Shebanina O., Kormyshkin Yu. The modern paradigm of innovative development of agricultural entrepreneurship

UDC 338.432:334.722


O. Shebanina

Yu. Kormyshkin


The article examines modern approaches to innovative development of agrarian entrepreneurship. It is determined that in modern economic conditions the innovative activity is the determining vector of agrarian entrepreneurship development.  At the same time, insufficient level of financing of innovative projects, high risk of conducting innovative activity and low level of commercialization of scientific development impede the transition of enterprises to the model of innovative development. It is established that the creative and innovative function is the determining function of agrarian entrepreneurship, which provides for the implementation of new ideas, the implementation of scientific and technical developments and projects, the introduction of new technologies, the use of marketing techniques to conquer markets.  In the course of the research the peculiarities of innovative development of economic entities of the agricultural sector of the economy were identified. It is substantiated that today the agrarian sector and the IT industry in Ukraine have considerable potential.

Today, IT companies are emerging for which the agricultural sector is leading the way and is concentrating its own resources on developing agribusiness solutions.  Examples of such companies are Bvblogic (Ivano-Frankivsk) and Agtech in Ukraine.  Eight key areas of IT innovation in the agricultural sector have been identified: cartography; logistics solutions; monitoring of a technopark; analytics and planning; specialized CRM and HRM systems; analytics and rational decision making; health and quality monitoring; mobility.

It is proved that the main task of modern higher education institutions is to promote the development of different types of innovative thinking: paradigmatic; conceptual; technological; ideological and methodological; predictive; modeling; combinatorial. Education and science form the infrastructural support of agricultural entrepreneurship, which, in addition to institutions of higher education and scientific institutions, technoparks, technopolis, incubators, scientific-industrial complexes (consortia), clusters, business schools, scientific-intellectual exchanges, etc. are components. It is substantiated that further development of agrarian education should be directed by the vector of self-organization of higher education institutions to institutions of innovative type, their activity will be oriented towards the development of education and science as a defining resource of a new knowledge-based economy.  It is proved that operating subsystems and dynamic subsystems are predominant for innovative type universities.

It is determined that in the context of integration into the European educational space, it is important to strengthen the strategic partnership between higher education institutions, research institutions and enterprises, which will facilitate the harmonization of education-science-production in the process of training highly qualified personnel.  We believe that the most successful organizational form is the creation of consortia, following the example of the Scientific and Production Consortium “Yuzhny”, which included 7 research institutions, 5 agricultural institutions of higher education and 22 industrial enterprises of Ukraine.

Keywords: agrarian entrepreneurship, education and science, innovations, innovative development, innovative solutions.