Reform of decentralization and development of rural regions in Ukraine

UDC 330.341.46:332.33

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-1


I. Cherven
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4268-8216
S. Pavliuk
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9093-5237



    Rural territories play a key role in economic growth of both – the state itself, and the particular Ukrainian village as well. The necessity of fundamental change of the power system and its territorial basis on all the levels, and also the implementation of real steps towards the stimulation of the country development, today is considered to be an answer to the current challenges. It is the decentralization which increases opportunities and really is a powerful driver for the stimulation of the rural territories development.
   A decentralization reform gave rise to the formation of the competent local government in local communities – a power institution, which is the closest one to the citizen. Voluntary association of local communities let the newly formed local authorities obtain the appropriate power and resources.
   The literary sources analysis shows that the majority of the latest scientific works is devoted to the questions of the rural development or to the sustainable development of the rural territories. However, the decentralization, introduced during the last three years, which structurally reconstructs the rural areas and changes their territory and administrative landscape, determines the search for new approaches. And also requires the actualization of this area of research.
   The complex evaluation of the decentralization of the development and organization of socio-economic regulation of the rural territories, held in the article, shows that the last ones play the main role in the process of reforming of the local government and territorial organization of power, and are considered to be self-sufficient and capable systems.
    It was found that the positive experience of the decentralization process took place, but the newly established united territory communities have a number of unresolved issues, connected with the development of the long-term plans of the territories formation, stable providing of the state support, optimal distribution of power between the local governments and the executive authorities, distribution of functions and power between the local councils and the  district administrations and the district councils of each district, on the territories of which the communities were established.
      Key words: decentralization, general territorial community, rural territory, development, municipal cooperation, financial capacity of communities.


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