Investment and innovation background of formation of economic security agriculturalsector

4(82), 2015
UNC 338.43(477):339.9

O. Zub

The article reviews the theoretical aspects of investment and innovation securit yofthe agriculturalsector ,as a prerequisite for the formation of economic securit y industr y. The necessity of ensuring the security of investment and innovation capacit y of enterprises using agricultural sector on innovative principles. Factor s effect on investment and innovation activities of the agricultural sector and agricultural proposed notes asa means of fi nancing innovation in agriculture.


Dynamics of height of plants of rice and their firmness to lodging depending on of variety composition, treatment of soil and background of mineral feed

1(82), 2015
УДК 371.671:006

R.A. Vogegova
O.I. Oliynik

In the article the results of researches are presented on the study of dynamics of height of plants and their firmness to lodging depending on of high quality composition, treatment of soil and background of mineral feed at growing in the conditions of the Odessa region. It is set, that the height of sorts of rice hesitated in limits from 34,4 to 43,6 cm with substantial reduction of average daily increase in the interphase period «throwing out of panicle – complete ripeness». Most stability to lodging within the limits of 4,7-4,8 marks was provided by the sort Viscount at application of ploughing and bringing on a background the basic mineral fertilizer of the additional fertilizing.

rice, variety, treatment of soil, background of feed, height of plants, firmness to lodging


Separate aspects forming of productivity of long-term cereal herbs in the south of Ukraine

1(82), 2015
УДК 633.21:631.599(477.7)

The results of three years of research on the growth and development of perennial grasses in the arid conditions of southern steppe on the example of the Mykolaiv region are put forward in order to determine the most productive of them to strengthen the food base.

Experiments were carried out at Mykolayiv State Agrarian University.  Seeds Bromus inermis Leuss (variety Mars), Agropyrum pectiniforme L. (variety Petrovsky), Agropyrum intermedium Vassey. (variety Horse), Arrenatherum elatius (L.) M. et. K. (variety Drongo) was used for sowing. All the which cultures were studied had a fairly long period of germination (19-22 days). Arrenatherum elatius (L.) M. et. K. and Agropyrum pectiniforme L. mowing reached maturity (earing phase) faster than Bromus inermis Leuss. and Agropyrum intermedium Vassey. Field germination of seeds ranged from 50,0% (Bromus inermis Leuss) – 46,2% (Agropyrum intermedium Vassey.). The highest number of shoots was formed by perennial grasses in the second year of vegetation. The survival of plants Bromus inermis Leuss. (69,7%) was higher compared with Agropyrum pectiniforme L. by 0.9 percentage points and by 7,7 percentage points – with an average couch grass. Productivity of green mass study of perennial grasses in the first year of vegetation was low (5,71 t / ha Bromus inermis Leuss. – 3,78 t / ha Agropyrum pectiniforme L). This is due to their biological characteristics. Herbs of second year of life were the most productive. High yields of Arrenatherum elatius (L.) M. et. K. with age (from 3.64 t / ha in the second year of life to 3.31 t / ha or 10.0% – in the third). Agropyrum intermedium Vassey. was more adapted to the arid conditions of the southern region. Its yields has not diminished in the third year of life, but even increased slightly. Thus, according to the data obtained the plants Bromus inermis Leuss., Arrenatherum elatius (L.) M. et. K. and Agropyrum intermedium Vassey. average are characterized by the highest productivity, which provide a more rational use of water plants and sediments, respectively formation of higher yields in the studied area. Agropyrum pectiniforme L. comb is more appropriate to use as a lawn grass for the grassing of slopes and to create pastures as the most drought-resistant plant.



Енергетична ефективність вирощування насіння проса

1(82), 2012
UNC 633.171:631.52:620.91

S. Poltoretskiy

The energy effi ciency of the technology of cultivation of millet seed for seed purposes in generations. The resulting level of energy effi ciency ratio of cultivation of seeds and grains of different varieties of millet seed indicates the appropriateness under the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe recommended for the production of agricultural practices, as well as signifi cant savings in energy consumption.


