Kim N. Generalized indicator of qualimetry objects quality of various nature

UDC 005.336.3:005.585


Kim N.


The production of high-quality goods enables Ukrainian products to enter European and international markets, which in turn stimulates national producers to produce competitive products along with high-quality foreign counterparts. Promoting competitive high-quality products on European and world markets will strengthen the national currency, which in turn will contribute to the growth of Ukraine’s economy, create favorable conditions for business development, fair competition, and improve the life and health of the population.

Leaders of the world economy have proved that to achieve high goals in the field of quality requires a constant process of evaluation, research and management. Objects of qualimetry have a different nature, and it is not always possible to measure their quality indicators, they have to be evaluated by various existing methods [1]. Even measuring the quality index using the measured technique is an assessment. Objects of different nature can include products, services, products, processes, systems or anything that is subject to evaluation in order to manage its quality.

To maintain a high level of product quality, there should be a single approach to evaluation that will be applied at all stages of the production cycle. A typical production cycle includes the stages of its creation from raw materials to finished products. Each of these stages has its own quality indicators set in regulations of different levels and periods of publication with different units of measurement.

It is not always advisable to increase all product quality indicators. Products must be competitive, that is ratio of quality and price must meet the requirements of consumers. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the requirements for product quality indicators. It consists in defining and establishing such values of quality indicators, at which the set goal in the field of quality is most economically and quickly achieved without violating the current restrictions, that is laws or regulations.

As a method of optimization, a method based on the use of generalized quality indicators is proposed. This approach achieves a number of advantages, including increasing the methodological reliability of quality assessment, reducing the list of controlled indicators, the possibility of unification of diagnosis, etc.

 Key words: generalized quality indicator, qualimetry objects, form parameter, quality indicators assessment.


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