Informatization of Education in the Information Society – day requirement

3(80), vol. 2, 2014
UNC 636.2.034.082

Humanity, based on the scientifi c achievements in its development process took a number of steps – the industrial revolution, technological revolution, scientifi c-technological revolution – and approached the fourth stage – the information revolution, creating an information society. We study the problem of information education as a necessary condition for the formation of the information society, the society of the future. In essence, education – is the accumulation of information and experience. In terms of the information revolution, when the volume of scientifi c and technical information is growing exponentially and accelerates its obsolescence is eliminated, the principle of «the ultimate education». Specialist, as the subject of labor, through

cause and effect relationships are not only included in the system «NTP-work», but is required to maintain the system in a state of dynamic equilibrium, in terms of information dynamism impossible without continuous increase their knowledge both through self-education, professional communication, and organizational training, training.
Driven defi nition of new directions in control theory as general information economy, information management, information and communication management, which should be refl ected in the education of students areas of «management» and «economy».

R. Kuchar, N. Motko, I. Dudyk, A. Tokarchuk. Informatization of Education in the Information Society – day requirement.


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