Ecological ground of indicator types of associated agrobiodiversity of North Priazov’ya of Ukraine

1(82), 2014
УДК 371.671:006


In ecology of question of classification of types of dynamics of quantity of animals examined in the aspects of exposure of conformities to the law in the variety of display and strategy of evolution. Yes, on the type of dynamics of quantity it costs to distinguish opportunism populations, which in the process of the growth give regular or casual splashes, and also stable populations which are in the state near to the state of equilibrium with the resources, their closeness stable enough Dynamics of populations can substantially differ on regional and local levels, that is well explained conception of metapopulations. Local micropopulations within the limits of metapopulations is constantly exchanged genetic material, are under act of casual drift of genes pressure of various forms of natural selection. It allows populations to support a considerably anymore genetic variety in comparing to populations. It is considered that exactly such variety and allows metapopulations more effectively to react on the changes of environment and right behind him to change the genotypic structure. For the ground of list of potential indicator types of agrobiodiversity it is necessary to probe connection of quantity of their populations with the ecological state of agrolandshаft. In ecology today grounded two lines of index of the ecological state – the level of biotvariety and closeness of populations Except for that application of modern GIS are technologies can give a considerable impulse for the decision of this problem. Accordingly, the index of MSA can be examined as an index of the ecological state of territory and to utillize him in quality of indicator after which it is possible to execute an analysis or control changes in the different types of agrobiodiversity, but connection of index with the quantity of популяцій investigational not enough. Therefore basic direction of researches consists in an ecological ground potentially of indicator types of the state of agrobiodiversity by the analysis of connection of quantity of animals and birds which are the objects of hunt with the index of MSA of territory of North Priazov’ya Ukrainividpovidno to the calculations, the index of index of MSA after the districts of researches was distributed from 0,03 (м. Mariupol of Donetsk обл.) to 0,16 (Novotroickiy a district is Kherson). Estimation of the state of current biotvariety by index approach for to підзонам, testifies on the average, that on territory of experimental agrolandshаft remained from 7 to 15 % from possible 100% generalized biodiversity. The analysis of the got material testifies that the quantity of animal population tests complex influence of natural and anthropogenic factors and selection components, which could have an indication value for determination of level of anthropogenic transformation of terms of biotvariety, are problematic. The key sign of dynamics of quantity is its complication, or «dynamic variety». Normal distribution demonstrates a simple enough «casual» dynamics with one which is characterized the mean value of quantity. Bimodal’niy or anymore modal distributing, which on determination are not such which are described the law of Puasona (normal distribution), answer the types of dynamics with the greater amount of this sense more various after the dynamic properties. The got is given testify convincingly, that anthropogenic transformation of terms of forming of biological variety conduces also to diminishing of variety of dynamics of the studied kinds-indicators.

Keywords: associated biotvariety, kinds are indicators, index of MSA, quantity. (more…)

Photosynthetic apparatus and the pea grain yield formation under the conditions of the right-bank Forest-Steppe

4(81), 2014
UNC 631.559:633.35(477.4-292.485)

N. V. Telekalo.

Agricultural plants can realize their productive potential by high photosynthesis intensity, which provide optimal assimilation surface forming plant that is able to function for a long time, and generate the appropriate photosynthetic potential and ensure sustainable accumulation of dry matter. Photosynthesis productivity depends on assimilation surface index, which could be influenced by significant changes depending of the carried growing technological methods. One of the main conditions for improving efficiency and increasing the gross grain harvest pea is the development and introduction of new agrarian practices techniques in order improve its performance, provided that the grain productivity intensive pea varieties under conditions of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe in Ukraine. This problem is actual and very important. The results on the effects of pre-treatment methods of seed and fertilizer doses on features passing of photosynthesis and pea grain yield are presented in this article. It was observed that the maximum values of assimilation surface 6.33 m2 / m2 were formed in a variety Ulus using the pre-treatment of seeds and Ryzohumin and Polimiksobakteryn and fertilizer at a dose of triple N45P60K60 foliar feeding water-soluble fertilizers СODA in full bloom phase, green beans and ripening seeds pea. It is established a positive impact of organized factors on the formation of the seed yield of peas varieties Tsarevich and Ulus. It is established the peculiarities of photosynthesis passing under phases of growth and development and is found the nature of relationships between the level of increase leaf area and yield formation.


Hybridological analysis of quantitative traits of F1 hybrids ofspringvetch

1(82), 2015
UNC 633.352.1.631.52

Intraspecific hybridization is one of the most effective methods of creating valuable source material in breeding of spring vetch. The study of the nature of the variability of main agronomic traits of productivity of spring vetch hybrids makes it possible to assess the extent of their inheritance. Therefore, the main objective of our research was to study the effect of heterosis, the degree of dominance, coefficients of inheritance of main agronomic traits of productivity of spring vetch in conditions of the right-bank Forest-steppe Zone of Ukraine. The F1 hybrids from 20 combinations are obtained in 2011. The evaluation of hybrids populations F1 and parental forms is performed by the main elements of productivity of plant, including height, number of branches, number of productive units, number of pods, number of seeds per plant, weight of seeds per plant. From the result of hybridological analysis of F1 hybrids of spring vetch depending on the combinations of crossing the different character of inheritance – from the positive overdominance to depression are appeared. The hybrid populations with the highest rates of positive overdominance and the extent of true heterosis for all main traits of productivity: Pributhka 19/Irina, Sputnytsya/Pributhka 19, Sputnytsya/Irina are identified. The maximum expression of heterosis for main trait of seed productivity – weight of seeds per plant with a coefficient of true heterosis from 20.69 to 56.4 in hybrid populations Sputnytsya/Pributhka 19, Bilotserkivska96/Pributhka 19, Liliana/Irina and Pributhka 19/Irina is installed.

