saving technologies, the lack of technical and human resources, limited distribution channels, lack of awareness of market participants. The basic directions of development of organizational and economic mechanism of Mykolayiv grain market were given. The special attention was paid to the support of the domestic feed industry in order to increase demand for grain, its sustainable use; to promote the revival of livestock; to form the regional reserve fund, the presence of which would allow to develop the right system of market’s state regulation; to create the grain cluster production of environmentally friendly products using modern biotechnology that will improve the efficiency of grain production.

Dynamics of phosphoric mode of dark grey podzolic soil under the influence of different systems of fertilizer

Number, year
3(79), Vol. 1, 2014
UNC 631.445.2:631.81

The results over of long-term researches of influence of the mineral, organic and organo-mineral fertilizer systems with different saturation by organic fertilizers on the phosphorus mode of dark gray podzolic soil in the field short rotation change of fruit crop rotation of Western steppes of Ukraine are brought.

It is set that the best indicators of phosphorus mode are provided organic-mineral fertilizer system. The use of organo-mineral fertilization system assists increase of content of organic forms of phosphorus comparatively with mineral on 38 – 71 and 133 – 166 mg / kg soil, or 72 – 91 % comparatively with the unfertilized variant. In the deeper layer (20 – 40 cm) a difference was saved between the fertilized variants and control. However between variants with fertilizers a difference gradually diminished and in a layer a 40 – 60 cm content of фосфорорганічних connections in soil, where applied organic fertilizers, was practically at identical level.

At the compatible bringing of organic and mineral fertilizers the indexes of content of mineral connections of phosphorus and insoluble remain go down unimportant. With a depth (from a 60 – 80 cm) a difference in the indexes of different forms of phosphorus in soil between the different systems of fertilizer is practically leveled.

Organo-mineral fertilizer system also provided the increase of content of mineral connections of phosphorus comparatively with control, but to a lesser extent than mineral. The most subzero indexes of content of mineral forms of phosphorus were marked in  the variant of the organic system of fertilizer, where content of mineral phosphorus presented 549 мг/кг to soil and on 36 мг/кг was below from the index of variant, where applied the mineral system of fertilizer. With a depth the indexes of content of mineral phosphorus were stabilized.

Organo-mineral and organic fertilization systems provided practically the identical indexes of content of insoluble remain within the limits of 133 – 137 g/kg soil, or 13 % from content of gross phosphorus in all variants. With a depth content of insoluble remain went down.

V. I. Lopushniak. Dynamics of phosphoric mode of dark grey podzolic soil under the influence of different systems of fertilizer

Key words:
phosphoric mode, factions of phosphorus, darkly-grey podzolic soil, system of fertilizer, crop rotation.


1. Hospodarenko H. M. Osnovy intehrovanoho zastosuvannya dobryv / H. M. Hospodarenko. – K. : Nichlava, 2002. – 344 s.
2. Yzuchenye fosfornykh udobrenyy y fosfatnoho sostoyanyya pochv / V. Y. Tytova, L. D. Varlamova, E. V. Dabakhova [and others] // Ahrokhymycheskyy vestnyk. – 2011. – # 2. – S. 3 – 6.
3. Lisoval A. P. Zmina rodyuchosti i formuvannya urozhaynosti kul’tur zerno-buryakovoyi sivozminy na luchno-chornozemnomu karbonatnomu grunti Lisostepu Ukrayiny / A. P. Lisoval // Ahrokhimiya i gruntoznavstvo : mizhvid. temat. nauk. zb. Spets. vyp. : Grunty – osnova dobrobutu derzhavy, turbota kozhnoho. – Kharkiv, 2006. – Kn. 3. – S. 81 – 83.
4. Nosko B. S. Pryroda zalyshkovykh fosfativ ta yikh rol’ u pidvyshchenni efektyvnoyi rodyuchosti gruntiv / B. S. Nosko // Ahrokhimiya i gruntoznavstvo : mizhvid. temat. nauk. zb. Spets. vyp. : Grunty – osnova dobrobutu derzhavy, turbota kozhnoho. – Kharkiv, 2002. – Kn. 3. – S. 265 – 267.
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6. Praktykum po ahrokhymyy : ucheb. posob. / pod red. akademyka RASKhN V. H. Myneeva. – M. : MHU, 2001. – 689 s.
7. Sen’kiv H. Fosfatnyy rezhym yasno-siroho lisovoho gruntu pry dovhotryvalomu zastosuvanni dobryv i vapna / H. Sen’kiv, M. Kostyuk // Visnyk L’vivs’koho derzhavnoho ahrarnoho universytetu : ahronomiya. – 2001. – # 5. – S. 449 – 453.
8. Yakist’ gruntu. Metody vyznachannya valovoho fosforu i valovoho kaliyu v modyfikatsiyi NNTs IHA im. O. N. Sokolovs’koho : DSTU 4290:2004. – [Chynnyy vid 2005–07–01].– K. : Derzhspozhyvstandart Ukrayiny, 2004. – 24 s. (Natsional’nyy standart Ukrayiny).

