Current state and prospects of development of the crop sector in Kherson region

Number, year

4(81), 2014
УДК 633/635(477.72)

Averchev O.,
Avercheva N.

The article analyzes the present state of crop-production in Kherson region. According to the results of the research it is necessary to underline the increase of production in the basic groups in all the categories of enterprises which is the evidence of the active processes of the production development on the basis of intensification.

Problem statement. The grain economy plays a key role in the economy of Ukraine. To provide effective activity of the grain economy it is important to satisfy the country’s domestic needs in grain and increase probable export volumes. Increasing grain-production has a strategic significance for enhancing Ukraine’s national economy, because its successful development provides conditions for effective activity of a number of related branches. Increasing the level of grain-production efficiency is one of the most important tasks and the country’s food market stability depends on fulfilling it. It must be done on both the country and regional levels where the problems of providing population with food products are solved.

Problem investigation. The reasons of insufficient efficiency of grain-production development and also possibilities of increasing it are being investigated by the domestic scientists. It is necessary to mention the scientists who did the research in this area: Andriychuk V. H., Boyko V. I., Lobas M. H., Sabluk P. T., Shpychak O. M. and others.

 Research results. Kherson region occupies the 10th place among the regions of Ukraine in the size of agricultural lands. The region’s ploughed territories comprise 62,4%, that is higher than the average level in the country (59,3%), agricultural lands – 87,5%. Being a part of agricultural lands, farmlands comprise 1968,4 thou. ha, or 96,9%. The gross yield of cereals in the region in 2013 was 1686,4 thou. tons – 2,7% of the yield in Ukraine (the 17th place among the regions). The present state of the branch is characterized by an unsteady increase. During 1990–2000 there was a considerable (by 1,9 times) decrease of agricultural production, whereas since 2000 there has been its unsteady slow increase. As compared with the year 2000, in 2013 the production volumes increased considerably in the basic crop groups. In 2000 the gross yield of cereals was 1166,3 thou. tons, and in 2013 – 1686,4 thou. tons or by 44,6% more. In the group of industrial crops there was a considerable increase of production volumes – for sunflower – by 2,3 times; for rape – by 14,1 times; for soybean – by 13,7 times more. Potato production decreased by 7,7%, and vegetable production provides the increase of production volumes by 2,8 times. The role of agrarian enterprises in the extensive restoration of the branch is significant in all the basic crops.

Conclusions. Thus it is necessary to highlight the increase of production in the basic groups in all the categories of enterprises which is the evidence of the active processes of the production development on the basis of intensification. The agrarian enterprises of Kherson region made a profit of UAH 584, 500 from selling products according to the results of their economic activities.

In 2000 the agricultural enterprises made a loss of 12,9 kopeks for every UAH of expenses whereas in 2013 they made a profit of 16,2 kopeks. The highest level of profitability of the core business was in 2011 – 24,4 % in Kherson region and 27,0 %  in Ukraine.

Keywords: crop-production, agricultural lands, farmlands, gross yield, gross product, cost, profit, profitability level.

 Averchev O., Avercheva N.  The present state and prospects of the development of crop-production  in Kherson region.


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