O. Novikov, N. Potryvaieva, M. Karpenko, O. Sadovy, The role of irrigation in the formation of the innovation and investment environment of the region

UDC 626.84:330.341.1


O. Novikov, Doctor of Economics, Professor

N. Potryvaieva, Doctor of Economics, Professor

M. Karpenko, Director of the Science Park “Agroperspective”

O. Sadovy, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Mykolaiv National Agrarian University


The article substantiates the expediency of irrigation development in the South of Ukraine as an important condition for the formation of a favorable innovation and investment environment in the region. It is proved that the development of irrigation in Mykolaiv region requires a systematic approach with mandatory scientific support on the terms of public-private partnership. The economic and budgetary efficiency of the project for the creation of an innovative landfill for sprinkler farming using Smart-technologies has been determined. It is proved that the implementation of the project for 2021-2023 will increase revenues to the state budget and get budget efficiency at 22%.

Keywords: irrigation, investments, innovations, South of Ukraine, agriculture, sprinkler, economic efficiency, budget efficiency.

Роль зрошення у формуванні інноваційно-інвестиційного середовища регіону

The role of irrigation in the formation of the innovation and investment environment of the region


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