The problems of intensification of the fodder beet production in Ukraine

Number, year
3(79), Vol. 1, 2014
UNC 631.151.2:635.116 (477)

This paper summarizes the research findings of several authors as for the cultivation of fodder beet. The article discusses national economic significance of culture and its biological features. According to the studies, the yield of root crops in the cultivation of the Southern Ukraine without fertilizer and irrigation varies depending on the amount of precipitation in the 8-40 t / ha. With the use of vegetation irrigation crop productivity increases up to 70-80 t / ha and fertilizer on the background allows you to create irrigation yields at 120-160, and even up to 200 t / ha of roots. The authors convincingly presents the results of calculations showing that no crop at equal cost of cultivation, can not provide such a high output of feed units per hectare as fodder beet. Furthermore, we consider it advisable to increase the area under this crop; this will contribute to the revival of the livestock in the Ukraine, as fodder beet is one of the best succulent feed, contributing a significant increase of milk production. For the formation of high levels of fodder beet productivity in arid conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine it should be grown on irrigated lands with optimal doses of organic and mineral fertilizers. Payback of these elements of technology will increase the yield.


 Based on the analysis of long-term studies it was proved that there is a necessity of application of fertilizers and irrigation for growing fodder beet in dry conditions.

The importance of crops in the diet of animals as juicy lactiferous feed is justified. The data on the effect of fertilizers on the accumulation in the roots of fodder beet nitrates are given.

Scherbakov, D. Stan. The problems of intensification of the fodder beet production in Ukraine


 1. Mel’nyk A. O. Produktyvnist’ riznykh sortiv kormovykh buryakiv v umovakh Prykarpattya / A. O. Mel’nyk, V. M. Vovk // Ahronom. – 2008. – # 2. – S. 122–123. 2. Fomichov A. M. Kormovi koreneplody / A. M. Fomichov.– K. : Urozhay, 1987. – 164 s.
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8. Evstaf’ev D. K. Myneral’nye udobrenyya pod kormovuyu sveklu / D. K. Evstaf’ev, M. D. Hryhor’ev, V. A. Veselkyn // Khymyya v sel’skom khozyaystve – 1988. – # 2. – S. 25–28.
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11. Marchenko M. N. Proyzvodstvo kormovoy svekly po yntensyvnoy tekhnolohyy / M. N. Marchenko – M. : Rosahropromyzdat, 1989. – 191 s.
12. Lozovaya N. T. Effektyvnost’ vyrashchyvanyya kormovoy svekly v zavysymosty ot udobrenyy y oroshenyya / N. T. Lozovaya, P. A. Kovtun, T. A. Slotyuk // Korma y kormoproyzvodstvo. – 1985. – # 19. – S. 30 – 33.
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Conservation of biological value of apples by DEPAA antioxidant composition treatement

Number, year
3(79), Vol. 1, 2014
UNC [631.56+678.048]:634.111

The influence of DEPAA antioxidant composition of treatment on the total polyphenols and ascorbic acid content in apples during storage was investigated. It is established that the apples treatment by exogenous antioxidant composition

decreses degradation of endogenous antioxidants of a fruit.It allows to sustain natural immunity of apples and to storage their biological value.

