I. M. Lesik. Socio-economic aspects of society development

UDC 338.1

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-2

I. M. Lesik
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1225-7594

The author investigated the basic definitions regarding the essence of the social and economic aspects of development of the society, which in terms of the economy is seen as a holistic system that responds to external factors and the evolving together with society. The features of formation of the priority directions of a socio-economic nature depending on the stage of development at which the country at the moment. For Ukraine, which is at the stage of transition economy among the major institutional priorities highlighted decentralization of power, with the transfer of substantial powers to local authorities, not excluding the active state support, due to the fact that among the regions may experience some asymmetry.Due to the influence of internal and external factors to create prerequisites for achieving synergy in countries at different stages of development. Considered range of interaction and role functions of the State towards protecting national interests, with a view to achieving the common good. It has been proven that in shaping the socio-economic priorities a significant role occupied by installation of society in adapting to changing conditions, the nature of the interaction between the parties. Studied indicators of socio-economic development estimated world rankings, identified the strengths and weaknesses of Ukraine compared to more developed countries and those that are more similar in terms of economic development. Due to the influence of internal and external factors to create prerequisites for achieving synergy in countries at different stages of development it is considered range of interaction and role functions of the State towards protecting national interests, with a view to achieving the common good. It has been proven that in shaping the socio-economic priorities a significant role occupied by installation of society in adapting to changing conditions, the nature of the interaction between the parties. Studied indicators of socio-economic development estimated world rankings, identified the strengths and weaknesses of Ukraine compared to more developed countries and those that are more similar in terms of economic development.This trend does not bring positive results and requires strategic decisions in production, since gross national income indicators are fundamental in determining the level of human development.  It is given that the social component gets the assignment in the distribution according to the results of the sphere of material production, the latter often forgoes due attention on the part of the State. This situation is a consequence of the unstable economic processes. Issues addressed in this publication are quite relevant and require further study.

Keywords: development, system, decentralization, fragility, progress, standard of living, security, interests, globalization.


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