V. Gamayunova, V. Kudrina. Formation of aboveground mass and sunflower yield under the influence of certain elements of cultivation technology

UDC 631.51:633.82(477.7)


V. Gamayunova

V. Kudrina


Abstract. The article substantiates the question of the influence of leaf fertilizers by modern regregulating substances on the realization of the potential of formation of aboveground biomass and the yield of sunflower plants. The results of researches of the main tendencies and regional peculiarities of cultivation of the most widespread sunflower oil cultivation in the area of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine during the last years are analyzed and presented. The results of studies conducted with this culture (Dragan hybrid) during the 2016-2018 biennium on the black soil southern in the experimental farm “Green Koshary”, located in the Pervomaisk region of Mykolaiv region. On the basis of the conducted research and their analysis, the ways of more intensive growth of sunflower plants in height, accumulation of aboveground biomass and increase of seed productivity have been substantiated. Improvement of some of the most important elements of technology of cultivation, in particular optimization of nutrition of plants of sunflower, is offered. Sunflower plant nutrition optimization was developed on the basis of resource conservation. There is a close relationship between the improvement of sunflower nutrition, the growth processes of plants, the accumulation of aboveground biomass and the level of productivity of sunflower seeds.
Under the action of growth-regulating substances the crude above-ground biomass increased as relating to the biomass after the treatment of seeding of sunflower plants with water, it grew in the range of 23.0 up to 37.8%.
Over 2016-2018yrs in the control the yield of sunflower seeds was as average as 2.52 t / ha, and when processing the crops with growth-regulators, depending on their type, dose and phase of fertilizing, it increased from 2.76 t/ha up to 3.56 t/ha, or 41.3%. In our studies obtaining the maximum yield levels of sunflower seeds it was provided by two foliar nutritions in the phase of 3-4 leaves with FreshEnergy and FreshFlorid in the budding period as much as 0.5 kg / ha, while the increase in yield to control on average for 2016-2018yrs amounted to 1.04 t / ha (41.3%)
Yield levels varied significantly over the years. The lowest one was formed in unfavorable climatic conditions in 2017yr as in the control of 1.76 t / ha, the average one for nutrition variants was 2.50 t / ha, and in the most optimal variant (for a combination of two nutritions by FreshEnergy and FreshFlorid) it was received a seed yield of 2.80 t / ha, which was more than the control by 1.04 t / ha or 59.1%. In the most favorable 2018yr those indicators were formed at the levels of 3.34, 4.04, 4.33 and 29.6%, respectively.
The obtained research data give grounds to assert that regardless of weather conditions of years of cultivation growth-regulating preparations can significantly increase the productivity of plants, in particular the productivity of sunflower. However, their effectiveness is more pronounced under less favorable growing conditions.

Key words: sunflower, aboveground biomass, plant height, nutrition optimization, reregulating preparations, seed yield.


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