Photosynthetic potential of soydepending onseeds inoculation, nutritivebackground and grade in the conditions of ukrainian steppe.

1(82), 2015
UNC 633.34:577.355(477.7)

One of the main components of the formation of soybean productivity is a photosynthetic activity depending on the inoculation of seeds, mineral nutrition including foliar feeding. All of these factors contribute to optimal leaf surface and photosynthetic capacity of the both taken to the study varieties – Phaeton and Oksana. It is established that the cultivation of soy on dark chestnut soils in the conditions of the Southern steppe of Ukraine without irrigation the photosynthetic activity is enhanced in the cultivation by the use of fertilizers and seed treatment by nitrogen-fixing and phosphate mobilizing bacteria. Under the influence of these factors the level of soybean yield is significantly increased. However, leaf area, photosynthetic capacity and productivity of culture with enough close interdependence, and had been changed under the influence of climatic conditions of the year and primarily depend on the availability of plant moisture during the growing season. It is established that the most of soybean plants leaf surface area, photosynthetic capacity and yield were generated by introducing N30P30K30 and seed treatment of nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-mobilizing bacteria, or by the background of estimated dose of fertilizer. Maximum area of the soybean plants leaf surface in varieties Phaeton and Oksana is formed during the formation of beans on the background application of fertilizers and seed inoculation before sowing. By entering N60P30K30 and N30P30K30with feeding by Kristal on during plants budding and calculated doses of fertilizers (including level of productivity and moving NPK content in the soil) assimilation surface of soybean plants was nearby the same and was much higher than not fertilized control. With the same dependence as the leaf surface of plants photosynthetic potential of both sowing soybean varieties changed too. Close correlation between the formation of soy photosynthetic apparatus and its productivity is determined.

soy, soybean, fertilizers, inoculation of seeds, leaf surface area, photosynthetic capacity, yield.


Features of the large commodity farms and their impact on the agrarian market of Ukraine

1(82), 2015
UNC 636.6:636.2.084

The results of investigations of slaughter steer s qualities of specialized dairy breeds, reared with a high body weight at 13 months of age are given. It was found that intensive fattening with full-homogeneous mixture (FHM) contributes to the manifestation of high meat productivity in young dairy breeds. Slaughter yield in bulls studied species was 54,7-56,9%.


Methodological basis for the creation and use of pigs Duroc breed of Ukrainian selection in terms of PJSC «Pedigree farm «Stepnoy»

4(81), 2014
UNC 636.4.0821

The results of the work with the Duroc breed pigs and conditions of creating intrabreed type «Stepnoy». New type pigs Duroc breed of improved reproductive qualities created by selection based on combinations of targeted geographic populations of Duroc pigs, Czech, American, English, Danish conditions in full feeding. Established a new type pigs Duroc breed of Ukrainian selection «Stepnoy» formed 5 major lines: Shvudkiy, Vitamin, Dalekiy, Mogutniy, Stepnoy. The rest of the herd boars used in order to identify the best combination, as well as to provide sufficient genetic polymorphism. Among animals of different lines new type of higher genetic differences on complex blood group representatives were characterized mighty line. The reason is that the final stage of the creation of this line was used livestock Danish population the supply of the latter. Analyzed productivity interbreed type pigs Duroc breed of Ukrainian selection «Stepnoy» (DUSS) in terms of PJSC «Pedigree farm «Stepnoy» Zaporozhye region. Presents the results of the appraisal pigs  aforementioned type, for complex traits, the herd of swine as follows: class elite-record have 84% of boars, 32% sows, to the class of elite respectively 16% and 68%. This indicates that the main herd of females and boars herd corresponds only to the class of elite-record and the elite. It is noted that pigs new interbreed type of Ukrainian selection exhibit high efficiency at the crossing, as if using it as paternal and maternal forms. It is established that the conditions of «Pedigree farm «Stepnoy» created the conditions that contribute to the manifestation of the genetic potential of productivity of pigs.

breed Duroc, interbreed type, Ukrainian breeding and productive qualities (more…)