I.I. Cherven, S.I. Pavliuk. Important directions and problem aspects of agricultural cooperation development in Ukraine.

UDC 631.115.8:330.3(477)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-1

I.I. Cherven
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4268-8216
S.I. Pavliuk
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9093-5237

The article presents the results of studies about the effectiveness of spring barley crop cultivation with modern retriever preparations in the background of mineral fertilizers carried out in 2013-2017on the southern black soils in the Ukrainian Steppe. The options for plant nutrition significantly influenced the growth and development of spring barley varieties. So the plants were distinguished by their maximum height during the cultivation on the background of mineral fertilization and the extracorporeal fertilization of crops during the vegetation period with the Escort– bio.

The height of spring barley plants varied significantly and depended on the varietal characteristics. The highest linear height was characterized by the barley stalker variety, and the smallest variety was the Aeneas variety. Thus, for the cultivation without fertilizers, this indicator in the Aeneas variety was 65.9, the Adapt variety – 71.9, and the Stalker variety – 71.9 cm. By the applying of a moderate dose of mineral fertilizers, the height of the plants of these varieties in the phase of full grain maturity was respectively 72.5; 75.1 and 76.5 cm. The highest plants of spring barley during all years of our research were in the version of foliar application of crops during the period of vegetation with the modern preparation Escort – bio– 79.7 – 89.4 cm all this depends on the variety.

The applied fertilizers and weather conditions during the years of research significantly influenced the productivity of barley varieties. The lowest crop was formed in 2013, and the highest in 2016.

The maximum yield of barley varieties in all years of research was formed for cultivating by the applying a moderate dose of mineral fertilizers and foliar application of crops with Organic D2 and Escort – bio. Thus, on average, over the years of research and in terms of the factor, the grain yield was 3.37- 3.41t/ha, which exceeded its level by fertilized control at 0.71 – 0.75 t/ha or 26.7 – 28.2%, and in the back ground of making only mineral fertilizers – at 0.4  t/ha or 15.4%.

Іt was found that, taking into account the weather conditions and variants of plant nutrition, the variety plays an important role in the formation of spring barley yield. Thus, on average, during the years of research and by the factor of nutrition, the highest yield of the grain was formed by the plants of the Aeneas variety–3.36 t/ha, which exceeded the Stalker variety by 0.21 t/ha or 6.3%, and according to the Adapt variety – by 0.32 t/ha or 9.5%.

In the appropriate selection of varieties and optimization of plant nutrition conditions during the growing season, the basic processes of their growth and development are improved. By optimizing the nutrition of the crop is more intensive in the growth of top soils biomass of plants, which will further affect the formation of grain productivity of spring barley. Aeneas variety and the combination of the mineral fertilizers applying in a dose of N30P30 and non-root crop fertilization with Escort Bio. On average, during the years of our research, the highest yield of grain was formed by the plants of the Aeneas variety in the variant of mineral fertilization and fertilization of the Escort – bio – 3.61 t/ha.

Keywords: variety of, spring barley, plant nutrition, regulatory preparations, plant height, grain yield.


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