Kormishkin Yu. SMART growth economic development strategy for associations of territorial communities

UDC 332.146


Kormishkin Yu.


The article investigates the essence of strategic planning of united territorial communities. It is established that the main task of strategic planning is to ensure sustainable development of territories, the main principles of which are: focus on the needs and interests of people; consensus on the long-term goal (vision) of the territory development; integrity and integrity; focusing on clear budget priorities.

The list of the basic problems which arise in communities during their functioning is resulted. It is determined that local governments and residents of united territorial communities have to work in conditions of formidable challenges, greater opportunities and greater responsibility when they try to cooperate for the economic development of OTG and provide livelihoods for its residents, many of whom do not have permanent jobs.

It is justified that for the economic development of united territorial communities it is necessary to use the strategy of economic development SMART growth, or in other words the strategy of smart / intellectual growth. The main reasons for the application of the SMART growth economic development strategy include: the scale of the crisis, which leads to the closure of the main budget-generating enterprises of OTG, emergencies, the need to carry out large-scale work to clean contaminated land and water resources; the need for reconstruction (restoration) of certain areas (area, streets, parts of OTG); the need to take advantage of certain opportunities, such as those related to infrastructure investments.

The principles of application of the SMART growth strategy are revealed, the stages of its development and advantages for OTG are determined. SMART growth strategies have been found to help communities grow in such a way as to expand economic opportunities while protecting human health and the environment. But it should be noted that whatever the local opportunities and circumstances of OTG’s economic development, it is necessary to follow a certain process that will ensure maximum compliance with the needs of the community and will achieve certain goals.

To develop a SMART growth strategy, it is proposed to follow the following five steps: site selection; determining the context of activity; goal setting; identification of available assets and obstacles; choosing the right tools. It is concluded that by using the strategy of economic development SMART growth OTG can solve the problems they face during their existence (functioning), in particular, communities often lack staff and resources. This strategy helps to prioritize plans and identify little-known results that can bring OTGs closer to their economic, social, and environmental goals.

Keywords: united territorial communities, development, intellectual development, strategic planning, strategy.



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