V. Shebanin, O. Vyshnevska. Priority directions of adult education development: opportunities and practical experience

UDK 631.361.8


V. Shebanin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of NAAS

O. Vyshnevska, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Mykolaiv National Agrarian University


The authors investigate the essence and possibilities of adult education development taking into account the positive practices of other countries. The importance of non-formal educational environment is proved, including taking into account the needs of the individual, both professional and personal. The generalized indicator of the level of happiness is analyzed, the information is formed taking into account the research of the United Nations. Due to the significant impact of public awareness on social development. The relevance of partnership in the implementation of educational projects, the development of adult education is determined.

The authors introduced the discussion of adult education given the need to regulate the interests of all participants in the educational process, as well as the coherence of actions and levels of responsibility in educational activities, functionality and capabilities of higher education institutions as regional socio-educational centers.

Keywords: globalization, public interests, personal interests, public-private partnership, adult education, partnership in the field of adult education, social and educational center, public safety, social development, adult education center, soft skills.

Пріоритетні напрями розвитку освіти дорослих: можливості та практичний досвід

Priority directions of adult education development: opportunities and practical experience



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