The biological value of fruit, vegetables and their products is determined by the content of bioactive substances including essential ones. Apples allow consuming vitamins, minerals and pectin during the whole year. Those apple sorts which combine high content of ascorbic acid and polyphenolsare are in particular value.

Some sorts of apples which are ripening late and are widely spread in the South Steppe of Ukraine, were selected for the research. Selected group included Renet, Simirenko, Idared, Golden Delicious, Royal Red Delicious, Starkrimson, Florina, Grenny Smith, Jonagold, Korea, Ligol, Sinap Almaty. Renet Simirenkoapple sort has been taken as the control one. The apple fruits were treated directly on the trees in the garden by spraying. It was performed with aqueous solution of antioxidant composition (DEPAA) consisting of ionol, DMSO and EPAA (modified polyacrylamide exopolysaccharideof bacterial origin). Control fruits have been treated by water. Apples were not collected until 24 hours after treatment. The storage temperature was 0 ± 1оС. Air relative humidity was 90-95 per cent. The experiment had been repeated five times.

Significant varietal differences in the content of polyphenols in fruitshave had been established. Jonagold apple fruits had the lowest level of polyphenols accumulation. It was 129.5 mg per 100g. Idared apples showed the highest level of polyphenols accumulation. It made up 240.2 mg per 100g.

Over the years of research the dynamics of polyphenols content had not been significantly changed. The change in polyphenols content is closely related to the dynamics of the intensity of fruits respiration. Thus the polyphenols accumulation peak coincides with the climacteric features. Then both the intensity of respiration and polyphenols content showed a gradual decline. This was confirmed by statistical analysis. The correlation coefficient ranges from 0,53 ± 0,002 to 0,96 ± 0,01 according to the apple sort and treatment options. The highest rate of polyphenols conservation was registered for RenetSimirenko, Jonagold and Ligol apples. At the end of the storage the polyphenols level 1.3 to 1.8 times exceeded the control one.

During research period significant varietal differences in the content of ascorbic acid in apple fruits have been ascertained. The lowest level of ascorbic acid content was observed in Royal Red Delicious apple fruits. It was 6.0 mg per 100g. The highest one was in Korea apple fruits(9.6 mg per 100g).

During storage the content of ascorbic acid decreased in all variants, both in control and in experimental fruits. Fruits treatment with antioxidant composition made it possible to slow down the destruction of ascorbic acid. That allowed us to obtain products with higher vitamin C after storage.

The fruits treatment with DEPAA composition provided the highest rate of ascorbic acid conservation for RenetSimirenko, Golden Delicious, Starkrimson, Korea and Sinap Almaty apple sorts. Till the end of the storage the level of vitamin C content  had been in 1.3-1.4 times higher than in control fruits.

S. Baiberova. Conservation of biological value of apples by DEPAA antioxidant composition treatement


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Динаміка основних елементів живлення в грунті при вирощуванні гарбуза мускатного в умовах півдня України

Number, year
3(79), Vol. 1, 2014
UNC 631.675:635.624:631.416

Under current conditions when increasing anthropogenic effect leads to enhancement of soil degradation, the search of the most economical and environmentally acceptable means of improving of soil fertility becomes of great importance. In this regard, there was conducted a research to make agroecological substantiation of the technology elements of Cucurbita moschata growing for its cultivation without irrigation on the lands of Southern State Agrarian Experimental Station of the Institute of Water Problems and Melioration attached to the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, located in Hola Prystan district, Kherson region during the years 2011-2013. Soil of the experimental area is southern solodized low-humic chernozem, characterized by a high content of potassium and phosphorus and low content of nitrogen. The climate of the experimental area is arid, hydrothermal index is 0.6. Precipitation is 325-420 mm per year, of which 211-273 mm occurs in the warm season. Drought and dry winds of varying intensity on the territory are annually observed.

