Activity of blood enzymes of lactating cows with different indicators of volume and weight coefficient and number of lactations

UDC 636.22:28.06.612.1

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-1(101)-12

L. Baklanova


          We studied the activity of blood enzymes of lactating cows of the Ukrainian red dairy breed in the period of 2-4 lactations, depending on the indicators of volume-weight coefficient and the number of lactations.
          As a result of the research it was established that the largest volume-weight coefficient was in cows of the 4th lactation (0.573), and the smallest – the 2nd lactation (0.498 ± 0.030). The average for all lactation = 0,526 ± 0,025. With an increase in the age of cows from the second to the fourth lactation, this coefficient increased by 0.075 or by 15.0%, which indicates the formation of habitus in growing animals and first of all the thoracic skeleton.
         The activity of the enzymes in the blood of cows can be used as an interior indicator in the selection of highly productive cows, since they indicate an increased or decreased level of metabolism in the body. The change in the activity of transamination enzymes in the blood of lactating cows was uneven. The highest LDT activity was in the blood of 3rd lactation cows (637.30 ± 64.402 one / ml), and the smallest – 2nd lactation – 344.64 ± 154.296 one/ml. Cows of the 3rd and 4th lactations with high indicators of volume and weight coefficient had higher activity of enzymes. As a result of the research it was found that the activity of the enzymes AST, ALT, GGT, LDT is variable and depends on the indicators of the volume-weight coefficient and the number of lactations in lactating cows. Cows with higher rates of this coefficient had the highest rate of AST enzymes. With an increase in the volume-weight ratio to 0.573 in cows of the 4th lactation, the activity of all the studied enzymes (AST, ALT, GGT, LDT)  increases with the highest  indicator ( by 64.1%) of the enzyme LDT and the lowest (by 3.7%) of the enzyme ALT.

         Keywords: enzyme, cow, lactation, coefficient, volume-weight, activity.


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