Krylova I., Ivanenko T. Social and economic risk of household poverty in Ukraine

UDC 330.567.28(477):338.23:36


Krylova I.

Ivanenko T.


Current difficult socio-economic situation in society causes threats and instability to the Ukrainian family and household. The situation associated with the COVID-2019 has a particularly negative impact on the increase in socio-economic risks. This article examines the socio-economic risks of households in Ukraine, describes the main indicators and the risk of poverty, its assessment in the near future.

The study found that the threat of unemployment, declining family incomes, limited opportunities to improve the standard and quality of life, deteriorating social status characterize the concept of social risk. Social risks of households can be classified according to the following factors of influence: economic, physiological, human personality, demographic and occupational.

Analysis of socio-demographic characteristics of households in Ukraine shows that a significant part of them exists without children, and for the period 2017-2020 approximately 76% of households have only 1 child. Every year their number decreases, the share of households consisting of working members decreases.

The term “poverty” can be understood as a socio-economic situation when a person cannot maintain the way of life that is inherent in a particular society in a certain period of time. Poor people are those whose resources and incomes are so limited that it prevents them from leading a minimally acceptable life in the society. In Ukraine, the most influential factors of increasing the risk of household poverty are the following: large families; low level of education; unemployment (especially long-term).

Social risks, which are formed under the pressure of economic factors (poverty and job loss), have increased several times recently due to the COVID-19 and quarantine measures. It is established that poverty is expected to increase in all types of households in Ukraine. The most threatening situation and increased risk of poverty is in the households with children. Single-parent families will also suffer significantly, with poverty projected to rise to 50.4%.

Summarizing, we note that the main socio-economic risks that cause a threat to households in Ukraine are the following: 1) loss of the main source of income (reduction of income); 2) reduction of consumer opportunities; 3) long-term unemployment; 4) deterioration of health; 5) reducing opportunities for access to quality services; 6) increasing social tension in society, criminalization of the social environment; 7) loss of sense of personal security.

Key words: risk, household, poverty, economic deprivation, unemployment, population.



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