The objects of study were two varieties of cucurbita moschata: quickly ripening variety Yanina and mid-ripening variety Gilea. The experimental design consisted of the following options: variety (factor A) – Yanina and Gilea; the area of plant nutrition (factor B) – 2, 3, 4 and 5 m2; doses and fertilizer application methods (factor C) – without fertilizers (control), the recommended dose of fertilizers (N60P90K60 broadcast method), ½ of the recommended dose (N30P45K30 locally), ⅓ of the recommended dose (N20P30K20 locally), ¼ of the recommended dose (N15P23K20 locally).

The research proved that the highest supply of available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was observed by applying N60P90K60 compared with other variants of fertilization. While the enhancement of feed regimen leads to the maximum levels of nutrients content in the tilth-top soil, the level of its content remains high using the other fertilized variants compared with unfertilized control. Under conditions of limited possibilities of fertilizers using, it is advisable to use ½ of the recommended dose of fertilizer. Such approach promotes environmentally safe cultivation of cucurbita moschata.

Dynamics of nutrients content in soil under cucurbita moschata is subject to the general laws according to which its maximum number is displayed at the beginning of vegetation development and it decreases during the growth and development of cucurbita moschata and it reaches the smallest value at the end of the period of vegetation development. We noted a tendency of decreasing the number of nutrients while reducing the area of plant nutrition of cucurbita moschata from 5 to 2 m2. On average over the periods, to define the elements of nutrition in the soil, its quantity decreased in proportion to plants crowding: nitrates – by 4-8% phosphorus – by 2-7% potassium – by 3.7% compared with the spaced planting with the area of nutrition 5 m2.

It was established that the application of nutrients from the soil to form future yield depended on crop varietal characteristics of cucurbita moschata. Yanina variety consumed 1,4-1,9 times more nitrate nitrogen, 1.2-1.6 times more labile phosphorus, 1.1-1.2 times more exchange potassium to form future yield.

О.T. Semen. Dynamic of macroelements in soil in growing of cucurbita moschata in the South of Ukraine


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Продуктивність та відтворювальна здатність корів за різного характеру лактаційної кривої

Number, year
3(79), Vol. 1, 2014
UNC 636.2.0821

The results of studies of milk production and reproductive ability of cows depending on the nature of the lactation curve of the indices Turner and Bruun are given in the article.

In determining, the indexes of  Bruun and Turner animals with higher milk production and lactation curve are characterized by resilient worse reproductive ability, but large and significant differences in terms of milk production and reproductive ability of cows are established only between groups of animals in the allocation by the index Bruun. Thus, the rate of reproductive capacity in the second group of animals is 0.97±0,044, which is higher by 0.17 (Р≥0,99; td=3,04) can be compared with  peers who belong to the first group.

In group I, Bruun distributed on the index, there was less feedback (r=-0,171) between the nature of lactation curve and milk production in cattle compared with group II (r= 0,528), which is characterized by higher levels of yield variability and there were any correlations between the nature of the lactation curve and reproductive ability (r=0,025 and r=0,054 and r=-0,002 and r=-0,029).

Given that the second group in the allocation by the index Turner entered lunar animals with higher milk production then they consequently a higher value of the correlation coefficient (r=0,399) compared with peers and groups (r=0,382), in which the performance below. The resulting direct satisfactory relationship (r=0,324) in animals and the nature of between lactation curve (by Turner) and the duration of the service period compared to the same age group II, in which he virtually absent (r=0,096), the highest monthly level explained yield, which often coincided with the period of service and reverse correlated with indicators of reproduction. Thus, the more stable the lactation curve in animals, the longer service period is.

Productivity and reproductive ability of cows with different character of the lactation curve. Denisyuk O.


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